initialize() { // model type initializeSLiMModelType("nonWF"); // config initializeRecombinationRate(1e-09, 1000000); initializeMutationRate(1e-08); initializeTreeSeq(simplificationInterval=NULL); // MutationType init initializeMutationType('m2', 0.1, 'g', -3.0, 1.5); initializeMutationType('m3', 0.8, 'e', 0.04); c(m2, m3).haploidDominanceCoeff = 1.0; c(m2, m3).convertToSubstitution = T; // ElementType init initializeGenomicElementType('g1', c(m2,m3), c(8,0.1)); initializeGenomicElementType('g2', m2, 1); // Chromosome (GenomicElement init) initializeGenomicElement(g1, 200001, 400000); initializeGenomicElement(g2, 400001, 600000); initializeGenomicElement(g1, 600001, 800000); // constants (Population sizes and others) defineConstant('SPO_POP_SIZE', 500); defineConstant('GAM_POP_SIZE', 1000); defineConstant('SPO_MUTATION_RATE', 5e-09); defineConstant('GAM_MUTATION_RATE', 5e-09); defineConstant('SPO_CLONE_RATE', 0.0); defineConstant('SPO_CLONES_PER', 1); defineConstant('SPO_SELF_RATE', 0.0); defineConstant('SPO_SELF_RATE_PER_EGG', 0.1); defineConstant('SPO_SPORES_PER', 100); defineConstant('SPO_RANDOM_DEATH_CHANCE', 0); defineConstant('GAM_RANDOM_DEATH_CHANCE', 0); defineConstant('SPO_MATERNAL_EFFECT', 0); defineConstant('GAM_ARCHEGONIA_PER', 1); defineConstant('GAM_CEILING', 10000); defineConstant('GAM_FEMALE_TO_MALE_RATIO', 0.6666666666666666); defineConstant('GAM_SELF_RATE', 0.0); defineConstant('GAM_SELF_RATE_PER_EGG', 0.1); defineConstant('GAM_MATERNAL_EFFECT', 0); defineConstant('GAM_CLONE_RATE', 0.0); defineConstant('GAM_CLONES_PER', 1); // globals (metadata dictionary) defineGlobal('METADATA', Dictionary('file_in', 'None', 'file_out', 'recap_ex.trees', 'mutation_rate', '1e-08', 'recomb_rate', '1e-09', 'spo_pop_size', '500', 'gam_pop_size', '1000', 'spo_mutation_rate', '5e-09', 'gam_mutation_rate', '5e-09', 'spo_clone_rate', '0.0', 'spo_clones_per', '1', 'spo_self_rate', '0.0', 'spo_self_rate_per_egg', '0.1', 'spo_spores_per', '100', 'spo_random_death_chance', '0', 'gam_random_death_chance', '0', 'spo_maternal_effect', '0', 'gam_archegonia_per', '1', 'gam_ceiling', '10000', 'gam_female_to_male_ratio', '0.6666666666666666', 'gam_self_rate', '0.0', 'gam_self_rate_per_egg', '0.1', 'gam_maternal_effect', '0', 'gam_clone_rate', '0.0', 'gam_clones_per', '1', 'model_source', 'shadie', 'lineage', 'Pteridophyte', 'mode', 'homosporous', 'gens_per_lifecycle', '2', 'full_lifecycles', '100', 'slim_gens', '201')); // extra scripts (Optional) } // shadie DEFINITIONS // model: homosporous pteridophyte // p0 = haploid population // p1 = diploid population // 1 = gametophyte (1N) tag // 2 = gametophyte clones (1N) tag // 3 = sporophyte (2N) tag // 4 = sporophyte clones (2N) tag; // L0: Female = True, Male = False; // executes before offspring are generated // define subpops: p1=diploid sporophytes, p0=haploid gametophytes 1 first() { sim.addSubpop('p1', SPO_POP_SIZE); sim.addSubpop('p0', 0); p1.individuals.tag = 3; p1.individuals.setValue('maternal_fitness', 1.0); p1.individuals.tagL0 = (runif(p1.individualCount) < GAM_FEMALE_TO_MALE_RATIO); } // executes before offspring are generated // alternation of generations first() { // alternate generations if (sim.cycle % 2 == 1) { // reproduction(p0) will create SPOROPHYTES in p1. // set reproduction function to be used this generation = 1; = 0; // set mutation rate that will apply to the offspring sim.chromosome.setMutationRate(GAM_MUTATION_RATE); } else { //(sim.cycle % 2 == 0) // reproduction(p1) will produce GAMETOPHYTES into p0. // set reproduction function to be used this generation = 0; //GAM = 1; //SPO // set mutation rate that will apply to the offspring sim.chromosome.setMutationRate(SPO_MUTATION_RATE); } } // generates offspring // generates gametes from sporophytes s0 reproduction(p0 ) { // clonal individual get added to the p0 pool for next round. // NOTE: this doesn't allow clones to reproduce this round. if (runif(1) < GAM_CLONE_RATE) { for (i in seqLen(GAM_CLONES_PER)) { child = p0.addRecombinant(individual.genome1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, parent1 = individual); //only 1 parent recorded child.tag = 2; //marked as clone child.tagL0 = individual.tagL0; //inherits