--------- beginning of main 06-15 00:57:56.485 16011 16011 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries: libapuwareapusys.mtk.so:libapuwareapusys_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp_v2.mtk.so:libapuwareutils.mtk.so:libapuwareutils_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarehmp.mtk.so:libmcv_runtime_usdk.mtk.so:libneuron_graph_delegate.mtk.so:libneuronusdk_adapter.mtk.so:libtflite_mtk.mtk.so:libarmnn_ndk.mtk.so:libcmdl_ndk.mtk.so:libnir_neon_driver_ndk.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_nn.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_25.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop25_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop25_mtk_nn.mtk.so:libmvpu_config.mtk.so:libteeservice_client.trustonic.so:libmisys_jni.xiaomi.so 06-15 00:57:56.488 16011 16011 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-5 for other apk /system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~EJ-CdxA0z4rYOubcstTX1w==/tv.danmaku.bili-7Y18sVwl4inEVlarNnOQRg==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~EJ-CdxA0z4rYOubcstTX1w==/tv.danmaku.bili-7Y18sVwl4inEVlarNnOQRg==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:56.488 16011 16011 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries: libapuwareapusys.mtk.so:libapuwareapusys_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp_v2.mtk.so:libapuwareutils.mtk.so:libapuwareutils_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarehmp.mtk.so:libmcv_runtime_usdk.mtk.so:libneuron_graph_delegate.mtk.so:libneuronusdk_adapter.mtk.so:libtflite_mtk.mtk.so:libarmnn_ndk.mtk.so:libcmdl_ndk.mtk.so:libnir_neon_driver_ndk.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_nn.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_25.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop25_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop25_mtk_nn.mtk.so:libmvpu_config.mtk.so:libteeservice_client.trustonic.so:libmisys_jni.xiaomi.so 06-15 00:57:56.494 16011 16011 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-6 for other apk /data/app/~~EJ-CdxA0z4rYOubcstTX1w==/tv.danmaku.bili-7Y18sVwl4inEVlarNnOQRg==/base.apk. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~EJ-CdxA0z4rYOubcstTX1w==/tv.danmaku.bili-7Y18sVwl4inEVlarNnOQRg==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~EJ-CdxA0z4rYOubcstTX1w==/tv.danmaku.bili-7Y18sVwl4inEVlarNnOQRg==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:56.497 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.497 16011 16011 W tv.danmaku.bili: Unsupported class loader 06-15 00:57:56.504 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.505 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.511 16011 16011 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for: 06-15 00:57:56.511 16011 16011 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_pkgs=[] 06-15 00:57:56.511 16011 16011 V GraphicsEnvironment: angle_gl_driver_selection_values=[] 06-15 00:57:56.511 16011 16011 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for tv.danmaku.bili: false 06-15 00:57:56.511 16011 16011 V GraphicsEnvironment: tv.danmaku.bili is not listed in per-application setting 06-15 00:57:56.511 16011 16011 V GraphicsEnvironment: App is not on the allowlist for updatable production driver. 06-15 00:57:56.513 16011 16011 I ForceDarkHelperStubImpl: initialize for tv.danmaku.bili , ForceDarkOrigin 06-15 00:57:56.514 16011 16011 D OpenGLRenderer: JNI_OnLoad success 06-15 00:57:56.514 16011 16011 I MiuiForceDarkConfig: setConfig density:3.000000, mainRule:0, secondaryRule:0, tertiaryRule:0 06-15 00:57:56.545 16011 16034 W tv.danmaku.bili: Unsupported class loader 06-15 00:57:56.595 16011 16034 W tv.danmaku.bili: Unsupported class loader 06-15 00:57:56.595 16011 16034 W tv.danmaku.bili: Unsupported class loader 06-15 00:57:56.597 16011 16034 W tv.danmaku.bili: Unsupported class loader 06-15 00:57:56.644 16011 16034 W tv.danmaku.bili: Unsupported class loader 06-15 00:57:56.644 16011 16034 W tv.danmaku.bili: Unsupported class loader 06-15 00:57:56.646 16011 16034 W tv.danmaku.bili: Unsupported class loader 06-15 00:57:56.652 16011 16034 W tv.danmaku.bili: Unsupported class loader 06-15 00:57:56.652 16011 16034 W tv.danmaku.bili: Unsupported class loader 06-15 00:57:56.652 16011 16034 W tv.danmaku.bili: Unsupported class loader 06-15 00:57:56.661 16011 16034 W tv.danmaku.bili: Unsupported class loader 06-15 00:57:56.661 16011 16034 W tv.danmaku.bili: Unsupported class loader 06-15 00:57:56.662 16011 16034 W tv.danmaku.bili: Unsupported class loader 06-15 00:57:56.666 16011 16034 W tv.danmaku.bili: Unsupported class loader 06-15 00:57:56.666 16011 16034 W tv.danmaku.bili: Unsupported class loader 06-15 00:57:56.769 16011 16042 W bytehook_tag: bytehook version 1.0.10: bytehook init(mode: AUTOMATIC, debug: true), return: 0 06-15 00:57:56.776 16011 16045 I BaseBiliApplication: tv.danmaku.bili is main process 06-15 00:57:56.777 16011 16045 D StorageViewController: register process = tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:56.777 16011 16024 I Violet_Aidl: Registering proxy of proc 32034 from aidl 06-15 00:57:56.777 16011 16024 D Violet_Config: Receiving a new proxy from process 32034, proxy exists true 06-15 00:57:56.778 16011 16024 I Violet_Aidl: Registering proxy of proc 32311 from aidl 06-15 00:57:56.778 16011 16024 D Violet_Config: Receiving a new proxy from process 32311, proxy exists true 06-15 00:57:56.778 16011 16044 D DelayTaskController: shouldBlock = false 06-15 00:57:56.779 16011 16040 D BLOG-EVENT-Network: network changed: 3=>1 06-15 00:57:56.779 16011 16023 I Violet_Aidl: Registering proxy of proc 32035 from aidl 06-15 00:57:56.779 16011 16023 D Violet_Config: Receiving a new proxy from process 32035, proxy exists true 06-15 00:57:56.779 16011 16028 I Violet_Aidl: Registering proxy of proc 32663 from aidl 06-15 00:57:56.779 16011 16028 D Violet_Config: Receiving a new proxy from process 32663, proxy exists true 06-15 00:57:56.781 16011 16011 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 10328; state: ENABLED 06-15 00:57:56.784 16011 16011 W HMSSDK_PushPreferences: get new sharedPreferences failed,start to get from context. 06-15 00:57:56.784 16011 16063 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels + (1124, 2000) 06-15 00:57:56.784 16011 16063 I DMABUFHEAPS: Using DMA-BUF heap named: mtk_mm 06-15 00:57:56.784 16011 16063 D skia : stream getLength() supported, buffer addr 0x72cd941000 length 23168 06-15 00:57:56.784 16011 16063 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x72cd941000 size 23168 06-15 00:57:56.785 16011 16063 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread 06-15 00:57:56.786 16011 16063 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:256 256 256 356x512, alignment:256x16) 06-15 00:57:56.787 16011 16011 D CardWidget.Utils: Utils sIsDebug sync ret: false 06-15 00:57:56.787 16011 16067 D libjpeg-alpha: Corrupt JPEG data: 16644 extraneous bytes before marker 0xc4 06-15 00:57:56.788 16011 16068 D libjpeg-alpha: Corrupt JPEG data: bad Huffman code 06-15 00:57:56.789 16011 16011 D CardWidget.GlobalDIConfig: initial... 06-15 00:57:56.790 16011 16011 D DataChannel.ClientChannel: initClientImpl serverAuthority = [com.oplus.cardservice.repository.provider.CardServiceServerProvider], clientName = [tv.danmaku.bili.appwidget.hotlist.OpHotListAppWidgetProvider], client = [tv.danmaku.bili.appwidget.hotlist.OpHotListAppWidgetProvider@781431a] 06-15 00:57:56.790 16011 16074 D DataChannel.ClientProxy.OpHotListAppWidgetProvider: tryRegisterContentObserver 06-15 00:57:56.791 16011 16051 E AccountStorageHelper: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-8] init, process name : tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:56.791 16011 16011 I AGConnectProvider: AGConnectInitializeProvider#onCreate 06-15 00:57:56.791 16011 16074 D DataChannel.ClientProxy.OpHotListAppWidgetProvider: try registerContentObserver error java.lang.SecurityException: Failed to find provider com.oplus.cardservice.repository.provider.CardServiceServerProvider for user 0; expected to find a valid ContentProvider for this authority 06-15 00:57:56.791 16011 16011 I AGConnectInstance: AGConnectInstance#initialize 06-15 00:57:56.791 16011 16011 W AGC_Instance: agc sdk initialize 06-15 00:57:56.792 16011 16011 I AGC_Registrar: getServices 06-15 00:57:56.792 16011 16011 I AGC_Registrar: services:0 06-15 00:57:56.792 16011 16011 D AGC_Instance: AGConnectInstanceImpl init 06-15 00:57:56.792 16011 16011 D AGC_ServiceRepository: addService start 06-15 00:57:56.792 16011 16011 D AGC_ServiceRepository: addService end 06-15 00:57:56.792 16011 16011 D AGC_ServiceRepository: addService start 06-15 00:57:56.792 16011 16011 D AGC_Instance: AGConnectInstanceImpl init end 06-15 00:57:56.792 16011 16011 I AGC_Instance: initFinish callback start --------- beginning of system 06-15 00:57:56.792 16011 16074 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.oplus.cardservice.repository.provider.CardServiceServerProvider 06-15 00:57:56.792 16011 16074 D DataChannel.ClientProxy.OpHotListAppWidgetProvider: pullCommand with null client 06-15 00:57:56.792 16011 16011 I AGC_Instance: AGC SDK initialize end 06-15 00:57:56.792 16011 16074 D DataChannel.ClientProxy.OpHotListAppWidgetProvider: pullAndRunCommand commandList = [] 06-15 00:57:56.792 16011 16074 D DataChannel.ClientProxy.OpHotListAppWidgetProvider: processCommandList: distinct processCommands = [] 06-15 00:57:56.792 16011 16074 D DataChannel.ClientProxy.OpHotListAppWidgetProvider: processCommandList: detail processCommands = [] 06-15 00:57:56.794 16011 16011 D WM-WrkMgrInitializer: Initializing WorkManager with default configuration. 06-15 00:57:56.795 16011 16011 W tv.danmaku.bili: Accessing hidden field Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (max-target-o, reflection, denied) 06-15 00:57:56.795 16011 16011 W tv.danmaku.bili: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedSet;->(Ljava/util/Set;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (max-target-o, reflection, denied) 06-15 00:57:56.795 16011 16011 W tv.danmaku.bili: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->(Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (max-target-o, reflection, denied) 06-15 00:57:56.805 16011 16051 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:56.809 16011 16011 E MLInitializerProvider: MLInitializerProvider Done 06-15 00:57:56.811 16011 16078 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 160794467; UID 10328; state: ENABLED 06-15 00:57:56.813 16011 16070 D libjpeg-alpha: Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment 06-15 00:57:56.813 16011 16011 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 247079863; UID 10328; state: DISABLED 06-15 00:57:56.814 16011 16063 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels - 06-15 00:57:56.814 16011 16063 D skia : onGetGainmapInfo: false. 06-15 00:57:56.822 16011 16063 E tv.danmaku.bili: No package ID 23 found for resource ID 0x23030000. 06-15 00:57:56.822 16011 16063 W AsyncDrawableCache: can not found res: 587399168, maybe dynamic res id. 06-15 00:57:56.823 16011 16063 E tv.danmaku.bili: No package ID 23 found for resource ID 0x23030001. 06-15 00:57:56.823 16011 16063 W AsyncDrawableCache: can not found res: 587399169, maybe dynamic res id. 06-15 00:57:56.830 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: BiliBili process launched ... 06-15 00:57:56.830 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: BiliRoaming version: 31d3782b59(1355) from /data/app/~~vFTBtliSoWCV8Dvaz44VHA==/me.iacn.biliroaming-gNper6ARAX3FZvLuWnMPig==/base.apk 06-15 00:57:56.830 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: Bilibili version: tv.danmaku.bili@8.0.0(8000200) (64bit) 06-15 00:57:56.830 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: SDK: 14(34); Phone: Redmi 23078RKD5C 06-15 00:57:56.830 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: Config: {th_server=api.mahiron.moe, show_hint=false, block_pcdn=true, teenagers_mode_dialog=true, drawer_style=false, pegasus_cover_ratio=0, main_func=true, disable_main_page_story=false, purify_search=false, revert_live_room_feed=false, force_upos=true, search_area_bangumi=true, hk_server=api.mahiron.moe, block_comment_guide=true, fake_non_multiwindow=false, half_screen_quality=0, allow_download=true, add_movie=true, block_view_page_ads=true, show_info=false, save_comment_image=false, hided_drawer_items=[190, 191, 390, 392, 创作中心, 411, 412, 874, 875, 发布, 877, 2908, 811, 游戏中心, 878, 879, 推荐服务, 517, 914, 查看更多, 2977, 880, 386, 387, 388, 1388, 963, 624, 923, 967, 989, 2938, 2957], add_custom_button=false, default_speed=100, disable_vip_dm_colorful=false, purify_share=true, hidden=true, replace_story_video=true, home_filter_prefs_migrated=true, block_upper_recommend_ad=true, full_screen_quality=0, disable_auto_refresh=true, disable_story_full=true, disable_try_watch_vip_quality=true, block_up_rcmd_ads=true, force_browser=true, search_area_movie=true, tw_server=api.mahiron.moe, purify_splash=true, block_update=true, dialog_blur_background=false, remove_video_cmd_dms=true, fix_space=true, upos_host=upos-sz-mirrorhw.bilivideo.com, remove_video_relate_promote=true, add_bangumi=true, purify_game=true, customize_home_recommend=[game, advertisement, vertical], save_log=true, drawer_style_switch=false, block_pcdn_live=true} 06-15 00:57:56.836 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: Reading hook info: /data/user/0/tv.danmaku.bili/cache/hookinfo.pb 06-15 00:57:56.832 16088 16088 W logcat : type=1400 audit(0.0:50726): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/tv.danmaku.bili/cache/log.txt" dev="fuse" ino=0 ioctlcmd=0xf50d scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:fuse:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:56.844 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: load hookinfo 8.412538ms 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: bangumiApiResponse: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.bangumi.data.common.api.BangumiApiResponse 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: bangumiParams: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.bangumi.data.page.detail.b$a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: paramsToMap: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: c 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: bangumiSeasonActivityEntrance: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: bangumiSeason: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.bangumi.data.page.detail.entity.BangumiUniformSeason 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: biliAccounts: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.lib.accounts.BiliAccounts 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: getAccessKey: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: getAccessKey 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: get: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: get 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: biliCall: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.okretro.call.BiliCall 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: parser: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.okretro.converter.IParser 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: request: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: setParser: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: setParser 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: biliConfig: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.api.BiliConfig 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: getAppKey: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: getAppKey 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: biliGlobalPreference: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.base.BiliGlobalPreferenceHelper 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: get: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: getBLKVSharedPreference 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: brotliInputStream: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: org.brotli.dec.BrotliInputStream 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: builtInThemes: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: all: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: i 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: et0.a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: canTryWatchVipQuality: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: V0 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: cardClickProcessor: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.pegasus.card.base.CardClickProcessor 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: onFeedClicked: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: e0 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: chronosSwitch: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: clientVersionCode: 8000200 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: columnHelper: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: null 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: colorArray: null 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: comment3Copy: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: null 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: method: null 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: commentLongClickNew: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.app.comm.comment2.phoenix.view.k 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: commentLongClick: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: cd.g 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: commentSpan: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.app.comm.comment2.widget.CommentExpandableTextView 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: descCopy: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: classes: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: tv.danmaku.bili.ui.video.section.info.l$j 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: classes: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: tv.danmaku.bili.ui.video.section.info.l$k 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: classes: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: tv.danmaku.bili.ui.video.section.info.l$l 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: classes: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.ship.theseus.ugc.intro.ugcheadline.UgcIntroductionComponent$i 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: classes: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.ship.theseus.ugc.intro.ugcheadline.UgcIntroductionComponent$j 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: methods: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: methods: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: methods: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: methods: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: methods: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: downloadThread: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: field: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: j1 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: listener: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: tv.danmaku.bili.ui.offline.k 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: reportDownload: null 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: viewHost: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: tv.danmaku.bili.ui.offline.DownloadingActivity 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: drawer: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: close: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: closeDrawer 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: isOpen: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: isDrawerOpen 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: layoutParams: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout$f 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: layout: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: open: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: openDrawer 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: dynDescHolderListener: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.module.item.desc.h 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: dynDescHolderListener: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.module.item.desc.i 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: dynDescHolderListener: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.module.item.desc.j 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: dynDescHolderListener: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.module.item.opustext.c 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: fastJson: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: parse: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: parseObject 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: generalResponse: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.okretro.GeneralResponse 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: getContentString: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: getContentString 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: gsonHelper: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: fromJson: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: fromJson 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: gsonConverter: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.api.utils.c 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: gson: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: toJson: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: toJson 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: kanB 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: an: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: null 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: method: null 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: lastUpdateTime: 1718383507131 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: livePagerRecyclerView: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.bililive.room.ui.roomv3.vertical.widget.g 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: liveRtcHelper: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: liveRtcEnableClass: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.bililive.source.LivePlayerItem$a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: liveRtcEnableMethod: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: n 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: mapIds: null 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: moduleVersionCode: 1355 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: moduleVersionName: 31d3782b59 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: okHttp: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: mediaType: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: okhttp3.MediaType 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: get: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: get 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: request: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: okhttp3.Request 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: url: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: responseBody: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: okhttp3.ResponseBody 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: create: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: create 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: string: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: string 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: response: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: okhttp3.Response 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: request: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: okioBuffer: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: okio.internal.-Buffer 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: inputStream: null 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: readFrom: null 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: okio: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: okhttp3.ResponseBody$a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: field: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: d 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: length: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: c 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: onOperateClick: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: P7 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: pegasusFeed: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.pegasus.api.a0 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: method: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: k 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: playSpeedManager: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.player.tangram.basic.PlaySpeedManagerImpl 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: playerCoreService: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: tv.danmaku.biliplayerimpl.core.r0 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: getPlaybackSpeed: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: getPlaySpeed 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: onSeekComplete: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: Q1 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: seekCompleteListener: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: tv.danmaku.biliplayerimpl.core.r0 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: seekTo: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: seekTo 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: playerFullStoryWidget: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: tv.danmaku.bili.videopage.player.widget.control.PlayerFullStoryWidget 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: method: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: y 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: playerFullStoryWidget: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.app.gemini.player.widget.story.GeminiPlayerFullStoryWidget 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: method: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: y 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: playerPreloadHolder: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: si.a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: get: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: playerQualityService: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.ship.theseus.united.player.QualityStrategyProvider 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: getDefaultQnThumb: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: d 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: playerQualityService: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.mall.videodetail.vd.united.player.QualityStrategyProvider 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: getDefaultQnThumb: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: c 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: playerSettingHelper: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.playerbizcommon.utils.PlayerSettingHelper 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: getDefaultQn: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: getDefaultQuality 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: popular: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bapis.bilibili.app.show.popular.v1.PopularMoss 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: method: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: index 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: publishToFollowingConfig: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.app.comm.opus.lightpublish.model.p 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: retrofitResponse: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: retrofit2.Response 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: section: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: tv.danmaku.bili.ui.video.section.action.q 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: like: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: q1 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: settings: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: homeUserCenter: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: addSetting: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: Rt 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: tv.danmaku.bili.ui.main2.mine.HomeUserCenterFragment 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: menuGroupItem: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.lib.homepage.mine.MenuGroup$Item 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: settingRouter: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: tv.danmaku.bili.ui.main2.mine.b0 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: signQuery: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.nativelibrary.LibBili 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: method: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: signQuery 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: skinList: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: N5 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: subtitleSpan: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: themeColors: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: et0.c 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: themeHelper: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: z73.a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: colorArray: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: l 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: themeIdHelper: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: z73.c 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: colorId: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: themeListClick: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: tv.danmaku.bili.ui.theme.ThemeStoreActivity$h 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: themeName: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: tv.danmaku.bili.ui.garb.u 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: field: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: a 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: themeProcessor: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: null 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: toastHelper: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: cancel: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: cancel 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: com.bilibili.droid.ToastHelper 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: show: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: showToast 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: updateInfoSupplier: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: check: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: c 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: class_: 06-15 00:57:56.845 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: name: z93.c 06-15 00:57:56.850 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: startHook: BangumiSeason 06-15 00:57:56.852 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.852 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.854 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.855 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.856 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.856 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.857 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.857 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.858 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.858 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.861 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.862 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.862 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.864 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: startHook: BangumiPlayUrl 06-15 00:57:56.865 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.867 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.868 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.868 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.869 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.870 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: startHook: Pegasus 06-15 00:57:56.870 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.871 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.871 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.873 16011 16077 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(125) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:56.873 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.873 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.873 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: startHook: TeenagersMode 06-15 00:57:56.874 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.875 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: startHook: Json 06-15 00:57:56.883 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.885 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.886 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.886 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: startHook: ShareHook 06-15 00:57:56.886 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.887 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.887 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: startHook: Setting 06-15 00:57:56.888 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.889 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.891 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.891 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.892 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: startHook: Env 06-15 00:57:56.892 16011 16091 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(138) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:56.892 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.892 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.894 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.894 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.896 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.897 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.897 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.897 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.898 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.898 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.900 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.900 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.900 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: startHook: TryWatchVipQualityHook 06-15 00:57:56.900 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.901 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.901 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.901 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.902 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.903 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.903 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.903 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.904 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: startHook: WebView 06-15 00:57:56.904 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.904 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: startHook: P2P 06-15 00:57:56.905 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.905 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.905 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.906 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.906 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.906 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.906 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: startHook: BangumiPageAd 06-15 00:57:56.907 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.907 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.907 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.908 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: startHook: UposReplaceHook 06-15 00:57:56.908 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.908 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:56.908 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: startHook: SpeedHook 06-15 00:57:56.918 16011 16101 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(150) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:56.920 16011 16102 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(155) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:56.929 16011 16042 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:56.937 16011 16044 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:56.947 16011 16044 I cr_BiliCrLibraryLoader: BiliCr version: 88.0.4324.188, arch: aarch64 06-15 00:57:56.947 16011 16044 W chromium: [0615/005756.947737:WARNING:httpdns_adapter.cc(320)] HttpDns init 06-15 00:57:56.950 16011 16108 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(176) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:56.952 16011 16044 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:56.952 16011 16044 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:56.952 16011 16044 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:56.952 16011 16044 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:56.957 16011 16108 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(183) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:56.964 16011 16112 I chromium: [0615/005756.964612:INFO:httpdns.cc(381)] OnEffectiveConnectionTypeChanged called by httpdns context networks 5 06-15 00:57:56.965 16011 16108 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(184) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:56.967 16011 16108 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(184) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:56.997 16011 16043 E GBootExp: boot experiment default enable = false 06-15 00:57:56.999 16011 16011 D DelayTaskController: shouldBlock = false 06-15 00:57:57.011 16011 16042 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 289878283; UID 10328; state: DISABLED 06-15 00:57:57.015 16011 16050 I BlkvReportHelper: useDefault = true 06-15 00:57:57.015 16011 16044 W chromium: [0615/005757.015577:WARNING:tf_adapter.cc(220)] Tf init 06-15 00:57:57.015 16011 16050 I BlkvReportHelper: disableReport = false 06-15 00:57:57.015 16011 16100 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~_oR_qAhlgBzwTO-wnx_WZw==/com.google.android.trichromelibrary_642216533-c6qv5beWivu1Dwpxg0Geyw==/base.dm': No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:57.015 16011 16100 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~_oR_qAhlgBzwTO-wnx_WZw==/com.google.android.trichromelibrary_642216533-c6qv5beWivu1Dwpxg0Geyw==/base.dm': No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:57.017 16011 16100 W tv.danmaku.bili: Entry not found 06-15 00:57:57.017 16011 16114 E ptes : [pool-8-thread-1] onCreate:com.bilibili.lib.blrouter.internal.module.ModuleImpl$a@630dd66 06-15 00:57:57.017 16011 16100 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-7 for other apk /data/app/~~_oR_qAhlgBzwTO-wnx_WZw==/com.google.android.trichromelibrary_642216533-c6qv5beWivu1Dwpxg0Geyw==/base.