diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 84e4a7d..81e47a4 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Using this script means you DON'T have to do any of this awful stuff to multibox - Use Virtual Machines, multiple computers or multiple user accounts (Windows account switching). - Run any dodgy executables where you don't know what's actually running. - Note that this script uses handle64.exe which is a [Microsoft](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/handle) recommended tool. - - Note that this script also builds an executable called SetText.exe for window renaming, details of which can be seen on [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39021975/changing-title-of-an-application-when-launching-from-command-prompt/39033389#39033389). This .exe has been whitelisted by Microsoft. + - Note that this script also builds an executable called SetTextv2.exe for window renaming, details of which can be seen on [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39021975/changing-title-of-an-application-when-launching-from-command-prompt/39033389#39033389). This .exe has been whitelisted by Microsoft. - Never take the authors word for it for anything you download. That's why this script is full open source if you want to have a skim through to see what it's doing. Note that this script DOES NOT alter the game, automate key presses, game joining or add any efficiencies with RAM/VRAM usage. It's simply used to launch the game. @@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ Other misc stats and info can be seen on the info screen. Statistics are recorde **Terror Zone Details**
You can also check the current and next Terror Zone by pressing 't'.
-Data courtesy of d2emu.com
+Data courtesy of [D2Emu.com](https://d2emu.com)
**Check DClone Status**
You can also manually check the current DClone status by pressing 'd'.
-Data courtesy of d2emu.com, d2runewizard.com and diablo2.io. That's right, you can choose your source!
+Data courtesy of [D2Emu.com](https://d2emu.com), [d2runewizard.com](https://d2runewizard.com) and [diablo2.io](https://diablo2.io). That's right, you can choose your source!
**Alarms for DClone Walk status changes**
If configured, you can select which regions and modes to monitor for D Clone (Über Diablo) walk status changes.
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ Happy for you to make any modifications this script for your own needs providing - Thanks to MoonUnit for contributing thoughts around converting plain text passwords to encrypted strings. - Thanks to never147 for contributing improvements for menu refresh and inputs. Huge QOL feature and allowed for more features to be implemented. - Thanks to Mysterio from [D2Emu.com](https://d2emu.com/tz) for providing TZ source API. Consider buying Mysterio a coffee [here](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d2emu). -- Thanks to Mysterio (https://D2Emu.com), Prowner (https://d2runewizard.com) and Teebling "Teebs" (https://diablo2.io) for providing their awesome respective API's for DClone status for you to choose from. +- Thanks to Mysterio ([D2Emu.com](https://D2Emu.com)), Prowner (([d2runewizard.com]https://d2runewizard.com)) and Teebling "Teebs" (([diablo2.io]https://diablo2.io)) for providing their awesome respective API's for DClone status for you to choose from. - Thanks to dschu012 for [discovering the AuthToken method](https://github.com/Farmith/D2RMIM/pull/11/files#diff-5408bbaf05738fe52729de093b38981abecffeb304b1cd388713cbe6a0461d21) and thanks to Sunblood for pointing me towards this discovery. - Thanks to v2.jokeapi.dev, official-joke-api.appspot.com, icanhazdadjoke.com and api.chucknorris.io for API's providing top notch cringe for us to smirk at. - ChatGPT for helping with regex patterns.