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486 lines (358 loc) · 14.7 KB

File metadata and controls

486 lines (358 loc) · 14.7 KB

Change Log

Notable changes to this project based on the Keep a Changelog format. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


0.11.1 (2020-05-14)



  • Attribute-style access for some Tags subclasses using field map aliases.

0.11.0 (2020-05-01)



  • ID3v2Disc.
  • ID3v2DiscFrame.
  • ID3v2Track.
  • ID3v2TrackFrame.
  • ID3v2TPROFrame.
  • Support for ID3v2 Popularimeter frames.
    • ID3v2Popularimeter.
    • ID3v2PopularimeterFrame.
  • ID3v2PodcastFrame.
  • Support for Apple GRP1 and TCAT ID3v2 frames.
  • ID3v2AudioEncryptionFrame.
  • Support for ID3v2 play counter frames.
    • ID3v2PlayCounterFrame.
  • Support for ID3v2 recommended buffer frames.
    • ID3v2RecommendedBuffer.
    • ID3v2RecommendedBufferFrame.
  • Support for ID3v2 event timing codes frames.
    • ID3v2Event.
    • ID3v2Events.
    • ID3v2EventTypes.
    • ID3v2EventTimingCodesFrame.


  • ID3v2NumberFrame value is not the appropriate class (ID3v2Disc or ID3v2Track) rather than having the number/total abstraction on the frame class itself.
  • Use a single enum for ID3v2 timestamp format.
    • Remove ID3v2LyricsTimestampFormat.
    • Remove ID3v2TempoTimestampFormat.


  • ID3v2LyricsTimestampFormat.
  • ID3v2TempoTimestampFormat.


  • Missing maxsplit argument in ID3v2UniqueFileIdentiferFrame parsing.

0.10.0 (2020-04-08)



  • WAVSubchunk.
  • audio_format attribute to WAVEStreamInfo.
  • WAVEAudioFormat enum.
  • Audio format extension data to WAVEStreamInfo.
  • Support for bitmap images.
  • Properly support ID3v2 header flag differences between versions.
  • Support for ID3v2 unsynchronization and frame flags.
  • encode_synchsafe_int.


  • 'WAV' -> 'WAVE' to match the name rather than extension.
  • Refactor WAVE.parse.
    • Move subchunk parsing into separate method.
    • Add WAVESubchunk.
  • Keep unhandled WAVE subchunks.
  • Store ID3v2 in FLAC in _id3 attribute.
  • Emit warning when ignoring ID3v2 frames with bad values.
  • Ignore ID3v2 frames with no value.
  • Catch and raise more exceptions when parsing ID3v2 frames.
  • Raise exception when decoding too large synchsafe integer.


  • Invalid duration calculation for WAV.
  • Properly handle invalid comment, involved people list, and TMCL frames
  • Properly support ID3v2.2 PIC frames.
  • Make apply_unsynchronization/remove_unsynchronization functions fully comply with the ID3v2 unsynchronization scheme.

0.9.0 (2020-03-25)



  • Tag.
  • RIFFTag.
  • ID3v1Field.
  • ID3v1AlbumField.
  • ID3v1ArtistField.
  • ID3v1CommentField.
  • ID3v1GenreField.
  • ID3v1TitleField.
  • ID3v1TrackNumberField.
  • ID3v1YearField.
  • `ID3v2InvolvedPeopleListFrameas subclass ofID3v2PeopleListFrame``.
  • ID3v2TMCLFrame as subclass of ID3v2PeopleListFrame.
  • FormatError.
  • TagError.
  • FLACVorbisComments.
  • Support for ID3v2 unique file identifier frames.
    • ID3v2UniqueFileIdentifier.
    • ID3v2UniqueFileIdentifierFrame.
  • Support for ID3v2 synchronized tempo codes frames.
    • ID3v2TempoTimestampFormat,
    • ID3v2SynchronizedTempoCodes.
    • ID3v2SynchronizedTempoCodesFrame.
  • Support for multiple text strings in ID3v2 user text frames.
  • Support for ID3v2 USER frames.
    • ID3v2TermsOfUse.
    • ID3v2USERFrame.
  • Support for ID3v2 GRID frames.
    • ID3v2GroupID.
    • ID3v2GRIDFrame.
  • Support for ID3v2 OWNE frames.
    • ID3v2OwnershipTransaction.
    • ID3v2OWNEFrame.


