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TRON Core Devs Meeting 05 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Mon, Apr 13, 2020 09:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 1 hour


  • java-tron latest updates

  • SPV Proof Support

  • The application of Merkel tree in SPV

  • How SPV verifies transactions on the chain

  • The application of SPV

java-tron latest updates

  • Sakary

    • it's from the lite FullNode, for now basically the coding part has been done.
    • We are doing testing and fixing bugs.

SPV Proof Support

  • Bill

    • In this section, I will talk about tip 106 and ticp 1 since those two are highly relevant.
    • In tip 106, mostly talk about vector commitment, a innovative data structure help to get Merkle path and so on.
    • In ticp1 , mostly talk about how to provide a new way to support SPV transaction correctness and security.
    • Our assumption for SPV is that the block head synching from full node is correct,
    • all the root hash value inside block header is also correct,
    • which prove that all the transactions inside block is correct.
    • However, if there is some possible wrong block head which can be synchronized from un-solidity block can make false SPV, - which is big mistake, which cause huge problems.
    • In order to get ride of this case, we deliver tip1,
    • which ensures the correctness of block header by implementing threshold signature and recording SR list in BPFT message. - The following is from ticp1:
    • In DPOS consensus every slot is assigned to the only legal SR,
    • So within one schedule if verifiers know the legal SR list they can verify every block header easily.
    • Since verifiers don't process most transaction including vote transaction.
    • they have no way to know the voting result.
    • In other words they are unable to know the next legal SR list.
    • The focus of this problem is how to handle the maintenance period correctly.
    • Based on the above reasons we can solve this problem by recording SR list in one type of BPFT messages
    • which are sent by the previous legal SR list we trust.
    • seem like a little bit confused, right?
    • I will give a further expansion about how it work.
    • Firstly, our new version of code will put legal list into block header,
    • those legal lists are from previous schedule period, which were signed by last schedule period SRs.
    • Second, verifiers use those list to verify block based on some PBFT theory like if there are 2/3 legal SRs with correct signature,
    • then this block is valid since it was approved by 2/3 SRs.
  • Bruce

    • how you define trust SR?
  • Bill

    • Every maintain period, a new SR list will be selected by stake holders, the data of those SR list will be signed by precious SR. Once collect 2/3 SR signatures, then this SR list can be trustable.
  • Bruce

    • How do this method ensure the correctness of block header?
  • Bill

    • Majority consensus.
    • Every block will be signed by SRs, once verifier collect 2/3 SR signatures for this block,
    • then I would like to say the block header is absolutely correct and can be solidity status.
  • Michael

    • since all the current SR list is from previous schedule period, how do you handle second first schedule period?
    • since there is no any previous schedule SR at this time?
  • Bill

    • That is a good question.
    • When we try to design this, we come up with different type of solutions.
    • The most reasonable one is that we can initiation for this first schedule period,
    • those data can be read from configuration file or directly from code.
    • Then next schedule period, stake holder will selected new SR and then we will recompute the SR list based on our algorithm.
  • Tim

    • The TIP1 talk about how to handle the maintenance period correctly?
    • what does this mean?
    • how you guy are plan to do in maintenance period?
    • like the DPOS most do calculate vote stuff?
  • Bill

    • well, yeah.
    • DPOS do calculate votes and sort SR by the number of votes they get.
    • This is absolutely right.
    • However, in order to get correct SRs list,
    • we need to calculated next SR schedule slot, finish signature stuff,
    • convert SR lists into a Bytes in a good encode algorithm.
    • This is what we are trying to do in maintenance period.
    • Based on this questions,
    • I will share a screen with guys to see the data structure and give further details about how it works.
    • So, as you can see from the screen.
    • There are different type signatures we can use for this tips, yep.
    • we are trying to implement threshold signature since it can reduce total signature size.
    • The new data struct also includes the next SR list and a threshold signature signed by more than 2/3 SRs.
    • This new data struct will record in the block headers of the next schedule's SRs.
    • Verifiers can check this data to determine the new SR list is legal or not.
  • Aliya

    • from what we can see from screen you share, you said it before,
    • a SR lists should be supposed to be a array or list?
    • But why there is a Bytes?
    • Can you explain a little bit why you use Bytes?
    • And How you use this Bytes to located SRs, or the get index of different SR?
  • Bill

    • well, the reason why we use Bytes is that save memory and also hidden SR identity.
    • Once verifier receive those SR list, they will decode it,
    • currently we just implement string bit, which means just convert a list into a string bit.
    • There are lots of library can do it.
  • Ethan