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/app/~~YWEfLAsTKwnolVxbWNRyGw==/com.google.android.webview-PMDUcSI47E6cEQEQXWbIGA==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~YWEfLAsTKwnolVxbWNRyGw==/com.google.android.webview-PMDUcSI47E6cEQEQXWbIGA==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~_oR_qAhlgBzwTO-wnx_WZw==/com.google.android.trichromelibrary_642216533-c6qv5beWivu1Dwpxg0Geyw==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand 06-15 00:57:57.018 16011 16100 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries: libapuwareapusys.mtk.so:libapuwareapusys_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp_v2.mtk.so:libapuwareutils.mtk.so:libapuwareutils_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarehmp.mtk.so:libmcv_runtime_usdk.mtk.so:libneuron_graph_delegate.mtk.so:libneuronusdk_adapter.mtk.so:libtflite_mtk.mtk.so:libarmnn_ndk.mtk.so:libcmdl_ndk.mtk.so:libnir_neon_driver_ndk.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_nn.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_25.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop25_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop25_mtk_nn.mtk.so:libmvpu_config.mtk.so:libteeservice_client.trustonic.so:libmisys_jni.xiaomi.so 06-15 00:57:57.020 16011 16125 I DrmHalHidl: No hidl drm factories found 06-15 00:57:57.020 16011 16125 E DrmHalHidl: Failed to find passthrough drm factories 06-15 00:57:57.021 16011 16125 I DrmUtils: found IDrmFactory. Instance name:[android.hardware.drm.IDrmFactory/clearkey] 06-15 00:57:57.022 16011 16125 I DrmUtils: found IDrmFactory. Instance name:[android.hardware.drm.IDrmFactory/widevine] 06-15 00:57:57.032 16011 16100 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-8 for other apk /data/app/~~YWEfLAsTKwnolVxbWNRyGw==/com.google.android.webview-PMDUcSI47E6cEQEQXWbIGA==/base.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~YWEfLAsTKwnolVxbWNRyGw==/com.google.android.webview-PMDUcSI47E6cEQEQXWbIGA==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~YWEfLAsTKwnolVxbWNRyGw==/com.google.android.webview-PMDUcSI47E6cEQEQXWbIGA==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/data/app/~~_oR_qAhlgBzwTO-wnx_WZw==/com.google.android.trichromelibrary_642216533-c6qv5beWivu1Dwpxg0Geyw==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand 06-15 00:57:57.039 16011 16040 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.043 16011 16125 I DrmHalHidl: No hidl drm factories found 06-15 00:57:57.044 16011 16125 E DrmHalHidl: Failed to find passthrough drm factories 06-15 00:57:57.044 16011 16125 I DrmUtils: found IDrmFactory. Instance name:[android.hardware.drm.IDrmFactory/clearkey] 06-15 00:57:57.044 16011 16125 I DrmUtils: found IDrmFactory. Instance name:[android.hardware.drm.IDrmFactory/widevine] 06-15 00:57:57.049 16011 16134 E GMBootStrap_Producer: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-10] PRODUCER==>initMallBootStrap 06-15 00:57:57.050 16011 16134 E GMBootStrap_Producer: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-10] processName===>tv.danmaku.bili,MallBootService=>initBootStrap 06-15 00:57:57.051 16011 16131 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(201) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:57.065 16011 16100 I WebViewFactory: Loading com.google.android.webview version 125.0.6422.165 (code 642216533) 06-15 00:57:57.073 16011 16044 I ModLog-ModResourceProvider: mod manager startup success. 06-15 00:57:57.073 16011 16044 I ModLog-ModResourceProvider: init success 06-15 00:57:57.075 16011 16051 D IconFont: install use time:0 06-15 00:57:57.078 16011 16051 E UpperBootStrap: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-8] skip executing UpperBootStrap 06-15 00:57:57.078 16011 16043 E WxHelper-test: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-4] share init 06-15 00:57:57.081 16011 16043 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.087 16011 16053 W ModResourceManager: Mod manager init is waiting: 1 times 06-15 00:57:57.091 16011 16091 D BiliRoaming: 当前地区: cn 06-15 00:57:57.093 16011 16134 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 263076149; UID 10328; state: DISABLED 06-15 00:57:57.103 16011 16043 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.huawei.android.launcher.settings 06-15 00:57:57.103 16011 16100 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.105 16011 16100 I cr_WVCFactoryProvider: version=125.0.6422.165 (642216533) minSdkVersion=29 isBundle=true multiprocess=true packageId=2 06-15 00:57:57.108 16011 16043 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.hihonor.android.launcher.settings 06-15 00:57:57.125 16011 16175 W EpFrameworkFactory: activated: false jar exist: false 06-15 00:57:57.136 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.136 16011 16041 D [Splash]SplashHelper: Schedule a task to preload splash data async. 06-15 00:57:57.142 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.142 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.142 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.143 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.143 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.143 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.144 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.145 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.145 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.145 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.145 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.147 16011 16153 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 150939131; UID 10328; state: ENABLED 06-15 00:57:57.165 16011 16211 E okhttp.bilow.biz.tracker: [OkHttpExecutor #5] Miss RpcExtra in bilow biz tracker, new one. 06-15 00:57:57.182 16011 16166 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.183 16011 16166 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.183 16011 16166 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.183 16011 16166 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.209 16011 16140 E [Splash]SplashHelper: [BoltsTask-background-delegate(1)-thread-11] splash has no strategy. 06-15 00:57:57.212 16011 16053 W ModConfigurations: 100 entries ! 06-15 00:57:57.212 16011 16053 D ModConfigurations: ["https://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-app-fullscreen/index.html" => "live_app_fullscreen_a/index.html" modName: live_app_fullscreen_a, "https://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-app-weekstar/index.html" => "live_app_weekstar_a/index.html" modName: live_app_weekstar_a, "https://game.bilibili.com/fgo/fes2024Chaldea/qa/h5" => "game_st158729592619008/index.html" modName: game_st158729592619008, "https://game.bilibili.com/gxjy/h5/" => "game_gxjy_h5/index.html" modName: game_gxjy_h5, "https://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-app-anchor-topic/index.html" => "live_app_anchor_topic/index.html" modName: live_app_anchor_topic, "https://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-app-anchor-glory/index.html" => "live_app_anchor_glory/index.html" modName: live_app_anchor_glory, "https://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-app-notice/index.html" => "live_app_notice/index.html" modName: live_app_notice, "https://game.bilibili.com/fgo/fes2024Chaldea/activity/souvenir/h5/" => "game_fgo_activity_souvenir/index.html" modName: game_fgo_activity_souvenir, "https://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-app-hotrank/index.html" => "live_app_hotrank/index.html" modName: live_app_hotrank, "https://game.bilibili.com/pd/yuyue/yy1/" => "game_pd_yuyue1_0809/index.html" modName: game_pd_yuyue1_0809, "https://www.bilibili.com/h5/risk-captcha" => "jinkela_h5_risk_captcha/index.html" modName: jinkela_h5_risk_captcha, "https://big.bilibili.com/mobile/vip/index.html" => "vip_h5_index/index.html" modName: vip_h5_index, "https://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-app-pay/index.html" => "live_app_pay_v3/index.html" modName: live_app_pay_v3, "https://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-app-guard/index.html" => "live_app_guard_a/index.html" modName: live_app_guard_a, "https://game.bilibili.com/fgo/fes2024Chaldea/goods/h5/" => "game_fgo_fes2024chaldea_goods/index.html" modName: game_fgo_fes2024chaldea_goods, "https://mall.bilibili.com/neul-next/detailuniversal/detail.html" => "mall_neulnext_detailuniversal/detail.html" modName: mall_neulnext_detailuniversal, "https://mall.bilibili.com/neul-next/detailuniversal/detail-direct.html" => "mall_neulnext_detailuniversal/detail-direct.html" modName: mall_neulnext_detailuniversal, "https://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-app-guard-pilot/index.html" => "live_app_guard_pilot/index.html" modName: live_app_guard_pilot, "https://game.bilibili.com/pd/news/h5/" => "game_pd_news_0824/index.html" modName: game_pd_news_0824, "https://mall.bilibili.com/neul-next/custom-made/hub.html" => "mall_neulnext_custom_made/hub.html" modName: mall_neulnext_custom_made, "https://mall.bilibili.com/neul-next/custom-made/needDetail.html" => "mall_neulnext_custom_made/needDetail.html" modName: mall_neulnext_custom_made, "https://mall.bilibili.com/neul-next/discussion-detail/main.html" => "mall_discussion_detail/main.html" modName: mall_discussion_detail, "https://mall.bilibili.com/neul-next/discussion-detail/main-offline.html" => "mall_discussion_detail/main.html" modName: mall_discussion_detail, "https://game.bilibili.com/warmsnow/dlczy/h5/" => "game_warmsnow_dlczy_h5/index.html" modName: game_warmsnow_dlczy_h5, "https://game.bilibili.com/pd/2024PDsf/h5" => "game_pd__2024pdsf_h5/index.html" modName: game_pd__2024pdsf_h5, "https://game.bilibili.com/fgo/fes2024Chaldea/h5/" => "game_fgo_fes2024chaldea_main/index.html" modName: game_fgo_fes2024chaldea_main, "http://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-app-captcha/index.html" => "live_app_captcha_a/index.html" modName: live_app_captcha_a, "https://www.bilibili.com/h5/upower/index" => "upower_h5/index.html" modName: upower_h5, "https://www.bilibili.com/h5/upower/charge-rank-list" => "upower_h5/index.html" modName: upower_h5, "https://www.bilibili.com/h5/upower/pay" => "upower_h5/index.html" modName: upower_h5, "https://live.bilibili.com/p/html/live-app-assistant/notification" => "live_app_assistant_notify/index.html" modName: live_app_assistant_notify, "https://game.bilibili.com/fgo/event_halloweenstrike/h5/" => "fgo_event_halloweenstrike_h5_a/index.html" modName: fgo_event_halloweenstrike_h5_a, "https://ga 06-15 00:57:57.212 16011 16053 D WebViewInterceptor: mod update start 06-15 00:57:57.261 16011 16011 D blcrash-trace: bl_trace_init 06-15 00:57:57.263 16011 16242 D blcrash-trace: bl_trace_dumper2 06-15 00:57:57.280 16011 16045 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.280 16011 16045 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.282 16011 16045 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.282 16011 16045 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.282 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.282 16011 16045 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.282 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.283 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.283 16011 16045 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.283 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.283 16011 16045 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.284 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.299 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.302 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.304 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.304 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.305 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.305 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.284 16245 16245 W ps : type=1400 audit(0.0:50727): avc: denied { read } for name="pid_max" dev="proc" ino=2504482 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_pid_max:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:57.305 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.307 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.307 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.308 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.311 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.311 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.311 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.311 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.312 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.315 16011 16129 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.316 16011 16129 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.316 16011 16129 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.316 16011 16129 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.316 16011 16129 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.324 16011 16011 W BoltsTask-backg: type=1400 audit(0.0:50728): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:wifi_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=773 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:wifi_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:57.327 16011 16053 W libc : Access denied finding property "wlan.lge.wifimac" 06-15 00:57:57.328 16011 16045 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-dvi-ima 06-15 00:57:57.328 16011 16045 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-dvi-ima 06-15 00:57:57.328 16011 16045 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-ms 06-15 00:57:57.328 16011 16045 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-ms 06-15 00:57:57.328 16011 16045 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac 06-15 00:57:57.328 16011 16045 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac 06-15 00:57:57.330 16011 16045 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime image/vnd.android.heic 06-15 00:57:57.330 16011 16045 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime image/vnd.android.heic 06-15 00:57:57.331 16011 16045 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime image/vnd.android.heic 06-15 00:57:57.331 16011 16045 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime image/vnd.android.heic 06-15 00:57:57.331 16011 16045 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/dolby-vision 06-15 00:57:57.331 16011 16167 I koom : max mem 512 06-15 00:57:57.331 16011 16045 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/dolby-vision 06-15 00:57:57.331 16011 16045 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/dolby-vision 06-15 00:57:57.331 16011 16045 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/dolby-vision 06-15 00:57:57.332 16011 16045 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/256 for video/mp4v-es 06-15 00:57:57.332 16011 16045 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/256 for video/mp4v-es 06-15 00:57:57.328 16011 16011 W BoltsTask-backg: type=1400 audit(0.0:50729): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:wifi_hal_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=771 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:wifi_hal_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:57.328 16011 16011 W BoltsTask-backg: type=1400 audit(0.0:50730): avc: denied { search } for name="net" dev="sysfs" ino=46941 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_net:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:57.333 16011 16053 W libc : Access denied finding property "wifi.interface" 06-15 00:57:57.334 16011 16045 I IjkMediaCodecInfo: Unknown Profile Level 52 (4096,65536) 06-15 00:57:57.334 16011 16045 I IjkMediaCodecInfo: Unknown Profile Level 52 (4096,65536) 06-15 00:57:57.334 16011 16045 I IjkMediaCodecInfo: Unknown Profile Level 52 (4096,65536) 06-15 00:57:57.334 16011 16045 I IjkMediaCodecInfo: Unknown Profile Level 51 (8192,32768) 06-15 00:57:57.334 16011 16045 W IjkCodecHelper: unaccetable codec: c2.android.av1.decoder 06-15 00:57:57.336 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.337 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.337 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.337 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.337 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.338 16011 16053 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 170188668; UID 10328; state: ENABLED 06-15 00:57:57.339 16011 16053 W libc : Access denied finding property "persist.service.bdroid.bdaddr" 06-15 00:57:57.336 16011 16011 W BoltsTask-backg: type=1400 audit(0.0:50731): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=125 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:57.336 16011 16011 W BoltsTask-backg: type=1400 audit(0.0:50732): avc: denied { read } for name="devices" dev="sysfs" ino=46905 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:57.336 16011 16011 W BoltsTask-backg: type=1400 audit(0.0:50733): avc: denied { search } for name="android_usb" dev="sysfs" ino=56785 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_android_usb:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:57.340 16011 16053 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.serialno" 06-15 00:57:57.340 16011 16053 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.boot.serialno" 06-15 00:57:57.352 16011 16167 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-9 for other apk . target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/data/user/0/tv.danmaku.bili/app_tribe/bundles/apm/1508847300/libs:/data/app/~~EJ-CdxA0z4rYOubcstTX1w==/tv.danmaku.bili-7Y18sVwl4inEVlarNnOQRg==/lib/arm64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand 06-15 00:57:57.352 16011 16167 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries: libapuwareapusys.mtk.so:libapuwareapusys_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp_v2.mtk.so:libapuwareutils.mtk.so:libapuwareutils_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarehmp.mtk.so:libmcv_runtime_usdk.mtk.so:libneuron_graph_delegate.mtk.so:libneuronusdk_adapter.mtk.so:libtflite_mtk.mtk.so:libarmnn_ndk.mtk.so:libcmdl_ndk.mtk.so:libnir_neon_driver_ndk.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_nn.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_25.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop25_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop25_mtk_nn.mtk.so:libmvpu_config.mtk.so:libteeservice_client.trustonic.so:libmisys_jni.xiaomi.so 06-15 00:57:57.357 16011 16252 I chromium: [0615/005757.353694:INFO:variations_seed_loader.cc(66)] Failed to open file for reading.: No such file or directory (2) 06-15 00:57:57.371 16011 16100 I cr_LibraryLoader: Successfully loaded native library 06-15 00:57:57.372 16011 16167 W HprofDump: _ZN3art3Dbg9SuspendVMEv unsupported! 06-15 00:57:57.372 16011 16167 W HprofDump: _ZN3art3Dbg8ResumeVMEv unsupported! 06-15 00:57:57.375 16011 16167 W HprofDump: _ZN3art5hprof5HprofC2EPKcib unsupported! 06-15 00:57:57.375 16011 16167 I kwai_dlfcn: _ZN3art5hprof5HprofD0Ev found at 0x722cf73d60 06-15 00:57:57.376 16011 16167 W HprofDump: _ZN3art5hprof5Hprof4DumpEv unsupported! 06-15 00:57:57.376 16011 16100 I cr_CachingUmaRecorder: Flushed 6 samples from 6 histograms, 0 samples were dropped. 06-15 00:57:57.377 16011 16253 D IdProviderImpl: getOAID from tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:57.410 16011 16011 I M-ProMotion: M-ProMotion is disabled 06-15 00:57:57.418 16011 16268 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb400007148c98640 06-15 00:57:57.418 16011 16268 D libMEOW : meow reload base cfg path: na 06-15 00:57:57.418 16011 16268 D libMEOW : meow reload overlay cfg path: na 06-15 00:57:57.418 16011 16268 W QT : qt_process_init() called 06-15 00:57:57.418 16011 16268 E QT : [QT]file does not exist 06-15 00:57:57.418 16011 16268 W QT : Support!! 06-15 00:57:57.421 16011 16268 E QT : [QT]file does not exist 06-15 00:57:57.422 16011 16268 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili]: 06-15 00:57:57.422 16011 16268 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:57:57.422 16011 16268 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb400007148c98640 06-15 00:57:57.422 16011 16167 I koom : max mem 512 06-15 00:57:57.427 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.427 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.428 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.428 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.428 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.429 16011 16099 I bilid.native: Read file: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq. 06-15 00:57:57.430 16011 16099 I bilid.native: Read file: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq. 06-15 00:57:57.431 16011 16011 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 06-15 00:57:57.432 16011 16011 D DelayTaskController: shouldBlock = false 06-15 00:57:57.438 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.438 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.439 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.439 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.439 16011 16193 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.439 16011 16193 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class com.bilibili.bplus.im.business.event.ConversationUpdateEvent 06-15 00:57:57.439 16011 16193 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent 06-15 00:57:57.445 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.445 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.445 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.445 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.445 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.446 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.446 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.446 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.446 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.446 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.447 16011 16011 D DelayTaskController: shouldBlock = false 06-15 00:57:57.452 16011 16271 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-10 for other apk /system_ext/app/miuisystem/miuisystem.apk. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/product/app/MiuiContentCatcherMIUI15/lib/arm64:/product/app/MiuiContentCatcherMIUI15/MiuiContentCatcherMIUI15.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system_ext/priv-app/RtMiCloudSDK/RtMiCloudSDK.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system_ext/app/miuisystem/miuisystem.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand 06-15 00:57:57.452 16011 16271 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries: libapuwareapusys.mtk.so:libapuwareapusys_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp_v2.mtk.so:libapuwareutils.mtk.so:libapuwareutils_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarehmp.mtk.so:libmcv_runtime_usdk.mtk.so:libneuron_graph_delegate.mtk.so:libneuronusdk_adapter.mtk.so:libtflite_mtk.mtk.so:libarmnn_ndk.mtk.so:libcmdl_ndk.mtk.so:libnir_neon_driver_ndk.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_nn.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_25.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop25_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop25_mtk_nn.mtk.so:libmvpu_config.mtk.so:libteeservice_client.trustonic.so:libmisys_jni.xiaomi.so 06-15 00:57:57.453 16011 16271 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-11 for other apk /system_ext/priv-app/RtMiCloudSDK/RtMiCloudSDK.apk. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/product/app/MiuiContentCatcherMIUI15/lib/arm64:/product/app/MiuiContentCatcherMIUI15/MiuiContentCatcherMIUI15.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system_ext/priv-app/RtMiCloudSDK/RtMiCloudSDK.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system_ext/app/miuisystem/miuisystem.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand 06-15 00:57:57.453 16011 16271 D nativeloader: Extending system_exposed_libraries: libapuwareapusys.mtk.so:libapuwareapusys_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp.mtk.so:libapuwarexrp_v2.mtk.so:libapuwareutils.mtk.so:libapuwareutils_v2.mtk.so:libapuwarehmp.mtk.so:libmcv_runtime_usdk.mtk.so:libneuron_graph_delegate.mtk.so:libneuronusdk_adapter.mtk.so:libtflite_mtk.mtk.so:libarmnn_ndk.mtk.so:libcmdl_ndk.mtk.so:libnir_neon_driver_ndk.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop_mtk_nn.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_25.mtk.so:libmvpu_runtime_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_engine_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpu_pattern_25_pub.mtk.so:libmvpuop25_mtk_cv.mtk.so:libmvpuop25_mtk_nn.mtk.so:libmvpu_config.mtk.so:libteeservice_client.trustonic.so:libmisys_jni.xiaomi.so 06-15 00:57:57.458 16011 16099 D AudioManager: CloudCtrl: init getParameters audio_cloud_ctrl_init_fwk=[fade_app_name_list]:com.ss.android.ugc.aweme com.qiyi.video com.baidu.haokan com.smile.gifmaker cn.kuwo.player org.videolan.vlc com.tencent.qqlive com.youku.phone com.ss.android.ugc.live com.storm.smart tv.danmaku.bili com.kuaishou.nebula com.hunantv.imgo.activity com.yixia.videoeditor com.google.android.youtube com.ss.android.ugc.trill com.google.process.gapps com.vidmix.app com.tencent.qqmusic com.netease.cloudmusic com.mxtech.videoplayer.ad com.amazon.avod.thirdpartyclient com.tubitv com.justwatch.justwatch com.mxtech.ffmpeg.v7_neon com.google.android.videos com.ss.android.article.video com.playit.videoplayer cn.banshenggua.aichang com.tencent.qqmusiclite cn.kuwo.kwmusichd com.tencent.karaoke cmccwm.mobilemusic com.kugou.android.ktvapp [video_VppWhiteListFRC]:com.qiyi.video com.gallery.player com.cmcc.cmvideo com.miui.video com.miui.gallery com.youku.phone com.netflix.mediaclient com.miui.mediaviewer com.ss.android.article.video org.videolan.vlc tv.danmaku.bili air.tv.douyu.android tv.pps.mobile com.mxtech.videoplayer.ad com.miui.videoplayer com.google.android.youtube com.qiyi.i18n com.ss.android.article.news in.startv.hotstar com.amazon.avod.thirdpartyclient com.google.android.apps.photos com.iqiyi.i18n [forbidden_call_app_name_list]:com.tencent.tmgp.pubgmhd com.tencent.lolm [voip_app_name_list]:com.tencent.mm com.ss.android.lark com.tencent.mobileqq com.tencent.wework com.tencent.tim [disable_fade_app_name]:com.miui.cit com.xiaomi.factory.mmi [video_VppWhiteListAIS]:com.gallery.player com.tencent.qqsports com.qiyi.video com.miui.video com.tencent.qqlivei18n.us com.miui.gallery com.youku.phone com.cmcc.cmvideo com.netflix.mediaclient tv.danmaku.bili air.tv.douyu.android tv.pps.mobile com.mxtech.videoplayer.ad com.ss.android.article.video org.videolan.vlc com.google.android.youtube com.qiyi.i18n com.ss.android.article.news com.miui.videoplayer com.tencent.qqlive com.miui.mediaviewer com.huya.kiwi in.startv.hotstar com.amazon.avod.thirdpartyclient com.google.android.apps.photos com.tencent.weishi com.iqiyi.i18n com.youku.international.phone com.alibaba.android.rimet com.tencent.mobileqq com.tencent.mm com.bilibili.app.in [kara_app_name_list]:com.zhiliaoapp.musically com.ss.android.ugc.trill com.bytedance.watchcat com.kwai.hisense com.kuaishou.nebula com.ahsj.earbackendorsement com.tencent.tmetown com.example.mediademo tv.yinhua.main com.tencent.trtc rtc.vertcdemo.android com.itgsa com.kugou.fanxing com.kugou.android.kuqunapp [record_unsilence_app_name_list]:com.xiaomi.aiasst.vision com.android.incallui com.iflytek.inputmethod.miui com.tencent.mm com.sohu.inputmethod.sogou.xiaomi com.tencent.mobileqq com.baidu.input_mi com.ss.android.lark com.ss.android.lark.kami com.miui.carlink 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16271 D nativeloader: InitLlndkLibrariesProduct: libEGL.so:libGLESv1_CM.so:libGLESv2.so:libGLESv3.so:libRS.so:libandroid_net.so:libbinder_ndk.so:libc.so:libcgrouprc.so:libclang_rt.asan-aarch64-android.so:libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so:libclang_rt.hwasan-aarch64-android.so:libcom.android.tethering.connectivity_native.so:libdl.so:libft2.so:liblog.so:libm.so:libmediandk.so:libnativewindow.so:libneuralnetworks.so:libselinux.so:libsync.so:libvndksupport.so:libvulkan.so 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: Java Parser Done 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16271 D nativeloader: Configuring product-clns-12 for unbundled product apk /product/app/MiuiContentCatcherMIUI15/MiuiContentCatcherMIUI15.apk. target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=, library_path=/product/app/MiuiContentCatcherMIUI15/lib/arm64:/product/app/MiuiContentCatcherMIUI15/MiuiContentCatcherMIUI15.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system_ext/priv-app/RtMiCloudSDK/RtMiCloudSDK.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system_ext/app/miuisystem/miuisystem.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: key: disable_fade_app_name 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.xiaomi.factory.mmi 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.miui.cit 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: key: fade_app_name_list 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.ss.android.ugc.aweme 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.qqmusiclite 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.amazon.avod.thirdpartyclient 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.google.process.gapps 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: cn.banshenggua.aichang 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: org.videolan.vlc 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.mxtech.ffmpeg.v7_neon 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.google.android.videos 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.smile.gifmaker 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.baidu.haokan 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.kugou.android.ktvapp 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.qiyi.video 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.yixia.videoeditor 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.netease.cloudmusic 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.karaoke 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: cn.kuwo.kwmusichd 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.justwatch.justwatch 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.qqmusic 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.storm.smart 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.playit.videoplayer 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.ss.android.ugc.live 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.kuaishou.nebula 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.mxtech.videoplayer.ad 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: cmccwm.mobilemusic 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tubitv 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.hunantv.imgo.activity 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.qqlive 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.ss.android.ugc.trill 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.google.android.youtube 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.vidmix.app 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.ss.android.article.video 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: cn.kuwo.player 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.youku.phone 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: key: video_VppWhiteListFRC 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: air.tv.douyu.android 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.miui.videoplayer 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.miui.video 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.ss.android.article.news 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.amazon.avod.thirdpartyclient 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.gallery.player 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: org.videolan.vlc 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.mxtech.videoplayer.ad 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: in.startv.hotstar 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.google.android.apps.photos 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: tv.pps.mobile 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.qiyi.video 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.miui.gallery 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.google.android.youtube 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.qiyi.i18n 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.ss.android.article.video 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.youku.phone 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.cmcc.cmvideo 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.netflix.mediaclient 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.miui.mediaviewer 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.iqiyi.i18n 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: key: kara_app_name_list 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.itgsa 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: tv.yinhua.main 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.kwai.hisense 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.kugou.android.kuqunapp 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.kugou.fanxing 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.kuaishou.nebula 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.example.mediademo 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.zhiliaoapp.musically 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.ahsj.earbackendorsement 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.ss.android.ugc.trill 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.bytedance.watchcat 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.trtc 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.tmetown 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: rtc.vertcdemo.android 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: key: forbidden_call_app_name_list 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.tmgp.pubgmhd 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.lolm 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: key: video_VppWhiteListAIS 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.youku.international.phone 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: air.tv.douyu.android 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.miui.videoplayer 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.mm 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.amazon.avod.thirdpartyclient 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.mobileqq 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: org.videolan.vlc 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: tv.pps.mobile 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.qiyi.video 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.alibaba.android.rimet 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.qqlivei18n.us 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.cmcc.cmvideo 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.iqiyi.i18n 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.weishi 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.miui.video 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.ss.android.article.news 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.gallery.player 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.mxtech.videoplayer.ad 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: in.startv.hotstar 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.google.android.apps.photos 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.huya.kiwi 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.miui.gallery 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.qqlive 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.google.android.youtube 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.qiyi.i18n 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.bilibili.app.in 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.ss.android.article.video 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.youku.phone 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.qqsports 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.netflix.mediaclient 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.miui.mediaviewer 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: key: voip_app_name_list 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.wework 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.tim 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.ss.android.lark 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.mm 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.mobileqq 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: key: record_unsilence_app_name_list 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.iflytek.inputmethod.miui 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.baidu.input_mi 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.android.incallui 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.ss.android.lark 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.mm 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.xiaomi.aiasst.vision 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.tencent.mobileqq 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.miui.carlink 06-15 00:57:57.459 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.sohu.inputmethod.sogou.xiaomi 06-15 00:57:57.460 16011 16099 D CloudCtrl: value: com.ss.android.lark.kami 06-15 00:57:57.460 16011 16271 D nativeloader: InitVndkspLibrariesProduct: android.hardware.common-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.common.fmq-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.allocator-V2-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common-V4-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.common@1.2.so:android.hardware.graphics.composer3-V1-ndk.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.1.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@3.0.so:android.hardware.graphics.mapper@4.0.so:android.hardware.renderscript@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory.token@1.0.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0-impl.so:android.hidl.memory@1.0.so:android.hidl.safe_union@1.0.so:libRSCpuRef.so:libRSDriver.so:libRS_internal.so:libbase.so:libbcinfo.so:libblas.so:libc++.so:libcompiler_rt.so:libcutils.so:libdmabufheap.so:libgralloctypes.so:libhardware.so:libhidlbase.so:libhidlmemory.so:libion.so:libjsoncpp.so:liblzma.so:libprocessgroup.so:libunwindstack.so:libutils.so:libutilscallstack.so:libz.so 06-15 00:57:57.460 16011 16099 W Settings: Setting adb_enabled has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global. 