diff --git a/doc/California-SB237/California-SB237.jgp b/doc/California-SB237/California-SB237.jgp new file mode 100755 index 00000000000..f67fdd098e7 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/California-SB237/California-SB237.jgp differ diff --git a/doc/California-SB237/California-SB237.md b/doc/California-SB237/California-SB237.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..91574a6606a --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/California-SB237/California-SB237.md @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +# Default Credential Management for California SB-327 Conformance # + +## 1. Table of Content + + +* 1. [Table of Content](#TableofContent) + * 1.1. [Revision](#Revision) + * 1.2. [Scope](#Scope) + * 1.3. [Definitions/Abbreviations](#DefinitionsAbbreviations) + * 1.4. [Overview](#Overview) + * 1.5. [Requirements](#Requirements) + * 1.6. [Architecture Design](#ArchitectureDesign) + * 1.7. [High-Level Design](#High-LevelDesign) + * 1.7.1. [Flow description](#Flowdescription) + * 1.7.2. [California Law Constrains](#CaliforniaLawConstrains) + * 1.8. [Init Flow](#InitFlow) + * 1.8.1. [Compilation](#Compilation) + * 1.8.2. [Dependencies](#Dependencies) + * 1.8.3. [Feature default](#Featuredefault) + * 1.9. [SAI API](#SAIAPI) + * 1.10. [Configuration and management](#Configurationandmanagement) + * 1.11. [Warmboot and Fastboot Design Impact](#WarmbootandFastbootDesignImpact) + * 1.12. [Restrictions/Limitations](#RestrictionsLimitations) + * 1.13. [Upgrade Flow](#UpgradeFlow) + * 1.14. [Test Plan](#TestPlan) + * 1.14.1. [Unit Test cases](#UnitTestcases) + * 1.14.2. [System Test cases](#SystemTestcases) + * 1.14.3. [Pasword Change Flow](#PasswordChangeFlow) + * 1.15. [3rd Party Components](#rdPartyComponents) + * 1.15.1. [PW Force Expiration](#WForceExpire) + * 1.15.2. [Pam Unix](#PAMUNIX) + + + + + + + +### 1.1. Revision +| Rev | Date | Author | Change Description | +| :---: | :-----: | :--------------: | ------------------ | +| 0.1 | 08/2022 | Andriy Dobush | Phase 1 Design | + +### 1.2. Scope + +The California Law hld doc described the requirements, architecture and configuration details of California Law feature in switches SONIC OS based. +Feature is designed to add [California SB-327](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180SB327) conformance. + +### 1.3. Definitions/Abbreviations + + PW - password + PASSWH - Password Hardening + PAM - Pluggable Authentication Modules + California Law - Default Credential Management for California Law SB-327 Conformance + +### 1.4. Overview + +Most users won't change the password because of various reasons: forgot to change, don't realize default password should be changed and other. As a result +default passwords in connected devices is one of a primary attack method used by malicious actors. The main motivation and functionality of the feature is to +force user to change default password on first login. + +### 1.5. Requirements + + - Force change of default password on first login + - Support several default users + - Force to change password after image update + - Don't affect [Password hardening feature](https://github.com/sonic-net/SONiC/blob/master/doc/passw_hardening/hld_password_hardening.md) + - Expire password only for user that can do login. (login shell is /bin/bash or /bin/sh) + +### 1.6. Architecture Design + +Arc design diagram\ +![California_law_arc_sonic](California-SB237.jgp) + +(flow description in the chapter below) + +### 1.7. High-Level Design + +In this section we will present the design (as thorough as possible) for the California Law implementation. + +Common approach to force user to change a password is making user password expired. + +The feature will use native Linux tool and linux lib: chage and pam_unix_account.so + +chage: support requirement of PW aging, change user password expire information + +pam_unix_account module retrieves password aging information and verifies that the password and the user's account have not expired. + +Note: +See linux [3rd Party Components](#rdPartyComponents) for more description. + + +##### Flow diagram: + +![California law flow](California-SB237_diagram.jpg) + +#### 1.7.1. Flow description +Feature is expected to be disabled by default. +Build flag CHANGE_DEFAULT_PASSWORD will be used to set feature state. + +Feature uses only Linux native system tools. As a result doesn't require interaction with cli or