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TRON Core Devs Meeting 02 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Mon, Feb 17, 2020 07:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 1 hour


java-tron latest updates

The lightweight blockchain

  • The impact of blockchain data expansion.
  • The solutions comparison of blockchain data expansion.
  • TRON data business scenarios and data storage scheme.
  • TRON Lite FullNode product positioning and usage scenarios.
  • TRON Lite FullNode feasibility study.
  • TRON Lite FullNode implementation. TIP 128
  • Can TRON FullNode get reward?

The lightweight blockchain

  • Michael

    • Recently, some developers have reported that synchronizesTron public chain data from scratch is very slow.
    • At present, the whole data volume of the chain is more than 300G.
    • It will take at least one month or more to fully complete synchronization. It makes them impatient.
    • Although, we provide a service for downloading the whole data of the public chain.
    • If you download the data directly from the Tron Foundation official website,
    • the amount of data used in the decompression process will be twice in the procedure.
    • And it can not be ensured that the data source is trustable.
    • Many users may care about this point.
    • So I think this is an urgent problem to be solved.
  • Bruce

    • why the current full node data synchronizes so slow?
    • As a contrast, tronscan can take less than a week to synchronize all the data from full node to local DB.
  • Michael

    • There are two main cost-time procedures.
    • One is data transferring from one node to another and the other is executing the transactions in the block.
    • As far as I am concerned, Tronscan application does not execute the transactions but read the state data directly,
    • which means that it has the whole data of state stored in a k-v store,
    • and then it converts these data to their relationship database.
    • do you understand?
  • Bruce

    • yes.
  • Michael

    • Ok. I will continue.
    • Syncing Tron node is a painful point for many people.
    • Of course, this is not just a problem encountered by Tron, it is also true of Bitcoin and Ethereum.
    • The normal home computer may cost too much to run a full node.
    • As far as I know, it is absolutely impossible to use the mechanical hard disk for running the full node of Ethereum.
    • And I think that the amount of data expansion will slow down the speed of the querying and updating the data.
    • Ethereum currently has more than 3 terabytes of data, and the daily data increase is around 5G.
    • next, I want to share some implement of Ethereum for you.
    • There are basically three types of Ethereum nodes. full node, light node, archive node.
    • And there are two modes of starting an Ethereum full node,full mode、fast mode.
    • Both the full mode and fast mode must get all the block header and block body data.
    • The main difference is that the former need to execute every transaction for changing the state,
    • but the latter does not execute the transaction.
    • It will request the whole state tree after downloading all the block data.
    • It will save the newest state but not the historical vision of the state.
    • When the new block is coming, he will update the state and save them.
    • The light mode is designed just for implementing the SPV protocol.
    • So it can be used by some mobile phone/pad,
    • it just downloads the headers of blocks and checks whether the transaction is packed in the block.
    • So it is usually used with the full mode node.
    • It must send the request to the full node to fetch the Merkle path of some transactions.
    • Fast mode is the default way of starting one Ethereum full node after the Geth 1.7 version.
  • Bruce

    • what are light node and full node usage scenarios? what about the Ethereum Archive Nodes?
  • Michael

    • full node is mainly used to store the full blockchain data available on disk
    • and can serve the network with any data on request.
    • And it receives new transactions and blocks while participating in block validation.
    • it will verify all blocks and state. Also, it stores recent state only for more efficient initial synchronization.
    • All states can be derived from a full node.
    • ok, A block miner can deploy the and maybe some independent organization
    • like the wallet, block explorer can deploy the full node.
    • An archive node is similar to the full node. But it must store everything kept in the full node.
    • and also. Archive nodes are only necessary if you want to check the state of an account at any given block height.
    • For example, if you wanted to know the Ether balance an account had at block height #5,000,000,
    • you would need to run and query an archive node.
  • Xing

    • As you mentioned before about the light node, the SPV of BTC is kind of an ETH light node?
  • Michael