06-15 00:57:57.465 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : Init Interceptor for Activity tv.danmaku.bili.MainActivityV2@b2eb64 06-15 00:57:57.465 16011 16271 D ViewContentFactory: initViewContentFetcherClass 06-15 00:57:57.465 16011 16271 D ViewContentFactory: getInterceptorPackageInfo 06-15 00:57:57.465 16011 16271 D ViewContentFactory: getInitialApplication took 0ms 06-15 00:57:57.465 16011 16271 D ViewContentFactory: packageInfo.packageName: com.miui.contentcatcher 06-15 00:57:57.466 16011 16271 D ViewContentFactory: initViewContentFetcherClass took 0ms 06-15 00:57:57.466 16011 16271 I ContentCatcher: ViewContentFetcher : ViewContentFetcher 06-15 00:57:57.466 16011 16271 D ViewContentFactory: createInterceptor took 0ms 06-15 00:57:57.466 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityCreate: tv.danmaku.bili@tv.danmaku.bili.MainActivityV2@11725668 06-15 00:57:57.467 16011 16271 E ContentCatcherManager: failed to get ContentCatcherService. 06-15 00:57:57.467 16011 16271 E ContentCatcherManager: failed to get ContentCatcherService. 06-15 00:57:57.467 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : NOT interest in this page: tv.danmaku.bili@tv.danmaku.bili.MainActivityV2@11725668 06-15 00:57:57.468 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:57:57.470 16011 16099 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.serialno" 06-15 00:57:57.470 16011 16099 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.boot.serialno" 06-15 00:57:57.470 16011 16099 W libc : Access denied finding property "net.dns1" 06-15 00:57:57.474 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityStart: tv.danmaku.bili@tv.danmaku.bili.MainActivityV2@11725668 06-15 00:57:57.474 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:57:57.476 16011 16011 I NativeTurboSchedManager: Load libmiui_runtime 06-15 00:57:57.476 16011 16011 I RenderInspector: window state type=1 , value=1 06-15 00:57:57.477 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.477 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.477 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.477 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.485 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors service clasloader PathRootClassLoader(dynamics=[apm:1508847300, editorimagetxt:1508847300, gametribe:1509171000, livestream:1508847300, scankit:1473361200], parent=dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/~~EJ-CdxA0z4rYOubcstTX1w==/tv.danmaku.bili-7Y18sVwl4inEVlarNnOQRg==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/~~EJ-CdxA0z4rYOubcstTX1w==/tv.danmaku.bili-7Y18sVwl4inEVlarNnOQRg==/lib/arm64, /data/app/~~EJ-CdxA0z4rYOubcstTX1w==/tv.danmaku.bili-7Y18sVwl4inEVlarNnOQRg==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64, /system_ext/lib64]]]) 06-15 00:57:57.485 16011 16011 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 210923482; UID 10328; state: ENABLED 06-15 00:57:57.485 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.487 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 0 06-15 00:57:57.487 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.488 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 1 06-15 00:57:57.488 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.489 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 2 06-15 00:57:57.489 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.489 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 3 06-15 00:57:57.489 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.490 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 4 06-15 00:57:57.490 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.490 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 5 06-15 00:57:57.490 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.490 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 6 06-15 00:57:57.490 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.490 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 7 06-15 00:57:57.491 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.491 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 8 06-15 00:57:57.492 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.492 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 9 06-15 00:57:57.492 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.492 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 10 06-15 00:57:57.492 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.493 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 11 06-15 00:57:57.493 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.493 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 12 06-15 00:57:57.493 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.494 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 13 06-15 00:57:57.494 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.494 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 14 06-15 00:57:57.494 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.494 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 15 06-15 00:57:57.495 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.495 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 16 06-15 00:57:57.495 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.496 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 17 06-15 00:57:57.496 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.496 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 18 06-15 00:57:57.496 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.496 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 19 06-15 00:57:57.497 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.497 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 20 06-15 00:57:57.497 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.498 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 21 06-15 00:57:57.499 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.499 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 22 06-15 00:57:57.499 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.500 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 23 06-15 00:57:57.501 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.501 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 24 06-15 00:57:57.501 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.501 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 25 06-15 00:57:57.501 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.502 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 26 06-15 00:57:57.503 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.503 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 27 06-15 00:57:57.503 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.503 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 28 06-15 00:57:57.504 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.504 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 29 06-15 00:57:57.504 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.504 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 30 06-15 00:57:57.505 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.506 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 31 06-15 00:57:57.506 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.506 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 32 06-15 00:57:57.507 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.507 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 33 06-15 00:57:57.507 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.507 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 34 06-15 00:57:57.507 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.507 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 35 06-15 00:57:57.507 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.508 16011 16011 I AppCompatViewInflater: app:theme is now deprecated. Please move to using android:theme instead. 06-15 00:57:57.508 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 36 06-15 00:57:57.508 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.508 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.508 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.508 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 37 06-15 00:57:57.509 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.509 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.509 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.509 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 38 06-15 00:57:57.509 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.509 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.509 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 39 06-15 00:57:57.509 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.509 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 40 06-15 00:57:57.509 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.509 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 41 06-15 00:57:57.510 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.510 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 42 06-15 00:57:57.510 16011 16053 E [Splash]SplashHelper: [BoltsTask-background-delegate(1)-thread-16] splash has no strategy. 06-15 00:57:57.510 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.511 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 43 06-15 00:57:57.511 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.511 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 44 06-15 00:57:57.511 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.511 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 45 06-15 00:57:57.511 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.511 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 46 06-15 00:57:57.511 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.513 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 47 06-15 00:57:57.513 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.513 16011 16011 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171228096; UID 10328; state: ENABLED 06-15 00:57:57.515 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 48 06-15 00:57:57.515 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.515 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 49 06-15 00:57:57.515 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:57:57.516 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.516 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 50 06-15 00:57:57.517 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.517 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 51 06-15 00:57:57.518 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.518 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 52 06-15 00:57:57.518 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.518 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 53 06-15 00:57:57.518 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.519 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 54 06-15 00:57:57.519 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.519 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 55 06-15 00:57:57.519 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.520 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 56 06-15 00:57:57.520 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.520 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 57 06-15 00:57:57.520 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.520 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 58 06-15 00:57:57.520 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.520 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 59 06-15 00:57:57.521 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.521 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 60 06-15 00:57:57.521 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.521 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 61 06-15 00:57:57.521 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.521 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 62 06-15 00:57:57.521 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.521 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 63 06-15 00:57:57.521 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.522 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 64 06-15 00:57:57.522 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.522 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 65 06-15 00:57:57.522 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.522 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 66 06-15 00:57:57.523 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.523 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 67 06-15 00:57:57.523 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.523 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 68 06-15 00:57:57.523 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.524 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 69 06-15 00:57:57.524 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.524 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 70 06-15 00:57:57.524 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.524 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 71 06-15 00:57:57.524 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.524 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 72 06-15 00:57:57.524 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.524 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 73 06-15 00:57:57.525 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.525 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 74 06-15 00:57:57.525 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.525 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 75 06-15 00:57:57.525 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.525 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 76 06-15 00:57:57.525 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.525 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 77 06-15 00:57:57.526 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.526 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 78 06-15 00:57:57.526 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.526 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 79 06-15 00:57:57.526 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.526 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 80 06-15 00:57:57.526 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.526 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 81 06-15 00:57:57.526 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.526 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 82 06-15 00:57:57.527 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.527 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 83 06-15 00:57:57.527 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.527 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 84 06-15 00:57:57.527 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.528 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 85 06-15 00:57:57.528 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.528 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 86 06-15 00:57:57.528 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.528 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 87 06-15 00:57:57.529 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.529 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 88 06-15 00:57:57.529 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.529 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 89 06-15 00:57:57.529 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.529 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 90 06-15 00:57:57.529 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.530 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 91 06-15 00:57:57.532 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.532 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 92 06-15 00:57:57.532 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.532 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 93 06-15 00:57:57.532 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.532 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 94 06-15 00:57:57.532 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.532 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 95 06-15 00:57:57.533 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.533 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 96 06-15 00:57:57.533 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.533 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 97 06-15 00:57:57.533 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.533 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 98 06-15 00:57:57.533 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.533 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 99 06-15 00:57:57.535 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.535 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 100 06-15 00:57:57.535 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.535 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 101 06-15 00:57:57.535 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.536 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 102 06-15 00:57:57.537 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.537 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 103 06-15 00:57:57.537 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.537 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 104 06-15 00:57:57.537 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.537 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 105 06-15 00:57:57.538 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.538 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 106 06-15 00:57:57.538 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.538 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 107 06-15 00:57:57.538 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.538 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 108 06-15 00:57:57.538 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.538 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 109 06-15 00:57:57.538 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.539 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 110 06-15 00:57:57.539 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.539 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 111 06-15 00:57:57.539 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.539 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 112 06-15 00:57:57.539 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.539 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 113 06-15 00:57:57.539 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.539 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 114 06-15 00:57:57.540 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.540 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 115 06-15 00:57:57.540 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.540 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 116 06-15 00:57:57.540 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.540 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 117 06-15 00:57:57.540 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.540 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 118 06-15 00:57:57.540 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.541 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 119 06-15 00:57:57.541 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.541 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 120 06-15 00:57:57.541 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.541 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 121 06-15 00:57:57.541 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.542 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 122 06-15 00:57:57.542 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.543 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 123 06-15 00:57:57.544 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.544 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 124 06-15 00:57:57.544 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.544 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 125 06-15 00:57:57.544 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.544 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 126 06-15 00:57:57.544 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.545 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 127 06-15 00:57:57.545 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.545 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 128 06-15 00:57:57.545 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.545 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 129 06-15 00:57:57.545 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.545 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 130 06-15 00:57:57.546 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.546 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 131 06-15 00:57:57.546 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.546 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 132 06-15 00:57:57.546 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.546 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 133 06-15 00:57:57.546 16011 16149 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.546 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors index 134 06-15 00:57:57.548 16011 16011 E home.main.page.mng: [main] the param page must be NoNull 06-15 00:57:57.552 16011 16149 I System.out: JavaToProtoDescriptors loader finish {com.bapis.bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.VipInfo=bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.VipInfo, com.bapis.bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.AdditionUgc=bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.AdditionUgc, com.bapis.bilibili.broadcast.live.universal_interact.InteractSceneConfiguration=bilibili.broadcast.live.universal_interact.InteractSceneConfiguration, com.bapis.bilibili.main.community.reply.v1.DetailListReq=bilibili.main.community.reply.v1.DetailListReq, com.bapis.bilibili.im.interfaces.v1.ReqSetTop=bilibili.im.interface.v1.ReqSetTop, com.bapis.bilibili.im.customer.model.ComplianceModel=bilibili.im.customer.model.ComplianceModel, com.bapis.bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.OpusCollectionWithCover=bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.OpusCollectionWithCover, com.bapis.bilibili.app.dynamic.v1.DynTabReq=bilibili.app.dynamic.v1.DynTabReq, com.bapis.bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.TopicSquareReq=bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.TopicSquareReq, com.bapis.bilibili.ad.v1.AdBusinessMarkDto=bilibili.ad.v1.AdBusinessMarkDto, com.bapis.bilibili.app.viewunite.v1.PointMaterial=bilibili.app.viewunite.v1.PointMaterial, com.bapis.bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.TopicListItem=bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.TopicListItem, com.bapis.bilibili.im.customer.interfaces.SendHeartBeatReq=bilibili.im.customer.interface.v1.SendHeartBeatReq, com.bapis.bilibili.app.view.v1.FeedViewReq=bilibili.app.view.v1.FeedViewReq, com.bapis.bilibili.mall.tab3.viewunite.common.Tag=bilibili.mall.tab3.viewunite.common.Tag, com.bilibili.infoc.protobuf.ExtraEntry=infoc.ExtraEntry, com.bapis.bilibili.app.dynamic.v1.UserPendant=bilibili.app.dynamic.v1.UserPendant, com.bapis.bilibili.polymer.app.search.v1.GloryItem=bilibili.polymer.app.search.v1.GloryItem, com.bapis.bilibili.app.interfaces.v1.OfficialVerify=bilibili.app.interface.v1.OfficialVerify, com.bapis.bilibili.app.view.v1.ContinuousPlayReply=bilibili.app.view.v1.ContinuousPlayReply, com.bapis.bilibili.app.click.v1.AccountInfo=bilibili.app.click.v1.AccountInfo, com.bapis.bilibili.mall.tab3.viewunite.v1.Arc=bilibili.mall.tab3.viewunite.v1.Arc, com.bapis.bilibili.app.listener.v1.PlayDASH=bilibili.app.listener.v1.PlayDASH, com.bapis.bilibili.dynamic.common.AtSearchReq=dynamic.AtSearchReq, com.bapis.bilibili.app.view.v1.Premiere=bilibili.app.view.v1.Premiere, com.bapis.bilibili.app.viewunite.ugcanymodel.ShareGuide=bilibili.app.viewunite.ugcanymodel.ShareGuide, com.bapis.bilibili.community.service.dm.v1.DmSegConfig=bilibili.community.service.dm.v1.DmSegConfig, com.bapis.bilibili.app.viewunite.v1.BizReserveActivityParam=bilibili.app.viewunite.v1.BizReserveActivityParam, com.bapis.bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.Weight=bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.Weight, com.bapis.bilibili.dynamic.interfaces.feed.v1.SuggestRsp=bilibili.main.dynamic.feed.v1.SuggestRsp, com.bapis.bilibili.dynamic.common.ShareReserveLottery=dynamic.ShareReserveLottery, com.bapis.bilibili.live.app.room.v1.UniversalInfoResp=bilibili.live.approom.v1.UniversalInfoResp, com.bapis.bilibili.ad.v1.AdFeedbackPanelModuleDto=bilibili.ad.v1.AdFeedbackPanelModuleDto, com.bapis.bilibili.app.playurl.v1.DashItem=bilibili.app.playurl.v1.DashItem, com.bapis.bilibili.app.view.v1.CMConfig=bilibili.app.view.v1.CMConfig, com.bapis.bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.AdditionMusic=bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.AdditionMusic, com.bapis.bilibili.mall.tab3.viewunite.v1.RelatesFeedReply=bilibili.mall.tab3.viewunite.v1.RelatesFeedReply, com.bapis.bilibili.im.customer.model.BindNote=bilibili.im.customer.model.BindNote, com.bapis.bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.DynFriendReply=bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.DynFriendReply, com.bapis.bilibili.app.listener.v1.FirstPageResEntry=bilibili.app.listener.v1.FirstPageResEntry, com.bapis.bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.SubscriptionClickResp=bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.SubscriptionClickResp, com.bapis.bilibili.im.interfaces.v1.ReqSingleUnread=bilibili.im.interface.v1.ReqSingleUnread, com.bapis.bilibili.broadcast.v1.RoomErrorEvent=bilibili.broadcast.v1.RoomErrorEvent, com.bapis.bilibili.dynamic.common.GetUidByNameRsp=dynamic.GetUidByNameRsp, com.bapis.bilibili.dynamic.common.CreateCheckResp=dynamic.CreateCheckResp, com.bapis.bi 06-15 00:57:57.559 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:57:57.561 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.562 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.562 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.562 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.562 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.584 16011 16011 E im-IMMenuItemServer: [main] homePage badge server refresh 06-15 00:57:57.584 16011 16011 E im-NotificationManager: [main] notificationManager updateNotificationCount 06-15 00:57:57.589 16011 16011 W Activity: PerfMonitor: Slow Operation: Activity tv.danmaku.bili/.MainActivityV2 onStart took 119ms 06-15 00:57:57.592 16011 16011 D BiliRoaming: lateHook: Env 06-15 00:57:57.593 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:57:57.597 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityResume: tv.danmaku.bili@tv.danmaku.bili.MainActivityV2@11725668 06-15 00:57:57.597 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:57:57.601 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@16a240a 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: Drawable tv.danmaku.bili:drawable/projection_float_view_bg_big_right has unresolved theme attributes! Consider using Resources.getDrawable(int, Theme) or Context.getDrawable(int). 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: java.lang.RuntimeException 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable(Resources.java:951) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at jb1.i.(BL:19) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at jb1.j$a.a(BL:20) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at jb1.j$a.apply(BL:1) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at io.reactivex.rxjava3.internal.operators.observable.ObservableSwitchMap$SwitchMapObserver.onNext(BL:23) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at io.reactivex.rxjava3.internal.util.NotificationLite.accept(BL:10) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at io.reactivex.rxjava3.subjects.a$a.test(BL:7) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at io.reactivex.rxjava3.subjects.a$a.c(BL:56) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at io.reactivex.rxjava3.subjects.a.onNext(BL:38) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at jb1.j.e(BL:3) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at com.bilibili.lib.projection.internal.ProjectionManager.y(BL:3) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at tv.danmaku.bili.MainActivityV2.e6(BL:102) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at tv.danmaku.bili.MainActivityV2.onResume(BL:16) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at pk.ZgWNZLeNxPn.x.xw.Z.dJFSi.S.HookBridge.invokeOriginalMethod(Native Method) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at J.callback(Unknown Source:193) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at LSPHooker_.onResume(Unknown Source:8) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnResume(Instrumentation.java:1614) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.Activity.performResume(Activity.java:9045) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.ActivityThread.performResumeActivity(ActivityThread.java:5171) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleResumeActivity(ActivityThread.java:5215) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.servertransaction.ResumeActivityItem.execute(ResumeActivityItem.java:57) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.servertransaction.ActivityTransactionItem.execute(ActivityTransactionItem.java:45) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeLifecycleState(TransactionExecutor.java:190) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(TransactionExecutor.java:101) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2600) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:222) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:314) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8602) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:565) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16011 W Resources: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1081) 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16297 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class vn0.a 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16297 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16297 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class com.bilibili.bplus.im.business.event.ConversationUpdateEvent 06-15 00:57:57.602 16011 16297 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent 06-15 00:57:57.606 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.607 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.607 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.607 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.608 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.610 16011 16265 I PowerHalWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance 06-15 00:57:57.610 16011 16011 I SurfaceFactory: [static] sSurfaceFactory = com.mediatek.view.impl.SurfaceFactoryImpl@47f81c2 06-15 00:57:57.611 16011 16011 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 237531167; UID 10328; state: DISABLED 06-15 00:57:57.614 16011 16266 I pwIrisCR: YYY2-2 CoreContext[0xb4000070fdb92480]:: Construt: ##PID##:16011 06-15 00:57:57.617 16011 16011 D VRI[MainActivityV2]: hardware acceleration = true, forceHwAccelerated = false 06-15 00:57:57.622 16011 16011 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili]: 06-15 00:57:57.622 16011 16011 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:57:57.623 16011 16011 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity : package=tv.danmaku.bili/.MainActivityV2 time=211ms latency=937ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=2 (msgIndex=2 wall=929ms seq=2 late=3ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=110) 06-15 00:57:57.627 16011 16011 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity : package=tv.danmaku.bili/.MainActivityV2 time=0ms latency=851ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=5 (msgIndex=1 wall=929ms seq=2 late=3ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=110) (msgIndex=2 wall=211ms seq=3 late=937ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159) 06-15 00:57:57.627 16011 16011 I Choreographer: Skipped 98 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 06-15 00:57:57.651 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:57:57.658 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.658 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.660 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.661 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.661 16011 16303 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:57:57.662 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.665 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.665 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:57:57.666 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.666 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:57:57.666 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.667 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.667 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.671 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.671 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.676 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.676 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.677 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.677 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.679 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.679 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.681 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.681 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.683 16011 16099 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.688 16011 16099 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.688 16011 16099 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.689 16011 16099 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.689 16011 16099 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.696 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:57:57.701 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:57:57.705 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:57:57.712 16011 16140 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.712 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:57:57.712 16011 16140 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.713 16011 16140 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.713 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:57:57.713 16011 16140 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.713 16011 16140 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.734 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b00000000,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=false 06-15 00:57:57.737 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.738 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.738 16011 16266 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb40000712e6c9640 06-15 00:57:57.738 16011 16266 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili]: 06-15 00:57:57.738 16011 16266 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:57:57.742 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.746 16011 16011 D VRI[MainActivityV2]: vri.reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4370 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2986 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:10423 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1668 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1677 06-15 00:57:57.748 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.749 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.749 16011 16011 D VRI[MainActivityV2]: vri.Setup new sync=wmsSync-VRI[MainActivityV2]#0 06-15 00:57:57.749 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.756 16011 16310 D BootTracerV2_: origin report = {launch_state=0, visited_time=1223, layout_time=319, launch_option=0, has_privacy=0, visable_time=1034, first_launch=0, main_time=476} 06-15 00:57:57.757 16011 16266 W libc : Access denied finding property "vendor.migl.debug" 06-15 00:57:57.757 16011 16266 E libMiGL : libmigl:This GPU version is note support Variable Shading Rate 06-15 00:57:57.757 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.758 16011 16266 E libEGL : pre_cache appList: com.sina.weibo,com.ss.android.article.news,com.taobao.taobao,com.smile.gifmaker,com.ss.android.ugc.aweme,com.tencent.mm,tv.danmaku.bili, 06-15 00:57:57.764 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.765 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.765 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.766 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.767 16011 16266 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 06-15 00:57:57.767 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.767 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.772 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@5a3a875 06-15 00:57:57.772 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@380900a 06-15 00:57:57.772 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.773 16011 16266 D OpenGLRenderer: makeCurrent grContext:0xb40000712e825660 reset mTextureAvailable 06-15 00:57:57.774 16011 16266 D tv.danmaku.bili: MiuiProcessManagerServiceStub setSchedFifo 06-15 00:57:57.774 16011 16266 I MiuiProcessManagerImpl: setSchedFifo pid:16011, mode:3 06-15 00:57:57.775 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.776 16011 16266 W MAGT_SYNC_FRAME: MAGT Frame Sync [CHECK]: service unavailable! Disable frameSync. 