parent sex //gametophyte maternal effect not applicable for clones = neutral if (GAM_MATERNAL_EFFECT > 0) child.setValue("maternal_fitness", subpop.cachedFitness(individual.index)); } } // iterate over each egg to find a mate (self, sib, or outcross) // NOTE: each gametophyte gives rise to antheridia that produce thousands of // clonal sperm. Because of this, sperm is not removed from the mating pool when used. //Reproduction scripts run only on hermaphroditic gametophytes //Females: L0 = T if (individual.tagL0) { // get all males that could fertilize an egg of this hermaphrodite //In homosporous ferns, most gametophytes are hermaphroditic or male, //so "males" includes all the hermaphrodites as well as male gametophytes males = p0.individuals; // if selfing is possible then get all sibling males if (SPO_SELF_RATE_PER_EGG > 0) //shared parent count for sibs is > 0 (1 or 2) siblings = males[individual.sharedParentCount(males)!=0]; // iterate over each reproductive opportunity (archegonia) in this hermaphrodite. for (rep in seqLen(GAM_ARCHEGONIA_PER)) { // weighted sampling: each egg gets gam-selfed, spo-selfed, or outcrossed. // Note: shadie enforces that GAM_SELF_RATE + SPO_SELF_RATE !> 1 mode = sample( x=c(1, 2, 3), size=1, weights=c(GAM_SELF_RATE_PER_EGG, SPO_SELF_RATE_PER_EGG, 1 - (GAM_SELF_RATE_PER_EGG + SPO_SELF_RATE_PER_EGG)) ); // intra-gametophytic selfed if (mode == 1) { child = p1.addRecombinant(individual.genome1, NULL, NULL, individual.genome1, NULL, NULL, parent1 = individual, parent2 = individual); child.tag = 3; //sporophyte tag //gametophyte maternal effect on new sporophyte if (GAM_MATERNAL_EFFECT > 0) child.setValue("maternal_fitness", subpop.cachedFitness(individual.index)); } // inter-gametophytic selfed individual (same sporo parent) // only occurs IF a sibling gametophyte is still alive. else if (mode == 2) { if (siblings.size() > 0) { sibling = sample(siblings, 1); child = p1.addRecombinant(individual.genome1, NULL, NULL, sibling.genome1, NULL, NULL, parent1 = individual, parent2 = sibling); child.tag = 3; //sporophyte tag //gametophyte maternal effect on new sporophyte if (GAM_MATERNAL_EFFECT > 0) child.setValue("maternal_fitness", subpop.cachedFitness(individual.index)); } } // outcrossing individual samples any other p0, and checks that it is outcrossing // only occurs if a non-sib gametophyte is still alive. else { outcross_sperms = males[individual.sharedParentCount(males)==0]; if (! isNULL(outcross_sperms)) { sperm = sample(outcross_sperms, 1); child = p1.addRecombinant(individual.genome1, NULL, NULL, sperm.genome1, NULL, NULL, parent1 = individual, parent2=sperm); child.tag = 3; //sporophyte tag //gametophyte maternal effect on new sporophyte if (GAM_MATERNAL_EFFECT > 0) child.setValue("maternal_fitness", subpop.cachedFitness(individual.index)); } } } } } // generates offspring // generates gametes from sporophytes s1 reproduction(p1 ) { ind = individual; // clonal individual get added to the p0 pool for next round. // NOTE: this doesn't allow clones to reproduce this round. //DISCUSS parental pedigree tracking for clones - perhaps this //should be a toggle (i.e. to address strict selfing rates) if (runif(1) < SPO_CLONE_RATE) { for (i in seqLen(SPO_CLONES_PER)) { child = p1.addRecombinant(individual.genome1, NULL, NULL, individual.genome2, NULL, NULL, parent1 = individual, parent2 = individual); child.tag = 4; // sporophyte clone //sporophyte maternal effect not applicable for clones = neutral if (SPO_MATERNAL_EFFECT > 0) child.setValue("maternal_fitness", subpop.cachedFitness(individual.index)); } } // fitness-based determination of how many spores are created by this ind ind_fitness = p1.cachedFitness(ind.index); max_fitness = max(p1.cachedFitness(NULL)); ind_fitness_scaled = ind_fitness/max_fitness; //spore_vector = sample(c(0,1), SPO_SPORES_PER, replace = T, weights = c((1-ind_fitness_scaled), ind_fitness_scaled)); //spores = sum(spore_vector); spores = rbinom(1, SPO_SPORES_PER, ind_fitness_scaled); // REPLACE ABOVE // each spore produces its own recombinant breakpoints for (rep in seqLen(spores)) { breaks1 = sim.chromosome.drawBreakpoints(ind); breaks2 = sim.chromosome.drawBreakpoints(ind); // create