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137 lines (88 loc) · 6.53 KB

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TimeSformer is a video classification model based on vision transformer, which has the characteristics of no convolution, global receptive field, and strong time series modeling ability. At present, it has achieved SOTA accuracy on the Kinetics-400 data set, surpassing the classic CNN-based video classification models TSN, TSM and Slowfast, and has a shorter training time (the Kinetics-400 data set training time is 39 hourss). This code implements the time-space separated attention cascade network in the paper.



K400 data download and preparation please refer to Kinetics-400 data preparation

UCF101 data download and preparation please refer to UCF-101 data preparation


Kinetics-400 data set training

Download and add pre-trained models

  1. Download the image pre-training model ViT_base_patch16_224 as Backbone initialization parameters, or download through the wget command

  2. Open PaddleVideo/configs/recognition/timesformer/timesformer_k400_videos.yaml, and fill in the downloaded weight storage path below pretrained:

        framework: "RecognizerTransformer"
            name: "VisionTransformer"
            pretrained: fill in the path here

Start training

  • The Kinetics400 data set uses 8 cards for training, and the start command of the training method is as follows:
# videos data format
python3.7 -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7" --log_dir=log_timesformer --validate -c configs/recognition/ timesformer/timesformer_k400_videos.yaml
  • Turn on amp mixed-precision training to speed up the training process. The training start command is as follows:
export FLAGS_conv_workspace_size_limit=800 # MB
export FLAGS_cudnn_exhaustive_search=1
export FLAGS_cudnn_batchnorm_spatial_persistent=1
# videos data format
python3.7 -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7" --log_dir=log_timesformer --amp --validate -c configs/recognition/ timesformer/timesformer_k400_videos.yaml
  • In addition, you can customize and modify the parameter configuration to achieve the purpose of training/testing on different data sets. It is recommended that the naming method of the configuration file is model_dataset name_file format_data format_sampling method.yaml , Please refer to config for parameter usage.


  • The TimeSformer model is verified synchronously during training. You can find the keyword best in the training log to obtain the model test accuracy. The log example is as follows:

    Already save the best model (top1 acc)0.7258
  • Since the sampling method of the TimeSformer model test mode is UniformCrop with a slower speed but higher accuracy, which is different from the RandomCrop used in the verification mode during the training process, so the verification index recorded in the training log is topk Acc Does not represent the final test score, so after the training is completed, you can use the test mode to test the best model to obtain the final index, the command is as follows:

    python3.7 -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7" --log_dir=log_timesformer --test -c configs/recognition/ timesformer/timesformer_k400_videos.yaml -w "output/TimeSformer/TimeSformer_best.pdparams"

    When the test configuration uses the following parameters, the test indicators on the validation data set of Kinetics-400 are as follows:

    backbone Sampling method num_seg target_size Top-1 checkpoints
    Vision Transformer UniformCrop 8 224 77.29 TimeSformer_k400.pdparams
  • During the test, the TimeSformer video sampling strategy is to use Linspace sampling: in time sequence, num_seg sparse sampling points are uniformly generated from the video sequence to be sampled; in space, select the two ends of the long side and the middle position (left middle right or top middle bottom) 3 regions are sampled. A total of 1 clip is sampled for 1 video.


Export inference model

python3.7 tools/ -c configs/recognition/timesformer/timesformer_k400_videos.yaml \
                                -p data/TimeSformer_k400.pdparams \
                                -o inference/TimeSformer

The above command will generate the model structure file TimeSformer.pdmodel and the model weight file TimeSformer.pdiparams required for prediction.

Use prediction engine inference

python3.7 tools/ --input_file data/example.avi \
                           --config configs/recognition/timesformer/timesformer_k400_videos.yaml \
                           --model_file inference/TimeSformer/TimeSformer.pdmodel \
                           --params_file inference/TimeSformer/TimeSformer.pdiparams \
                           --use_gpu=True \

The output example is as follows:

Current video file: data/example.avi
    top-1 class: 5
    top-1 score: 0.9999722242355347

It can be seen that using the TimeSformer model trained on Kinetics-400 to predict data/example.avi, the output top1 category id is 5, and the confidence is 0.99. By consulting the category id and name correspondence table data/k400/Kinetics-400_label_list.txt, it can be seen that the predicted category name is archery.