06-15 00:57:57.782 16011 16091 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.782 16011 16091 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:57:57.783 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.784 16011 16127 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.serialno" 06-15 00:57:57.791 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.792 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.792 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.794 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.795 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.795 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:57.795 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.795 16011 16266 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[MainActivityV2]#0](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=1220x2712 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=-9223372036854426102 mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=68766721376261 transform=0 06-15 00:57:57.796 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.796 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.796 16011 16011 D VRI[MainActivityV2]: vri.reportDrawFinished 06-15 00:57:57.796 16011 16011 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=169ms vsyncFrame=0 latency=817ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=9 (msgIndex=1 wall=929ms seq=2 late=3ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=110) (msgIndex=2 wall=211ms seq=3 late=937ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159) 06-15 00:57:57.796 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.797 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.797 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.799 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.799 16011 16303 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.801 16011 16028 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=985ms; Flags=1, FrameTimelineVsyncId=34363272, IntendedVsync=25249371799912, Vsync=25250184340452, InputEventId=0, HandleInputStart=25250188563735, AnimationStart=25250188581581, PerformTraversalsStart=25250188776350, DrawStart=25250328094504, FrameDeadline=25249381799912, FrameInterval=25250188029581, FrameStartTime=8291230, SyncQueued=25250333599735, SyncStart=25250333700658, IssueDrawCommandsStart=25250336023119, SwapBuffers=25250351783735, FrameCompleted=25250356940966, DequeueBufferDuration=16308, QueueBufferDuration=289923, GpuCompleted=25250353583119, SwapBuffersCompleted=25250356940966, DisplayPresentTime=0, CommandSubmissionCompleted=25250351783735, 06-15 00:57:57.802 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.803 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.804 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.807 16011 16294 I IjkMediaCodecInfo: Unknown Profile Level 0 (65536,131072) 06-15 00:57:57.807 16011 16294 I IjkMediaCodecInfo: Unknown Profile Level 0 (65536,131072) 06-15 00:57:57.807 16011 16294 I IjkMediaCodecInfo: Unknown Profile Level 0 (65536,131072) 06-15 00:57:57.808 16011 16294 I IjkMediaCodecInfo: Unknown Profile Level 52 (524288,65536) 06-15 00:57:57.808 16011 16294 I IjkMediaCodecInfo: Unknown Profile Level 52 (524288,65536) 06-15 00:57:57.808 16011 16294 I IjkMediaCodecInfo: Unknown Profile Level 0 (4096,8388608) 06-15 00:57:57.808 16011 16294 I IjkMediaCodecInfo: Unknown Profile Level 0 (4096,8388608) 06-15 00:57:57.809 16011 16294 I IjkMediaCodecInfo: Unknown Profile Level 0 (4096,8388608) 06-15 00:57:57.809 16011 16294 I IjkMediaCodecInfo: Extends Profile Level 0 (4,524288) 06-15 00:57:57.809 16011 16294 I IjkMediaCodecInfo: Extends Profile Level 0 (4,524288) 06-15 00:57:57.817 16011 16011 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 119147584; UID 10328; state: ENABLED 06-15 00:57:57.828 16011 16149 E moss.brdcst.shared.prefs: [MossBroadcast.shared] Error update last service message id from 30 to 1. 06-15 00:57:57.853 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@eccf2a2 06-15 00:57:57.853 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@a7cdb33 06-15 00:57:57.856 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:57.865 16011 16011 I DynamicView: checkSoLoad 06-15 00:57:57.882 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:57.890 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.893 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:57.902 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:57.905 16011 16304 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.914 16011 16099 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.915 16011 16099 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.915 16011 16099 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.915 16011 16099 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.916 16011 16099 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.917 16011 16099 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.918 16011 16099 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.919 16011 16099 I HonorApiAvailability: push service is not installed 06-15 00:57:57.924 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:57.924 16011 16099 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.927 16011 16149 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class vn0.o 06-15 00:57:57.927 16011 16149 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent 06-15 00:57:57.938 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:57.938 16011 16344 W XMPush-16011: [Tid:278] sdk_version = 5_7_8-C 06-15 00:57:57.940 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@fe81aa7 06-15 00:57:57.942 16011 16099 E PUSH_LG_BPushReportHelper: [thread_back_io] default, type: xiaomi, push_sdk: 2, mobile_version: 14, device_token: Zrm56hXZBdrZqYe27nwy7NN7KBWfEzM6KstjNS1SR5OME3WCdRonym7J9FmFTWUx, extra: {"app_channel":"xiaomi_cn_tv.danmaku.bili_20210930","switch_type":"{\"status\":[{\"系统默认通道\":1,\"哔哩哔哩\":1,\"内容资讯\":1,\"重要推送\":1,\"营销推广\":1},{\"系统默认通道\":0,\"哔哩哔哩\":0,\"内容资讯\":0,\"重要推送\":0,\"营销推广\":0}],\"switch_name\":[\"横幅\",\"锁屏\"]}","lessons_mode":"0","teenagers_mode":"0"}, notify_switch: 1, time_zone: 8, type: 7, mobile_brand: Redmi, mobile_model: 23078RKD5C 06-15 00:57:57.943 16011 16345 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.943 16011 16345 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.944 16011 16346 W XMPush-16011: [Tid:280] (Local) begin execute onCommandResult, command=register, resultCode=0, reason=null 06-15 00:57:57.950 16011 16346 E PUSH_LG_BPushReportHelper: [pool-26-thread-1] register success, type: xiaomi, push_sdk: 2, mobile_version: 14, device_token: Zrm56hXZBdrZqYe27nwy7NN7KBWfEzM6KstjNS1SR5OME3WCdRonym7J9FmFTWUx, extra: {"app_channel":"xiaomi_cn_tv.danmaku.bili_20210930","switch_type":"{\"status\":[{\"系统默认通道\":1,\"哔哩哔哩\":1,\"内容资讯\":1,\"重要推送\":1,\"营销推广\":1},{\"系统默认通道\":0,\"哔哩哔哩\":0,\"内容资讯\":0,\"重要推送\":0,\"营销推广\":0}],\"switch_name\":[\"横幅\",\"锁屏\"]}","lessons_mode":"0","miui_service_framework_version":"70000039","teenagers_mode":"0","miui_version":"V816"}, notify_switch: 1, time_zone: 8, type: 1, mobile_brand: Redmi, mobile_model: 23078RKD5C 06-15 00:57:57.952 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:57.952 16011 16347 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(419) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:57.953 16011 16347 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(408) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:57.953 16011 16345 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.953 16011 16345 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:57.954 16011 16346 W XMPush-16011: [Tid:280] [MessageHandleService] no message from raw for receiver 06-15 00:57:57.954 16011 16347 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(408) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:57.956 16011 16347 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(414) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:57.956 16011 16347 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(408) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:57.957 16011 16347 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(408) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:57.957 16011 16347 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(359) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:57.958 16011 16347 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(359) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:57.968 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:57.984 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.000 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.016 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.037 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.049 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.065 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.074 16011 16149 E moss.brdcst.shared.prefs: [MossBroadcast.shared] Error update last service message id from 7 to 6. 06-15 00:57:58.081 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.098 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.115 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.132 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.136 16011 16347 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(407) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:58.137 16011 16347 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(407) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:58.137 16011 16347 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(407) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:58.138 16011 16347 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(407) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:58.139 16011 16347 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(407) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:58.139 16011 16347 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(407) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:58.140 16011 16347 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(379) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:58.140 16011 16347 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(379) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:58.149 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.165 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.165 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:57:58.166 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:57:58.170 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:57:58.182 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.197 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.211 16011 16357 I bilid.native: Read file: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq. 06-15 00:57:58.211 16011 16357 I bilid.native: Read file: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq. 06-15 00:57:58.214 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.221 16011 16357 W Settings: Setting adb_enabled has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global. 06-15 00:57:58.223 16011 16357 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.serialno" 06-15 00:57:58.223 16011 16357 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.boot.serialno" 06-15 00:57:58.223 16011 16357 W libc : Access denied finding property "net.dns1" 06-15 00:57:58.230 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@866bfc1 06-15 00:57:58.231 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.247 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.264 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.280 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.296 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.313 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.316 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.316 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.316 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.316 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.317 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.317 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.317 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.336 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.332 16011 16011 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:50779): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/sys/module/metis/parameters/minor_window_app" dev="sysfs" ino=111197 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_migt:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:58.350 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@7c0f46f 06-15 00:57:58.393 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@9b65d49 06-15 00:57:58.393 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@288264e 06-15 00:57:58.405 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.400 16011 16011 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:50780): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/sys/module/metis/parameters/minor_window_app" dev="sysfs" ino=111197 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_migt:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:58.408 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.404 16011 16011 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:50781): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/sys/module/metis/parameters/minor_window_app" dev="sysfs" ino=111197 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_migt:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:58.413 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.408 16011 16011 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:50782): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/sys/module/metis/parameters/minor_window_app" dev="sysfs" ino=111197 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_migt:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:58.431 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.428 16011 16011 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:50783): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/sys/module/metis/parameters/minor_window_app" dev="sysfs" ino=111197 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_migt:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:58.450 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.454 16011 16011 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: OnBackInvokedCallback is not enabled for the application. 06-15 00:57:58.454 16011 16011 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: Set 'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest. 06-15 00:57:58.457 16011 16011 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 147798919; UID 10328; state: ENABLED 06-15 00:57:58.474 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.489 16011 16266 I pwIrisCR: YYY2-2 CoreContext[0xb4000070b6476480]:: Construt: ##PID##:16011 06-15 00:57:58.491 16011 16011 D VRI[Toast]: hardware acceleration = true, forceHwAccelerated = false 06-15 00:57:58.506 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.514 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b00000001,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=false 06-15 00:57:58.515 16011 16011 D VRI[Toast]: vri.reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4370 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2986 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:10423 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1668 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1677 06-15 00:57:58.515 16011 16011 D VRI[Toast]: vri.Setup new sync=wmsSync-VRI[Toast]#2 06-15 00:57:58.515 16011 16266 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 06-15 00:57:58.516 16011 16266 D OpenGLRenderer: makeCurrent grContext:0xb40000712e825660 reset mTextureAvailable 06-15 00:57:58.517 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.517 16011 16266 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[Toast]#1](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=382x104 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=-9223372036854426102 mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=68766721376264 transform=0 06-15 00:57:58.517 16011 16011 D VRI[Toast]: vri.reportDrawFinished 06-15 00:57:58.530 16011 16011 D VRI[Toast]: vri.reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.handleResized:2303 android.view.ViewRootImpl.-$$Nest$mhandleResized:0 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler.handleMessageImpl:6729 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler.handleMessage:6698 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:106 06-15 00:57:58.532 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.535 32034 4435 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(176) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:58.544 32311 32311 E DownloadHelper: [main] { 06-15 00:57:58.544 32311 32311 E DownloadHelper: "downloader_version": 1, 06-15 00:57:58.544 32311 32311 E DownloadHelper: "file_mode": 1, 06-15 00:57:58.544 32311 32311 E DownloadHelper: "thread_num": 12, 06-15 00:57:58.544 32311 32311 E DownloadHelper: "file_record_mode": 1, 06-15 00:57:58.544 32311 32311 E DownloadHelper: "http_connection_mode": 0, 06-15 00:57:58.544 32311 32311 E DownloadHelper: "multi_thread_num_config": { 06-15 00:57:58.544 32311 32311 E DownloadHelper: "multi_link": false, 06-15 00:57:58.544 32311 32311 E DownloadHelper: "block_num": 2, 06-15 00:57:58.544 32311 32311 E DownloadHelper: "block_num_size":[[0,838860800,2],[838860800,-1,4]] 06-15 00:57:58.544 32311 32311 E DownloadHelper: } 06-15 00:57:58.544 32311 32311 E DownloadHelper: } 06-15 00:57:58.545 32311 32311 E DownloadHelper: [main] DownloaderConfig{grayRange='null', concurrentConfig='null', downloaderVersion=1, threadNum=12, fileMode=1, fileRecordMode=1, httpConnectionMode=0} 06-15 00:57:58.549 16011 16011 D VRI[Toast]: vri.Setup new sync=wmsSync-VRI[Toast]#4 06-15 00:57:58.550 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.551 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.551 16011 16011 D VRI[Toast]: vri.reportDrawFinished 06-15 00:57:58.564 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.564 16011 16011 E DownLoadService: success 06-15 00:57:58.578 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.578 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.578 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.579 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.579 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.580 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.580 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.580 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.580 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.580 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.581 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.581 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.582 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.582 16011 16378 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.583 16011 16378 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.583 16011 16378 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.583 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.583 16011 16378 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.583 16011 16131 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.583 16011 16378 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.584 16011 16131 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.584 16011 16131 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.584 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.584 16011 16131 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.584 16011 16131 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.585 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: Drawable tv.danmaku.bili:drawable/live_shape_gradient_shadow_99_00 has unresolved theme attributes! Consider using Resources.getDrawable(int, Theme) or Context.getDrawable(int). 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: java.lang.RuntimeException 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable(Resources.java:951) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at m3.b0.B1(BL:13) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at m3.b0.S0(BL:127) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at m3.b0.y1(BL:1) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at m3.b0.(BL:119) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at m3.b0.(BL:32) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at f90.f.floatWindowIsShown(BL:51) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at ff1.e.isMiniPlayerActive(BL:7) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at com.bilibili.inline.utils.InlineExtensionKt.isVideoFloatWindowShow(BL:16) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at com.bilibili.inline.fetcher.DescendingInlineFetcher.isVideoFloat(BL:1) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at com.bilibili.inline.fetcher.DescendingInlineFetcher.fetchPlayableCard(BL:6) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at wx0.c.startAutoPlay(BL:28) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at gx0.b.c(BL:8) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at com.bilibili.pegasus.promo.index.IndexFeedFragmentV2.Bx(BL:13) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at com.bilibili.pegasus.promo.index.IndexFeedFragmentV2.zx(BL:93) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at com.bilibili.pegasus.promo.index.IndexFeedFragmentV2.Ax(BL:17) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at com.bilibili.pegasus.promo.index.IndexFeedFragmentV2.yx(BL:7) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at com.bilibili.pegasus.promo.index.IndexFeedFragmentV2.zu(BL:1) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at com.bilibili.pegasus.promo.index.p.run(BL:3) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:222) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:314) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8602) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:565) 06-15 00:57:58.586 16011 16011 W Resources: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1081) 06-15 00:57:58.598 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.617 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.625 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.625 16011 16140 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.625 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.625 16011 16140 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.625 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.625 16011 16140 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.625 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.626 16011 16140 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.626 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.626 16011 16140 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:58.630 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.641 16011 16019 I tv.danmaku.bili: This is non sticky GC, maxfree is 33554432 minfree is 8388608 06-15 00:57:58.641 16011 16019 I tv.danmaku.bili: Background concurrent copying GC freed 2753033(120MB) AllocSpace objects, 598(33MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 48MB/96MB, paused 49us,49us total 196.230ms 06-15 00:57:58.647 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.648 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:58.649 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:58.649 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:58.649 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:58.650 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:58.650 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:58.652 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:58.652 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:58.652 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:58.652 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:58.652 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:58.652 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:58.652 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:58.662 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.680 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.696 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.712 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.729 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.730 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@ff6a6eb 06-15 00:57:58.745 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.762 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.778 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.795 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.812 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.828 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.845 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.851 16011 16011 D MiuiMultiWindowUtils: freeform resolution args raw data:{ "wide_default":{ "freeform_args": { "vertical_portrait":{"aspect_ratio":0.626, "original_ratio":0.5643,"original_scale":0.74,"top_margin":0.168,"left_margin":0.484}, "horizontal_portrait":{"aspect_ratio":0.626, "original_ratio":0.5643,"original_scale":0.74,"top_margin":0.1222,"left_margin":0.59745}, "vertical_landscape":{"aspect_ratio":1.6, "original_ratio":1,"original_scale":0.604,"top_margin":0.2596,"left_margin":0.2624}, "horizontal_landscape":{"aspect_ratio":1.6, "original_ratio":1,"original_scale":0.604,"top_margin":0.213,"left_margin":0.3758} }, "mini_freeform_args":{ "vertical_portrait":{"original_ratio":0.147}, "horizontal_portrait":{"original_ratio":0.147}, "vertical_landscape":{"original_ratio":0.165}, "horizontal_landscape":{"original_ratio":0.165} } }, "narrow_default": { "freeform_args": { "vertical_portrait":{"aspect_ratio":0.626, "original_ratio":1,"original_scale":0.74,"top_margin":0.0753,"left_margin":-1}, "horizontal_portrait":{"aspect_ratio":0.626, "original_ratio":1,"original_scale":0.5756,"top_margin":-1,"left_margin":0.0753}, "vertical_landscape":{"aspect_ratio":1.6, "original_ratio":0.6847,"original_scale":0.587,"top_margin":0.0753,"left_margin":-1}, "horizontal_landscape":{"aspect_ratio":1.6, "original_ratio":0.6847,"original_scale":0.587,"top_margin":-1,"left_margin":0.0753} }, "mini_freeform_args":{ "vertical_portrait":{"original_ratio":0.26}, "horizontal_portrait":{"original_ratio":0.26}, "vertical_landscape":{"original_ratio":0.293}, "horizontal_landscape":{"original_ratio":0.293} } }, "regular_default": { "freeform_args": { "vertical_portrait":{"aspect_ratio":0.625, "original_ratio":1,"original_scale":0.7,"top_margin":0.109,"left_margin":-1}, "horizontal_portrait":{"aspect_ratio":0.6667, "original_ratio":1,"original_scale":0.6102,"top_margin":-1,"left_margin":0.026}, "vertical_landscape":{"aspect_ratio":1.6, "original_ratio":1,"original_scale":0.4244,"top_margin":0.109,"left_margin":-1}, "horizontal_landscape":{"aspect_ratio":1.6, "original_ratio":1,"original_scale":0.4244,"top_margin":-1,"left_margin":0.026} }, "mini_freeform_args":{ "vertical_portrait":{"original_ratio":0.25}, "horizontal_portrait":{"original_ratio":0.25}, "vertical_landscape":{"original_ratio":0.25}, "horizontal_landscape":{"original_ratio":0.25} } }, "pad_default": { "freeform_args": { "vertical_portrait":{"aspect_ratio":0.5625, "original_ratio":0.375,"original_scale":0.835,"top_margin":0.049,"left_margin":0.2775}, "horizontal_portrait":{"aspect_ratio":0.5625, "original_ratio":0.375,"original_scale":0.835,"top_margin":-1,"left_margin":0.6525}, "vertical_landscape":{"aspect_ratio":-1, "original_ratio":1,"original_scale":0.468,"top_margin":0.049,"left_margin":-1}, "horizontal_landscape":{"aspect_ratio":-1, "original_ratio":1,"original_scale":0.468,"top_margin":-1,"left_margin":0.4976} }, "mini_freeform_args":{ "vertical_portrait":{"original_ratio":0.144}, "horizontal_portrait":{"original_ratio":0.144}, "vertical_landscape":{"original_ratio":0.2}, "horizontal_landscape":{"original_ratio":0.2} } }} 06-15 00:57:58.851 16011 16011 D MiuiMultiWindowUtils: initFreeFormResolutionArgs failed, device is corot 06-15 00:57:58.851 16011 16011 D IS_CTS_MODE: false 06-15 00:57:58.851 16011 16011 D MULTI_WINDOW_SWITCH_ENABLED: false 06-15 00:57:58.861 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.878 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.894 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.911 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.927 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.948 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.949 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:57:58.954 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityPause: tv.danmaku.bili@tv.danmaku.bili.MainActivityV2@11725668 06-15 00:57:58.954 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:57:58.974 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:58.980 16011 16388 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb4000070d1e3df00 06-15 00:57:58.980 16011 16388 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili]: 06-15 00:57:58.980 16011 16388 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:57:58.980 16011 16388 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb4000070d1e3df00 06-15 00:57:58.991 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : Init Interceptor for Activity com.bilibili.search2.main.BiliMainSearchActivity@62fb3f0 06-15 00:57:58.992 16011 16271 D ViewContentFactory: initViewContentFetcherClass 06-15 00:57:58.992 16011 16271 I ContentCatcher: ViewContentFetcher : ViewContentFetcher 06-15 00:57:58.992 16011 16271 D ViewContentFactory: createInterceptor took 0ms 06-15 00:57:58.992 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityCreate: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.search2.main.BiliMainSearchActivity@103789552 06-15 00:57:58.992 16011 16271 E ContentCatcherManager: failed to get ContentCatcherService. 06-15 00:57:58.992 16011 16271 E ContentCatcherManager: failed to get ContentCatcherService. 06-15 00:57:58.992 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : NOT interest in this page: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.search2.main.BiliMainSearchActivity@103789552 06-15 00:57:58.992 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:57:58.993 16011 16011 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 06-15 00:57:59.015 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityStart: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.search2.main.BiliMainSearchActivity@103789552 06-15 00:57:59.015 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:57:59.016 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:57:59.022 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:57:59.031 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:57:59.038 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:57:59.040 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityResume: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.search2.main.BiliMainSearchActivity@103789552 06-15 00:57:59.040 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:57:59.049 16011 16266 I pwIrisCR: YYY2-2 CoreContext[0xb40000712e4ef000]:: Construt: ##PID##:16011 06-15 00:57:59.050 16011 16011 D VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: hardware acceleration = true, forceHwAccelerated = false 06-15 00:57:59.075 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b00000002,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=false 06-15 00:57:59.076 16011 16266 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 06-15 00:57:59.083 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:57:59.098 16011 16011 D VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: vri.reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4370 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2986 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:10423 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1668 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1677 06-15 00:57:59.099 16011 16011 D VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: vri.Setup new sync=wmsSync-VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]#6 06-15 00:57:59.099 16011 16011 V TextViewImpl: sendCursorInfo support:true 06-15 00:57:59.101 16011 16266 D OpenGLRenderer: makeCurrent grContext:0xb40000712e825660 reset mTextureAvailable 06-15 00:57:59.104 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.104 16011 16266 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]#2](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=1220x2712 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=-9223372036854426102 mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=68766721376279 transform=0 06-15 00:57:59.104 16011 16011 D VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: vri.reportDrawFinished 06-15 00:57:59.105 16011 16011 E SVGAImageView: stopAnimation:animator = null } 06-15 00:57:59.106 16011 16011 I ImeTracker: tv.danmaku.bili:1e02ba5f: onRequestShow at ORIGIN_CLIENT_SHOW_SOFT_INPUT reason SHOW_SOFT_INPUT 06-15 00:57:59.106 16011 16011 I ImeTracker: tv.danmaku.bili:1e02ba5f: onFailed at PHASE_CLIENT_VIEW_SERVED 06-15 00:57:59.106 16011 16011 W InputMethodManager: Ignoring showSoftInput() as view=tv.danmaku.bili.widget.SearchView$QueryText{6311a77 VFED..CL. .F...... 0,0-820,90 #7f093963 app:id/search_src_text aid=1073741824} is not served. 06-15 00:57:59.110 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.111 16011 16011 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 163400105; UID 10328; state: ENABLED 06-15 00:57:59.113 16011 16011 I AssistStructure: Flattened final assist data: 2060 bytes, containing 1 windows, 14 views 06-15 00:57:59.122 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.127 16011 16185 E GMBootStrap_Producer: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-16] PRODUCER==>launchWithAsyncWork==>processName==>tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:59.127 16011 16185 E GMBootStrap_Producer: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-16] processName:tv.danmaku.bili,MallBootService=>initLaunchWork 06-15 00:57:59.136 16011 16131 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb4000071859c6b00 06-15 00:57:59.136 16011 16131 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili]: 06-15 00:57:59.136 16011 16131 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:57:59.153 16011 16114 E ptes : [pool-8-thread-1] onPostCreate 06-15 00:57:59.153 16011 16114 D DelayTaskController: shouldBlock = false 06-15 00:57:59.154 16011 16397 I DrmHalHidl: No hidl drm factories found 06-15 00:57:59.155 16011 16397 E DrmHalHidl: Failed to find passthrough drm factories 06-15 00:57:59.156 16011 16397 I DrmUtils: found IDrmFactory. Instance name:[android.hardware.drm.IDrmFactory/clearkey] 06-15 00:57:59.156 16011 16397 I DrmUtils: found IDrmFactory. Instance name:[android.hardware.drm.IDrmFactory/widevine] 06-15 00:57:59.179 16011 16190 E okhttp.bilow.biz.tracker: [OkHttpExecutor #3] Miss RpcExtra in bilow biz tracker, new one. 06-15 00:57:59.196 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@60546c9 06-15 00:57:59.196 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@44691ce 06-15 00:57:59.197 16011 16127 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(427) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:59.198 16011 16127 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(427) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:59.200 16011 16127 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(514) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:59.203 16011 16127 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(301) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:59.205 16011 16127 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(301) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:59.207 16011 16127 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(301) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:59.211 16011 16131 E a : [BoltsTask-background-delegate(1)-thread-50] genPerformanceMode model=mt6985 06-15 00:57:59.212 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.215 16011 16127 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(114) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:59.215 16011 16011 I ImeTracker: tv.danmaku.bili:f45770cd: onRequestShow at ORIGIN_CLIENT_SHOW_SOFT_INPUT reason SHOW_SOFT_INPUT 06-15 00:57:59.215 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:57:59.216 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:57:59.217 16011 16127 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(114) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:59.220 16011 16011 D InputMethodManager: showSoftInput() view=tv.danmaku.bili.widget.SearchView$QueryText{6311a77 VFED..CL. .F...... 0,0-820,90 #7f093963 app:id/search_src_text aid=1073741824} flags=2 reason=SHOW_SOFT_INPUT 06-15 00:57:59.221 16011 16400 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(400) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:57:59.224 16011 16011 I ImeTracker: tv.danmaku.bili:130cdd39: onRequestShow at ORIGIN_CLIENT_SHOW_SOFT_INPUT reason SHOW_SOFT_INPUT 06-15 00:57:59.224 16011 16011 D InputMethodManager: showSoftInput() view=tv.danmaku.bili.widget.SearchView$QueryText{6311a77 VFED..CL. .F...... 0,0-820,90 #7f093963 app:id/search_src_text aid=1073741824} flags=2 reason=SHOW_SOFT_INPUT 06-15 00:57:59.225 16011 16011 I ImeTracker: tv.danmaku.bili:3f8ae16e: onRequestShow at ORIGIN_CLIENT_SHOW_SOFT_INPUT reason SHOW_SOFT_INPUT 06-15 00:57:59.225 16011 16011 D InputMethodManager: showSoftInput() view=tv.danmaku.bili.widget.SearchView$QueryText{6311a77 VFED..CL. .F...... 0,0-820,90 #7f093963 app:id/search_src_text aid=1073741824} flags=2 reason=SHOW_SOFT_INPUT 06-15 00:57:59.226 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.227 16011 16131 E a : [BoltsTask-background-delegate(1)-thread-50] initMode end time=22,captureMode=2 06-15 00:57:59.229 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.230 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.230 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.231 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.231 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.233 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.236 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.236 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.237 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.237 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.244 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.248 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:57:59.251 16011 16131 E a : [BoltsTask-background-delegate(1)-thread-50] updateBeautifyToSp 更新本地配置 json={"back_camera":{"template_id":0},"front_camera":{"template_id":1},"template_list":[{"id":0,"list":[{"config":{"apple_muscle":-1,"bright_eye":-1,"chin_length":0,"eye_angle":0,"eye_distance":0,"eye_enlarging":-1,"filter_average_skin_color":-1,"filter_bridge_of_nose":-1,"filter_eyebrow":0,"filter_eyes_vertical_move":0,"filter_root_of_nose":0,"filter_style_adjustment":1,"hairline":0,"lip":0,"long_nose":0,"mouth_size":0,"narrow_face":-1,"narrow_nose":0,"open_canthus":-1,"outer_canthus":-1,"paramsMap":{"Bright Eye Param":-1,"Chin Length Param":0,"Eye Enlarging":-1,"Hairline Height Param":0,"Mouth Size Param":0,"Narrow Nose Param":0,"Reddening":-1,"Shrink Face":-1,"Strength":-1,"White Teeth Param":-1,"Whitening":-1,"apple muscle":-1,"average skin color":-1,"bridge of nose":-1,"eye angle":0,"eye distance":0,"eyebrow":0,"eyes 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Param":-0.5,"Whitening":-0.2,"apple muscle":-1,"average skin color":-0.1,"bridge of nose":-0.6,"eye angle":0,"eye distance":0,"eyebrow":-0.4,"eyes vertical move":0,"lip":0,"long nose":0,"narrow face":-0.8,"open canthus":-0.2,"outer canthus":-0.6,"philtrum":0.65,"profile rhinoplasty":-1,"remove dark circles":-0.4,"remove nasolabial folds":0,"root of nose":0.4,"round eye":-1,"sharp chin":0,"sharpen":0,"shrink cheekbone":-0.8,"shrink jaw":-0.7,"shrink under jaw":-0.9,"style adjustment":1,"wing