four meiotic products. If later two of these mate with each other // it is an example of sporophytic selfing. Because we need to be able to match // sibling gametes at that time we tag them now with their sporophyte parent's index. child1 = p0.addRecombinant(ind.genome1, ind.genome2, breaks1, NULL, NULL, NULL, parent1 = ind); child2 = p0.addRecombinant(ind.genome2, ind.genome1, breaks1, NULL, NULL, NULL, parent1 = ind); child3 = p0.addRecombinant(ind.genome1, ind.genome2, breaks2, NULL, NULL, NULL, parent1 = ind); child4 = p0.addRecombinant(ind.genome2, ind.genome1, breaks2, NULL, NULL, NULL, parent1 = ind); children = c(child1, child2, child3, child4); children.tag = 1; //gametophyte tag children.tagL0 = (runif(4) < GAM_FEMALE_TO_MALE_RATIO); // CHANGED THIS LINES //sporophyte maternal effect on new spores if (SPO_MATERNAL_EFFECT > 0) children.setValue("maternal_fitness", subpop.cachedFitness(individual.index)); } } // executes after offspring are generated // alternation of generations early() { // diploids (p1) just generated haploid gametophytes into p0 if (community.tick % 2 == 0) { // alternate generations. // remove parents, except for clones non_clones = p1.individuals[p1.individuals.tag != 4]; sim.killIndividuals(non_clones); //reset clone tags to regular tag p1.individuals.tag = 3; // new p0s removed by three possible mechanisms: // 1. random chance of death. // 2. using fitness re-calculated to include maternal effect. // 3. individual goes on next tick (unless fitness kills it) // 1. make a mask for random death if (GAM_RANDOM_DEATH_CHANCE > 0) { random_death = (runif(p0.individualCount) < GAM_RANDOM_DEATH_CHANCE); sim.killIndividuals(p0.individuals[random_death]); } //random death also occurs to implement GAM_CEILING if (p0.individualCount > GAM_CEILING) { to_kill = GAM_CEILING - GAM_POP_SIZE; death_chance = to_kill/p0.individualCount; random_death = sample(c(F,T), p0.individualCount, T, c(1-death_chance, death_chance)); sim.killIndividuals(p0.individuals[random_death]); } // 2. maternal effect re-calculation if (SPO_MATERNAL_EFFECT > 0) { //temp fitness scaling scale = SPO_POP_SIZE / p1.individualCount; //calculations maternal_fitnesses = SPO_MATERNAL_EFFECT*p0.individuals.getValue("maternal_fitness"); child_fitnesses = (1 - SPO_MATERNAL_EFFECT)*p0.cachedFitness(NULL); corrected_fitnesses = scale * (maternal_fitnesses + child_fitnesses); //remove inds based on maternal effects to_kill = (runif(p0.individualCount) > corrected_fitnesses); sim.killIndividuals(p0.individuals[to_kill]); } //3. Set up for next tick // fitness affects gametophyte survival p0.fitnessScaling = GAM_POP_SIZE / p0.individualCount; } // odd generations = gametophytes (p0) just generated sporophytes else { // alternate generations. // removes parents, except clones non_clones = p0.individuals[p0.individuals.tag != 2]; sim.killIndividuals(non_clones); //reset clone tags to regular tag p0.individuals.tag = 1; // remove new p1s by three possible mechanisms: // 1. random chance of death. // 2. using fitness re-calculated to include maternal effect. // 3. individual goes on next tick (unless fitness kills it) // 1. make a mask for random death if (SPO_RANDOM_DEATH_CHANCE > 0) { random_death = (runif(p1.individualCount) < GAM_RANDOM_DEATH_CHANCE); sim.killIndividuals(p1.individuals[random_death]); } // 2. maternal effect re-calculation if (GAM_MATERNAL_EFFECT > 0) { //temp fitness scaling scale = SPO_POP_SIZE / p1.individualCount; //calculations maternal_fitnesses = GAM_MATERNAL_EFFECT*p1.individuals.getValue("maternal_fitness"); child_fitnesses = (1 - GAM_MATERNAL_EFFECT)*p1.cachedFitness(NULL); corrected_fitnesses = scale*(maternal_fitnesses + child_fitnesses); //remove inds based on maternal effects to_kill = (runif(p1.individualCount) > corrected_fitnesses); sim.killIndividuals(p1.individuals[to_kill]); } //3. Set up for next tick // fitness is scaled relative to number of inds in p1 p1.fitnessScaling = SPO_POP_SIZE / p1.individualCount; } } // executes after selection occurs // end of sim; save .trees file 201 late() { sim.treeSeqRememberIndividuals(sim.subpopulations.individuals); sim.treeSeqOutput('recap_ex.trees', metadata = METADATA); }