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526 lines (420 loc) · 22.3 KB

File metadata and controls

526 lines (420 loc) · 22.3 KB

Argmap Project Change Log


    • Add note about linking/using templates (html and latex) with pandoc.
  • Add references to argmap specs?

argmap 4.2.5

  • Give test controls class and unique IDs:
    • src/pandoc-argmap.lua
    • pandoc-templates/mapjs/mapjs-testcontrols.html
  • .vscode/launch.json: Add url debug profile, with flag for opening local files included.
  • Rename these uses of argmaps to argmap for consistency:
    • scripts/
    • env variable CONDA_ENV_ARGMAP

argmap 4.2.4

  • Fix html output URLs - use relative URLs:
    • Restore mapjs.env files e.g. mapjs-example/scripts/mapjs.env.
    • Various config files: Update environment variables for html resource paths to be relative.
    • src/pandoc-argmap.lua:
      • Add variable for JSON resource path (relative), contrasting with output folder (absolute).
      • Fix path for mapjs controls template.
  • Rationalise env variables:
    • Standardise env variable naming convention.
    • Create env variable: DIR_HTML_OUTPUT and add where needed.
    • Fix some incorrect paths missed from output folder changed in v4.2.1
    • Simplified logic in src/pandoc-argmap.lua
  • scripts/git_hooks/pre-commit: Add webpack rebuild before testing.
  • scripts/ md2pdf(): Make link to pdf template absolute so function works from any folder location.
    • Update mapjs sections with instructions for v4.2.0 onwards.
    • Minor updates.

argmap 4.2.3

Supports multiple mapjs on page:

  • mapjs-example/src/start.js:
    • Loops through all containers.
    • ISSUE #22: Each control panel affects both maps.

argmap 4.2.2

  • Fix logic for identifying script for mapjs container:
    • src/pandoc-argmap.lua: Make JSON script child of relevant container.
    • mapjs-example/src/start.js:
      • Identify script relative to container rather than using ID.
      • Remove script ID since no longer necessary.

argmap 4.2.1

  • Create all html, JSON and png output in test/output/.
    • mapjs-example/src/start.js: Above, plus rename functions more logically.
    • scripts/ Remove symbolic link to test/output folder.
    • Update env variables in script files.
    • Delete mapjs.env files.
  • Add alias argth to run html output tests only.
  • Remove pandoc-templates/pandoc_html5_template.html since unnecessary (was added for reference).

argmap 4.2.0

  • Generate argmap mapjs without webpack rebuild:
    • mapjs-example/src/start.js:
      • Load mapjs JSON file asynchronously using fetch().
      • Tidy comments.
    • src/pandoc-argmap.lua: Reference JSON file with application/json script.
    • scripts/
      • __open-mapjs():
        • Rename __chrome-mini() to __open-mapjs().
        • Add --allow-file-access-from-files to chrome call to avoid CORS origin error from Chrome accessing JSON file locally.
      • __build_mapjs: Only call when code changes, rather than for each new argmap:
        • Rename __pack_mapjs to __build_mapjs.
        • Add it to scripts/, remove it from other functions.
        • Deprecate a2jo(), do not export it and a2mo so they are not available to other scripts.
          • scripts/ Remove test #5 (obsolete, uses a2jo).
          • test/ Remove alias argmj.

argmap 4.1.0

  • src/pandoc-argmap.lua:
    • Set default to: in .md metadata using argmap: to: X.
      • See test/input/ for example.
    • Re-factor.
  • Update

