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182 lines (150 loc) · 10.7 KB

File metadata and controls

182 lines (150 loc) · 10.7 KB


Upcoming in v2: Support for PostegreSQL and TTL in Conversations


  • Update to Bot API v5.2.
  • Fixed crash when pcntl is not available.
  • Webhook is now automatically set.
  • Fixed restart_on_changes with spaces inside file path.
  • Improved regex handlers: regex will no longer be used on handlers with exact match conditions.
  • New User mode: you can now run userbots with NovaGram using tdlight-telegram-bot-api. (Webhooks too!) Check out this example.

  • Bot API v5.1:

    Check full changelog for more info

    • New types: ChatMemberUpdated, ChatInviteLink, VoiceChatStarted, VoiceChatEnded, VoiceChatParticipantsInvited, MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged.
    • New methods: createChatInviteLink, editChatInviteLink, revokeChatInviteLink.
    • New handlers: onMyChatMember, onChatMember.
  • New Features:

    • New onCallbackData handler: similar to onText but for Callback Queries data.
    • New onNewChatMember and onNewGroup handlers: check updated docs.
    • New exportCommands method, that calls setMyCommands with the registered command handlers (onCommand()). Automatically called by default on CLI
    • restart_on_changes has been improved: now it uses pcntl_exec when possible (instead of shell_exec)
    • Added User::getMention(): it generates a clickable link for that User.
    • Added new Class Handlers: CommandHandler and CallbackHandler
    • Added toArray() and toJSON() methods to ObjectsList and Type objects
    • Added ObjectsList::getLast(), useful if you work with photos, which are arrays of PhotoSizes
    • Added autoload of class handlers: it will include and fire all handlers found by searching for files that ends with Handler.php, Command.php and Callback.php. Class names must be the same as file names. It won't look inside vendor.
    • Now Message::editText() will not delete reply_markup by default. Use reply_markup: null to force deleting it.
    • Added Dispatcher::stopHandling() or simply stop_handling(), which stop other handlers from being executed (previously, exit() was needed)
    • Added Database::getConversationsByName()
  • New Bot settings:

    • username: Bot username, needed to avoid that other bot's commands are recognized in groups when using command handlers and webhook.
    • export_commands: Whether to call Bot::exportCommands() when idling on CLI. Default to true
    • include_classes: Whether to automatically include and fire Commands Class Handlers (includes all files that ends with Command.php, Handler.php, and Callback.php inside the main script directory). Defualt value is true on CLI and false on Webhook.
    • workers: Maximum amount of processes that will run simultaneously. (CLI only)
    • skip_old_updates: Whether to not process updates sent before starting the bot.
  • New Exceptions:

    • NotFoundException (404)
    • MethodNotAllowedException (405)
    • RequestEntityTooLargeException (413)
  • Fixes:

    • Bot won't crash on uncaught internal exceptions.
    • Conversations are now updated instead of deleted and reinserted.
    • Classes MessageId, ProximityAlertTriggered didn't work properly
    • Bot will now process queued updates before retrieving other ones
    • Fixed wrong behaviour when serializing false
    • Default values for log_updates and debug are now null instead of false.
    • Now log_updates setting works on getUpdates too
    • setMyCommands arguments were wrong
    • Errors weren't handled when thrown inside class handlers
    • Unknown objects are now instances of stdClass or ObjectsList
    • Exceptions constructor argument $previous_exception was an Exception instead of a Throwable
    • Entities parser didn't work with ObjectsList
    • Some databases couldn't be used with getUpdates, fixed
    • onCommand handler $args argument behaviour was incorrect
  • Minor:

