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Releases: srgantmoomoo/postman


11 Jan 06:00
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postman1.102 Pre-release

changelog -
1.102 - Just a minor update. Basically to introduce the hudEditor. I'm gonna release again once I finish the gui config so might be soon.

  • Hud editor (obviously), allows you to customize the hud a lot easier. Also added exitToClickGui option if you prefer it to exit back to the clickgui.
  • New click gui theme, since everyone was bashing the old one, this one is a lot simpler. I do want to add the option to switch to the old theme eventually tho.
  • the clickGuiModule configs now work, so clickgui colors and shit will save.
  • Tab gui, is now collapsed by default (down arrow to expand it).

added modules: (not a lot, wasn't a big focus here)

  • noRain, disables rain client side.
  • cameraClip, camera isn't affected by ur environment in third person view.

code changes:

  • cleaned up more code as usual.
  • added fontrenderer for better use with panelstudio, and future fonts.


04 Jan 06:54
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postman1.101 Pre-release

changelog -
1.101 - I'm releasing this because I've fixed/added quite a few things since last release. Expect the next releases to come pretty soon cause there's still a lot of shit i'm working on rn (more bug fixes, more modules, an auto crystal, figuring out hud editor, clickgui config... etc).

new modules:

  • viewModel, allows you to change how you view your character's hands.
  • autoDisconnect, automatically disconnect at a set health.
  • criticals, always land a critical hit (currently only packet).
  • blink, cancels packets sever side.
    ... also new "hudEditor", does not work as of now.

fixed/optimized modules:

  • noPush.
  • velocity.
  • freecam.
  • fullbright.
    (fixes or optimizations listed under "bug fixes:")

new clickGui theme :)
ClickGui is now on its own postman theme. Added screen scrolling, settings borders, separate background color, and separate category color. Although the colors that you set won't save, cause i still need a clickgui config lol. You can change the colors by right clicking client, then clickGuiModule in the click gui.

bug fixes:

  • events completely fixed.
  • noPush completely fixed.
  • velocity no longer fucks u.
  • freecam's no clip now works, and you no longer take damage while using.
  • fullBright now actually reverts to your old gamma setting when disabled.
  • modules that send text (backdoor, dupe, chat suffix) no longer cause crashes.
  • opacity slider in clickGui no longer causes crashes.

also maybe website... maybe... soon?

(no cristal aura)


27 Dec 03:01
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postman1.10 Pre-release

changelog -
1.10 -

  • fixed surround crashing when there's no obby in ur inventory
  • decimals show up in the clickgui for number settings now
  • settings and modules now all fit in the clickgui properly
  • increments for animation speed fixed
  • maximum value for scroll speed fixed
    og postman logo returned
    other minor changes stuffs 🔢


26 Dec 08:29
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postman1.0 Pre-release

changelog -
1.0 - added chatSuffix (not a lot i know lol). added movement category. fixed the long time issue of configs not working. finally added a proper clickgui, although its currently on the GameSenseTheme of PanelStudio, so i definitely want to make a custom theme soon. tweaked tabGui to be more sexier (and match the theme more). made quite a few code changes. christman logo instead of postman.

bug fixes:
-fixed a lot of issues caused by events (although events themselves still a bit broken).
-fixed noPush causing crashes.
-fixed velocity not properly working

few things to work on:
-surround causes crashes again (wut da fric D:)
-velocity actually still a bit broken....
-Dragable hud modules
-decimals not showing up in numbersettings for the clickGui
-colorSettings (for the clickgui only atm) dont load (they do save tho)
-clickgui saving positions (clickgui config)

website coming soon!!
i still have a bunch of features i'm working on and have planned for the future. updates will return to the usual, more frequent, pace from now on. thank u everyone for the continued support in the development of this client!

(no cristal aura) yet lul


13 Dec 20:47
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postman0.121 Pre-release

changelog -
0.121 -
-fixed surround causing crashes if u didn't have obsidian in ur hotbar.
-fixed clickGui causing crashes upon opening it.
-fixed fastUse(bow) not letting u eat.
-added option to toggle mainMenuInfo on and off.


13 Dec 06:24
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postman0.120 Pre-release

changelog -

0.120 - added modules; mainMenuInfo... added 2dEsp to esp's. changed bowSpam to fastUse and added xpBottle for it. lowOffHand now works. added show hidden option to arraylist.

boolean setting now works in configs, but the of the settings rest don't yet :(

-fixed tracers color options to use the correct color setting.
-extended aspects of the tabGui to properly fit settings and modules.
-fixed chams not turning off even if the esp module was off.
-fixed some sorting problems with arraylist.

some issues:
-surround causing crashes.
-configs not working... obviously.
-noPush still causes some crashes.
-velocity still needs work, doesn't work properly against multiple enemies or explosions (including crystal explosions).

--a lot of the stuff going into the first official release is still being worked on and of no use to release :( (config is being big stupid)

if anyone encounters issues pls lmk! #report-issues :)

(no cristal aura)