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SemCL pretrain


This is a PyTorch implementation of SemCL for self-supervised ResNets and Swin Transformers. The following practice is tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.


Clone and enter this repo.

git clone
cd semclTraining

We recommend conda for smooth experience.

conda env create -n semcl -f condaenvlinux.yml
conda activate semcl

Or, manually.

conda create -n semcl pytorch=1.13 torchvision=0.14 pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda activate semcl

InfoNCE loss We use the implementation of RElbers/info-nce-pytorch.

pip install info-nce-pytorch

Install prettytable to formatting output during pretraining.

conda install -c conda-forge prettytable


Follow semclDataset to prepare the SemCL dataset, and create a symlink

ln -s /path/to/ContrastivePairs data


Below are examples for SemCL pretraining.

Swin-T, batch 64, SemCL-stuff

For single node training, run

python -a swin_tiny -b 64 --optimizer=adamw --lr=1.5e-4 --weight-decay=.1 --stop-grad-conv1 --moco-m-cos --moco-t=.2 --dist-url 'tcp://localhost:10001' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 --print-freq 1000 --dataset voc ade coco

For multi-node (let's say N nodes) training, on the first node, run:

python -a swin_tiny -b 64 --optimizer=adamw --lr=1.5e-4 --weight-decay=.1 --stop-grad-conv1 --moco-m-cos --moco-t=.2 --dist-url 'tcp://[your first node address]:[specified port]' --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size N --rank 0 --print-freq 1000 --dataset voc ade coco

From the second node, run the same command with --rank 1 to --rank N-1.


  1. The batch size specified by -b is the total batch size across all GPUs.
  2. The learning rate specified by --lr is the base lr, and is adjusted by the linear lr scaling rule.
  3. Using a smaller batch size has a more stable result (see paper), but has lower speed.

Extract backbone

In MoCo framework we use, there are base_encoder and momentum_encoder in the saved pretrained model. It is the base_encoder that should be extracted for downstream tasks, including attention visualization. To this end, we provide a script to extract the base_encoder.

Install torchinfo

conda install -c conda-forge torchinfo


python -a swin_tiny /path/to/pretrained/checkpoint

The extracted backbone will be saved to /path/to/pretrained/bkb_checkpoint.

Attention visualization

The script, together with the sample images in visualize_attention/ we used in the paper, is provided for attention visualization. Install opencv and grad-cam

conda install -c conda-forge opencv grad-cam

then run

python -a swin_tiny --pretrained /path/to/pretrained/bkb_checkpoint --img-path visualize_attention/2008_000345.jpg


    author    = {Quan, Shengjiang and Hirano, Masahiro and Yamakawa, Yuji},
    title     = {Semantic Information in Contrastive Learning},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
    month     = {October},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {5686-5696}