    • yeah, a light node just sync the block header from other nodes and it will know the transaction root of every block.
    • And when a transaction needs to be verified whether on the chain or not,
    • the light node will request the Merkle path of this transaction from the full node.
    • It can re-calculate the transaction root using the Merkle path and this transaction hash,
    • and then compared the new transaction root with the old one which is got from the block header.
    • It is confirmed that this transaction is on the blockchain if these two hash is equality.
  • Xing

    • AWS provide fast data copy function, just copy volume and then start new full node?
  • Michael

    • yes, yeah, you are right.
    • Aws provide an effective service for the database mirror.
    • Some of our full nodes can back up their data in a few seconds relying on this service.
    • But the most important thing is whether the users can rely on the untrustable data.
    • If they don't think this is an important problem, so he can copy from the AWS backup data.
  • Tim

    • Hi Michael, I have a question for you.
    • May I know the query speed of fast mode? Will it be faster than full mode?
  • Michael

    • no, the fast mode is a default way of sync block used by Geth. The data is the same as the full mode.
    • But the fast mode will not execute the transactions until the recent 64 blocks received.
  • Tim

    • Are there any specific nodes for fast mode download?
  • Michael

    • fast mode does not know whether the node he synced from is a full mode or a fast mode.
  • Ray

    • hello everyone, since we know bitcoin and ethereum has done some works to solve these problems,
    • I have an idea and wrote it in TIP128, I 'd like to state again:
    • we can provide a tool that can split a snapshot dataset and a history dataset from a fullnode.
    • The snapshot dataset is used for the fast startup of FullNode,
    • and the history dataset is used to complete historical data later.
    • At present, a full node needs all database data for startup
    • except the "block", "block-index", "trans", "transactionRetStore", "transactionHistoryStore" database.
    • So the snapshot dataset needs to contain all databases except these 5 databases,
    • and the history dataset is composed of the above 5 databases.
    • At the same time, in order to ensure the transaction verification function of lite full node, the initialization logic of transactionCache needs to be reconstructed.
  • Xing

    • why the transactionCache are needed to be contructed?
  • Ray

    • TransactionCache is mainly used for transaction deduplication.
    • Now, transactionCache is initialized with transaction data in blocks.
    • After the split, the snapshot dataset does not contain the block data.
    • Therefore, transactionCache needs to be reconstructed to ensure that
    • transaction deduplication function on the lite fullnode based on snapshot can works well.
  • Xing

    • Will the data in the RAM get lost?
  • Ray

    • no, java-tron will put the memory data onto disk at a definite rule,
    • data may be lost and inconsistent if fullnode stopped accidentally,
    • so java-tron introduced a checkpoint mechanism to solve this problem.
    • checkpoint will store the memory data into another place, when the process stopped unexpected,
    • we can replay the checkpoint to get the lost data.
  • Xing

    • how long a checkpoint is being recorded?? and when do you start a checkpoint?
  • Ray

    • There are two situations,
    • If the latest block number of a full node is more than 20 behind the latest block number of the main network,
    • the checkpoint will be created after every 256 blocks are synchronized.
    • Otherwise, the checkpoint will be created every time when the solidified block is updated.
  • Michael

    • Ok, I have a question.
    • As you said above, We can split the data into two parts.
    • where does the initial data come from?
  • Matt

    • This is a good question. The node must have been synchronized to the latest block.
    • Based on this, it is possible to use the feature of lite fullnode.
  • Tim

    • It seems that the light node is a solution for blockchain data expansion.
    • May I know the light node of Tron will suspend during copy?
  • Ray

    • yes, we should stop the full node process because now java-Tron only support leveldb and rocksdb,
    • and these two db do not support more than one process access at the same time.
    • even the level and rocksdb do not have this limitation,
    • splitting a running full node may lead to unexpected results,so we should better stop the lite fullnode.
  • Tim