    • what if the sr_signature was signed by less then 2/3 SRs?
    • Is it a still invalid signature?
  • Bill

    • that is a good question.
    • I am not sure currently how to handle it.
    • From my side, I think the sr_signature should also be a list or array,
    • so that we check the array, if there is more than 2/3 same signature, then those signature should be valid.
    • Other possible solution is that return null or empty if there are less than 2/3 signed ,
    • otherwise return correct signature.
  • Bruce

    • I think the second solution would be a better choice since it save memory, not need store a list or array.
  • Bill

    • Yep, that is smart.
    • This remind me the new feature of probuf3, which will give remove the filed if there is no data or null.
  • Ethan

    • what kind of information are stored in currentSrList and nextSrList?
    • just SR identity?
    • or something else?
    • how do you use those it?
    • can you give a example?
  • Bill

    • just SRs address.
    • Like we have two SRs a and b with address 0x1 and 0x2, so the nextSrlist would be a string like "0x10x2" or something after encode.
  • Ethan

    • As you mention before, Verifiers would check this data to determine the new SR list is legal or not?
    • How?
    • like use sr_signature?
    • what is the relationship between sr_signature and nextSrlist?
  • Bill

    • well, we just use sr_signature to valid nextSrlist.
    • the currently sr_signature would be generated by previous SRs list with more than 2/3 SRs signed,
    • so well design signature algorithm, we can use it to verify the nextSrList,
    • like we can hash SRs address into two bit since there are total 27 Srs,
    • two bit is enough and then we can do something like use this sr_signature hash with each SRs address in nextSrlis with a good hash algorithm,
    • if the final hash value is zero, then it is valid Srlist.
  • Dorian

    • How Sr and verifiers talk to each other?
    • Is there any different protocol for them?
  • Bill

    • well, basically just TCP is enough.
    • since we will implement PBFT for mix consensus algorithm,
    • so I would like to say we may use two-phase protocol to do BPFT since this protocol was also implement in PBFT paper. - we just do a little change for the BPFT message, normally it include sequence number, replica id.
    • like add Sr list.
    • if you want to more detail about it, just check the PBFT paper, which give me more useful information.
    • I do not enough time to cover this topic in today meeting.

The application of Merkel tree in SPV

  • Matthew

    • I will give an introduce about The application of Merkle tree in SPV.
    • Basically, Merkle tree, named after Ralph C. Merkle who is a famous cryptographers,
    • is like a hash tree, which uses hash function to connect with each node.
    • The value of leaf node in Merkle tree is a data block hash,
    • while hash value of non-leaf node is a mixture of several other nodes' hash values.
    • It's like we can hash two leaves hash value into a non-leave hash,
    • which is the root of those two. Sounds a little bit complicated,
    • I will cover more details as long as anyone of you would like to ask related questions.
  • Aliya

    • any special for Merkle tree
  • Matthew

    • First of all, it is a tree.
    • Like the majority of trees, it has some common features like similar node structure,
    • as well as log n for search time, log n for tree height, balance or recursive traverse and etc.
    • Secondly, only the value of leaf nodes in Merkle tree can be data block hash value.
    • That is to say, non-leaf nodes cannot (be data block hash value) since those hash value came from different hashes of its leaf nodes.
    • Thirdly, it saves memory.
    • It doesn't need to store everything in the block.
    • We just need a root hash and then we can verify all data along it (the block hash value).
    • Lastly, like most trees, Binary Search Tree for example,
    • we do the traverse starting from the root, all the way to the leaf nodes.
    • But we do that in the opposite way in the Merkle tree.
    • Why? Think about the feature of hash value, it cannot be reverted.
    • In other words, we cannot get the original data from a hash value,
    • which is to say, we cannot start from root since root hash is getting from its subsidiary nodes hash values.
    • So, the traverse should start from leave all the way to root.
  • Michael

    • So, there are so many advantages for Merkle tree,
    • can you explain why Merkle tree is good to use in SPV in blockchain comparing to other trees or other data struct
  • Matthew