argmap 4.0.0 BREAKING

  • Change block directive from convertTo="mapjs" to to="js" for consistency with pandoc. BREAKING
    • Update: src/pandoc-argmap.lua, example files.
  • Write all mapjs .json input files to MAPJS_JSON_INPUT_DIR: BREAKING
    • Initialise in init_script as output/mapjs-json-input.
    • Read in config_argmap.lua
    • Update src/pandoc-argmap.lua to output json code to this folder.
    • Update scripts/ and symbolic link: link to mapjs-example/.
  • tests/
    • Fix duplicate argmap IDs in some test files.
    • Add 2 md2hf() tests for new input files with 0, 2 argmap > mapjs code blocks.
    • Add md2hf() test for new input file with argmap > mapjs metadata.
    • scripts/
      • md2hf():
        • Fix browser blocking test progression with &disown.
        • Write html output to different files, avoiding shared test state while waiting for browser.
        • Update __clean_repo.
  • Update scripts to use test/input and test/output instead of Input and Output.
    • Move Input test files to above folders.

argmap 3.9.2

  • Update md2htm() to output only html doc fragment.
  • test/:
    • Add folders: input, output, issues
      • Move any test files to these folders from Input/ and Output/ which won't break scripts.

argmap 3.9.1

    • Update mapjs link in introduction to refer to internal section instead of github.
    • Improve clarity of some sections.

argmap 3.9.0

  • test/:
    • Add folder to use for tests related scripts.
    • Move '' from scripts/ to here.
    • Create test/
  • scripts/:
    • Move all aliases to test/ since they are all tests.
    • scripts/ Source test/
  • Docs, scripts, rockspec:
    • Update references to both above scripts.
    • Add mentions that test files are not public api.
  • .vscode/launch.json: Fix broken path to example file due to 3.8.3 bug.

argmap 3.8.3

  • Input:
    • Duplicate and rename to have variants with 0,1,2 mapjs references, and add them to repo.
  • scripts/:
    • Add above to INPUT_FILE aliases.
    • scripts/ Add above to argm aliases.
  • mapjs-example/src/start.js: Only generates mapjs if mapjs snippets found.
  • Input/ Add copy of examples/ modified to work with mapjs.


  • .vscode/launch.json: Broke path to example file.

argmap 3.8.2

  • scripts
    • __pack_mapjs(): Remove env variable argument since specific .json files no longer requested during webpack build process.
  • mapjs-example/webpack.config.js: Remove env variable functionality.

argmap 3.8.1

  • scripts:
    • Rename 'private' functions to start with __
    • Move git_hooks folder into scripts.
      • Update
    • Re-organise some functions.
  • Update docs to explain private functions may change during patch updates.

argmap 3.8.0

  • src/pandoc-argmap.lua: Update to convert argmap code blocks with attribute convertTo="mapjs" to mapjs format.
  • mapjs-example/src/start.js:
    • Now requires map.json dynamically.
    • init() now takes map.json path as second argument or can read it from container src attribute.
    • Add info about generating html containing mapjs format in section 'Embedding Maps in Markdown'.
      • Add docs/mapjs-in-html-example.png.
      • Explain convertTo="mapjs" functionality.
    • Fix code formatting for latex code block examples.
    • Fix argmap code block examples to display relevant attributes.
  • Add references in various places to mapjs .json Data Format on the mapjs wiki.
  • scripts/:
      • Add new functions:
        • md2hf():
          • Generates index.html from pandoc template and generates mup.json with webpack.
          • Fix bug with template parameter using relative path.
          • BUG #21: Hanging when calling argmh when browser already open. Not sure when introduced.
        • chrome-mini: Utility function.
      • Update md2htm() to use custom mapjs html5 template now available in pandoc data folder.
      • Remove unnecessary calls to webpack from some functions now pandoc-argmap.lua creates output files.
      • Use init file variables instead of own.
      • Fix test #6 to use newer html function.
  • Input/:
      • Use two code snippets, one for png output and one for mapjs.
      • Add meta-data for use in template.
  • .vscode/launch.json:
    • Add cat X | argmap2mup profile.
    • Fix html output profile.
    • Update pandoc test to use my own example files.

