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File metadata and controls

207 lines (195 loc) · 10.3 KB

I want to use layers like HAQT to keep things clean and modular

* - Handler: CLI, File, API, ???

A - Action: Parse |> Calculate

Q - Query: ??? not sure what falls under Query layer

T - Transform: ??? View Layer :: CLI, File, JSON

I am thinking of this as one data flow

get file data incoming from a handler

parse into data structure

run workers returning updated version of data structure

pass resulting data structure through view layer

For this HAQT does not seem to be 100% fit possibly something hybrid is needed

The Handler and the View Layer need to line up and have some knowledge that the middle layers do not need to know about.

The Handler should be the one to pass data to the view and choose what view to call

After more decomp and consideration this looks like it fits the worker-bee better

Do Fun Things with Big, Loud Worker-Bees

Data # data structures

Functoinal Core

Testing # of course must alway test all the things

Boundaries # API layer

Lifecycles # supervision


- Solid data structure

contains many facets :: [] and a solid name :: String.t()

- Facet data structure

Normals :: {nx, ny, nz} # do the normals alter the calculations at all?

Vertices :: %{a: {x, y, z}, b: {x, y, z}, c: {x, y, z}}

Surface Area :: float()

- metadata for structure

- calculations %{ accum_surface_area: float(), bounding_box: bounding_box() }

- lower bound vertex and upper bound vertex

- timestamps

“` %{ task_recieved: tr, file_read_completed: frc, parse_completed: pc, calculations: %{ number_completed: nc, surface_area_completed: sac, bounding_completed: bc, completed: ac } } “`

- Parse into system

- parser module that creates data structures from file string/stream data


“` at this stage and looking at the file format and what returns me it seems like maybe I should be looking into lexing and parsing w/ leex and yecc to catch on the solid/endsolid and facet/endfacet loop/endloop parts breaking this up by line ending doesn’t give me an easy starting point as it is tricky to find the next stop and then the begining of the next with neseted data like this. It is kind of like matching up do/end blocks in Elixir itself, in which a Lexer and Parser are used for that. Seems like a good example to follow.

I am not sure if I can utilize the streaming and lazy enumeration this way, it would be nice. I don’t think the Elixir Lexing and Parser streams in Elixir files ( I should check to be 100% sure ).

This may be a little overkill for this but seems like a fit for the problem, going to do some more research and play around with leex and yecc more to see how it feels.

To start I would like to define what a lexed and parsed output looks like before it would be used to create data structures in the application. I think these should be the simplest data structures I can use to represent the incoming information.

I think the most important information is how the different blocks are nested “”” solid -> facet -> loop |vertices| <- endloop <- endfacet <- endsolid “”” “`

- Calculate Metrics

- Calculate Number of trianlges

This could probably be a counter that gets triggered on every facet parse/creation

- Calculate Surface Area

I wonder if this can simply be the accum of each facets surface areas

if so just calc and accum as facet is created

“` @type vertex() :: {integer, integer, integer} @spec fn (vertex(), vertex(), vertex() :: float() fn {x, y, z}=v1, {x, y, z}=v2, {x, y, z}=v3 -> 0.707106781 “`

Found a formula for calculating area of triangle given 3 sets of vertices

“` A = 1/2 | (v3 - v1) = v1v3-> X (v3 - v2) = v1v2-> |

i j k

v1v3->| x1 y1 z1 | v1v2->| x2 y2 z2 | cx = (y1*z2 - y2*z1) cy = (x1*z2 - x2*z1) cz = (x1*y2 - x2*y1) C = cx^2 + cy^2 + cz^2 pgram_a = 2V|C| # square root of absolute value of C tri_a = pgram_a / 2 “`

The example triangles together should accum to 1.4142

using this with the first triangle got 1.414213562 / 2

also seems like if you end up with a negative before root to get pgram area then take abs value

Best example I found outside of Udemy

- To what decimal place is considered acceptable for surface area 4?

- Calculate Bounding Box

Seems like this could maybe be done by keeping track of the min and max vertex values for {x, y, z}

as the parsing is being done

This would be the lower and upper values for each x, y and z seperately not the vertex with the lowest ??