of nose":-1},"philtrum":0.65,"profile_rhinoplasty":-1,"redden":-1,"remove_dark_circle":-0.4,"remove_nasolabial_folds":0,"round_eye":-1,"sharp_chin":0,"sharpen":0,"shrink_cheekbone":-0.8,"shrink_jaw":-0.7,"shrink_under_jaw":-0.9,"smooth_strength":-0.8,"thin_face":-0.9,"white_teeth":-0.5,"whitening":-0.2,"wing_of_nose":-1},"grade":0}],"name":"自定义"}]} 06-15 00:57:59.260 16011 16131 E UpperHdrManager: [BoltsTask-background-delegate(1)-thread-52] initHdrPreview isSupportHdrPreview=true 06-15 00:57:59.261 16011 16131 E UpperHdrManager: [BoltsTask-background-delegate(1)-thread-52] initHdrExport config={"enable":true,"whiteList":[{"Sony":["XQ-DQ72","XQ-BQ72","XQ-BE72","XQ-BC72","XQ-CT72","XQ-CQ72"]},{"Xiaomi":["MI 9","Mi 10","Mi 10 Pro","Mi 12 Pro","M2011K2C","M2012K11AC"]},{"HUAWEI":["ABR-AL00","ELS-NX9"]},{"Redmi":["M2012K11AC"]},{"meizu":["meizu 17 Pro"]},{"IQOO":["V2055A"]},{"OPPO":["PEDM00"]},{"vivo":["V2055A","V2162A"]},{"OnePlus":["IN2010","LE2110"]}],"gainMap":{"Sony":"2.0","Xiaomi":"2.0","OPPO":"2.2","OnePlus":"2.0","vivo":"2.1","meizu":"2.3","Redmi":"2.0","HUAWEI":"2.0"}} 06-15 00:57:59.261 16011 16131 E UpperHdrManager: [BoltsTask-background-delegate(1)-thread-52] initColorGain gainColor=2.0 06-15 00:57:59.261 16011 16131 E UpperHdrManager: [BoltsTask-background-delegate(1)-thread-52] initHdrExport isSupportHdrExport=false,colorGainForSDKToHDR=2.0 06-15 00:57:59.261 16011 16131 E UpperHdrManager: [BoltsTask-background-delegate(1)-thread-52] initHdrAbility isSupportHdrPreview=true,colorGainForSDKToHDR=2.0,isSupportHdrExport=false 06-15 00:57:59.270 16011 16391 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()+ subId=1 06-15 00:57:59.272 16011 16391 D ConnectivityManager: getMobileDataEnabled()- subId=1 retVal=true 06-15 00:57:59.279 16011 16185 E MaterialCollection: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-16] 【素材采集-恢复任务】,数据库查询,dbSize=null,validSize=0 06-15 00:57:59.290 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:57:59.294 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.294 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.296 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.296 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.300 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.301 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.302 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.302 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.306 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.306 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.307 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.307 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.310 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.311 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.312 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.312 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.314 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.314 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.315 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.316 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.319 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.320 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.320 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.321 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:57:59.340 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.336 16011 16011 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:50824): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/sys/module/metis/parameters/minor_window_app" dev="sysfs" ino=111197 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_migt:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:59.343 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.340 16011 16011 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:50825): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/sys/module/metis/parameters/minor_window_app" dev="sysfs" ino=111197 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_migt:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:59.345 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.340 16011 16011 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:50826): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/sys/module/metis/parameters/minor_window_app" dev="sysfs" ino=111197 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_migt:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:59.348 16011 16302 W tv.danmaku.bili: Long monitor contention with owner Fresco#IO-7 (16301) at com.facebook.binaryresource.BinaryResource com.facebook.cache.disk.DiskStorageCache.endInsert(com.facebook.cache.disk.DiskStorage$Inserter, com.facebook.cache.common.CacheKey, java.lang.String)(BL:24) waiters=3 in com.facebook.binaryresource.BinaryResource com.facebook.cache.disk.DiskStorageCache.insert(com.facebook.cache.common.CacheKey, com.facebook.cache.common.WriterCallback) for 739ms 06-15 00:57:59.349 16011 16300 W tv.danmaku.bili: Long monitor contention with owner Fresco#IO-7 (16301) at com.facebook.binaryresource.BinaryResource com.facebook.cache.disk.DiskStorageCache.endInsert(com.facebook.cache.disk.DiskStorage$Inserter, com.facebook.cache.common.CacheKey, java.lang.String)(BL:24) waiters=2 in com.facebook.binaryresource.BinaryResource com.facebook.cache.disk.DiskStorageCache.insert(com.facebook.cache.common.CacheKey, com.facebook.cache.common.WriterCallback) for 782ms 06-15 00:57:59.349 16011 16011 D InsetsController: show(ime(), fromIme=true) 06-15 00:57:59.350 16011 16285 W tv.danmaku.bili: Long monitor contention with owner Fresco#IO-7 (16301) at com.facebook.binaryresource.BinaryResource com.facebook.cache.disk.DiskStorageCache.endInsert(com.facebook.cache.disk.DiskStorage$Inserter, com.facebook.cache.common.CacheKey, java.lang.String)(BL:24) waiters=0 in com.facebook.binaryresource.BinaryResource com.facebook.cache.disk.DiskStorageCache.insert(com.facebook.cache.common.CacheKey, com.facebook.cache.common.WriterCallback) for 804ms 06-15 00:57:59.350 16011 16011 D InsetsController: show(ime(), fromIme=true) 06-15 00:57:59.350 16011 16011 I ImeTracker: tv.danmaku.bili:3f8ae16e: onCancelled at PHASE_CLIENT_APPLY_ANIMATION 06-15 00:57:59.353 16011 16290 W tv.danmaku.bili: Long monitor contention with owner Fresco#IO-7 (16301) at com.facebook.binaryresource.BinaryResource com.facebook.cache.disk.DiskStorageCache.endInsert(com.facebook.cache.disk.DiskStorage$Inserter, com.facebook.cache.common.CacheKey, java.lang.String)(BL:24) waiters=1 in com.facebook.binaryresource.BinaryResource com.facebook.cache.disk.DiskStorageCache.insert(com.facebook.cache.common.CacheKey, com.facebook.cache.common.WriterCallback) for 804ms 06-15 00:57:59.371 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.364 16011 16011 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:50827): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/sys/module/metis/parameters/minor_window_app" dev="sysfs" ino=111197 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_migt:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:59.375 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@79c1f87 06-15 00:57:59.375 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.372 16011 16011 W RenderThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:50828): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/sys/module/metis/parameters/minor_window_app" dev="sysfs" ino=111197 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_32:s0:c72,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_migt:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:57:59.377 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@87ebeb4 06-15 00:57:59.378 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.379 16011 16140 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.383 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.385 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.386 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@9823949 06-15 00:57:59.392 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.393 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.400 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.401 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.404 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.404 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.404 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.404 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.405 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.408 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.410 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.416 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.417 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.424 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.426 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.433 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.434 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.438 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.438 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.438 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.438 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.438 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.442 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.444 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.450 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.451 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.459 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.461 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.466 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.468 16011 16266 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or directory 06-15 00:57:59.483 16011 16011 D fawkes.update.helper: checkUpdateInStartup from child repo! 06-15 00:57:59.492 16011 16129 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.493 16011 16129 E fawkes.update.helper: [BoltsTask-background-delegate(1)-thread-63] Skip update for fetched info na, null response. 06-15 00:57:59.528 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.528 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.529 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.529 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.529 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.554 16011 16427 I bilid.native: Read file: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq. 06-15 00:57:59.554 16011 16427 I bilid.native: Read file: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq. 06-15 00:57:59.566 16011 16019 I tv.danmaku.bili: This is sticky GC, maxfree is 33554432 minfree is 8388608 06-15 00:57:59.567 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:59.567 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:59.568 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:59.568 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:59.568 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:57:59.569 16011 16427 W Settings: Setting adb_enabled has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global. 06-15 00:57:59.571 16011 16427 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.serialno" 06-15 00:57:59.571 16011 16427 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.boot.serialno" 06-15 00:57:59.571 16011 16427 W libc : Access denied finding property "net.dns1" 06-15 00:57:59.581 16011 16011 I ImeTracker: tv.danmaku.bili:130cdd39: onShown 06-15 00:57:59.651 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityStop: tv.danmaku.bili@tv.danmaku.bili.MainActivityV2@11725668 06-15 00:57:59.651 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:57:59.653 16011 16131 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.653 16011 16131 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.653 16011 16131 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.653 16011 16131 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.654 16011 16131 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:57:59.657 16011 16266 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[MainActivityV2]#0](f:0,a:5) destructor() 06-15 00:57:59.657 16011 16266 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[MainActivityV2]#0(BLAST Consumer)0](id:3e8b00000000,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) disconnect 06-15 00:57:59.659 16011 16011 W MiuiStubRegistry: Failed to collect stub providers in android.magicpointer.util.MiuiMagicPointerUtilsStubHeadManifest$$: /system_ext/framework/miui-framework-pointer-pad.jar not exist 06-15 00:57:59.714 32311 16447 W u.bili:download: Accessing hidden method Landroid/os/storage/StorageVolume;->getPath()Ljava/lang/String; (max-target-q,test-api, reflection, denied) 06-15 00:57:59.715 32311 16447 W u.bili:download: If this is a platform test consider enabling VMRuntime.ALLOW_TEST_API_ACCESS change id for this package. 06-15 00:57:59.715 32311 16447 E LegacyFetcher: [BoltsTask-background-delegate(1)-thread-17] android.os.storage.StorageVolume.getPath [] 06-15 00:57:59.800 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@79b3199 06-15 00:58:00.058 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.058 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.059 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.059 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.059 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.060 16011 16140 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.061 16011 16140 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.061 16011 16140 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.061 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.061 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.061 16011 16140 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.061 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.061 16011 16140 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.061 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.062 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.062 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.063 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.063 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.063 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.064 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.074 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.074 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.074 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.074 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.074 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.086 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.086 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.086 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.087 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.087 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.089 16011 16053 W System.err: java.io.FileNotFoundException: File '/data/user/0/tv.danmaku.bili/files/emoticon/475346438/gamec/0' does not exist 06-15 00:58:00.089 16011 16053 W System.err: at com.bilibili.commons.io.FileUtils.openInputStream(BL:101) 06-15 00:58:00.089 16011 16053 W System.err: at com.bilibili.commons.io.FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(BL:1) 06-15 00:58:00.089 16011 16053 W System.err: at com.bilibili.commons.io.FileUtils.readFileToString(BL:3) 06-15 00:58:00.089 16011 16053 W System.err: at com.bilibili.commons.io.FileUtils.readFileToString(BL:1) 06-15 00:58:00.089 16011 16053 W System.err: at we.n.e(BL:7) 06-15 00:58:00.089 16011 16053 W System.err: at we.u.g(BL:18) 06-15 00:58:00.089 16011 16053 W System.err: at we.w.h(BL:7) 06-15 00:58:00.089 16011 16053 W System.err: at we.m.p(BL:48) 06-15 00:58:00.089 16011 16053 W System.err: at we.m.g(BL:1) 06-15 00:58:00.089 16011 16053 W System.err: at we.e.call(BL:9) 06-15 00:58:00.089 16011 16053 W System.err: at bolts.Task$j.run(BL:21) 06-15 00:58:00.089 16011 16053 W System.err: at com.bilibili.droid.thread.f.run(BL:44) 06-15 00:58:00.089 16011 16053 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 06-15 00:58:00.089 16011 16053 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 06-15 00:58:00.089 16011 16053 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 06-15 00:58:00.090 16011 16131 W System.err: java.io.FileNotFoundException: File '/data/user/0/tv.danmaku.bili/files/emoticon/475346438/reply/0' does not exist 06-15 00:58:00.090 16011 16131 W System.err: at com.bilibili.commons.io.FileUtils.openInputStream(BL:101) 06-15 00:58:00.090 16011 16131 W System.err: at com.bilibili.commons.io.FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(BL:1) 06-15 00:58:00.090 16011 16131 W System.err: at com.bilibili.commons.io.FileUtils.readFileToString(BL:3) 06-15 00:58:00.090 16011 16131 W System.err: at com.bilibili.commons.io.FileUtils.readFileToString(BL:1) 06-15 00:58:00.090 16011 16131 W System.err: at we.n.e(BL:7) 06-15 00:58:00.090 16011 16131 W System.err: at we.u.g(BL:18) 06-15 00:58:00.090 16011 16131 W System.err: at we.w.h(BL:7) 06-15 00:58:00.090 16011 16131 W System.err: at we.m.p(BL:48) 06-15 00:58:00.090 16011 16131 W System.err: at we.m.g(BL:1) 06-15 00:58:00.090 16011 16131 W System.err: at we.e.call(BL:9) 06-15 00:58:00.090 16011 16131 W System.err: at bolts.Task$j.run(BL:21) 06-15 00:58:00.090 16011 16131 W System.err: at com.bilibili.droid.thread.f.run(BL:44) 06-15 00:58:00.090 16011 16131 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) 06-15 00:58:00.090 16011 16131 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:644) 06-15 00:58:00.090 16011 16131 W System.err: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012) 06-15 00:58:00.105 16011 16450 E Nirvana : [NvaMediaController(0)] [NvaMediaController]NvaMediaController.cpp(21): [Start] SEVERE: NPT_CHECK failed, result=-20009 (NPT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE) [(upnp.Start())] 06-15 00:58:00.105 16011 16450 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.114 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.114 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.115 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.115 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.115 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.146 16011 16471 E Nirvana : [Thread-85] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1522): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] FATAL: NPT_CHECK failed, result=-20400 (NPT_ERROR_CONNECTION_RESET) [(res)] 06-15 00:58:00.146 16011 16471 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.146 16011 16471 E Nirvana : [Thread-85] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1589): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] SEVERE: Bad Description response @ 06-15 00:58:00.146 16011 16471 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.151 16011 16476 E Nirvana : [Thread-111] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1522): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] FATAL: NPT_CHECK failed, result=-20400 (NPT_ERROR_CONNECTION_RESET) [(res)] 06-15 00:58:00.151 16011 16476 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.151 16011 16476 E Nirvana : [Thread-111] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1589): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] SEVERE: Bad Description response @ 06-15 00:58:00.151 16011 16476 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.159 16011 16495 E Nirvana : [Thread-106] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1522): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] FATAL: NPT_CHECK failed, result=-20400 (NPT_ERROR_CONNECTION_RESET) [(res)] 06-15 00:58:00.159 16011 16495 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.159 16011 16495 E Nirvana : [Thread-106] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1589): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] SEVERE: Bad Description response @ 06-15 00:58:00.159 16011 16495 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.161 16011 16498 E Nirvana : [Thread-108] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1522): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] FATAL: NPT_CHECK failed, result=-20400 (NPT_ERROR_CONNECTION_RESET) [(res)] 06-15 00:58:00.161 16011 16498 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.161 16011 16498 E Nirvana : [Thread-108] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1589): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] SEVERE: Bad Description response @ 06-15 00:58:00.161 16011 16498 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.163 16011 16501 E Nirvana : [Thread-113] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1522): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] FATAL: NPT_CHECK failed, result=-20400 (NPT_ERROR_CONNECTION_RESET) [(res)] 06-15 00:58:00.163 16011 16501 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.163 16011 16501 E Nirvana : [Thread-113] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1589): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] SEVERE: Bad Description response @ 06-15 00:58:00.163 16011 16501 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.166 16011 16500 E Nirvana : [Thread-110] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1522): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] FATAL: NPT_CHECK failed, result=-20400 (NPT_ERROR_CONNECTION_RESET) [(res)] 06-15 00:58:00.166 16011 16500 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.166 16011 16500 E Nirvana : [Thread-110] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1589): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] SEVERE: Bad Description response @ 06-15 00:58:00.166 16011 16500 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.168 16011 16019 I tv.danmaku.bili: This is non sticky GC, maxfree is 33554432 minfree is 8388608 06-15 00:58:00.168 16011 16503 E Nirvana : [Thread-114] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1522): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] FATAL: NPT_CHECK failed, result=-20400 (NPT_ERROR_CONNECTION_RESET) [(res)] 06-15 00:58:00.168 16011 16503 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.169 16011 16503 E Nirvana : [Thread-114] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1589): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] SEVERE: Bad Description response @ 06-15 00:58:00.169 16011 16503 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.171 16011 16475 E Nirvana : [Thread-86] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1522): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] FATAL: NPT_CHECK failed, result=-20400 (NPT_ERROR_CONNECTION_RESET) [(res)] 06-15 00:58:00.171 16011 16475 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.171 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:58:00.171 16011 16475 E Nirvana : [Thread-86] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1589): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] SEVERE: Bad Description response @ 06-15 00:58:00.171 16011 16475 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.173 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:58:00.173 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:58:00.175 16011 16480 E Nirvana : [Thread-115] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1522): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] FATAL: NPT_CHECK failed, result=-20400 (NPT_ERROR_CONNECTION_RESET) [(res)] 06-15 00:58:00.175 16011 16480 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.175 16011 16480 E Nirvana : [Thread-115] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1589): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] SEVERE: Bad Description response @ 06-15 00:58:00.175 16011 16480 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.176 16011 16477 E Nirvana : [Thread-87] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1522): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] FATAL: NPT_CHECK failed, result=-20400 (NPT_ERROR_CONNECTION_RESET) [(res)] 06-15 00:58:00.176 16011 16477 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.177 16011 16477 E Nirvana : [Thread-87] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1589): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] SEVERE: Bad Description response @ 06-15 00:58:00.177 16011 16477 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.190 16011 16478 E Nirvana : [Thread-119] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1522): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] FATAL: NPT_CHECK failed, result=-20400 (NPT_ERROR_CONNECTION_RESET) [(res)] 06-15 00:58:00.190 16011 16478 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.190 16011 16478 E Nirvana : [Thread-119] [platinum.core.ctrlpoint]PltCtrlPoint.cpp(1589): [ProcessGetDescriptionResponse] SEVERE: Bad Description response @ 06-15 00:58:00.190 16011 16478 E Nirvana : 06-15 00:58:00.461 16011 16011 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda22@ae304b3 06-15 00:58:00.463 16011 16011 D View : [Warning] assignParent to null: this = com.bilibili.magicasakura.widgets.TintTextView{1c5f16e V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-382,104} 06-15 00:58:00.463 16011 16011 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[Toast]#1](f:0,a:2) destructor() 06-15 00:58:00.463 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[Toast]#1(BLAST Consumer)1](id:3e8b00000001,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) disconnect 06-15 00:58:00.531 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:00.532 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityPause: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.search2.main.BiliMainSearchActivity@103789552 06-15 00:58:00.532 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:00.535 16011 16011 I ImeTracker: tv.danmaku.bili:e5fbc379: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT 06-15 00:58:00.535 16011 16011 I ImeTracker: tv.danmaku.bili:160cfaf4: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT 06-15 00:58:00.537 16011 16011 I ImeTracker: tv.danmaku.bili:9e40ce38: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT 06-15 00:58:00.552 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:00.555 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityResume: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.search2.main.BiliMainSearchActivity@103789552 06-15 00:58:00.555 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:00.563 16011 16011 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=ImeCallback=ImeOnBackInvokedCallback@62826429 Callback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@d67c8d5 06-15 00:58:00.778 16011 16011 I ImeTracker: tv.danmaku.bili:f7416936: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT_BY_INSETS_API 06-15 00:58:00.780 16011 16011 I ImeTracker: tv.danmaku.bili:160cfaf4: onHidden 06-15 00:58:00.853 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@95a2dcb 06-15 00:58:00.934 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.935 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.935 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.935 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:00.936 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.149 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@66a575b 06-15 00:58:01.162 16011 16352 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.203 16011 16011 E BiliMainSearchResultFragment: [main] pagesData == [BiliMainSearchResultPage(pageTitle='综合', fragmentProviderUri='bilibili://search-result/all', itemCount=0, pageTabIndex=0, pageBundle=Bundle[{targetIndex=0, keyword=明日方舟, bundle_source_type=apphistory_search}], pageReportTitle=all, type=0), BiliMainSearchResultPage(pageTitle='番剧', fragmentProviderUri='bilibili://search-result/new-bangumi', itemCount=4, pageTabIndex=1, pageBundle=Bundle[{targetIndex=0, keyword=明日方舟, navi_info=com.bilibili.search2.api.SearchResultAll$NavInfo@d292532}], pageReportTitle=bangumi, type=7), BiliMainSearchResultPage(pageTitle='台', fragmentProviderUri='bilibili://search-result/new-bangumi?from=tw', itemCount=0, pageTabIndex=2, pageBundle=Bundle[{targetIndex=0, keyword=明日方舟, navi_info=com.bilibili.search2.api.SearchResultAll$NavInfo@a864283}], pageReportTitle=bangumi, type=810), BiliMainSearchResultPage(pageTitle='港', fragmentProviderUri='bilibili://search-result/new-bangumi?from=hk', itemCount=0, pageTabIndex=3, pageBundle=Bundle[{targetIndex=0, keyword=明日方舟, navi_info=com.bilibili.search2.api.SearchResultAll$NavInfo@7c06c00}], pageReportTitle=bangumi, type=1919), BiliMainSearchResultPage(pageTitle='泰', fragmentProviderUri='bilibili://search-result/new-bangumi?from=th', itemCount=0, pageTabIndex=4, pageBundle=Bundle[{targetIndex=0, keyword=明日方舟, navi_info=com.bilibili.search2.api.SearchResultAll$NavInfo@5d62c39}], pageReportTitle=bangumi, type=114), BiliMainSearchResultPage(pageTitle='台(影)', fragmentProviderUri='bilibili://search-result/new-movie?from=tw', itemCount=0, pageTabIndex=5, pageBundle=Bundle[{targetIndex=0, keyword=明日方舟, navi_info=com.bilibili.search2.api.SearchResultAll$NavInfo@ac0627e}], pageReportTitle=movie, type=889464), BiliMainSearchResultPage(pageTitle='港(影)', fragmentProviderUri='bilibili://search-result/new-movie?from=hk', itemCount=0, pageTabIndex=6, pageBundle=Bundle[{targetIndex=0, keyword=明日方舟, navi_info=com.bilibili.search2.api.SearchResultAll$NavInfo@d6083df}], pageReportTitle=movie, type=364364), BiliMainSearchResultPage(pageTitle='直播', fragmentProviderUri='bilibili://search-result/live2', itemCount=1000, pageTabIndex=7, pageBundle=Bundle[{targetIndex=0, keyword=明日方舟, total=1000}], pageReportTitle=live, type=4), BiliMainSearchResultPage(pageTitle='用户', fragmentProviderUri='bilibili://search-result/upuser', itemCount=1000, pageTabIndex=8, pageBundle=Bundle[{targetIndex=0, keyword=明日方舟, navi_info=com.bilibili.search2.api.SearchResultAll$NavInfo@7c0482c}], pageReportTitle=user, type=2), BiliMainSearchResultPage(pageTitle='影视', fragmentProviderUri='bilibili://search-result/new-movie', itemCount=3, pageTabIndex=9, pageBundle=Bundle[{targetIndex=0, keyword=明日方舟, navi_info=com.bilibili.search2.api.SearchResultAll$NavInfo@e452f5}], pageReportTitle=media, type=8), BiliMainSearchResultPage(pageTitle='图文', fragmentProviderUri='bilibili://search-result/column2', itemCount=1000, pageTabIndex=10, pageBundle=Bundle[{targetIndex=0, keyword=明日方舟, navi_info=com.bilibili.search2.api.SearchResultAll$NavInfo@fc288a}], pageReportTitle=read, type=6)] 06-15 00:58:01.216 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.218 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.221 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.223 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.230 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.232 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.242 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.244 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.246 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.248 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.249 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.251 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.255 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.256 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.260 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.262 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.263 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.266 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.267 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.267 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.267 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.267 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.318 16011 16207 E okhttp.bilow.biz.tracker: [rx-pool-1-thread-1] Miss RpcExtra in bilow biz tracker, new one. 06-15 00:58:01.330 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:01.340 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@6bd2456 06-15 00:58:01.342 16011 16011 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'z5.a com.bili.card.e.b()' on a null object reference 06-15 00:58:01.342 16011 16011 W System.err: at com.bilibili.search2.result.all.j.a(BL:9) 06-15 00:58:01.342 16011 16011 W System.err: at com.bilibili.search2.result.base.a.f1(BL:5) 06-15 00:58:01.342 16011 16011 W System.err: at com.bilibili.search2.result.all.SearchResultAllAdapter.f1(BL:1) 06-15 00:58:01.342 16011 16011 W System.err: at com.bilibili.search2.result.all.SearchResultAllAdapter.onCreateViewHolder(BL:1) 06-15 00:58:01.342 16011 16011 W System.err: at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$Adapter.createViewHolder(BL:6) 06-15 00:58:01.342 16011 16011 W System.err: at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$Recycler.C(BL:208) 06-15 00:58:01.342 16011 16011 W System.err: at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$Recycler.l(BL:6) 06-15 00:58:01.342 16011 16011 W System.err: at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView$Recycler.getViewForPosition(BL:2) 06-15 00:58:01.342 16011 16011 W System.err: at androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager$c.d(BL:12) 06-15 00:58:01.342 16011 16011 W System.err: at androidx.recyclerview.widget.GridLayoutManager.layoutChunk(BL:96) 06-15 00:58:01.342 16011 16011 W System.err: at androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager.fill(BL:39) 06-15 00:58:01.342 16011 16011 W System.err: at androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager.onLayoutChildren(BL:357) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at androidx.recyclerview.widget.GridLayoutManager.onLayoutChildren(BL:10) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.dispatchLayoutStep2(BL:67) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.dispatchLayout(BL:72) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.onLayout(BL:6) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.View.layout(View.java:25277) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:6546) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren(FrameLayout.java:332) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:270) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at tv.danmaku.bili.widget.swiperefresh.SwipeRefreshLayout.onLayout(BL:1) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.View.layout(View.java:25277) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:6546) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at com.google.android.material.appbar.HeaderScrollingViewBehavior.layoutChild(BL:136) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at com.google.android.material.appbar.ViewOffsetBehavior.onLayoutChild(BL:1) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at com.google.android.material.appbar.AppBarLayout$ScrollingViewBehavior.onLayoutChild(BL:1) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout.onLayout(BL:43) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.View.layout(View.java:25277) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:6546) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager.onLayout(BL:257) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.View.layout(View.java:25277) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:6546) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at com.google.android.material.appbar.HeaderScrollingViewBehavior.layoutChild(BL:136) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at com.google.android.material.appbar.ViewOffsetBehavior.onLayoutChild(BL:1) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at com.google.android.material.appbar.AppBarLayout$ScrollingViewBehavior.onLayoutChild(BL:1) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout.onLayout(BL:43) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.View.layout(View.java:25277) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:6546) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren(FrameLayout.java:332) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:270) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.View.layout(View.java:25277) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:6546) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren(FrameLayout.java:332) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:270) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.View.layout(View.java:25277) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:6546) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.RelativeLayout.onLayout(RelativeLayout.java:1103) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at com.bilibili.search2.result.ogv.weight.OgvRelativeLayout.onLayout(BL:4) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.View.layout(View.java:25277) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:6546) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren(FrameLayout.java:332) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:270) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at androidx.appcompat.widget.ContentFrameLayout.g(BL:9) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at androidx.appcompat.widget.ContentFrameLayout.onLayout(BL:1) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.View.layout(View.java:25277) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:6546) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren(FrameLayout.java:332) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:270) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.View.layout(View.java:25277) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:6546) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren(FrameLayout.java:332) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:270) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.View.layout(View.java:25277) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:6546) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame(LinearLayout.java:1891) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical(LinearLayout.java:1729) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout(LinearLayout.java:1638) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.View.layout(View.java:25277) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:6546) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.FrameLayout.layoutChildren(FrameLayout.java:332) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:270) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at com.android.internal.policy.DecorView.onLayout(DecorView.java:852) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.View.layout(View.java:25277) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:6546) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performLayout(ViewRootImpl.java:4873) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals(ViewRootImpl.java:4182) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal(ViewRootImpl.java:2986) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run(ViewRootImpl.java:10423) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:1668) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:1677) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(Choreographer.java:1190) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(Choreographer.java:1062) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:1647) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:958) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:222) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:314) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8602) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:565) 06-15 00:58:01.343 16011 16011 W System.err: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1081) 06-15 00:58:01.345 16011 16011 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 06-15 00:58:01.345 16011 16011 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 06-15 00:58:01.360 16011 16011 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 06-15 00:58:01.360 16011 16011 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 06-15 00:58:01.413 16011 16019 I tv.danmaku.bili: This is sticky GC, maxfree is 33554432 minfree is 8388608 06-15 00:58:01.415 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:58:01.416 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:58:01.416 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:58:01.422 16011 16198 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.450 16011 16198 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.451 16011 16198 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.452 16011 16198 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.454 16011 16198 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.459 16011 16198 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.460 16011 16198 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.461 16011 16198 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.464 16011 16198 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.466 16011 16320 W LOTTIE : Animation contains merge paths. Merge paths are only supported on KitKat+ and must be manually enabled by calling enableMergePathsForKitKatAndAbove(). 