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Alex Hoyau edited this page Feb 18, 2021 · 20 revisions

This page moved here

Contribute to Silex

Free and open source software is not a product. It's a shared commons of code developed collaboratively by the people who choose to participate. We choose to do so for many reasons: free minds need free tools (free as in free speech), we like to be part of a community, caring is sharing, learning is important, software should be free and accessible to anyone, open source is cool, ...

Here are some ways for you to help out and become a member of our informal volunteer group.

Stay Informed

  • Subscribe to our newsletter to be notified of important news (less than one per month)
  • Star and Watch the project on GitHub (buttons in the top right corner of this page)
  • Subscribe to our YouTube channel
  • Help us build up our documentation by asking a question on the forum

Show Silex Some Love

  • Recommend us on AlternativeTo
  • Share and like us on Facebook
  • Share and follow us on Twitter
  • Get the word out - If you're talking about Silex in public, let us know and we will send you stickers!

Become a beta tester

Here is Silex preprod server, where the next version being developed lives.

We always need more testers, so that the next version will not break people websites. The key skill of a tester is not only to find bugs, it’s to report reproducible problems. Please ask questions and report bugs here on github.

A good bug report contains

  • Context: every useful info, e.g. where you are testing, your environment, on which website...
  • Detailed description of the bug
  • Steps to Reproduce
  • Expected and Actual Result

Share knowledge

Answer Questions - Find questions about Silex on github and provide clear and helpful answers.

Update and Maintain our Docs - Grab a question with the "doc" label and add details to our existing documentation. If you see any other issues in the docs, please feel free to edit them.

Create Tutorials - Create text or video guides and upload them to your favorite video sharing website.

Create Marketing Tools - Create some fun marketing material, like a meme for example. Send it to us so we can help share.

Organize an Event - Are you active in your local web design community? If you want to host a local Silex Meetup or demo, let us know how we can support you.

Write Articles and Blog Posts - If you're interested in writing a blog for Silex, please do so and share it with us. If we like it, we will publish it on the Silex Labs blog. Alternatively, self publish on your own blog and tag us so we can help promote it.

Host an instance of Silex

We have more and more people using the online version of Silex. You can host an instance of Silex on your own server or on node.js. If you do so, and plan to maintain your server long term, Silex Labs organization will be happy advertise your Silex instance.

Here is How to Host An Instance of Silex.

Contribute Code and Designs

Related pages:

This is a great chance to give back to the open source community, develop skills, and gain credibility as a Silex pro, which is great for building client relationships and beefing up your portfolio. After several contributions, you will be added to the Silex contributors page.

Build a template - Show off your creative skills or just release an unsold work with a creative commons license. Let us know so we can help you distribute and advertise it.

Create a widget - Show off your programming skills by building a widget and releasing it as open source. Tell us about it so we can help get the word out.

Write Code - We are open to contributions to the Silex code base. If you would like to join the dev team, pick from:

Ask questions, we're happy to help. When you are ready, you will fork the Silex source code. Follow the readme instructions to run Silex on your computer, make your changes, and then make a pull request. Please respect the comments and style of the rest of the code. Here is our Code of Conduct

Help Organize and Write

Not sure where to start?

Here is a list of articles and tutorials that need to be moved to this wiki.

Here are some wiki documents that need to be written or updated.

Thank You!

We really appreciate having you involved! We depend on your help to continue to improve this open source project. Do not hesitate to contact us by email, contact[at]silexlabs[dot]org.

WARNING: Support for Silex v2 has stopped. Try Silex v3 alpha, Read about it, Subscribe to the newsletter

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