db. + +On a first boot, password will be forced to expire for every default user. + +First boot is processed in file /etc/rc.local. +To get available users list grep from /etc/passwd will be used. + +On next ssh login user is prompted to provide new password. +Note that after providing new password user is logged out and need to login with new password. + + +#### 1.7.2. California Law Constrains +The only constrain for now is that user is logged out after providing new password + +PW age from feature PW hardening is not affected. + + +### 1.8. Init Flow +#### 1.8.1. Compilation +This feature will be disabled by default. +A build flag CHANGE_DEFAULT_PASSWORD will be used to enable or disable feature. +Build flag will be checked on runtime + +Build example + + CHANGE_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=true make target/sonic.bin + + +#### 1.8.2. Dependencies +N/A + +#### 1.8.3. Feature Default +Feature is disabled by default. If enabled will force all available users to change a password + +### 1.9. SAI API +not changed. + +### 1.10. Configuration and management +Not relevant + + +### 1.11. Warmboot and Fastboot Design Impact +The feature can be triggered after sonic upgrade and warm reboot and feature doesn't affect trafic. + +### 1.12. Restrictions/Limitations +The California law feature is not supported on remote AAA. + +LDAP/Radius/Tacacs is under customer responsibility. + +### 1.13. Upgrade Flow +After install new image with sonic-install 1st boot flow is triggered and users will be forced to change their passwords + + +### 1.14. Test Plan +#### 1.14.1. Unit Test cases +Unit tests do not cover login and 1st boot flow + + +#### 1.14.2. System Test cases +Force 1st boot in next ways: +- Onie install +- Image update reboot/warm boot +Check affecting password hardening feature: +- Do 1st boot and test password change force with password hardening disabled +- Do 1st boot and test password change force with password hardening enabled + Check password hardening age is not affected + + + #### 1.14.3. Pasword Change Flow + + Example of password change during 1st login. + + ssh admin@sonic-switch + The authenticity of host 'sonic-switch (' can't be established. + RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:l7jfE2zxvJ2PQNJZNB3ErqA/LvTUFi1tTlhDZTViPDI. + RSA key fingerprint is MD5:08:8c:5a:8a:7a:a7:65:13:5a:71:66:4c:30:2b:5c:ba. + Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes + Warning: Permanently added 'sonic-switch,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. + admin@sonic-switch's password: + You are required to change your password immediately (administrator enforced). + You are required to change your password immediately (administrator enforced). + Linux sonic-switch 5.10.0-12-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.103-1 (2022-03-07) x86_64 + You are on + ____ ___ _ _ _ ____ + / ___| / _ \| \ | (_)/ ___| + \___ \| | | | \| | | | + ___) | |_| | |\ | | |___ + |____/ \___/|_| \_|_|\____| + + -- Software for Open Networking in the Cloud -- + + Unauthorized access and/or use are prohibited. + All access and/or use are subject to monitoring. + + Help: http://azure.github.io/SONiC/ + + Last login: Sat Aug 13 13:31:19 2022 from + WARNING: Your password has expired. + You must change your password now and login again! + Changing password for admin. + Current password: + New password: + Retype new password: + The password has not been changed. + New password: + Retype new password: + passwd: password updated successfully + Connection to sonic-switch closed. + + +### 1.15. 3rd Party Components +In this section, you can find options used for password expiring with chage and pwhistory + +#### 1.15.1. PW Force Expiration + +Tool for password expiration: + + chage + +The option which apply to the chage command is: + + -d, --lastday LAST_DAY + +Example : + + chage -d 0 ${user} + + +#### 1.15.2. Pam Unix +pam_unix: standard Unix authentication PAM module + +##### DESCRIPTION + +This module performs validating status of a user's account based on password expiration and other elements +Module is used as is, without any additional, configuration or modification. diff --git a/doc/California-SB237/California-SB237_diagram.jpg b/doc/California-SB237/California-SB237_diagram.jpg new file mode 100755 index 00000000000..e964c6cfc38 Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/California-SB237/California-SB237_diagram.jpg differ