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Orkid Audio Synthesizer (Singularity)


Orkid's synthesizer is loosely inspired by Kurzeil VAST, in that it supports full digital modular synthesis.


  • General purpose digital modular synthesizer
  • Can emulate a few hardware synths
  • Emulations are converted to singularity native modular format, This facilitates freform combination of synthesis models.
  • A variety of DSP modules are included
    • Phase Modulation Oscillators (Tx81z style)
    • Phase Distortion Oscillators (CZ style)
    • A variety of virtual analog oscillators with/without antialiasing covering the usual, Sin, Saw, Pulse, Square, Triangle, with synchronization support.
    • Sample playback oscillators with loop, reverseloop, pingpong loop, etc..
    • Noise Oscillators
    • TODO: Granular Synthesis, Speech Synthesis, Physical Modeling.
    • Nonlinear Operators (Waveshapers, Wrap, etc..)
    • Filters - Variety of Lowpass, BandPass, HighPass, Notch, Allpass filters.
    • Envelope Generators - variety of EG types.
    • Amplifier operators, MonoIO, Mono-StereoIO, 2D Panning, Ring Modulators, Splitters, etc..
  • All DSPgraphs can be layered or split.
  • Flexible modulation routing (can apply to all modules that have modulation inputs)
    • LFO's, EG's, Sample/Hold, FUNS, etc..
    • Arbitrary modulation expressions supported.
    • Can modulate from c++ or python lambda functions.
  • Effects Section
    • delays (static and variable)
    • flangers
    • chorus
    • FDN4/FDN8 reverb
    • Shelf/Parametric EQ
    • Distortion
    • Can link up individual effects into FX chains/graphs
  • Flexible MixBus architecture
    • not limited to a single stereo bus, have as many as you need and can afford.
  • Output Devices
    • PortAudio
    • ALSA
    • PipeWire
    • NULL (for debug)
  • lev2 UI support for things like Oscilloscopes/Spectrum Analyzers/Control Signal Plotting for debugging.
  • Accessible from C++ and Python bindings.
  • Sequencer : YoutubeVideo
  • 2D Surround : YoutubeVideo


Singularity Architecture:1

Definitions of data objects (live performance mutable objects)

Data objects are used to construct instance objects. Data objects are immutable from audio thread. They are typically created/modified by user from UI or c++/python code

  • SynthData : (subclassed by import parsers) contains zero or more BankData's
  • BankData : contains zero or more ProgramData's
  • ProgramData : contains zero or more LayerData
  • LayerData : contains an AlgData, ControlBlockData
  • AlgData : contains zero or more DspStageData's
  • DspStageData : contains zero or more DspBlockData's
  • DspBlockData : (subclassed) base class for all dsp block data objects
    • has zero or more DspParamData which can dynamically alter the operation of the DspBlock (analogy: a gpu shader parameter)
  • DspParamData : basic parameter for a DspBlock
  • KmpBlockData : used by sampler - contains Keymap data
  • BlockModulationData : contains 2 ControllerData (sources), a ControllerData for Controller2 depth modulation and an "Evaluator"
  • Evaluator : c++ lambda function which combines controllers into a single value via some computation
  • ControlBlockData : contains zero or more ControllerData's
  • ControllerData : (subclassed) base class for controller data objects
    • A few examples: LfoData, FunData, RateLevelEnvData, NatEnvWrapperData, AsrData, YmEnvData, TX81ZEnvData
  • KeyMap : contains multisample layout with key, velocity splits, etc..

Definitions of instance objects (live performance mutable objects)

  • Synth : collection of all layers/busses that get mixed to final outputs.
  • OutputBus : set of DSP channels which sum layers which are assigned to it.
  • DspBuffer : set of parallel (n-channel) waveform buffers used for passing signals between DSP opertations in a stage.
  • outputBuffer
  • KeyOnInfo
  • KeyOnModifiers
  • Layer : A single "voice", generating a sound using an Algorithm, despite being a single "voice" - it can still within itself have multiple sound generation components. Layers are also used for Effects processing, they could either be an effect per voice, or non-keyed effect layers can be attached to output busses.
  • Algorithm : A stack of DspStages that implement a sound generation method, comprised of 1 or more DspStage's.
  • IoConfig : Input Output topology description for a DspStage (num inputs, num outputs)
  • DspStage : typically a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of DspBlocks conforming to an IoConfig, with 1 or more inputs, 0 or more middle DspBlocks, and 1 or more output DspBlocks. Cycles can be permitted in some cases.
  • DspBlocks : Implementation of a specific DSP technique - can be sources, modifiers, or sinks. eg. PM Oscillator, Sample Playback Oscillator, Filter, Mono Output Amp, DelayLine, PitchShifter, Reverb, Chorus, etc.. Can have 0 or more DspParam's
  • DspParam : a parameter of a DspBlock that can be set, evaluated, modulated, etc..
  • BlockModulation : A set of up to 2 modulation sources (controller) that modulate a DspParam, coupled with an "evalutor" which handles block specific semantics.
  • ControlBlockInst
  • ControllerInst : a realtime data source routed into a BlockModulation, eg. LFO, EG, FUN, Keyboard Input, MIDI CC, custom lambda etc..
  • FUN : K2000 style function generator (supports functions like "a+b", "a-b", "(a+b)/2", "a*b", "quantize b to a", "lowpass(f=a,b)", "warp1(a,b)", etc..