  • Rename value attribute of ID3v2GeneralEncapsulatedObject to object.
  • Make VorbisComment subclass Tag.
  • Refactor ID3v1 to use tag classes.
    • ID3v1Field.
    • ID3v1AlbumField.
    • ID3v1ArtistField.
    • ID3v1CommentField.
    • ID3v1GenreField.
    • ID3v1TitleField.
    • ID3v1TrackNumberField.
    • ID3v1YearField.
  • Rename ID3v2MappingListFrame to ID3v2PeopleListFrame.
  • Use ID3v2Frame as base class for all ID3v2 frame classes.
  • Make ID3v2Frame subclass Tag.
  • Refactor ID3v2 frame parsing.
    • Add _parse_frame_header helper method on ID3v2Frame.
    • Add _parse_frame_data helper method to all ID3v2 frame classes.
    • ID3v2Frame.parse calls into helper methods for appropriate subclass.
  • Revise exceptions.
  • Check for framing bit in Ogg Vorbis comments.
  • Check for invalid characters in Vorbis comment field names.
  • Rename some ID3v2 frame classes:
    • ID3v2GEOBFrame -> ID3v2GeneralEncapsulatedObjectFrame.
    • ID3v2TDATFrame -> ID3v2DateFrame.
    • ID3v2TIMEFrame -> ID3v2TimeFrame.
  • Refactor FLAC.parse.
    • Move metadata block parsing into separate method.
    • Add FormatError exceptions where needed.


  • ID3v2BaseFrame.
  • InvalidBlock.
  • InvalidChunk.
  • InvalidComment.
  • InvalidFormat.
  • InvalidFrame.
  • InvalidHeader.


  • ID3v2BinaryDataFrame not inheriting from ID3v2BaseFrame.
  • Support for ID3v2 frames with more than 2 values.
  • ID3v2 genre frame parsing.

0.8.0 (2020-03-05)



  • Support for ID3v2 involved people list frames.
    • ID3v2InvolvedPerson.
    • ID3v2MappingListFrame.
  • ID3v2Comment.
  • Ogg machinery.
    • Ogg.
    • OggPage.
    • OggPageHeader.
    • OggPageSegments.
  • Ogg Opus load(s) support.
    • OggOpus.
    • OggOpusStreaminfo.
    • OggOpusVorbisComments.
  • AudioMetadataWarning.
  • ID3v2BinaryDataFrame.
  • Support for MCDI ID3v2 frame.
  • Finish support for ID3v2.4 timestamp frames.
    • TDEN.
    • TDOR.
    • TDRC.
    • TDRL.
    • TDTG.
  • Support for TMCL ID3v2.4 frame.
    • ID3v2Performer.
  • Ogg Vorbis load(s) support.
    • OggVorbis.
    • OggVorbisStreamInfo.
    • OggOpusVorbisComments.
  • ID3v2GeneralEncapsulatedObject.
  • ID3v2PrivateInfo.
  • ID3v2UserURLLink.
  • ID3v2UserText.
  • ID3v2Lyrics.
  • ID3v2SynchronizedLyrics.
  • ID3v2UnsynchronizedLyrics.
  • ID3v2LyricsFrame.
  • ID3v2LyricsContentType.
  • ID3v2LyricsTimestampFormat.
  • ID3v2FrameAliases.
  • ID3v2FrameTypes.


  • Make all attrs classes require keyword arguments.
  • Rework ID3v2 comments abstractions.
    • Add ID3v2Comment class to encapsulate each comment.
    • Change ID3v2CommentFrame to have only value attribute that contains a single comment.
    • Change ID3v2Frames to present a list of comments for comment key.
  • Rename formats.vorbis module to formats.vorbis_comments.
  • Load most commonly used unoffical ID3v2 frames.
  • Rename class builder methods to parse.
  • Rework ID3v2 general encapsulated object abstractions.
    • Add ID3v2GeneralEncapsulatedObject class.
    • Change ID3v2GEOBFrame to have only value attribute that contains a single general encapsulated object.
    • Change ID3v2Frames to present a list of general encapsulated objects for GEOB key.
  • Rework ID3v2 private information frame abstractions.
    • Add ID3v2PrivateInfo class.
    • Change ID3v2PrivateFrame to have only value attribute that contains a single private information object.
    • Change ID3v2Frames to present a list of private info objects for PRIV key.
  • Rework ID3v2 user URL link frame abstractions.
    • Add ID3v2UserURLLink class.
    • Change ID3v2UserURLLinkFrame to have only value attribute that contains a single user URL link object.
    • Change ID3v2Frames to present a list of user URL link objects for WXXX key.
  • Rework ID3v2 user text frame abstractions.
    • Add ID3v2UserText class.
    • Change ID3v2UserTextFrame to have only value attribute that contains a single user text object.
    • Change ID3v2Frames to present a list of user text objects for TXXX key.
  • Rework ID3v2 lyrics frames abstractions.
    • Add ID3v2Lyrics, ID3v2SynchronizedLyrics, and ID3v2UnsynchronizedLyrics classes.
    • Change ID3v2SynchronizedLyricsFrame andID3v2UnsynchronizedLyricsFrame to have only value attribute that contains a single lyrics object.
    • Change ID3v2Frames to present a list of lyrics objects for SYLT/USLT keys.
  • Move ID3v2 frame alias map out of ID3v2Frames.
  • Move ID3v2 frame type map out of ID3v2Frame.