06-15 00:58:01.481 16011 16400 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(153) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:58:01.530 32035 12157 D IjkPlayerItemClient: setDataSource 06-15 00:58:01.534 16011 16011 I tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.IjkMediaPlayer: IjkMediaPlayerTracker prepareAsync enter 06-15 00:58:01.536 16011 16527 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b00000003,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=true 06-15 00:58:01.536 16011 16527 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb4000070d1cedbc0 06-15 00:58:01.536 16011 16527 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili]: 06-15 00:58:01.536 16011 16527 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:58:01.536 16011 16527 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b00000004,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=true 06-15 00:58:01.543 32035 12157 D IjkPlayerItemClient: start 06-15 00:58:01.549 16011 16011 D TextureView: getHardwareLayer, createNewSurface:true 06-15 00:58:01.549 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b00000005,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=true 06-15 00:58:01.551 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@c5c882b 06-15 00:58:01.551 16011 16011 E libEGL : pre_cache appList: com.sina.weibo,com.ss.android.article.news,com.taobao.taobao,com.smile.gifmaker,com.ss.android.ugc.aweme,com.tencent.mm,tv.danmaku.bili, 06-15 00:58:01.578 16011 16527 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 06-15 00:58:01.581 16011 16011 W LOTTIE : Animation contains merge paths but they are disabled. 06-15 00:58:01.581 16011 16532 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb400007090dce800 06-15 00:58:01.582 16011 16532 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili]: 06-15 00:58:01.582 16011 16532 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:58:01.592 32035 32070 D MediaCodec: CreateByComponentName: name OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.HEVC 06-15 00:58:01.593 32035 32070 D MediaCodec: dynamicEnableMediaLog getprop frameworks.media.debug.MediaCodec: -1, 06-15 00:58:01.596 16011 16344 W XMPush-16011: [Tid:278] sdk_version = 5_7_8-C 06-15 00:58:01.597 32035 32070 D CCodecBufferChannel: mBufferCountDebug=0 mIsUserLoad=1 06-15 00:58:01.597 32035 32070 D CCodecBufferChannel: dynamicEnableMediaLog getprop frameworks.media.debug.CCodecBufferChannel: -1, 06-15 00:58:01.597 32035 32070 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] init: CCodec 0xb40000720478da00, CCodecBufferChannel 0xb400007165ed8e00 06-15 00:58:01.597 32035 32070 I MediaCodec: init video box disabled for codec not supported 06-15 00:58:01.597 32035 32070 I MiMediaCodecStub: MiMediaCodecStub::MiMediaCodecStub 06-15 00:58:01.598 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] setState: 1 06-15 00:58:01.598 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug setState: INITIALIZING 06-15 00:58:01.598 32035 16555 D CCodec : allocate(c2.mtk.hevc.decoder) 06-15 00:58:01.600 32035 16555 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 06-15 00:58:01.606 16011 16127 I System : Loaded time zone names for "en" in 8ms (5ms in ICU) 06-15 00:58:01.614 32035 16555 I CCodec : Created component [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder] 06-15 00:58:01.614 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: [0xb400007165ed8e00] setComponent: mName c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8, mPipelineWatcher 0xb400007165ed92a8 06-15 00:58:01.614 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: PipelineWatcher debug info [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] enable=0 06-15 00:58:01.615 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: read media type: video/hevc 06-15 00:58:01.616 32035 16555 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 06-15 00:58:01.616 32035 16555 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 06-15 00:58:01.616 32035 16555 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 06-15 00:58:01.616 32035 16555 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 06-15 00:58:01.617 32035 16555 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 06-15 00:58:01.617 32035 16555 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 06-15 00:58:01.617 32035 16555 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 06-15 00:58:01.618 32035 16555 D ReflectedParamUpdater: ignored struct field coded.color-format.locations 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param raw.size (0xd2001800) as it is already supported 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param raw.crop (0xd2001801) as it is already supported 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param default.color (0x5200180b) as it is already supported 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param raw.hdr-static-info (0xd200180a) as it is already supported 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 18 values (BAD_INDEX) 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 algo.low-latency.value = 0 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::i32 algo.priority.value = 1 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::float algo.rate.value = 0 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::float coded.frame-rate.value = 0 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.level = 24838 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.profile = 20481 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix = 0 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries = 0 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.range = 2 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer = 0 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.matrix = 0 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.primaries = 0 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.range = 0 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.transfer = 0 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 2097152 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "video/hevc" 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 output.delay.value = 12 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "video/raw" 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.matrix = 0 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.primaries = 0 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.range = 2 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.transfer = 0 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.height = 239 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.left = 0 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.top = 0 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.width = 319 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::float raw.hdr-static-info.maste 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16555 W ColorUtils: expected specified color aspects (2:0:0:0) 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] setState: 2 06-15 00:58:01.623 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug setState: INITIALIZED 06-15 00:58:01.625 32035 32070 D VideoInfo: tv.danmaku.bili create OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.HEVC in MediaCodec 06-15 00:58:01.662 32035 16551 D AudioTrack: INSP: type=audio,case=1,set=0xb40000717a5fe000,stream_type=-1,sample_rate=48000,format=0x1,channel_mask=0x3,frame_count=12300,flags=0x0,notification_frames=0,session_id=0,transfer_type=3,uid=10328,pid=32035 06-15 00:58:01.662 32035 16551 D AudioTrack: INSP: type=audio,case=1,attributes=1,content_type=2,usage=1,source=-1,flags=0xa00 06-15 00:58:01.662 32035 16551 D AudioTrack: getCallingPackageName packagename_processed is tv.danmaku.bili:ijkservice 06-15 00:58:01.662 32035 16551 D AudioTrack: set: mPowerTrackStatus=0 06-15 00:58:01.671 32035 16551 D AudioTrack: createTrack_l(194): 0xb40000717a5fe000, mCblk = 0x72b4712000, mLatency = 384, mAfLatency = 128, frameCount = 12300, mSampleRate = 48000, mFlags = 0x8, mReqFrameCount = 12300, mNotificationFramesAct = 6150 06-15 00:58:01.673 32035 16551 W AudioTrack: Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control 06-15 00:58:01.673 32035 16551 W AudioTrack: See the documentation of AudioTrack() for what to use instead with android.media.AudioAttributes to qualify your playback use case 06-15 00:58:01.673 32035 16551 D android.media.AudioTrack: setStereoVolume setParameters is 1.0, rightVolume is 1.0, isMuted is false, mIsLastMute is false, mNeedNotifyedNative is true 06-15 00:58:01.673 32035 16551 D AudioTrack: setParameters(194): Parameter media_set_track_muted is 0 return 06-15 00:58:01.673 32035 16551 D AudioTrack: setVolume(194): 0xb40000717a5fe000, left = 1.000000, right = 1.000000 06-15 00:58:01.674 32035 16551 E IJKMEDIA: [ff_read] decoder_start ijk_h2645_decode_extradata. d->queue->nal_len_size:4, d->queue->is_avc :1 06-15 00:58:01.674 32035 16551 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:01.674 32035 16589 D AudioTrack: pause(194): 0xb40000717a5fe000, prior state:STATE_STOPPED 06-15 00:58:01.674 32035 16551 E IJKMEDIA: [ff_read] decoder_start ijk_h2645_decode_extradata. d->queue->nal_len_size:4, d->queue->is_avc :1 06-15 00:58:01.674 32035 16551 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder] configure 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 D MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug configure: ClientName: tv.danmaku.bili ComponentName: c2.mtk.hevc.decoder 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 D MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug configure: ClientFormat: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 D MediaCodec: int32_t operating-rate = 25 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 D MediaCodec: string mime = "video/hevc" 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 D MediaCodec: int32_t width = 852 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 D MediaCodec: int32_t priority = 0 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 D MediaCodec: int32_t max-input-size = 0 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 D MediaCodec: int32_t height = 480 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 D MediaCodec: Buffer *csd-0 = 0xb4000071989d88c0 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 D MediaCodec: } 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 I MiMediaCodec: fps video to display enabled 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 I MiMediaCodec: The Fps from player is 0.000000 frameRateFloat -1.000000 frameRateInt -1 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 I MediaCodec: configure : init video box disabled 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendFrameRate 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 V MediaStub: MediaStub::GetImplInstance for debug create,0x717a6b66e0 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 D MediaImpl: MediaImpl::sendFrameRate: -1 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendWidth/sendHeight 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendMine 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 D MediaImpl: MediaImpl::sendMine: video/hevc 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 D MediaStub: MediaStub::sendMine video/hevc 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendDolbyVision 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendPackageName 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 D MediaImpl: MediaImpl::sendPackageName: tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16591 D MediaStub: MediaStub::sendPackageName tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder] connectToSurface: surface 0xb4000070efdb7000, mSurface 0x0 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug connectToSurface: surface 0xb4000070efdb7000, mSurface 0x0 06-15 00:58:01.676 32035 16552 D SurfaceUtils: connecting to surface 0xb4000070efdb7010, reason connectToSurface 06-15 00:58:01.677 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder] setting surface generation to 32803849 06-15 00:58:01.677 32035 16552 D SurfaceUtils: disconnecting from surface 0xb4000070efdb7010, reason connectToSurface(reconnect) 06-15 00:58:01.677 32035 16552 D SurfaceUtils: connecting to surface 0xb4000070efdb7010, reason connectToSurface(reconnect) 06-15 00:58:01.678 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] setState: 3 06-15 00:58:01.678 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug setState: CONFIGURING 06-15 00:58:01.678 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder] config set c2 sleep timeout 1500 kC2SleepTimeoutMs=1500 06-15 00:58:01.678 32035 16555 D CCodec : [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 06-15 00:58:01.678 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for native-window 06-15 00:58:01.678 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::i32 algo.priority.value = 0 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::float algo.rate.value = 25 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 2094080 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.pixel-format.value = 34 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.size.height = 480 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.size.width = 852 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 vendor.mtk.vdec.buffer.fetch.timeout.ms.value = 1500 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 2094080 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t width = 852 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t priority = 0 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : string mime = "video/hevc" 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t frame-rate = 0 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t height = 480 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t level = 8388608 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : Rect crop(0, 0, 318, 238) 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : } 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t android._color-format = 2130708361 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t android._video-scaling = 1 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t sar-width = 1 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t color-standard = 4 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t color-range = 2 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t color-transfer = 3 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t android._dataspace = 259 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t width = 852 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t rotation-degrees = 0 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t sar-height = 1 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t max-width = 320 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t max-height = 240 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t priority = 0 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : string mime = "video/raw" 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : Rect crop(0, 0, 318, 238) 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : Buffer hdr-static-info = { 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : 00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : 00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ......... 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : } 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t frame-rate = 0 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t height = 480 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : int32_t color-format = 2130708361 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 D CCodec : } 06-15 00:58:01.679 32035 16555 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 19 values (BAD_INDEX) 06-15 00:58:01.680 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 raw.max-size.height = 480 06-15 00:58:01.680 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.max-size.width = 852 06-15 00:58:01.680 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] setState: 4 06-15 00:58:01.680 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug setState: CONFIGURED 06-15 00:58:01.680 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] setState: 5 06-15 00:58:01.680 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug setState: STARTING 06-15 00:58:01.684 32035 16555 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 06-15 00:58:01.684 32035 16555 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 06-15 00:58:01.684 32035 16555 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1610614798. 06-15 00:58:01.684 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 25 - OK (0) 06-15 00:58:01.684 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: [mId: 12] video-debug start: inputFormat: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 06-15 00:58:01.684 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t max-input-size = 2094080 06-15 00:58:01.684 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t width = 852 06-15 00:58:01.684 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t priority = 0 06-15 00:58:01.684 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: string mime = "video/hevc" 06-15 00:58:01.684 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t frame-rate = 0 06-15 00:58:01.684 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t height = 480 06-15 00:58:01.684 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t level = 8388608 06-15 00:58:01.684 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: Rect crop(0, 0, 318, 238) 06-15 00:58:01.684 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: } 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] Query output surface allocator returned 0 params => BAD_INDEX (6) 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] Created output block pool with allocatorID 18 => poolID 180 - OK 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] Configured output block pool ids 180 => OK 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: [0xb400007165ed8e00] [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] start: output->outputDelay 12, output->numSlots 16 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: [mId: 12] video-debug start: outputFormat: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t android._color-format = 2130708361 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t android._video-scaling = 1 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t sar-width = 1 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t color-standard = 4 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t color-range = 2 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t color-transfer = 3 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t android._dataspace = 259 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t width = 852 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t rotation-degrees = 0 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t sar-height = 1 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t max-width = 852 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t max-height = 480 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t priority = 0 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: string mime = "video/raw" 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: Rect crop(0, 0, 318, 238) 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: Buffer hdr-static-info = { 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: 00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: 00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ......... 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: } 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t frame-rate = 0 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t height = 480 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t color-format = 2130708361 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: } 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D Codec2-OutputBufferQueue: remote graphic buffer migration 0/0 06-15 00:58:01.685 32035 16555 D Codec2Client: setOutputSurface -- generation=32803849 consumer usage=0x900 06-15 00:58:01.689 32035 16555 D Codec2Client: Surface configure completed 06-15 00:58:01.690 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] setState: 6 06-15 00:58:01.690 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug setState: STARTED 06-15 00:58:01.691 16011 16028 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb400007072eacf80 06-15 00:58:01.691 16011 16028 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili]: 06-15 00:58:01.691 16011 16028 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:58:01.691 32035 16550 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb40000710422bd40 06-15 00:58:01.692 32035 1316 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb400007210713628 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 20/28 (recycle/alloc) - 8/54 (fetch/transfer) 06-15 00:58:01.692 32035 1316 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2 0xb400007210713628 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 28, 71% recycled; transfers: 54, 85% unfetched 06-15 00:58:01.692 32035 16550 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili:ijkservice]: 06-15 00:58:01.692 32035 16550 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:58:01.694 32035 16552 I MiMediaCodec: The CSD is not calculated 06-15 00:58:01.697 32035 16589 D AudioTrack: start(194): 0xb40000717a5fe000, prior state:STATE_STOPPED 06-15 00:58:01.715 32035 16589 D android.media.AudioTrack: setStereoVolume setParameters is 0.0, rightVolume is 0.0, isMuted is true, mIsLastMute is false, mNeedNotifyedNative is false 06-15 00:58:01.715 32035 16589 D AudioTrack: setParameters(194): Parameter media_set_track_muted is 1 return 06-15 00:58:01.715 32035 16589 D AudioTrack: setVolume(194): 0xb40000717a5fe000, left = 0.000000, right = 0.000000 06-15 00:58:01.718 32035 1316 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] Ignoring stale input buffer done callback: last flush index = 0, frameIndex = 0 06-15 00:58:01.729 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@f4c0ede 06-15 00:58:01.730 16011 16198 E DanmakuLog-error: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-22] request dmView success, aid=1505055245, cid=1563775269 06-15 00:58:01.730 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@d9e28bf 06-15 00:58:01.748 16011 16011 I tv.danmaku.bili: Thread[1,tid=16011,Native,Thread*=0xb4000072d7f4cc00,peer=0x7184d438,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/data/app/~~EJ-CdxA0z4rYOubcstTX1w==/tv.danmaku.bili-7Y18sVwl4inEVlarNnOQRg==/lib/arm64/libchronos.so" 06-15 00:58:01.752 16011 16623 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb400007072f1f640 06-15 00:58:01.752 16011 16623 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili]: 06-15 00:58:01.752 16011 16623 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:58:01.759 16011 16623 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b00000006,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=true 06-15 00:58:01.769 16011 16011 E DanmakuLog-error: [main] request cancel: usermid -> 475346438, upmid -> 161775300, cid -> 1563775269 06-15 00:58:01.779 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.779 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.779 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.780 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.780 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.781 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.782 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.782 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.783 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.785 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:01.791 16011 16011 D TextureView: getHardwareLayer, createNewSurface:true 06-15 00:58:01.791 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b00000007,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=true 06-15 00:58:01.797 32035 16589 D AudioTrack: setVolume(194): 0xb40000717a5fe000, left = 0.000000, right = 0.000000 06-15 00:58:01.798 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] converted 4 buffers to array mode of 4 06-15 00:58:01.802 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 input.delay.value = 4 06-15 00:58:01.803 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 3 06-15 00:58:01.803 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 0 06-15 00:58:01.804 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 output.delay.value = 17 06-15 00:58:01.804 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.matrix = 1 06-15 00:58:01.804 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.primaries = 1 06-15 00:58:01.804 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.transfer = 3 06-15 00:58:01.804 32035 16555 D Codec2-OutputBufferQueue: set max dequeue count 24 from update 06-15 00:58:01.804 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 3 06-15 00:58:01.805 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 0 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 raw.crop.height = 480 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.width = 852 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.pixel-format.value = 2130706448 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:2D-Output] popFromStashAndRegister: at 40000us, output format changed to AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: int32_t android._color-format = 2130706448 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: int32_t android._video-scaling = 1 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: int32_t sar-width = 1 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: int32_t color-standard = 1 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: int32_t color-range = 2 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: int32_t color-transfer = 3 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: int32_t android._dataspace = 260 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: int32_t width = 852 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: int32_t rotation-degrees = 0 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: int32_t sar-height = 1 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: int32_t max-width = 852 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: int32_t max-height = 480 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: int32_t priority = 0 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: string mime = "video/raw" 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: Rect crop(0, 0, 851, 479) 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: Buffer hdr-static-info = { 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: 00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: 00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ......... 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: } 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: int32_t frame-rate = 0 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: int32_t height = 480 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: int32_t color-format = 2130708361 06-15 00:58:01.815 32035 16555 D CCodecBuffers: } 06-15 00:58:01.816 32035 16591 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.lang.Integer.intValue()' on a null object reference 06-15 00:58:01.816 32035 16591 W System.err: at android.media.MediaFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.java:1755) 06-15 00:58:01.816 32035 16591 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.lang.Integer.intValue()' on a null object reference 06-15 00:58:01.816 32035 16591 W System.err: at android.media.MediaFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.java:1755) 06-15 00:58:01.816 32035 16591 E IJKMEDIA: [ff_video_dec] SDL_AMediaFormatJava_getInt32: CallIntMethod: failed 06-15 00:58:01.816 32035 16591 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.lang.Integer.intValue()' on a null object reference 06-15 00:58:01.816 32035 16591 W System.err: at android.media.MediaFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.java:1755) 06-15 00:58:01.816 32035 16591 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.lang.Integer.intValue()' on a null object reference 06-15 00:58:01.816 32035 16591 W System.err: at android.media.MediaFormat.getInteger(MediaFormat.java:1755) 06-15 00:58:01.816 32035 16591 E IJKMEDIA: [ff_video_dec] SDL_AMediaFormatJava_getInt32: CallIntMethod: failed 06-15 00:58:01.833 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 3 06-15 00:58:01.834 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 3 06-15 00:58:01.835 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 3 06-15 00:58:01.838 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 3 06-15 00:58:01.873 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 0 06-15 00:58:01.875 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 0 06-15 00:58:01.876 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 3 06-15 00:58:01.877 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 0 06-15 00:58:01.905 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 3 06-15 00:58:01.907 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 3 06-15 00:58:01.913 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 3 06-15 00:58:01.917 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 0 06-15 00:58:01.921 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 3 06-15 00:58:01.942 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 1 06-15 00:58:01.944 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 1 06-15 00:58:01.946 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 1 06-15 00:58:01.980 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@6c60db0 06-15 00:58:01.984 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:01.985 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:01.988 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@c7654dc 06-15 00:58:02.013 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:02.069 16011 16011 W libc : Access denied finding property "vendor.scroll.fpsgo.release" 06-15 00:58:02.098 16011 16011 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 06-15 00:58:02.099 16011 16011 E SpannableStringBuilder: SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length 06-15 00:58:02.110 32035 16552 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] first render dataSpace=260 06-15 00:58:02.117 16011 16532 I tv.danmaku.bili: createIfNeeded: Recreate new EGLImage since dataspace changed 06-15 00:58:02.135 16011 16532 I tv.danmaku.bili: createIfNeeded: Recreate new EGLImage since dataspace changed 06-15 00:58:02.155 16011 16127 D DelayTaskController: shouldBlock = false 06-15 00:58:02.209 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@3e0826f 06-15 00:58:02.217 16011 16532 I tv.danmaku.bili: createIfNeeded: Recreate new EGLImage since dataspace changed 06-15 00:58:02.241 32035 16552 D CCodecBuffers: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8:1D-Input.Impl[N]] Client returned a buffer it does not own according to our record: 2 06-15 00:58:02.260 16011 16140 E UpperModule: [BoltsTask-background-delegate(1)-thread-81] Try start analysis: cancelled=false 06-15 00:58:02.262 16011 16041 E AnalysisTraceReport: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] Start trace: 475346438_1718384282261, ALL, 27134074 06-15 00:58:02.262 16011 16041 E AnalysisTraceReport: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] Start trace: 475346438_1718384282261, INTERCEPT, 27134074 06-15 00:58:02.267 16011 16532 I tv.danmaku.bili: createIfNeeded: Recreate new EGLImage since dataspace changed 06-15 00:58:02.269 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:02.272 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:02.273 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:02.280 16011 16041 E AnalysisInterceptor: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] Request AB(upper_pre_analyse_experiment) success: b 06-15 00:58:02.281 16011 16041 E AnalysisInterceptor: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] Intercept code is SUCCESS 06-15 00:58:02.282 16011 16041 E AnalysisTraceReport: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] Report trace info: 475346438_1718384282261, INTERCEPT, cost=19, error=0, extra={"error_message":""} 06-15 00:58:02.288 16011 16041 E AnalysisTraceReport: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] Start trace: 475346438_1718384282261, INIT, 27134100 06-15 00:58:02.298 16011 16041 E AnalysisResourceManager: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] Init mod success: AnalysisModInfo(modDir=/data/user/0/tv.danmaku.bili/app_mod_resource/cache/uper/uper_ai_tag_recom_v4/4-0, modPath=/data/user/0/tv.danmaku.bili/app_mod_resource/cache/uper/uper_ai_tag_recom_v4/4-0/libbilimusicrmdjni.so, modVersion=4, modelVersion=md5-a279c22e, isAvailable=true) 06-15 00:58:02.300 16011 16532 I tv.danmaku.bili: createIfNeeded: Recreate new EGLImage since dataspace changed 06-15 00:58:02.302 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:02.308 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:02.308 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:02.309 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:02.309 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:02.309 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:02.309 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:02.310 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:02.310 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:02.310 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:02.314 16011 16041 E MusicRecSdk: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] initSDK fileDir=/data/user/0/tv.danmaku.bili/app_mod_resource/cache/uper/uper_ai_tag_recom_v4/4-0,code=0 06-15 00:58:02.315 16011 16041 E MusicRecSdk: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] create modelFile=/data/user/0/tv.danmaku.bili/app_mod_resource/cache/uper/uper_ai_tag_recom_v4/4-0 06-15 00:58:02.318 16011 16011 I MiInputConsumer: optimized resample latency: 6884233 ns 06-15 00:58:02.323 16011 16041 I native : I20240615 00:58:02.323467 16041 music_recommender.cc:20] initializing music recommender 06-15 00:58:02.330 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:02.331 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:02.335 16011 16011 I ScrollIdentify: on fling 06-15 00:58:02.336 16011 16623 I Chronos : [INFO:engine.cc(82)] Run the new package. 06-15 00:58:02.336 16011 16623 I Chronos : [INFO:runtime.cc(49)] Make a new QJS context for CRON.Main. 06-15 00:58:02.341 16011 16041 I native : I20240615 00:58:02.341684 16041 inference_engine_set.cc:63] initializing model tag_recommender 06-15 00:58:02.350 16011 16532 I tv.danmaku.bili: createIfNeeded: Recreate new EGLImage since dataspace changed 06-15 00:58:02.360 32035 16589 D AudioTrack: pause(194): 0xb40000717a5fe000, prior state:STATE_ACTIVE 06-15 00:58:02.360 32035 16589 D AudioTrackShared: this(0xb4000070eff13680), mCblk(0x72b4712000), front(34816), mIsOut 1, interrupt() FUTEX_WAKE 06-15 00:58:02.368 16011 16041 W libc : Access denied finding property "ro.hardware.chipname" 06-15 00:58:02.375 16011 16041 I native : I20240615 00:58:02.375552 16041 model.cc:10] testing model 06-15 00:58:02.393 16011 16041 E AnalysisResourceManager: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] Init resource: true 06-15 00:58:02.394 16011 16041 E AnalysisTraceReport: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] Report trace info: 475346438_1718384282261, INIT, cost=105, error=0, extra={"error_message":""} 06-15 00:58:02.394 16011 16041 E MediaAnalysisManager: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] Start analysis! 