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This plugin allows you to execute a python script through jython.


Add plugin to your gradle build file according to:

JVM Compatibility: Java 7 and above (as requested by Jython 2.7)


The plugin adds the jython.JythonTask task type to your projects, which allows you to run a jython script.


Add a task of type jython.JythonTask and set its script property to a string with a valid jython script, or to a file with a valid jython program


Inline script:

def sayHello="""
print 'hello from $'

task testJython(type:jython.JythonTask) {
	script sayHello

External script:

task testJython(type:jython.JythonTask) {
	script file('scripts/')

If you need some python packages published in the Python Package Index site, use the pypackage method of the jython extension, as in the following example:

jython {
    pypackage 'python-dateutil:2.4.2','arrow:0.7.0', 'six:1.10.0'

Use a string in the form packageName:version. The plugin will download and extract the python package distribution, and add it in the pythonpath environment variable used by tasks of class JythonTask.

If the python module name is different from the package file name, it can be specified in a configuration closure, as in the following example:

jython {
    pypackage ('requests-mock:1.3.0') {
        module 'requests_mock'
    pypackage 'requests:2.12.3','six:1.10.0'

The plugin does not automatically resolve python dependencies, so these must be declared explicitly, as in the previous example.


This plugin uses the gradle-download-task by Michel Krämer. The semantic version numbering of this plugin is handled by the gradle-semantic-release-plugin by Tobias Schulte. From (the code of) this plugin I also adopted the integration testing strategy.


This plugin is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.