“` @type vertex() :: {integer, integer, integer} @spec fn (vertex(), vertex()) :: vertex() fn {lx, ly, lz} = lv, {x, y, z} -> if none from x, y, z are lower return lv any that are lower replace with the corresponding value and return the updated verion of lv “`

stash min and max somewhere till end of parse.

then on calc build bounding box from min max values

Using Lower Bound and Upper Bound instead of Min/Max

“` @type vertex() :: {integer, integer, integer} @type bounding_box() :: [vertex(), vertex(), vertex(), vertex(), vertex(), vertex(), vertex(), vertex()]

@spec fn (vertex(), vertex()) :: bounding_box() fn {lx, ly, lz}, {ux, uy, uz} -> [ {ux, ly, lz}, {ux, ly, uz}, {lx, ly, lz}, {lx, ly, uz}, {ux, uy, lz}, {ux, uy, uz}, {lx, uy, lz}, {lx, uy, uz} ] end “` This returns all possible combinations from the given tuples I wonder if there is something that already does this as a function? Found some intersting ways to do combinations but after some thought this would be faster as a hard coded return value and since the tuples are not dynamic and will always be {1, 2, 3} & {1, 2, 3} this should be the best solution.

- start with test around outer parser module to return expected output

- test inward as more of functional core develops

- add perf tests using larger files from inet after complete

Use stegosaurus pick holder stl file

- test if your solution could handle a model with millions of triangles

Try stegosaurus pick holder stl file, not sure how many triangles yet

CLI Input Layer

- mix task that take file name from cli

- a file reader (helper) that takes filename and reads file in

If this needed to support something other that cli in the future like api then this will help keep it clean

CLI Output Layer

- use view layer to parse data to match output for cli so other views could be used like json api


“` Number of Triangles: 2 Surface Area: 1.4142 Bounding Box: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1 } …

… ➜ _test/stl_parser ➤ a4a1e98|master⚡ ± mix parse simple_solid.stl ⏎ [6h] ✹ ✭ Number of Triangles: 2 Surface Area: 1.4142135623730951 Bounding Box: [{1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.0, 1.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, {1.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0, 1.0}] ➜ _test/stl_parser ➤ a4a1e98|master⚡ ± mix parse StegosaurusPickHolder-Tortex-1.0mm.stl [6h] ✹ ✭ Number of Triangles: 1526 Surface Area: 16934.070758016467 Bounding Box: [{37.6439, -77.915, -22.8505}, {37.6439, -77.915, 20.5809}, {-41.1915, -77.915, -22.8505}, {-41.1915, -77.915, 20.5809}, {37.6439, 77.0365, -22.8505}, {37.6439, 77.0365, 20.5809}, {-41.1915, 77.0365,-22.8505}, {-41.1915, 77.0365, 20.5809}] ➜ _test/stl_parser ➤ a4a1e98|master⚡ ± mix parse DalekBig.stl [6h] ✹ ✭ Number of Triangles: 43710 Surface Area: 122217.99193856966 Bounding Box: [{125.904, -61.0429, -3.30336e-30}, {125.904, -61.0429, 110.0}, {-122.921, -61.0429, -3.30336e-30}, {-122.921, -61.0429, 110.0}, {125.904, 61.0429, -3.30336e-30}, {125.904, 61.0429, 110.0}, {-122.921, 61.0429, -3.30336e-30}, {-122.921, 61.0429, 110.0}] ➜ _test/stl_parser ➤ a4a1e98|master⚡ ± mix parse affine_spiral.stl [6h] ✹ ✭ Number of Triangles: 179460 Surface Area: 434551.53915101633 Bounding Box: [{64.0, -33.762553, 0.0}, {64.0, -33.762553, 25.142857}, {-63.75731, -33.762553, 0.0}, {-63.75731, -33.762553, 25.142857}, {64.0, 65.144394, 0.0}, {64.0, 65.144394, 25.142857}, {-63.75731, 65.144394,0.0}, {-63.75731, 65.144394, 25.142857}] ➜ _test/stl_parser ➤ a4a1e98|master⚡ ± mix parse groot_body_high_detail-ascii.stl [6h] ✹ ✭ Number of Triangles: 3295832 Surface Area: 32076.890739517086 Bounding Box: [{147.7683, -1.12045e-6, 0.0}, {147.7683, -1.12045e-6, 93.51709}, {-8.573206e-7, -1.12045e-6, 0.0}, {-8.573206e-7, -1.12045e-6, 93.51709}, {147.7683, 65.77018, 0.0}, {147.7683, 65.77018, 93.51709}, {-8.573206e-7, 65.77018, 0.0}, {-8.573206e-7, 65.77018, 93.51709}] “`

- possible opportunities to parallel work

file could be read in / worked as stream

each facet could be parsed in parallel

- do facets need to remain in order read?

number of triangles accum could be collected during facet parsing and added to data structure