argmap 3.7.1

  • Add pandoc-templates folder containing:
    • Two html5 templates: pandoc default, and custom mapjs:
      • custom-mapjs.html5 template based on default combined with mapjs index.html file.
      • mapjs-map.html: Move script and style to mapjs-main-html5.html since they only need to appear once regardless of number of containers.
      • pandoc partials (sub-templates) for parts of custom template.
        • pandoc-templates/mapjs/mapjs-map.html:
        • Add temporary src attribute to container.
  • mapjs folders:
    • Add scripts/mapjs.config to mapjs and mapjs-example folders and source these from argmap init script so that correct files are referenced for each.
    • Move to mapjs-example/:
      • scripts/:
        • scripts/
          • Fix bugs when terminal opens outside of WORKSPACE.
          • Clean up variable references and delete GIT_PROJECT_DIR.
            • Remove GIT_PROJECT_DIR definition from environment.yml.
          • Add input file variables for each file type.
        • Add symbolic link from pandoc data folder to pandoc-templates.
      • pandoc-templates/mapjs/mapjs-map.html: Add metadata variable: $mapjs-output-js$
      • Update scripts to use variable MJS_WP_HOME properly.
    • Add mapjs-example/src/argmap_output/ for maps data:
      • Symbolic links to Output/ folder.
      • Update paths used in src/start.js.
    • Select containers based on .container not #container.
      • mapjs-example/src/start.js
      • mapjs/mapjs-inline-styles.css
    • package.json: Add "type": "commonjs".
  • src/:
    • argmap2mup.lua: Stop public flag forcing upload to ensure uploads deliberate.
    • config_argmap.lua: Move logging functionality here for centralisation.

argmap 3.7.0

  • Develop argmapjs prototype:

    • Merge with local custom branch of repo s6mike/mapjs-webpack-example at custom. See for more details.
      • mapjs project files are in mapjs folder.

      • scripts:

        • scripts/
          • Add a2jo function and argmj alias to generate .json file and open with mapjs.
          • Rename mappack function to pack_mapjs and add argument to pass onto webpack build.
          • Fix bug from calling chrome alias instead of chrome-browser directly, blocking command line parameters.
          • Remove output redirect from webpack calls, set webpack.config.js to report build errors only.
        • scripts/ Add npm install command.
        • scripts/
          • Update 2 MJS_WP_X variables to match new mapjs folder location and to reference new examples/example.json.
          • Fix bugs when terminal opens outside of WORKSPACE.
          • Clean up variable references and delete GIT_PROJECT_DIR.
            • Remove GIT_PROJECT_DIR definition from environment.yml.
          • Add input file variables for each file type.
        • run test for a2jo instead of a2mo.
        • Add symbolic link from pandoc data folder to pandoc-templates.
      • Add examples/example.json (generated from example.yml) to repo as an example for mapjs.

      • Remove commands to delete MJS_WP_MAP which is now examples/example.json

      • See for more details.


        • Add mapjs and troubleshooting sections.
        • Add docs/mapjs-example.png to repo for use in
      • git hook hooks/pre-commit:

        • Add to repo, in hooks folder (symlinking to it from .git/hooks/pre-commit), to keep it in sync with rest of repo.
          • Add symlink command to scripts/
        • Update MJS variables to reflect new mapjs folder and example file.
        • Source init_script rather than defining variables independently.
    • Other minor documentation updates.

argmap 3.6.0 Release Version

  • Update to pandoc
    • Update environment.yml
    • Update
    • Add comments re available pandoc variable to src/pandoc-argmap.lua
    • Update scripts/ to link to new pandoc data directory location ($HOME/.local/share/pandoc).
    • Update rockspec for release.

argmap 3.5.3

  • .vscode:
    • launch.json: Update argmap2mup gdrive upload debug profile to use correct lua install.
    • settings.json: Update lua extension settings.
  • scripts/
    • Add symbolic link so vscode-pandoc extension can find config_argmap.lua.
    • Move chmod src/* into section 2 since it will be needed by all users.