06-15 00:58:02.394 16011 16041 E AnalysisTraceReport: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] Start trace: 475346438_1718384282261, LOAD, 27134206 06-15 00:58:02.395 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@e4c9f01 06-15 00:58:02.396 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@991e7e7 06-15 00:58:02.405 16011 16665 E MediaFileReader: [pool-31-thread-1] Media selection is (_size <= ? AND width > ? AND width < ? AND duration >= ? AND duration <= ? AND mime_type IN ('video/mp4', 'video/webm', 'video/mpeg')) OR (width > ? AND mime_type IN ('image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/bmp')) 06-15 00:58:02.431 16011 16665 E MediaFileReader: [pool-31-thread-1] Start 06-15 00:58:02.431 16011 16657 E AnalysisTraceReport: [pool-32-thread-1] Start trace: 475346438_1718384282261, FILTER, 27134243 06-15 00:58:02.432 16011 16656 E AnalysisTraceReport: [pool-33-thread-1] Start trace: 475346438_1718384282261, ANALYZE, 27134244 06-15 00:58:02.440 16011 16657 E MediaLabelCacheManager: [pool-32-thread-1] initCache 缓存数量 1014 06-15 00:58:02.440 16011 16657 E MediaLabelCacheManager: [pool-32-thread-1] initCache 缓存数量:1014, 6 06-15 00:58:02.444 16011 16665 E MediaFileReader: [pool-31-thread-1] End 06-15 00:58:02.445 16011 16657 E AnalysisTraceReport: [pool-32-thread-1] Report trace info: 475346438_1718384282261, LOAD, cost=51, error=0, extra={"error_message":""} 06-15 00:58:02.447 16011 16657 E AnalysisTraceReport: [pool-32-thread-1] Report trace info: 475346438_1718384282261, FILTER, cost=15, error=0, extra={"error_message":""} 06-15 00:58:02.448 16011 16656 E AnalysisTraceReport: [pool-33-thread-1] Report trace info: 475346438_1718384282261, ANALYZE, cost=16, error=0, extra={"error_message":""} 06-15 00:58:02.450 16011 16041 E MediaAnalysisManager: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] Analysis done: SUCCESS, null 06-15 00:58:02.450 16011 16652 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(235) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:58:02.453 16011 16041 E AnalysisLabelReport: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] Report label info: success, 0, [{"time":"20240615 00:09:00","duration":0,"tag":"体育运动_篮球_篮球","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240614 23:50:28","duration":0,"tag":"动漫_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240614 22:53:57","duration":0,"tag":"动漫_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240613 21:10:36","duration":0,"tag":"游戏_塔防_明日方舟","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240613 20:37:56","duration":0,"tag":"游戏_塔防_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240613 20:21:35","duration":0,"tag":"游戏_塔防_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240613 20:11:02","duration":0,"tag":"娱乐_演唱会_演唱会","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240613 19:58:17","duration":0,"tag":"游戏_格斗_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240611 17:53:08","duration":0,"tag":"秀物_手办_手办","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240611 02:56:41","duration":0,"tag":"其他_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240611 02:56:40","duration":0,"tag":"体育运动_篮球_篮球","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240611 01:23:41","duration":0,"tag":"动漫_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240609 01:59:23","duration":0,"tag":"娱乐_综艺_综艺","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240606 16:27:03","duration":0,"tag":"动漫_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240601 01:39:46","duration":0,"tag":"影视_科幻_科幻","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240529 15:27:06","duration":0,"tag":"其他_截图_聊天","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240523 21:15:22","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240523 21:11:48","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240520 00:27:55","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240519 00:18:01","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240517 22:20:08","duration":0,"tag":"游戏_抽卡_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240513 19:49:16","duration":0,"tag":"其他_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240513 16:43:51","duration":0,"tag":"其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240513 02:35:34","duration":0,"tag":"娱乐_演唱会_演唱会","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240511 20:00:26","duration":0,"tag":"娱乐_演唱会_演唱会","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240511 18:59:57","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240511 01:57:27","duration":0,"tag":"动漫_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240508 04:15:34","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240508 04:08:18","duration":0,"tag":"游戏_塔防_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240507 03:00:32","duration":0,"tag":"动漫_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240505 01:27:08","duration":0,"tag":"其他_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240505 01:18:11","duration":0,"tag":"萌宠_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240430 17:29:00","duration":0,"tag":"人文_乐器演奏_乐器演奏","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240429 23:31:31","duration":0,"tag":"游戏_角色扮演_碧蓝航线","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240429 19:36:25","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240428 06:44:00","duration":0,"tag":"萌宠_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240427 18:50:07","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240427 03:34:06","duration":0,"tag":"游戏_塔防_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240420 02:49:18","duration":0,"tag":"其他_截图_聊天","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240418 23:35:37","duration":0,"tag":"其他_截图_聊天","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240417 21:32:24","duration":0,"tag":"游戏_塔防_明日方舟","material_type":"图片 06-15 00:58:02.453 16011 16041 E AnalysisLabelReport: 0:59","duration":0,"tag":"游戏_乙女_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240324 02:25:22","duration":0,"tag":"其他_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240322 21:01:01","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240322 02:14:26","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240320 19:16:03","duration":0,"tag":"颜值_女人_女人","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240314 03:37:37","duration":0,"tag":"颜值_男人_男人","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240311 22:27:54","duration":0,"tag":"其他_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240307 23:50:01","duration":0,"tag":"体育运动_篮球_篮球","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240306 15:45:07","duration":0,"tag":"其他_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240306 02:27:15","duration":0,"tag":"游戏_策略_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240303 05:10:02","duration":0,"tag":"动漫_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240303 05:09:02","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240225 00:03:41","duration":0,"tag":"其他_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240213 01:23:26","duration":0,"tag":"其他_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240212 00:58:38","duration":0,"tag":"游戏_模拟经营_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240212 00:56:45","duration":0,"tag":"其他_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240209 17:51:33","duration":0,"tag":"游戏_策略_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240205 01:20:45","duration":0,"tag":"其他_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:09","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:08","duration":0,"tag":"体育运动_足球_足球","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:08","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:08","duration":0,"tag":"游戏_抽卡_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:08","duration":0,"tag":"其他_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:08","duration":0,"tag":"其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:07","duration":0,"tag":"萌娃_萌娃_萌娃","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:07","duration":0,"tag":"游戏_卡牌_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:07","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:06","duration":0,"tag":"其他_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:06","duration":0,"tag":"其他_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:06","duration":0,"tag":"游戏_角色扮演_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:06","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:06","duration":0,"tag":"其他_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:06","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:06","duration":0,"tag":"其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:05","duration":0,"tag":"其他_截图_聊天","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:05","duration":0,"tag":"其他_其他_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:05","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:05","duration":0,"tag":"人文_绘画_绘画","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:05","duration":0,"tag":"游戏_动作冒险_其他","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:04","duration":0,"tag":"其他_学习备考_学习备考","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:04","duration":0,"tag":"其他_截图_表情包","material_type":"图片"},{"time":"20240107 01:53:00","duration":0,"tag":"娱乐_演唱会_演唱会","materi 06-15 00:58:02.453 16011 16041 E AnalysisLabelReport: 06-15 00:58:02.453 16011 16041 E AnalysisTraceReport: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] Report trace info: 475346438_1718384282261, ALL, cost=191, error=0, extra={"error_message":""} 06-15 00:58:02.454 16011 16041 E AnalysisResourceManager: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] Release resource: true 06-15 00:58:02.454 16011 16041 E MediaLabelCacheManager: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] saveCache 缓存数量=1014 06-15 00:58:02.459 16011 16041 E MediaLabelCacheManager: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] saveCache 缓存完成 5 06-15 00:58:02.459 16011 16041 E MusicRecSdk: [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] destroy isInitSuccess=true 06-15 00:58:02.651 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@7ebdbfd 06-15 00:58:02.686 16011 16667 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb4000071490a2240 06-15 00:58:02.686 16011 16667 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili]: 06-15 00:58:02.686 16011 16667 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:58:02.699 16011 16667 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b00000008,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=true 06-15 00:58:02.702 16011 16667 I Chronos : [INFO:runtime.cc(49)] Make a new QJS context for CRON.DFM_WORKER. 06-15 00:58:02.708 16011 16669 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb40000706a899e00 06-15 00:58:02.708 16011 16669 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili]: 06-15 00:58:02.708 16011 16669 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:58:02.717 16011 16669 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b00000009,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=true 06-15 00:58:02.724 16011 16669 I Chronos : [INFO:runtime.cc(49)] Make a new QJS context for CRON.MASK_WORKER. 06-15 00:58:02.730 16011 16670 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb40000705c9e0680 06-15 00:58:02.730 16011 16670 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili]: 06-15 00:58:02.730 16011 16670 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:58:02.747 16011 16670 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b0000000a,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=true 06-15 00:58:02.763 16011 16670 I Chronos : [INFO:runtime.cc(49)] Make a new QJS context for CRON.TASK_WORKER. 06-15 00:58:02.843 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [SurfaceTexture-0-16011-4](id:3e8b00000007,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) disconnect 06-15 00:58:02.869 32035 13262 D IjkPlayerItemClient: stop 06-15 00:58:02.885 32035 16534 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_close: 06-15 00:58:02.885 32035 16534 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:02.888 32035 16549 E IJKMEDIA: [ff_msg_loop] unknown FFP_MSG_xxx(1600) 06-15 00:58:02.888 32035 16549 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:02.888 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] setState: 7 06-15 00:58:02.888 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug setState: FLUSHING 06-15 00:58:02.888 32035 16552 E MediaCodec: Pending dequeue input buffer request cancelled 06-15 00:58:02.888 32035 16608 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Pending dequeue input buffer request cancelled 06-15 00:58:02.888 32035 16608 W System.err: at android.media.MediaCodec.native_dequeueInputBuffer(Native Method) 06-15 00:58:02.888 32035 16608 W System.err: at android.media.MediaCodec.dequeueInputBuffer(MediaCodec.java:3139) 06-15 00:58:02.890 16011 16011 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=555ms vsyncFrame=0 latency=2ms procState=-1 06-15 00:58:02.898 32035 16534 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_close: 06-15 00:58:02.898 32035 16534 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:02.905 32035 16555 I CCodecBufferChannel: [mId: 12] video-debug flush: flushing 16 works 06-15 00:58:02.905 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.905 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.905 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.905 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.905 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.905 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] setState: 6 06-15 00:58:02.905 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug setState: STARTED 06-15 00:58:02.906 32035 16552 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 19 values (BAD_INDEX) 06-15 00:58:02.906 32035 16552 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix = 1 06-15 00:58:02.906 32035 16552 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries = 1 06-15 00:58:02.906 32035 16552 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer = 3 06-15 00:58:02.907 32035 16552 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 06-15 00:58:02.907 32035 16552 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 06-15 00:58:02.907 32035 16552 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1610614798. 06-15 00:58:02.916 16011 16011 I Choreographer: Skipped 34 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 06-15 00:58:02.916 32035 13262 D IjkPlayerItemClient: release 06-15 00:58:02.918 32035 16608 E IJKMEDIA: [amediacodec_input_thread] decoder_start ijk_h2645_decode_extradata. d->queue->nal_len_size:4, d->queue->is_avc :1 06-15 00:58:02.918 32035 16608 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:02.921 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] setState: 7 06-15 00:58:02.921 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug setState: FLUSHING 06-15 00:58:02.922 16011 16011 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=6ms vsyncFrame=0 latency=567ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=8 (msgIndex=1 wall=555ms seq=1780 late=2ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver) 06-15 00:58:02.924 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@b0ebbfa 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16555 I CCodecBufferChannel: [mId: 12] video-debug flush: flushing 15 works 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] setState: 6 06-15 00:58:02.944 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug setState: STARTED 06-15 00:58:02.946 32035 16552 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 19 values (BAD_INDEX) 06-15 00:58:02.949 32035 16552 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 06-15 00:58:02.949 32035 16552 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 06-15 00:58:02.949 32035 16552 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index = 1610614798. 06-15 00:58:02.951 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] flushed work; ignored. 06-15 00:58:02.951 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] Discard frames from previous generation. 06-15 00:58:02.951 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.951 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] flushed work not feedInput. 06-15 00:58:02.951 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] flushed work; ignored. 06-15 00:58:02.951 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] Discard frames from previous generation. 06-15 00:58:02.951 32035 16555 D PipelineWatcher: onWorkDone: frameIndex not found (18446744073709551615); ignored 06-15 00:58:02.951 32035 16555 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] flushed work not feedInput. 06-15 00:58:02.997 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:02.997 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:02.998 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:02.998 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:02.999 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:02.999 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:02.999 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.001 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.001 16011 16214 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.005 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.086 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.088 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.090 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.092 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.094 16011 16228 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.111 16011 16019 I tv.danmaku.bili: This is non sticky GC, maxfree is 33554432 minfree is 8388608 06-15 00:58:03.111 16011 16019 I tv.danmaku.bili: Background concurrent copying GC freed 756733(31MB) AllocSpace objects, 371(12MB) LOS objects, 49% free, 55MB/110MB, paused 360us,119us total 431.609ms 06-15 00:58:03.112 16011 16266 I pwIrisCR: YYY2-2 CoreContext[0xb4000070b6476480]:: Destruct: ##PID##:16011 06-15 00:58:03.127 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:58:03.183 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@d0aa233 06-15 00:58:03.187 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.188 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.188 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.189 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.190 16011 16229 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.224 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:03.226 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityPause: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.search2.main.BiliMainSearchActivity@103789552 06-15 00:58:03.226 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:03.228 16011 16011 I ImeTracker: tv.danmaku.bili:fbe71118: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT 06-15 00:58:03.236 16011 16705 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb4000070d1b9ac80 06-15 00:58:03.236 16011 16705 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili]: 06-15 00:58:03.236 16011 16705 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:58:03.236 16011 16705 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb4000070d1b9ac80 06-15 00:58:03.237 16011 16703 D ProfileInstaller: Skipping profile installation for tv.danmaku.bili 06-15 00:58:03.241 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : Init Interceptor for Activity com.bilibili.app.authorspace.ui.AuthorSpaceActivity@4350929 06-15 00:58:03.241 16011 16271 D ViewContentFactory: initViewContentFetcherClass 06-15 00:58:03.241 16011 16271 I ContentCatcher: ViewContentFetcher : ViewContentFetcher 06-15 00:58:03.241 16011 16271 D ViewContentFactory: createInterceptor took 0ms 06-15 00:58:03.241 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityCreate: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.app.authorspace.ui.AuthorSpaceActivity@70584617 06-15 00:58:03.242 16011 16271 E ContentCatcherManager: failed to get ContentCatcherService. 06-15 00:58:03.243 16011 16011 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 06-15 00:58:03.243 16011 16271 E ContentCatcherManager: failed to get ContentCatcherService. 06-15 00:58:03.243 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : NOT interest in this page: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.app.authorspace.ui.AuthorSpaceActivity@70584617 06-15 00:58:03.243 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:03.256 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:03.286 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.288 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.295 16011 16011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated. 06-15 00:58:03.295 16011 16011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead. 06-15 00:58:03.302 16011 16011 I AppCompatViewInflater: app:theme is now deprecated. Please move to using android:theme instead. 06-15 00:58:03.310 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:03.310 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:03.312 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:03.332 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityStart: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.app.authorspace.ui.AuthorSpaceActivity@70584617 06-15 00:58:03.332 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:03.340 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:03.343 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityResume: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.app.authorspace.ui.AuthorSpaceActivity@70584617 06-15 00:58:03.343 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:03.347 16011 16266 I pwIrisCR: YYY2-2 CoreContext[0xb4000070b61aaa00]:: Construt: ##PID##:16011 06-15 00:58:03.348 16011 16011 D VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: hardware acceleration = true, forceHwAccelerated = false 06-15 00:58:03.371 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b0000000b,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=false 06-15 00:58:03.372 16011 16266 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 06-15 00:58:03.373 16011 16011 D VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: vri.reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4370 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2986 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:10423 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1668 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1677 06-15 00:58:03.373 16011 16011 D VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: vri.Setup new sync=wmsSync-VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]#8 06-15 00:58:03.375 16011 16266 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]#3](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=1220x2712 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=-9223372036854426102 mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=68766721376313 transform=0 06-15 00:58:03.375 16011 16011 D VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: vri.reportDrawFinished 06-15 00:58:03.407 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:03.407 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:03.430 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@b218fa5 06-15 00:58:03.598 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.598 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.598 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.598 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.598 16011 16126 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.668 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@b1f4336 06-15 00:58:03.681 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:03.687 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:03.687 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:03.695 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.695 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.695 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.696 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.697 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:03.702 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:03.894 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.894 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.895 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.895 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.895 16011 16190 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:03.915 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.916 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.918 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@f6ecf7 06-15 00:58:03.924 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.925 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.929 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.930 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.933 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.934 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.938 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.938 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.942 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.942 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.946 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.946 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.950 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.950 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:03.970 16011 16011 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]#2](f:0,a:5) destructor() 06-15 00:58:03.970 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]#2(BLAST Consumer)2](id:3e8b00000002,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) disconnect 06-15 00:58:03.973 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityStop: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.search2.main.BiliMainSearchActivity@103789552 06-15 00:58:03.973 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:04.132 16011 16127 E GMBootStrap_Producer: [thread_background] processName:tv.danmaku.bili,MallIDLEWorker=>launchWithWorker=>call block 06-15 00:58:04.147 16011 16214 E okhttp.bilow.biz.tracker: [OkHttpExecutor #6] Miss RpcExtra in bilow biz tracker, new one. 06-15 00:58:04.181 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@852a448 06-15 00:58:04.181 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@13f2ec7 06-15 00:58:04.230 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:04.230 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:04.230 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:04.231 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:04.231 16011 16210 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:04.269 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:04.269 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:04.269 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:04.270 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:04.270 16011 16168 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:04.291 16011 16011 D mall_apicallback: onResponse:Response{protocol=h2, code=200, message=, url=https://show.bilibili.com/api/ticket/district/dl?access_key=48479f7a455d917f305657180e575261CjDqTcU0d0AK101EYNdEtdiYrlJRerKMFjaZ97SvK-hKpCgzwAhIvflK9lzLXHEHxIMSVk8xd090cDA3TldvZWV0alpRcU9XZHNieGNnOHhEbWdwSnNxVjItWUJHcjNMU1dBUWo5RDg1OU00M2ZfeGw5Z2JyTnh4TXFNWVNEOUNkS0w2b0FiRDdnIIEC&appkey=1d8b6e7d45233436&build=8000200&c_locale=zh_CN&channel=xiaomi_cn_tv.danmaku.bili_20210930&disable_rcmd=0&mobi_app=android&platform=android&s_locale=zh_CN&statistics=%7B%22appId%22%3A1%2C%22platform%22%3A3%2C%22version%22%3A%228.0.0%22%2C%22abtest%22%3A%22%22%7D&ts=1718384284&sign=8e6daa6f6a13df11c9818ce2acab77f7} 06-15 00:58:04.291 16011 16011 D mall_apicallback: localAddrInfoVersion: 20220118 ,remoteAddrInfoVersion: 20220118 ,remoteAddrInfoDownloadUrl: https://i2.hdslb.com/bfs/openplatform/district/district20220118.zip 06-15 00:58:04.322 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:04.427 32034 32062 I ili:pushservice: This is sticky GC, maxfree is 33554432 minfree is 8388608 06-15 00:58:04.429 32034 32066 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:58:04.430 32034 32066 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:58:04.438 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@3a391df 06-15 00:58:04.848 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@b6ec771 06-15 00:58:04.954 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:04.956 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:04.956 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:04.957 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:05.270 16011 16019 I tv.danmaku.bili: This is sticky GC, maxfree is 33554432 minfree is 8388608 06-15 00:58:05.272 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:58:05.273 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:58:05.473 16011 16011 D SplineOverScroller: mFlingDuration: 1875,mFlingDistance: 1288.3719482421875,mVelocity: 2820 06-15 00:58:05.473 16011 16011 I ScrollIdentify: on fling 06-15 00:58:05.488 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@8b25144 06-15 00:58:05.728 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@1693023 06-15 00:58:05.979 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@ee76a35 06-15 00:58:06.029 16011 16011 I MiInputConsumer: optimized resample latency: 1172562 ns 06-15 00:58:06.166 16011 16011 I ScrollIdentify: on fling 06-15 00:58:06.207 16011 16300 D OpenGLRenderer: --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented' 06-15 00:58:06.215 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.os.Build$VERSION' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.215 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.os.Build' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.216 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'java.nio.Buffer' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.216 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'java.nio.ByteBuffer' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.216 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'java.util.ArrayList' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.216 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'java.util.UUID' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.216 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'java.lang.ref.WeakReference' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.216 16011 16287 I J4A : API-Level: 34 06-15 00:58:06.216 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.media.AudioTrack' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.216 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.media.MediaCodec$BufferInfo' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.216 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.media.CryptoInfo.Pattern' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.216 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.media.CryptoInfo' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.217 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.media.MediaCodec' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.217 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.media.MediaCrypto' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.217 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: Not support ! : 'android.media.KeyRequest.getRequestType' loaded, api level is 23,current api level is :0 06-15 00:58:06.217 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.media.KeyRequest' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.217 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.media.ProvisionRequest' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.217 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.media.OnEventListener' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.217 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.media.MediaDrm' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.217 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.media.MediaFormat' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.217 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.media.PlaybackParams' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.217 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.os.Bundle' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.217 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.utils.IjkDrmUtils' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.217 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.misc.IMediaDataSource' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.217 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.misc.IAndroidIO' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.218 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.services.IjkMediaPlayerClient' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.218 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.services.IjkDashDataSource' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.218 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'tv.danmaku.android.log.BLog' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.218 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.os.SystemClock' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.218 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.graphics.SurfaceTexture' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.218 16011 16287 E J4A : J4ALoader: fail: 'android.graphics.SurfaceTexture' 06-15 00:58:06.218 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'android.view.Surface' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.218 16011 16287 E J4A : J4ALoader: fail: 'android.view.Surface' 06-15 00:58:06.218 16011 16287 D J4A : J4ALoader: OK: 'tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.services.IjkMediaPlayerItemClient' loaded 06-15 00:58:06.224 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@5f843a7 06-15 00:58:06.237 16011 16011 E IMG_REQ_ModifyMP4PrepareStrategyBackend: [main] No field mBitmapFramePreparationStrategy in class Lcom/facebook/fresco/animation/bitmap/BitmapAnimationBackend; (declaration of 'com.facebook.fresco.animation.bitmap.BitmapAnimationBackend' appears in /data/app/~~EJ-CdxA0z4rYOubcstTX1w==/tv.danmaku.bili-7Y18sVwl4inEVlarNnOQRg==/base.apk!classes15.dex) 06-15 00:58:06.455 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:06.456 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityPause: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.app.authorspace.ui.AuthorSpaceActivity@70584617 06-15 00:58:06.456 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:06.476 16011 16779 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb400007148d270c0 06-15 00:58:06.476 16011 16779 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili]: 06-15 00:58:06.476 16011 16779 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:58:06.476 16011 16779 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb400007148d270c0 06-15 00:58:06.477 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@e11870e 06-15 00:58:06.482 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : Init Interceptor for Activity com.bilibili.lib.ui.ComposeActivity@193b28 06-15 00:58:06.483 16011 16271 D ViewContentFactory: initViewContentFetcherClass 06-15 00:58:06.483 16011 16271 I ContentCatcher: ViewContentFetcher : ViewContentFetcher 06-15 00:58:06.483 16011 16271 D ViewContentFactory: createInterceptor took 0ms 06-15 00:58:06.483 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityCreate: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.lib.ui.ComposeActivity@1653544 06-15 00:58:06.483 16011 16271 E ContentCatcherManager: failed to get ContentCatcherService. 06-15 00:58:06.483 16011 16271 E ContentCatcherManager: failed to get ContentCatcherService. 06-15 00:58:06.483 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : NOT interest in this page: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.lib.ui.ComposeActivity@1653544 06-15 00:58:06.483 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:06.485 16011 16011 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 06-15 00:58:06.488 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityStart: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.lib.ui.ComposeActivity@1653544 06-15 00:58:06.488 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:06.495 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:06.495 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:06.496 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:06.496 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:06.515 16011 16011 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: OnBackInvokedCallback is not enabled for the application. 06-15 00:58:06.515 16011 16011 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: Set 'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest. 06-15 00:58:06.516 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:06.518 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityResume: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.lib.ui.ComposeActivity@1653544 06-15 00:58:06.519 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:06.523 16011 16266 I pwIrisCR: YYY2-2 CoreContext[0xb400007069453a00]:: Construt: ##PID##:16011 06-15 00:58:06.525 16011 16011 D VRI[ComposeActivity]: hardware acceleration = true, forceHwAccelerated = false 06-15 00:58:06.553 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b0000000c,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=false 06-15 00:58:06.553 16011 16266 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 06-15 00:58:06.554 16011 16011 D VRI[ComposeActivity]: vri.reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4370 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2986 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:10423 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1668 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1677 06-15 00:58:06.555 16011 16011 D VRI[ComposeActivity]: vri.Setup new sync=wmsSync-VRI[ComposeActivity]#10 06-15 00:58:06.556 16011 16266 D OpenGLRenderer: makeCurrent grContext:0xb40000712e825660 reset mTextureAvailable 06-15 00:58:06.558 16011 16266 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[ComposeActivity]#4](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=1220x2712 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=-9223372036854426101 mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=68766721376321 transform=0 06-15 00:58:06.559 16011 16011 D VRI[ComposeActivity]: vri.reportDrawFinished 06-15 00:58:06.580 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:06.580 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:06.685 32035 1315 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb400007108e88628 : 8(16752640 size) total buffers - 4(8376320 size) used buffers - 18/26 (recycle/alloc) - 8/50 (fetch/transfer) 06-15 00:58:06.685 32035 1315 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1, evicted: 1 06-15 00:58:06.696 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug Stats over last 5016ms: 06-15 00:58:06.697 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug Qinput: 43, DQinput: 43 success out of 51 tries 06-15 00:58:06.697 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug Render: 6, Drop: 7, DQoutput: 16 success out of 56 tries 06-15 00:58:06.697 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug Avg Input Interval: 116ms, Avg Render Interval: 836ms 06-15 00:58:06.707 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@5cd9ad8 06-15 00:58:06.807 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@38f1eb4 06-15 00:58:06.830 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:06.893 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:06.895 16011 16011 W TabLayout: MODE_SCROLLABLE + GRAVITY_FILL is not supported, GRAVITY_START will be used instead 06-15 00:58:06.904 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:06.948 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@c5ff46 06-15 00:58:07.039 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@b65c2e7 06-15 00:58:07.040 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@1608e94 06-15 00:58:07.047 16011 16831 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb400007064bdb900 06-15 00:58:07.047 16011 16831 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili]: 06-15 00:58:07.047 16011 16831 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:58:07.054 16011 16831 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b0000000d,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=true 06-15 00:58:07.060 16011 16831 I Chronos : [INFO:engine.cc(82)] Run the new package. 