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Deploy a Cluster to Azure
Deploy a Cluster to Microsoft Azure
Spectro Cloud Getting Started with Azure

Palette supports integration with Microsoft Azure. You can deploy and manage Host Clusters in Azure or Azure Government.

Get Started

In this section, you learn how to create a cluster profile. Then, you deploy a cluster to Azure by using Palette. Once your cluster is deployed, you can update it using cluster profile updates.

<SimpleCardGrid cards={[ { title: "Set up Palette with Azure", description: "Set up the prerequisites of using Palette with Azure.", buttonText: "Learn more", relativeURL: "./setup", }, { title: "Create a Cluster Profile", description: "Create a full cluster profile in Palette.", buttonText: "Learn more", relativeURL: "./create-cluster-profile", }, { title: "Deploy a Cluster", description: "Deploy a Palette host cluster to Azure.", buttonText: "Learn more", relativeURL: "./deploy-k8s-cluster", }, { title: "Deploy Cluster Profile Updates", description: "Update your deployed clusters using Palette Cluster Profiles.", buttonText: "Learn more", relativeURL: "./update-k8s-cluster", }, { title: "Cluster Management with Terraform", description: "Deploy and update a Palette host cluster with Terraform.", buttonText: "Learn more", relativeURL: "./deploy-manage-k8s-cluster-tf", }, { title: "Scale, Upgrade, and Secure Clusters", description: "Learn how to scale, upgrade, and secure Palette host clusters deployed to Azure.", buttonText: "Learn more", relativeURL: "./scale-secure-cluster", }, ]} />