    • That is a good question.
    • Firstly, let's talk a little bit about SPV - Simple Payment Verification,
    • which is a kind of payment verification method in blockchain payment system.
    • It is convenient, fast, and memory efficient.
    • It doesn't require to download the whole blockchain data.
    • It just keep block head, so it's said to be a light weight data structure.
    • Inside the block head, we just need to store root hash value of all the transactions inside this block,
    • since Merkle tree provides the following two features:
    • 1.highly efficient: To validate transactions, just compare the root hash of those transactions,
    • see if they are equal or not.
    • 2.highly secure: If transaction C changes, then it will lead to hash value change of N2, N5 and root.
    • So, it is impossible to create a fake transaction within SPV.
    • In addition, fast troubleshot can be done by comparing the different hash value of the nodes.
    • Like the above example, From root → N5 → N2 hash value will change, and then we could locate the change of transaction C.
  • Bruce

    • Can you describe implementation of Merkle tree?
  • Matthew

    • The initial goal of Merkle Tree is to handle Lamport one-time signature efficiently.
    • Since every Lamport key can only be used for signing one message,
    • but with the help of Merkle tree, signing one single Merkle tree would be equivalent to signing multiple transactions along the tree in one-time.
    • That makes Merkle signature scheme to be said as an efficient digital signature framework.
    • In P2P network, Merkle Tree is used to check whether the data block receiving from other nodes is damage,
    • got replaced or not, and even ensure that other nodes cannot be fraud or publishing a fate block.
    • And as we may have mentioned before, most SPV implementation would store the header hash inside the Merkle tree.
    • We may see if there there are any data changes inside the leaf node,
    • it will recursively affect its parent node hash, and finally the root hash as well.

How SPV verifies transactions on the chain

  • Ethan

    • could you tell me the different between SPV and normal transactions verify?
  • Sakary

    • Firstly you should know that normal transaction validation is complicated,
    • as it includes multiple checking, such as the account balance and double-spent problem.
    • Usually, these jobs are assigned to the nodes who store the entire blockchain data.
    • Comparing to this, SPV is easy, as it doesn't have to know about anyone's account information.
    • The only thing it cares is: checking whether a specific transaction truly exists.
    • As you all know, a confirmed transaction is always in the longest chain,
    • which means it has been approved by the majority of blockchain nodes,
    • namely it exists in the longest chain or not since DPOS consensus approve the transaction by majority consensus,
    • if there is a fork, the longest chain is also kind of majority consensus.
    • That is to say, only a block header is needed for verifying payments by comparing the root hash of the blockhead with predict root hash.
  • Ethan

    • why use SPV?
  • Sakary

    • Basically, for convenience.
    • In Bitcoin world, general users do not have mining machine,
    • and they do not have enough resource to run a full node.
    • For now, you need 200GB hard drive space to store the entire blockchain data and a solid state drive is preferred.
    • For most users, what they need, is only selling and buying.
    • Since they don't care about the verification process, a mining machine seems a bit redundant.
    • SPV appears to solve this problem.
    • SPV is lightweight, as it stores only block headers, a few MBs space is required.
    • From the block headers, we are able to know whether the transaction appears in a block,
    • which can prove whether it has been verified.
  • Ethan

    • Can you introduce the process of SPV?
  • Sakary

      1. Computing the transaction hash.
      1. From a full node, getting the corresponding Merkle proof.
      1. Base on Merkle path, doing Markle proof and finally get Merkle root.
      1. Comparing local Merkle root with the calculated one.
      1. Judging if the transaction is legal from whether the result is equivalent to the local Merkle Root.
  • Bruce

    • how to get a correct block associated with the transaction which needs to be verified?
    • if just given a transaction hash?
  • Sakary

    • We have database to store these information.
    • So simply query the database, you are able to get the block you want.
  • Bruce

    • so just query from database, there must be like a table or something to record those information? right?
  • Sakary

    • Exactly.
    • we have a table storing transaction id and block height.
    • And also, we will do indexing for transaction id because there are too many requests to getting block height.
  • Bruce

    • How to verify a transaction that does not solidify?
  • Sakary

    • Firstly you can grab the Merkle path and the block height from a FullNode, by using the transaction id.
    • Secondly, when you get the Merkle path and block height, you are able to find that block header, and of course the Merkle Root.
    • Then, you can generate a new Merkle Root by the transaction id and Merkle path,
    • and check if the new root is equivalent to the old one.
    • if they are consistent, means the transaction is in the blockchain.
    • You may also check if a transaction is solidified,
    • if it has received a number of SR commits which is more than 2/3 of the SR number.
  • Bruce