    • Added CurlException
    • Renamed Bot::idle() to Bot::start()
    • You can now use PHP8 named arguments in Bot constructor instead of the $settings array
    • JSON all all the related methods are now static in Bot, this makes faster using multiple bot instances
    • Now when using getUpdates process titles are customized in order to differenciate main process and child processes
    • Properties User::dc_id and Message::html are now cached
    • All the Objects are now serializable
    • Added $description parameter to onCommand
    • Improvements in Prototypes: isPrototypeable is now cached
  • New handlers: onTextMessage, onText, and onCommand
  • New Bot settings:
    • command_prefixes: Array of characters for commands prefixes. e.g. /start, .info
    • group_handlers: Whether to execute all the handlers of an update in the same process (true), or fork a process for each handler (false)
    • wait_handlers: Whether to wait for handlers to finish when closing script
    • threshold: Amount of max seconds the script will sleep instead of throwing a TooManyRequestsException. Defaults to 10 when using getUpdates
    • only_if_banned: Default value for only_if_banned parameter in unbanChatMember method
  • Conversations full getters
    • getConversationsByChat (User|Chat::getConversations())
    • getConversationsByValue
  • amphp has been removed, now skrtdev/async is used in classes too
  • Added all class handlers: onMessage, onEditedMessage, onChannelPost, etc
    • allowed_updates is automatically generated from classes too
    • $this->Bot can be used to get Bot instance inside Class handlers
    • More classes can be handled in a single handleClass call
  • Now when using getUpdates bot won't crash on BadGatewayExceptions, it will retry to connect every second instead
  • Now var_dump is used instead of print_r in debug functions
  • Now list of Objects are instances of ObjectsList rather than instances of stdClass
  • You can now use PHP8 named arguments instead of the $args array in both Bot and Objects methods
  • A custom PDO instance can now be used as database. Pass it in the database Bot setting instead of the Database array (novagram will be used as prefix)
  • Exception::$response_parameters is now an instance of ResponseParameters or null
  • Return types of every method has been updated
  • Now a warning is emitted when using getUpdates if a webhook url is set
  • Improved performances of skrtdev/async
  • Bot API 5.0
    • Own Bot API Server: added new bot_api_url parameter to bot settings
    • Added allow_sending_without_reply global parameter to bot settings
    • Updated all objects and methods
    • Added the new ChatLocation Object
    • Added all new Methods
  • New Exception: UnauthorizedException (401)
  • allowed_updates is automatically generated when using getUpdates, so bot is faster if it receives many unwanted updates
  • Improved Composer Autoloader (PSR-4)
  • Fixed a bug that affected webhook
  • Improved Composer Autoloader (PSR-4)

  • Added getUpdates mode (multi-processing)

    • New Dispatcher class
    • Mode (Webhook/getUpdates/None) is recognized automatically
    • Optional async handling of updates
    • Closure Handlers (skrtdev/async)
      • Full handlers (onUpdate, onMessage, onCallbackQuery, etc.)
      • Error handler
    • Class Handlers (amphp/amp)
      • Only Update handler
    • Auto restart when Bot file is edited (optional)
  • Many new Exceptions

    • BadRequestException (400)
    • ForbiddenException (403)
    • ConflictException (409)
    • TooManyRequestsException (429)
    • BadGatewayException (502) (yes, sometimes it happens)
  • Changes in Bot settings

    • Changed behaviour of settings' debug parameter: now it creates an Error Handler
    • async: Concurrent handling of updates
    • restart_on_changes: Auto restart when Bot file is edited (optional)
    • logger: Monolog\Logger constant for logging
  • Now you can pass your custom Monolog\Logger, as the 3rd parameter of the Bot constructor

  • Some improvements to Prototypes

    $this inside prototype now refers to the Object, so that $self is no longer needed

  • Fixed many bugs in HTML Entities Parser

  • Fixed a bug with Prototypes and Objects

    Prototypes Methods couldn't be added directly to objects

  • Added positional arguments and named arguments (like python kwargs) to Types Methods (in a BC way)

    Check updated docs

  • Bot and Database Classes are now prototypeable

    Learn more about prototypes here

  • Full Return Types implementation

  • Added some HTML tags to Entities Parser

    Message::toHTML() is now removed in favor of Message::getHTMLText()

  • Built-in debug now looks like a normal exception

  • NULL properties are no longer displayed in debug functions (such as var_dump, print_r and similar)

  • Updated docs

  • Added Typed Properties with Description to every Object

  • Added non-dinamic Methods to Bot Class

  • Added positional arguments and named arguments (like python kwargs) to Bot Methods (in a BC way)

    Check updated docs

  • Added Entities Parser, and Message::toHTML() Method