argmap 3.5.2 Release Version

  • Update rockspec for release.
  • scripts/ Find rockspec filename before trying to delete it.
  • Remove reference to rockspec version number to simplify maintenance.

argmap 3.5.1

  • scripts/:
    • Use environment variable in rockspec install command.
    • Call to install Lua dependencies.
  • .vscode/settings.json:
    • Fix incorrect pandoc data folder path for MPE extension.
    • Remove some duplicates in lua path variables.
  • Manage expectations regarding use of semantic versioning.

argmap 3.5.0

  • Add scripts/qa_rockspec: lints and makes rockspec to ensure validity.
  • Update rockspec for release, and to include external yaml dependency.

argmap 3.4.0

  • New script function: check_repo: Checks src/ for lua files with leftover test/debug code.

argmap 3.3.1

  • New conda env argmap:
    • Clean up LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH, which both had invalid paths.
    • Remove extra dependencies so only deliberate installs included. Should be more platform independent.
    • Rename relevant variables in vscode settings etc.
    • Update scripts/ to use $CONDA_PREFIX.
    • .vscode/settings.json:
      • Add missing $ to variables, must have been wrong for a while.
      • Added variable to MPE extension setting.

argmap 3.3.0

  • Use more variables to reduce duplicate paths etc:
    • .vscode/launch.json
    • .vscode/settings.json
    • Add src/config_argmap.lua to ensure LUA_PATH etc available to VSCode extensions.
    • Update scripts:
      • Including symbolic link in scripts/ to ensure src/config_argmap.lua available in ~/.local/share.
  • Fix missing image issue: relates to #20:
    • Update bash aliases to move image file for
    • Add Input/12ff...png to repo for VSCode extension html output tests.

argmap 3.2.2


  • Fix crash on 2 README md to pdf examples, close #19.
    • Add first one to test file to ensure no regressions.
    • Add second to aliases.


  • Fix lint errors: close #6, #7, #8.

argmap 3.2.1

  • Update sections: fork details and installation.
  • Update .vscode/launch.json to use more settings variables for portability.
  • Add workspace settings.json to repo to track these settings.
  • Add failing md to pdf test to argmap aliases script.
  • Add .mup Input file to repo for tests.
  • .gitignore: Add examples and Input to keep stable. Plus archive folder for reference files.
  • Minor formatting updates.

argmap 3.2.0 Release Version

  • Lua Code:
    • Move to src folder.
    • Restore line 1 #! shebang directive to lua scripts (Local Lua Debugger - Visual Studio Marketplace works with them).
    • update examples to correctly call lua files.
    • Add src folder to LUA_PATH in conda environment.yml.
    • Fix pandoc-argmap so it works.
    • Updated rockspec and scripts/ to reflect new rockspec dependency.
  • Pandoc:
    • Downgrade pandoc to v2.6:
      • update to reference this version.
      • environment.yml: Downgrade pandoc to v2.6, which was hopefully version used to develop pandoc-argmap.lua
    • src/pandoc-argmap.lua:
      • Fix references to local .lua commands (argmap2mup etc).
      • Fix 'need check nil' and undefined globals lint warnings, relates to #7, #8.
      • Make formatting consistent.
      • Add debug logging.
      • Fix launch.json debug configurations.
  • Scripts:
    • Add md2h command to convert markdown with embedded argmaps to html, using filter src/pandoc-argmap.lua.
    • And a2t command to convert argmap yml into tex, using argmap2tikz.
      • Add aliases to run both of them.
      • Add them both to tests script.
    • Make scripts more portable with env variables: can change folder locations and conda env.
    • Move environment variable definitions from bash aliases, to conda env, init_script and conda.env
    • Add scripts/ for symbolic links to lua files, to help reproduce install config consistently and avoid recent path issues.
    • No longer use lua or .lua in calls due to above lua code changes plus use of symbolic links.
    • Add conda.env to set conda env name variable so it's easy for pre-commit hook to access.
    • Add pandoc bash completions to init script.
  • Add some additional Input and Output examples.
  • Add Input and example folders to .gitignore now sufficient examples in repo.