    • How to get Merkle Proof
  • Sakary

    • Merkle proof is the Merkle path and block height obtained from the full node.
    • The Merkle path first obtains the block information through the transaction id.
    • Then the block contains transaction list, and the transaction Merkle root in the block header is generated through the transaction list.
    • Finally, by looking for the position of the transaction in the Merkel tree,
    • the nodes that generate the Merkle root are continuously obtained from the bottom up.
    • The list of these nodes is the Merkle path.
  • Bruce

    • How to verify Merkle proof?
  • Sakary

    • Firstly, get the Merkle path and block height from a full node.
    • Secondly, regenerate the Merkle root of the transaction by using the Merkle path and the transaction id.
    • Obtain the corresponding block header again through the block height,
    • and compare whether the Merkle Root you regenerate and the original one are consistent.
    • If so, the verification is successful.
  • Aliya

    • pro and cons of SPV?
  • Sakary

    • pros: Saving storage.
    • For now, the block generating speed is 6 per hour and each block header is a fixed sized as 80 bytes.
    • Do a simple calculation, you may find even your mobile phone is able to carry these data.
    • cons: an attacker can create a total identical transaction like the same input and output in the P2P network.

The application of SPV

  • Benson

    • As Matthew mentioned before,
    • SPV is the short name of "Simplified Payment Verification".
    • Satoshi Nakamoto already introduced this conception in his paper,
    • he mentioned that payment can be verified without running a full node,
    • what only need to do is saving the block headers.
    • About how to implement a light wallet,
    • that depends on your purpose, if your purpose is transaction verification on the chain,
    • integrate the SPV only is enough.
    • besides SPV, if you still need to query account balances and establish new transactions,
    • then all the transactions related to the user must be saved,
    • we can get the user's balance and other information from all these transactions.
    • Currently, cross-chain is the hottest direction of the blockchain,
    • and cross-chain can be implemented through centralized methods or decentralized methods.
    • as we know, the centralized way is much easier to implement compares to decentralized way,
    • however, the blockchain advocates decentralization,
    • base on this, TRON choose to use the decentralized way to implement the cross-chain,
    • and SPV played a very important role in this decentralized implementation.
  • Michael

    • what kind of role does SPV play in this cross-chain technology?
  • Benson

    • SPV is used to ensure the security of cross-chain technology,
    • basically, with SPV, we can easily verify the transactions,
    • make sure they are confirmed and valid on the other chain before we use it in our chain.
  • Bruce

    • Can you introduce the mainstream technology which used in cross-chain?
  • Benson

    • So far, we have 4 different cross-chain solutions,
    • Notary schemes
    • Sidechains/relays
    • Hash-locking
    • Distributed private key control
    • we will not go to all these solution details here, please check more info from the internet if you are interest.
  • Aliya

    • Is there any cross-chain project is based on SPV technology?
  • Benson

    • Cosmos and Polkadot are the hottest cross-chain projects, they are all based on SPV,
    • the common part of those two projects was that every chain will store the blockhead of the other chain,
    • and they use SPV tech to verify whether the transaction was confirmed on the other chain. generally speaking,
    • In cross-chain technology, most interactions between different chains are using SPV.
    • The benefits of this design are obvious.
    • a normal transaction verification requires a large amount of data storage,
    • considering that a chain needs to interact with several different chains at the same time,
    • it is not practical to store all accounts datas. however,
    • verifying a transaction through SPV only needs to store the block header,
    • payment verification can be quickly performed.
  • Bruce

    • In cross-chain technology, the most important problem is security.
    • How does SPV solve the problem of mutual trust between two different blockchains in cross-chain?
  • Benson

    • First of all, it is very difficult to falsify transactions which already passed SPV certification.
    • Because the data is stored in the Merkle tree,
    • with this tree structure, every non-leaf node is generated based on the hash value of its two child nodes,
    • means any change inside the tree will lead to root node change,
    • it is very easy to prove that the data is hacked if you only change the content of one node,Mathew already introduced this part previously.
    • it is also very difficult to fake a non-existent transaction,
    • any change inside the block will lead to block header change and blocks are connected one after one.
    • based on these facts, we can see that the transaction passed SPV verification is credible.
  • Bruce

    • Thank you.
    • that's pretty much all we need to talk about today.
    • OK, Is there anyone who wants to add something?
    • Any other questions before I move on?
    • OK, Our The meeting ends here.
    • Have a good day.
    • See you guys.


  • Bruce
  • Bill
  • Matthew
  • Tim
  • Michael
  • Aliya
  • CryptoChain
  • Sakary
  • CryptoGuyinZA
  • Ethan
  • Benson
  • Dorian
  • ff