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ShareDB PR Review Meeting Notes 2018

Eric Hwang edited this page Jul 20, 2018 · 2 revisions


Attendees: Alec, Curran (second half), Eric, Greg, Nate

In the past week, Nate has been mostly focused on finishing out pending work in Derby, which will be done this week. He did merge in the WebSocket reconnection PR (which one?), and he switched the examples over to the Teamwork version of websocket server.

PRs we looked at:

  • (getSnapshotAtVersion - Alec)
    • If you’re going to get an older version of a snapshot, you’re going to either rewind ops from the current snapshot with inverse, or start with the original create and replay the snapshots on top.
    • How do we handle revert to a previous version cleanly? You could do a diff-match-patch with the target version like Git does, or you could invert the ops from between the target version or now.
    • We don’t want to back ourselves into a corner API design wise, by returning just the snapshot data and just letting the user use it as they want.
    • submitSnapshot from the undo/redo PR uses diff/diffX on the OT type to submit the snapshot
    • Action items:
      • Add a base Snapshot class, have MemorySnapshot and eventually MongoSnapshot inhert from it
      • Return an actual snapshot object, i.e. change version to v
  • (customizing clientId - Alec)
    • Goal is to attribute ops to specific users
    • Customizing is a good idea
    • If we allow customizing, we should allow customizing the clientId entirely
    • Putting custom clientId as a prefix means it can be queried efficiently with Mongo
    • Eric: We use server-side ShareDB middleware to store attribution info for an op on the op meta. Downside is that you don’t get that info in the client, which in our case is intentional.
    • Nate: We can certainly add an option to return parts of the op meta to the client, with a customizable projection.
    • Alec has decided to close his PR and put the info on the op meta.
  • (improve perf of getLinkedOps - Alec)
    • Hooray performance improvement! Looks good to merge.
    • We’ll want to fix up the tests first, though. Greg has two PRs against sharedb-mingo-memory and sharedb-mongo to fix them. Eric will take care of handling the merge and publish of them.
  • (undo/redo - Greg)
    • Making good progress
    • Brief discussion around naming of undoComposeTimeout, which controls how close a new op is to previous ones for the undo manager to compose them. Decided to rename to undoComposeInterval.

PRs we didn’t get to:

Action items:


Attendees: Curran, Eric, Greg, Nate

PRs reviewed during meeting

We went through Greg's open PRs, as he was there to talk about them.

Next week

Review Presence and the other PRs we didn't get to this week. If we have time, we'll look at PRs in the other repos like sharedb-mongo.