argmap 3.1.11

argmap 3.1.10

argmap 3.1.9

  • Update to work when called from pre-commit hook:
    • Exit code set to fail when a test fails.
    • Don't use ANSI colour escape code when dumb terminal.

argmap 3.1.8

  • Docs:
    • Add Tables of Contents.
    • Refine collapsible section formatting, default to open so ToC links work.
    • Improve formatting using markdown linter suggestions.
    • Update for clarity.

argmap 3.1.7

  • Shell scripts:
    • Fix lint issues using shellcheck and shell-format suggestions.
    • Make output command success cleanly.
  • Update environment.yml to include more dependencies.
  • Change Log: Improve formatting using markdown linter suggestions.

argmap 3.1.6

    • Make collapsible sections more obvious.
    • Fix broken code example.
  • Improve formatting, layout and wording.

argmap 3.1.5

    • Fix headline map link to link to published version (should be available until Jan 2023).
    • Make some sections collapsible: Installation, Syntax Rules and pandoc-argmap.lua
    • Add reference to issue 11: generated .mup files don't always work on mindmup, but can be used with legacy mindmup.
  • example/example.yml: Update to match documentation.

argmap 3.1.4

  • launch.json:
    • Update filenames to include .lua extension.
    • Comment out sourcemap references, since unnecessary.

argmap 3.1.3

argmap 3.1.2 Release Version

  • Update script to delete output files directly before test.
  • Update clean function:
    • Rename as clean_repo.
    • Update to revert Output folder to match remote branch.

argmap 3.1.1

  • Docs:
    • Add docs folder.
    • Rename change log from to docs/
    • Add
    • Fix readme examples: now commands have .lua file extension.
  • Fix rockspec to use correct version number.
  • Add luarocks library clean-up file to simplify install testing.

argmap 3.1.0

  • Add rockspec file.
  • Replace dependency json.lua with rxi-json-lua.lua for simpler install.
  • Update conda env with values from luarocks path.
  • Update readme install instructions.
    • Rename to simplifies rockspec generation.
  • Add file to do minimal testing.

argmap 3.0.1

  • Update bash aliases:
    • Add bash function for uploading to gdrive.
    • Upload to GDrive folder 'argmap_uploads'.
    • Use input filename as upload filename.

argmap 3.0.0 BREAKING

  • BREAKING: Add .lua file extension to lua app files to ensure correct syntax highlighting. Readme examples still need updating.
  • Add and to keep bash config and convenience functions in sync with code.

argmap 2.1.0 Release Version

  • Install lualogging to help with debugging.
    • Add debug logging to mup2argmap.
  • Add launch.json to repo to track debugging tests.
  • Fix mup2argmap:
    • Fix global variable which could be local, relates to #5, #6.
    • Fix need check nil, relates to #7.
  • Fix argmap2mup:
    • Close #3 Static analyser errors.
  • Comment out line 1 #! directive, so actboy168's lua debug extension can handle breakpoints: (see actboy168/lua-debug#153).
    • Call explicitly with lua instead.
  • Fix formatting based on sumneko's vscode lua extension.
  • Add my own reference examples, in Input and Output folders.
  • Readme: add github compatible syntax highlighting directives.

argmap 1.1.0

  • Fork of
  • argmap2mup fix (potentially caused by different lua version):
    • Close #1 output file start with 'nil'.
    • Close #2 gdrive upload fails.
  • Update license and readme.
  • Add .gitignore, conda export: environment.yml

argmap 1.0.1

argmap 1.0.0


Uses Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 and Conventional Commits 1.0.0.

Note that test files, and bash script functions beginning with __ are not considered part of a public API, and therefore updates may change them without warning.

Though documentation is not yet precise and comprehensive! Lua code is well documented, but my scripts still need to be properly documented.