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This repo is all about running TEA Node in AWS Nitro.

Background and concepts

AWS Nitro runs on an AWS C5.xlarge or other larger instances.

Enclave is a isolated hardware-protected virtual machine inside its parent instance.

Tea-runtime is running inside the enclave. It can communicate with outside world using vsock only.

Parent-instance-client is running inside a docker container outside of the enclave.

Use to create EC2 instance

create new instance

Run the following command to create a new instance:

./ create [image-id] [key-name] [security-group-id]

Here are the descriptions about parameters with create subcommand:

  • [image-id]: (optional) image id that EC2 instance OS system installed from, default is "ami-07464b2b9929898f8" whith is only avaliable in the northeast2 region
  • [key-name]: (optional) the key name create in KMS, default is "aws-tea-northeast2" that is the key name created in my KMS.
  • [security-group-id]: (optional) the id about the security group you want your EC2 instance apply to, default is "sg-a96a74d2" that is my security group id

push resources into EC2 instance

Run the following command to push resources into EC2 instance:

./ push [push mode] [dns or ip address] [pem key path]

Here are the descriptions about parameters with push subcommand:

  • [push mode]: (optional) value can be all, script, and client, default is all that pull all resources into EC2 instance
  • [dns or ip address]: (optional) the host address that ssh connect to, default is queried by aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces and parsed from the query result
  • [pem key path]: (optional) corresponding with [key-name] in the create new instance step, default value is "~/.ssh/aws-tea-northeast2.pem" that is my pem file path

prepare EC environment

After pushed resources into EC2 instance, run the following command to prepare EC2 instance:

./ install [dns or ip address] [pem key path]

Here are the descriptions about parameters with install subcommand:

  • [dns or ip address]: (optional) the host address that ssh connect to, default is queried by aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces and parsed from the query result
  • [pem key path]: (optional) corresponding with [key-name] in the create new instance step, default value is "~/.ssh/aws-tea-northeast2.pem" that is my pem file path

ssh into EC2 instance

Run the following command to ssh into the created instance:

./ ssh [pem key path] [dns or ip address]

Here are the descriptions about parameters with ssh subcommand:

  • [pem key path]: (optional) corresponding with [key-name] in the create new instance step, default value is "~/.ssh/aws-tea-northeast2.pem" that is my pem file path
  • [dns or ip address]: (optional) the host address that ssh connect to, default is queried by aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces and parsed from the query result

terminate instance

Run the following command to terminate the instance:

./ terminate [instance ids]

Here are the descriptions about parameters with terminate subcommand:

  • [instance ids]: (optional) id of the EC2 instance to be terminated, default is the first instance id queried by aws ec2 describe-instances command

If you have multiple instance running, or some instances are in shutting down mode, this command may not terminate the current running instance successfully. Please make sure to run ./ ids after this command to make sure that the instance is actually in "shutting down mode".

push single resource into EC2 instance

Run the following command to push single resource into EC2 instance:

./ single [single file path] [dns or ip address] [pem key path]

Here are the descriptions about parameters with push subcommand:

  • [single file path]: path of the single file to push
  • [dns or ip address]: (optional) the host address that ssh connect to, default is queried by aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces and parsed from the query result
  • [pem key path]: (optional) corresponding with [key-name] in the create new instance step, default value is "~/.ssh/aws-tea-northeast2.pem" that is my pem file path

list all EC2 instances

Run the following command to list all EC2 instances ids and corresponding status:

./ ids

list all EC2 dns addresses

Run the following command to list all EC2 instances ids and corresponding dns addresses:

./ dns

After ssh into the EC2 instance, continue deploying enclae

Use tmux for multiple shell running

After ssh into the EC2 instance, run tmux to help you handle the multiple shells in the following steps.

run tmux or tmux a if you already have a tmux session

build enclave image

./ docker 

to build enclave image from docker hub image: tearust/runtime:nitro

if you have you own docker repo, use



start enclave and tea-runtime


./ debug 

to run enclave image in debug mode, then you should the an enclave id, copy this enclave for the next step

Check enclave status and id

Run ./ list anytime you want to make sure if there is an enclave running

After running the enclave app, you should following the next step to run client app on the parent instance side:

start aprent-instance-client

press Ctrl+B + C to create a new tmux tab page or Ctrl+B + N to switch to the client app tab page if you already have one


Now, you should see the promopt again. This promopt is the docker container's prompt. That means you are inside the docker container now.

You can run provider_kvp or parent-instance-client for testing. You can also switch between two tmux session by press ctrl+b n to check logs. Make sure all three programs running ok.