  • Move DataReader class and datareader decorator to tbm-utils.


  • Apply CBR bitrate mode check to MP3s with non-LAME Xing headers.
  • Properly determine UTF-16 encodings in ID3v2 frames.

0.7.0 (2020-02-17)



  • ID3 version as attribute on ID3v2Frames.
  • VorbisComment.
  • InvalidComment exception.


  • Set FIELD_MAP on instance rather than class in ID3v2Frames.load.
  • Convert LAMEHeader.unwise_settings_used to boolean.
  • Handle ID3 frames not valid for ID3 header version. Ignore them and emit a warning to the user.
  • Move models module to top level.
  • vorbis.VorbisPicture -> flac.FLACPicture.


  • RIFFTags field values are now lists.
  • Regression with MP3StreamInfo.find_mpeg_frames caching.

0.6.0 (2019-10-18)



  • InvalidChunk exception.
  • Support for VBRI headers in MP3.
  • LAMEEncodingFlags.
  • ID3v2Flags.
  • ABR presets to LAMEPreset enum.
  • InvalidBlock exception.


  • Refactor high-level API functions and DataReader to handle various inputs better, especially file-like objects.
  • Support 0-duration FLAC files.
  • Raise proper exception if WAV stream info not found.
  • Make LAMEReplayGain contain both track and album gains.
    • Attributes are now: peak, track_type, track_origin, track_adjustment, album_type, album_origin, album_adjustment
    • LAMEHeader attributes from album_gain, track_gain to replay_gain.
  • Use MusicBrainz Picard tag mappings.
  • RIFFTags loading. It now expects INFO at start and raises an exception if not.
  • Use find_mp3_frames for all possible MP3 inputs in determine_format. This prevents some misidentification, specifically in the case of little-endian BOM of UTF-16-encoded text.
  • Rename XingTOC to XingToC.
  • Improve load(s) performance: * Use functools.lru_cache to remove penalty of calling MP3Streaminfo.find_mpeg_frames once when determining format of MP3s and again when loading the MP3. * Use bitstruct C extension when available.


  • extension parameter from determine_format. The purpose it served is no longer necessary.


  • APEv2/ID3v1 searching for MP3 causing load failures in some cases.

0.5.0 (2019-07-22)



  • bit_depth to WAVStreamInfo.
  • Support for RIFF tags to WAV.


  • Expose full ID2v2 object in MP3 instead of just the header.
  • Use ID3v1.1 format instead of ID3v1.0.
  • determine_format extension check:
    • Force lowercase comparison.
    • Don't require period.
  • Rename VorbisComment to VorbisComments.
  • Improve MP3 frame detection.


  • Actually check if a bytes-like object was given to loads.

0.4.0 (2019-01-31)



  • Validation for ID3v2NumberFrame and ID3v2NumericTextFrame.
  • ID3Version enum.


  • Use different field maps for different ID3v2 versions.

0.3.4 (2019-01-27)



  • TDAT and TIME frame validation to support multiple values.

0.3.3 (2019-01-26)



  • Missing encoding argument to decode_bytestring call.

0.3.2 (2019-01-26)



  • Support for multiple values in ID3v2.4 text information frames.
  • Support for TDRC and TDRL frames.

0.3.1 (2019-01-16)



  • Move Tags subclass __init__ methods to Tags class. This should have been the case from the beginning; I just didn't notice. This should have no effect to users except that Tags can now be initialized like a dict itself.

0.3.0 (2019-01-15)



  • ID3v1 support. ID3v1 is loaded from MP3s if, and only if, no ID3v2 header is found.
  • items property to ListMixin.


  • High memory usage spikes when loading some ID3 tags.

0.2.0 (2018-11-13)



  • Add support for loading ID3v2.2 tags.


  • Refactor determine_format.


  • Loading MP3 files with less than 4 MPEG frames now works so long as there is a XING header.
  • Various bugs with loading WAV files.

0.1.0 (2018-10-19)


  • Initial release.