    • Any solution for this kind of issue?
  • Ray

    • we can provide a new feature that the lite fullnode can synchronize the historical data from mainnet directly.
  • Taihao

    • Is the implementation of TIP 128 for the node quick start?
  • Oliver

    • The first thing I want to declare is that after synchronization,
    • the light node will eventually become a fullnode with full data.
    • That is, the amount of data will eventually increase to the same amount as fullnode.
    • you know, in a SPV note, there is only block headers data in there.
  • Bruce

    • As tron litefull node will grow into a fullnode, so eventually they will have the same amount of data,
    • so when a litenode starts, it needs not only to sync the lates blocks SR produces,
    • but also to sync the history blocks, how does it do it at the same time?
  • Oliver

    • I think there is two important points here.
    • On the one hand we need a minimum data set to reach a runnable state.
    • Since our initial idea was to make a node with the fastest startup,
    • so naturally we need this data which can reach the runnable state to be as small as possible,
    • we need to get rid of redundant data, we must to find out which data is indispensable,
    • which means we need this data to verify transactions or blocks.
    • This is one important work we need to do.
    • On the other hand , we need a Light node that can synchronize historical data while working normally.
    • which means the Light node can verify transactions and blocks while synchronizing data.
    • Obviously there will be two thread pools to do these two different things which cannot interfere with each other.
    • This is another important work for us.
  • Bruce

    • Because the light node's data is not complete especially at the very beginning, will light node provide http service?
    • for the APIs that depends on historical data, how do you do with that apis? delete them or?
  • Oliver

    • We know some APIs need historical data to return the value.
    • Actually these APIs are unavailable when the data is not synchronized.
    • But we will add some extra information to the return value of these APIs
    • or to identify the current state of this node.
    • Which can remind the client that this is a node that has not been completely synchronized.
    • In this way, the client can choose to call other nodes.
  • Bruce

    • In the future, if more and more people choose to deploy lite node
    • which means the amount of full node running on the chain will decrease,
    • so in order to encourage people to deploy full node, should full node be rewarded?
    • Personally, I oppose that. hard to manage,
    • for the vote reward you can limit it to the Top 127, but how can you apply it to full node reward?
    • if every full node can get a reward, it may be out of control.
  • Michael

    • I think it's also a very important proposal to implement the full node incentive mechanism.
    • There is an idea from me that we can ask the user who deploys the full node to submit the proof of running online.
  • Taihao

    • Don’t have to build an incentive layer for a full node in order to deal with the problem for “lite node".
    • It’s depending on our user's business.
    • For exchanges, they will choose full node for assets safety concern
    • which means they will settle their full node even without our incentive.
    • For common users, they might just need a lite node.
  • Tim

    • Can lite node run in mobile devices, like the iPhone or Andriod?
  • Michael

    • No. The lite node does not need to sync from the scratch.
    • But you must have the whole you can download it from our official website.
    • And we provide a tool to split the database into a snapshot dataset and a historical dataset.
    • If you have the snapshot you can run the full node and it will decrease the occupation of the hard disk.
  • Matthew

    • So Michael I have one question for you.
    • Do you mean that the lite node just needs some sort of dummy block in order to start the implementation?
  • Michael

    • The full-node can run with the snapshot data. And it does not need to store the history data for his running.
  • Matthew

    • Ok, thank you!
  • Michael

    • I want to ask a question. When this feature will be released? Did the coding is beginning?
  • Ray

    • Maybe in March, we will start developing after this meeting.
  • Bruce

    • that's pretty much all we need to talk today.

    • todays meeting content will be noted and published on github.

    • OK, does anyone have a question? OK, Our The meeting ends here. Have a good day. See you guys.


  • Bruce
  • Taihao
  • Oliver
  • Tim
  • Bill
  • Michael
  • CryptoChain
  • Mono
  • Sakary
  • Matt
  • Xing
  • Ray
  • Matthew