06-15 00:58:07.060 16011 16831 I Chronos : [INFO:runtime.cc(49)] Make a new QJS context for CRON.Main. 06-15 00:58:07.100 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityStop: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.app.authorspace.ui.AuthorSpaceActivity@70584617 06-15 00:58:07.100 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:07.108 16011 16266 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]#3](f:0,a:5) destructor() 06-15 00:58:07.108 16011 16266 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]#3(BLAST Consumer)3](id:3e8b0000000b,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) disconnect 06-15 00:58:07.121 16011 16832 E IJKMEDIA: [tv.danmaku.bili] SDL_JNI_ThreadDestroyed: [16832] didn't call SDL_JNI_DetachThreadEnv() explicity 06-15 00:58:07.121 16011 16832 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:07.151 16011 16302 D OpenGLRenderer: --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented' 06-15 00:58:07.161 16011 16011 E IMG_REQ_ModifyMP4PrepareStrategyBackend: [main] No field mBitmapFramePreparationStrategy in class Lcom/facebook/fresco/animation/bitmap/BitmapAnimationBackend; (declaration of 'com.facebook.fresco.animation.bitmap.BitmapAnimationBackend' appears in /data/app/~~EJ-CdxA0z4rYOubcstTX1w==/tv.danmaku.bili-7Y18sVwl4inEVlarNnOQRg==/base.apk!classes15.dex) 06-15 00:58:07.393 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@a80caa1 06-15 00:58:07.424 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.424 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.432 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.433 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.433 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@e563062 06-15 00:58:07.437 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.437 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.437 16011 16270 E KOOM : [koom] koom start failed, check result: OS_VERSION_NO_COMPATIBILITY 06-15 00:58:07.441 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.441 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.444 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.444 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.447 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.448 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.451 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.451 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.454 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.454 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.457 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.457 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.460 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.460 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.463 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.463 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.466 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.467 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:07.503 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:07.504 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityPause: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.lib.ui.ComposeActivity@1653544 06-15 00:58:07.504 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:07.520 16011 16876 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb400007043970d80 06-15 00:58:07.520 16011 16876 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili]: 06-15 00:58:07.520 16011 16876 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:58:07.520 16011 16876 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb400007043970d80 06-15 00:58:07.526 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : Init Interceptor for Activity com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.page.browser.ui.LightBrowserActivityV2@9c77527 06-15 00:58:07.526 16011 16271 D ViewContentFactory: initViewContentFetcherClass 06-15 00:58:07.526 16011 16271 I ContentCatcher: ViewContentFetcher : ViewContentFetcher 06-15 00:58:07.526 16011 16271 D ViewContentFactory: createInterceptor took 0ms 06-15 00:58:07.526 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityCreate: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.page.browser.ui.LightBrowserActivityV2@164066599 06-15 00:58:07.526 16011 16271 E ContentCatcherManager: failed to get ContentCatcherService. 06-15 00:58:07.526 16011 16271 E ContentCatcherManager: failed to get ContentCatcherService. 06-15 00:58:07.526 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : NOT interest in this page: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.page.browser.ui.LightBrowserActivityV2@164066599 06-15 00:58:07.526 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:07.527 16011 16011 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 06-15 00:58:07.531 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:07.535 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityStart: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.page.browser.ui.LightBrowserActivityV2@164066599 06-15 00:58:07.535 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:07.537 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:07.539 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityResume: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.page.browser.ui.LightBrowserActivityV2@164066599 06-15 00:58:07.539 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:07.541 16011 16266 I pwIrisCR: YYY2-2 CoreContext[0xb4000070695bea00]:: Construt: ##PID##:16011 06-15 00:58:07.542 16011 16011 D VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: hardware acceleration = true, forceHwAccelerated = false 06-15 00:58:07.565 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:07.589 16011 16011 I tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.IjkMediaPlayer: IjkMediaPlayerTracker prepareAsync enter 06-15 00:58:07.593 32035 13262 D IjkPlayerItemClient: setDataSource 06-15 00:58:07.600 32035 9303 D IjkPlayerItemClient: start 06-15 00:58:07.602 32035 13262 D MediaCodec: CreateByComponentName: name OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.AVC 06-15 00:58:07.603 32035 13262 D MediaCodec: dynamicEnableMediaLog getprop frameworks.media.debug.MediaCodec: -1, 06-15 00:58:07.604 32035 13262 D CCodecBufferChannel: mBufferCountDebug=0 mIsUserLoad=1 06-15 00:58:07.604 32035 13262 D CCodecBufferChannel: dynamicEnableMediaLog getprop frameworks.media.debug.CCodecBufferChannel: -1, 06-15 00:58:07.605 32035 13262 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007165f56800] init: CCodec 0xb40000720478f7c0, CCodecBufferChannel 0xb4000071090ccc00 06-15 00:58:07.605 32035 13262 I MediaCodec: init video box disabled for codec not supported 06-15 00:58:07.605 32035 13262 I MiMediaCodecStub: MiMediaCodecStub::MiMediaCodecStub 06-15 00:58:07.605 32035 16902 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007165f56800] setState: 1 06-15 00:58:07.605 32035 16902 I MediaCodec: [mId: 13] video-debug setState: INITIALIZING 06-15 00:58:07.605 32035 16903 D CCodec : allocate(c2.mtk.avc.decoder) 06-15 00:58:07.609 32035 16903 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 06-15 00:58:07.615 32035 16903 I CCodec : Created component [c2.mtk.avc.decoder] 06-15 00:58:07.616 32035 16903 D CCodecBufferChannel: [0xb4000071090ccc00] setComponent: mName c2.mtk.avc.decoder#824, mPipelineWatcher 0xb4000071090cd0a8 06-15 00:58:07.616 32035 16903 D CCodecBufferChannel: PipelineWatcher debug info [c2.mtk.avc.decoder#824] enable=0 06-15 00:58:07.616 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: read media type: video/avc 06-15 00:58:07.617 32035 16903 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 06-15 00:58:07.618 32035 16903 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 06-15 00:58:07.618 32035 16903 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 06-15 00:58:07.618 32035 16903 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 06-15 00:58:07.618 32035 16903 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 06-15 00:58:07.618 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b0000000e,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=false 06-15 00:58:07.618 32035 16903 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 06-15 00:58:07.618 32035 16903 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 06-15 00:58:07.619 16011 16266 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 06-15 00:58:07.620 32035 16903 D ReflectedParamUpdater: ignored struct field coded.color-format.locations 06-15 00:58:07.631 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param raw.size (0xd2001800) as it is already supported 06-15 00:58:07.631 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param raw.crop (0xd2001801) as it is already supported 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param default.color (0x5200180b) as it is already supported 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param raw.hdr-static-info (0xd200180a) as it is already supported 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 18 values (BAD_INDEX) 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 algo.low-latency.value = 0 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::i32 algo.priority.value = 1 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::float algo.rate.value = 0 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::float coded.frame-rate.value = 0 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.level = 20497 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.profile = 20481 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix = 0 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries = 0 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.range = 2 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer = 0 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.matrix = 0 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.primaries = 0 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.range = 0 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.transfer = 0 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 2097152 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "video/avc" 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 output.delay.value = 12 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "video/raw" 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.matrix = 0 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.primaries = 0 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.range = 2 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.transfer = 0 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.height = 239 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.left = 0 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.top = 0 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.width = 319 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 D CCodecConfig: c2::float raw.hdr-static-info.master 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16903 W ColorUtils: expected specified color aspects (2:0:0:0) 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16902 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007165f56800] setState: 2 06-15 00:58:07.632 32035 16902 I MediaCodec: [mId: 13] video-debug setState: INITIALIZED 06-15 00:58:07.633 32035 13262 D VideoInfo: tv.danmaku.bili create OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.AVC in MediaCodec 06-15 00:58:07.640 16011 16011 D VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: vri.reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4370 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2986 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:10423 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1668 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1677 06-15 00:58:07.641 16011 16011 D VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: vri.Setup new sync=wmsSync-VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]#12 06-15 00:58:07.641 16011 16011 D TextureView: getHardwareLayer, createNewSurface:true 06-15 00:58:07.641 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b0000000f,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=true 06-15 00:58:07.643 16011 16266 D OpenGLRenderer: makeCurrent grContext:0xb40000712e825660 reset mTextureAvailable 06-15 00:58:07.647 16011 16266 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]#5](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=1220x2712 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=-9223372036854426102 mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=68766721376336 transform=0 06-15 00:58:07.647 16011 16011 D VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: vri.reportDrawFinished 06-15 00:58:07.686 32035 1315 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1, evicted: 0 06-15 00:58:07.721 16011 16011 D VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: vri.reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.handleResized:2303 android.view.ViewRootImpl.-$$Nest$mhandleResized:0 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler.handleMessageImpl:6729 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler.handleMessage:6698 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:106 06-15 00:58:07.730 16011 16011 D VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: vri.Setup new sync=wmsSync-VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]#14 06-15 00:58:07.735 32035 16898 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:07.735 32035 16898 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:07.737 16011 16011 D VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: vri.reportDrawFinished 06-15 00:58:07.741 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:07.741 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:07.858 16011 16011 I ImeTracker: tv.danmaku.bili:fb701dcb: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT 06-15 00:58:07.871 32035 16898 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:07.871 32035 16898 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:08.092 32035 16898 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:08.092 32035 16898 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:08.295 32035 16898 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 202 ms, interface=tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.IIjkMediaPlayerItemClient, code=1 oneway=false 06-15 00:58:08.438 32035 16898 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:08.438 32035 16898 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:08.493 16011 16011 I ScrollIdentify: on fling 06-15 00:58:08.740 32035 16898 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 302 ms, interface=tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.IIjkMediaPlayerItemClient, code=1 oneway=false 06-15 00:58:08.872 32035 16898 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:08.872 32035 16898 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:08.911 32035 13262 D IjkPlayerItemClient: setDataSource 06-15 00:58:08.918 32035 9303 D IjkPlayerItemClient: start 06-15 00:58:08.923 16011 16011 D TextureView: getHardwareLayer, createNewSurface:false 06-15 00:58:09.040 32035 17012 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:09.040 32035 17012 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:09.276 32035 16898 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 403 ms, interface=tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.IIjkMediaPlayerItemClient, code=1 oneway=false 06-15 00:58:09.305 32035 17012 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:09.305 32035 17012 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:09.420 32035 16898 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:09.420 32035 16898 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:09.564 32035 17012 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:09.564 32035 17012 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:09.704 16011 16011 I ScrollIdentify: on fling 06-15 00:58:09.723 16011 16019 I tv.danmaku.bili: This is non sticky GC, maxfree is 33554432 minfree is 8388608 06-15 00:58:09.723 16011 16019 I tv.danmaku.bili: Background concurrent copying GC freed 922302(34MB) AllocSpace objects, 317(7176KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 68MB/137MB, paused 52us,63us total 157.723ms 06-15 00:58:09.738 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:58:09.743 16011 16021 W System : A resource failed to call close. 06-15 00:58:09.767 32035 17012 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 202 ms, interface=tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.IIjkMediaPlayerItemClient, code=1 oneway=false 06-15 00:58:09.914 32035 17012 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:09.914 32035 17012 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:09.926 32035 16898 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 505 ms, interface=tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.IIjkMediaPlayerItemClient, code=1 oneway=false 06-15 00:58:09.971 32035 9303 D IjkPlayerItemClient: setDataSource 06-15 00:58:09.972 16011 16011 D TextureView: getHardwareLayer, createNewSurface:false 06-15 00:58:09.976 32035 13262 D IjkPlayerItemClient: start 06-15 00:58:10.051 32035 16898 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:10.051 32035 16898 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:10.106 32035 17116 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:10.106 32035 17116 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:10.179 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: [ANR Warning]Input routeing takes more than 6000ms since 1970-01-01 08:00:00.000, this = com.mediatek.view.impl.ViewDebugManagerImpl@3d790df 06-15 00:58:10.179 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePreImeInputStage@7e06500 at 2024-06-15 00:58:10.177 06-15 00:58:10.179 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePostImeInputStage@b231d12 at 2024-06-15 00:58:10.179 06-15 00:58:10.179 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$SyntheticInputStage@e23d6e0 at 2024-06-15 00:58:10.179 06-15 00:58:10.179 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPreImeInputStage@7513139 at 2024-06-15 00:58:10.177 06-15 00:58:10.179 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage@ebb0ce3 at 2024-06-15 00:58:10.179 06-15 00:58:10.179 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ImeInputStage@5a7837e at 2024-06-15 00:58:10.177 06-15 00:58:10.179 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$EarlyPostImeInputStage@b03a49d at 2024-06-15 00:58:10.177 06-15 00:58:10.181 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: [ANR Warning]Input routeing takes more than 6000ms since 1970-01-01 08:00:00.000, this = com.mediatek.view.impl.ViewDebugManagerImpl@3d790df 06-15 00:58:10.181 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePostImeInputStage@b231d12 at 2024-06-15 00:58:10.179 06-15 00:58:10.181 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$SyntheticInputStage@e23d6e0 at 2024-06-15 00:58:10.181 06-15 00:58:10.181 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage@ebb0ce3 at 2024-06-15 00:58:10.179 06-15 00:58:10.181 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$EarlyPostImeInputStage@b03a49d at 2024-06-15 00:58:10.179 06-15 00:58:10.219 32035 17012 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 303 ms, interface=tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.IIjkMediaPlayerItemClient, code=1 oneway=false 06-15 00:58:10.265 32035 17116 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:10.265 32035 17116 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:10.349 32035 17012 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:10.349 32035 17012 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:10.534 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:10.535 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityPause: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.page.browser.ui.LightBrowserActivityV2@164066599 06-15 00:58:10.535 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:10.562 16011 16011 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 78294732; UID 10328; state: ENABLED 06-15 00:58:10.563 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:10.570 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityResume: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.lib.ui.ComposeActivity@1653544 06-15 00:58:10.570 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:10.578 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:10.578 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:10.593 32035 17116 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:10.593 32035 17116 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:10.597 32311 32331 W u.bili:download: Profile data size exceeds 500000 bytes. It has 819431 bytes. 06-15 00:58:10.604 16011 16011 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]#5](f:0,a:6) destructor() 06-15 00:58:10.604 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]#5(BLAST Consumer)5](id:3e8b0000000e,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) disconnect 06-15 00:58:10.610 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityStop: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.page.browser.ui.LightBrowserActivityV2@164066599 06-15 00:58:10.610 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:10.615 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityDestroy: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.page.browser.ui.LightBrowserActivityV2@164066599 06-15 00:58:10.615 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:10.615 16011 16271 E ContentCatcherManager: failed to get ContentCatcherService. 06-15 00:58:10.616 32035 9303 D IjkPlayerItemClient: stop 06-15 00:58:10.616 32035 13262 D IjkPlayerItemClient: stop 06-15 00:58:10.616 32035 16898 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 565 ms, interface=tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.IIjkMediaPlayerItemClient, code=1 oneway=false 06-15 00:58:10.616 32035 8609 D IjkPlayerItemClient: stop 06-15 00:58:10.616 32035 16898 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkhttphook ijkp2p:https://upos-sz-mirrorhw.bilivideo.com/bfs/new_dyn/c70ea6f439b772e3ec0433387b2c369c161775300.gif@.mp4 (remain) 06-15 00:58:10.616 32035 16898 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:10.617 32035 17012 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 267 ms, interface=tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.IIjkMediaPlayerItemClient, code=1 oneway=false 06-15 00:58:10.617 32035 17012 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkhttphook ijkp2p:https://upos-sz-mirrorhw.bilivideo.com/bfs/new_dyn/446a71362f680a312af0fba682dfa6bc161775300.gif@.mp4 (remain) 06-15 00:58:10.617 32035 17012 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:10.617 32035 32070 D IjkPlayerItemClient: release 06-15 00:58:10.621 16011 16011 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda22@3e3ca64 06-15 00:58:10.621 16011 16011 D View : [Warning] assignParent to null: this = DecorView@afcfb44[LightBrowserActivityV2] 06-15 00:58:10.623 32035 8609 D IjkPlayerItemClient: release 06-15 00:58:10.626 32035 9303 D IjkPlayerItemClient: release 06-15 00:58:10.635 32035 16901 E IJKMEDIA: [ff_read] ijkioproxy: Immediate exit requested 06-15 00:58:10.635 32035 16901 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:10.636 32035 16901 E IJKMEDIA: [ff_read] Open input url fail 06-15 00:58:10.636 32035 16901 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:10.637 32035 13262 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007165f56800] [c2.mtk.avc.decoder] releaseAsync 06-15 00:58:10.637 32035 16902 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007165f56800] setState: 10 06-15 00:58:10.637 32035 16902 I MediaCodec: [mId: 13] video-debug setState: RELEASING 06-15 00:58:10.639 32035 16902 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007165f56800] [c2.mtk.avc.decoder] kWhatReleaseCompleted 06-15 00:58:10.639 32035 16902 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007165f56800] setState: 0 06-15 00:58:10.639 32035 16902 I MediaCodec: [mId: 13] video-debug setState: UNINITIALIZED 06-15 00:58:10.639 32035 16903 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 06-15 00:58:10.639 32035 16902 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendHdrInfo/sendFrameRateFloatCal/updateFrcAieAisState 06-15 00:58:10.639 32035 16902 D MediaImpl: FRC switch off: valueSupport : true, valueOn : 06-15 00:58:10.639 32035 16902 D MediaImpl: AIE not support: valueSupport : 06-15 00:58:10.639 32035 16902 D MediaImpl: AIS switch off: valueSupport : true, valueOn : false 06-15 00:58:10.639 32035 16902 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 06-15 00:58:10.639 32035 16902 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007165f56800] ~MediaCodec 06-15 00:58:10.641 32035 16902 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 06-15 00:58:10.641 32035 16902 W MediaCodec: no metrics handle found 06-15 00:58:10.641 32035 16902 D VideoInfo: tv.danmaku.bili destroy OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.AVC in MediaCodec, input num 0 output num 0 render num 0 06-15 00:58:10.641 32035 16902 D VideoInfo: max input intervel 0ms max output intervel 0ms max render interval 0ms 06-15 00:58:10.917 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:10.919 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityPause: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.lib.ui.ComposeActivity@1653544 06-15 00:58:10.919 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:10.930 16011 17233 D libMEOW : meow new tls: 0xb400007069c0b500 06-15 00:58:10.930 16011 17233 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [tv.danmaku.bili]: 06-15 00:58:10.930 16011 17233 D libMEOW : plugin 1: [libMEOW_gift.so]: 06-15 00:58:10.930 16011 17233 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb400007069c0b500 06-15 00:58:10.935 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : Init Interceptor for Activity com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.page.browser.ui.LightBrowserActivityV2@f665746 06-15 00:58:10.936 16011 16271 D ViewContentFactory: initViewContentFetcherClass 06-15 00:58:10.936 16011 16271 I ContentCatcher: ViewContentFetcher : ViewContentFetcher 06-15 00:58:10.936 16011 16271 D ViewContentFactory: createInterceptor took 0ms 06-15 00:58:10.936 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityCreate: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.page.browser.ui.LightBrowserActivityV2@258365254 06-15 00:58:10.936 16011 16271 E ContentCatcherManager: failed to get ContentCatcherService. 06-15 00:58:10.936 16011 16271 E ContentCatcherManager: failed to get ContentCatcherService. 06-15 00:58:10.936 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : NOT interest in this page: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.page.browser.ui.LightBrowserActivityV2@258365254 06-15 00:58:10.936 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:10.937 16011 16011 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 06-15 00:58:10.940 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:10.943 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityStart: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.page.browser.ui.LightBrowserActivityV2@258365254 06-15 00:58:10.943 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:10.945 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:10.948 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityResume: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.page.browser.ui.LightBrowserActivityV2@258365254 06-15 00:58:10.948 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:10.952 16011 16266 I pwIrisCR: YYY2-2 CoreContext[0xb40000706965ee00]:: Construt: ##PID##:16011 06-15 00:58:10.953 16011 16011 D VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: hardware acceleration = true, forceHwAccelerated = false 06-15 00:58:10.968 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:10.986 16011 16011 I tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.IjkMediaPlayer: IjkMediaPlayerTracker prepareAsync enter 06-15 00:58:10.986 32035 13262 D IjkPlayerItemClient: setDataSource 06-15 00:58:10.990 32035 13262 D IjkPlayerItemClient: start 06-15 00:58:10.993 32035 9303 D MediaCodec: CreateByComponentName: name OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.AVC 06-15 00:58:10.993 32035 9303 D MediaCodec: dynamicEnableMediaLog getprop frameworks.media.debug.MediaCodec: -1, 06-15 00:58:10.994 32035 9303 D CCodecBufferChannel: mBufferCountDebug=0 mIsUserLoad=1 06-15 00:58:10.994 32035 9303 D CCodecBufferChannel: dynamicEnableMediaLog getprop frameworks.media.debug.CCodecBufferChannel: -1, 06-15 00:58:10.994 32035 9303 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007108ec3800] init: CCodec 0xb40000720478cc00, CCodecBufferChannel 0xb400007165e69000 06-15 00:58:10.994 32035 9303 I MediaCodec: init video box disabled for codec not supported 06-15 00:58:10.994 32035 9303 I MiMediaCodecStub: MiMediaCodecStub::MiMediaCodecStub 06-15 00:58:10.995 32035 17269 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007108ec3800] setState: 1 06-15 00:58:10.995 32035 17269 I MediaCodec: [mId: 14] video-debug setState: INITIALIZING 06-15 00:58:10.995 32035 17270 D CCodec : allocate(c2.mtk.avc.decoder) 06-15 00:58:10.997 32035 17270 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 06-15 00:58:11.004 32035 17270 I CCodec : Created component [c2.mtk.avc.decoder] 06-15 00:58:11.004 32035 17270 D CCodecBufferChannel: [0xb400007165e69000] setComponent: mName c2.mtk.avc.decoder#651, mPipelineWatcher 0xb400007165e694a8 06-15 00:58:11.004 32035 17270 D CCodecBufferChannel: PipelineWatcher debug info [c2.mtk.avc.decoder#651] enable=0 06-15 00:58:11.004 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: read media type: video/avc 06-15 00:58:11.006 32035 17270 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 06-15 00:58:11.006 32035 17270 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 06-15 00:58:11.006 32035 17270 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 06-15 00:58:11.006 32035 17270 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 06-15 00:58:11.006 32035 17270 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 06-15 00:58:11.006 32035 17270 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 06-15 00:58:11.006 32035 17270 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 06-15 00:58:11.007 32035 17270 D ReflectedParamUpdater: ignored struct field coded.color-format.locations 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param raw.size (0xd2001800) as it is already supported 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param raw.crop (0xd2001801) as it is already supported 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param default.color (0x5200180b) as it is already supported 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param raw.hdr-static-info (0xd200180a) as it is already supported 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 18 values (BAD_INDEX) 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict { 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 algo.low-latency.value = 0 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::i32 algo.priority.value = 1 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::float algo.rate.value = 0 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::float coded.frame-rate.value = 0 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.level = 20497 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.pl.profile = 20481 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix = 0 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries = 0 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.range = 2 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer = 0 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.matrix = 0 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.primaries = 0 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.range = 0 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.transfer = 0 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 2097152 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value = "video/avc" 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 output.delay.value = 12 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value = "video/raw" 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.matrix = 0 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.primaries = 0 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.range = 2 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.transfer = 0 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.height = 239 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.left = 0 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.top = 0 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.crop.width = 319 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 D CCodecConfig: c2::float raw.hdr-static-info.master 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17270 W ColorUtils: expected specified color aspects (2:0:0:0) 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17269 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007108ec3800] setState: 2 06-15 00:58:11.008 32035 17269 I MediaCodec: [mId: 14] video-debug setState: INITIALIZED 06-15 00:58:11.009 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b00000010,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=false 06-15 00:58:11.009 32035 9303 D VideoInfo: tv.danmaku.bili create OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.AVC in MediaCodec 06-15 00:58:11.010 16011 16266 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 06-15 00:58:11.026 16011 16011 D VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: vri.reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4370 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2986 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:10423 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1668 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1677 06-15 00:58:11.026 16011 16011 D VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: vri.Setup new sync=wmsSync-VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]#16 06-15 00:58:11.027 16011 16011 D TextureView: getHardwareLayer, createNewSurface:true 06-15 00:58:11.027 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b00000011,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=true 06-15 00:58:11.029 16011 16266 D OpenGLRenderer: makeCurrent grContext:0xb40000712e825660 reset mTextureAvailable 06-15 00:58:11.035 16011 16266 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]#6](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=1220x2712 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=-9223372036854426102 mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=68766721376344 transform=0 06-15 00:58:11.035 16011 16011 D VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: vri.reportDrawFinished 06-15 00:58:11.050 16011 16011 D VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: vri.reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.handleResized:2303 android.view.ViewRootImpl.-$$Nest$mhandleResized:0 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler.handleMessageImpl:6729 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler.handleMessage:6698 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:106 06-15 00:58:11.056 16011 16011 D VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: vri.Setup new sync=wmsSync-VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]#18 06-15 00:58:11.060 16011 16011 D VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: vri.reportDrawFinished 06-15 00:58:11.062 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:11.062 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:11.107 32035 17260 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:11.107 32035 17260 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:11.207 32035 17260 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:11.207 32035 17260 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:11.249 16011 16011 I ImeTracker: tv.danmaku.bili:7a44afd: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT 06-15 00:58:11.446 32035 17260 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:11.446 32035 17260 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:11.656 32035 17260 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 209 ms, interface=tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.IIjkMediaPlayerItemClient, code=1 oneway=false 06-15 00:58:11.760 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug Stats over last 5063ms: 06-15 00:58:11.760 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug Qinput: 0, DQinput: 0 success out of 0 tries 06-15 00:58:11.760 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug Render: 0, Drop: 0, DQoutput: 0 success out of 50 tries 06-15 00:58:11.765 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: [ANR Warning]Input routeing takes more than 6000ms since 1970-01-01 08:00:00.000, this = com.mediatek.view.impl.ViewDebugManagerImpl@3d790df 06-15 00:58:11.765 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$SyntheticInputStage@3f87ed8 at 2024-06-15 00:58:11.765 06-15 00:58:11.765 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$EarlyPostImeInputStage@5e41fb5 at 2024-06-15 00:58:11.765 06-15 00:58:11.765 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePostImeInputStage@ec8d64a at 2024-06-15 00:58:11.765 06-15 00:58:11.765 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage@409f9bb at 2024-06-15 00:58:11.765 06-15 00:58:11.765 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePreImeInputStage@be9b43e at 2024-06-15 00:58:11.764 06-15 00:58:11.766 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ImeInputStage@8604fec at 2024-06-15 00:58:11.764 06-15 00:58:11.766 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPreImeInputStage@d60d29f at 2024-06-15 00:58:11.764 06-15 00:58:11.767 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: [ANR Warning]Input routeing takes more than 6000ms since 1970-01-01 08:00:00.000, this = com.mediatek.view.impl.ViewDebugManagerImpl@3d790df 06-15 00:58:11.767 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$SyntheticInputStage@3f87ed8 at 2024-06-15 00:58:11.767 06-15 00:58:11.767 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$EarlyPostImeInputStage@5e41fb5 at 2024-06-15 00:58:11.766 06-15 00:58:11.767 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePostImeInputStage@ec8d64a at 2024-06-15 00:58:11.766 06-15 00:58:11.767 16011 16011 V VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage@409f9bb at 2024-06-15 00:58:11.766 06-15 00:58:11.802 32035 17260 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:11.802 32035 17260 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:12.109 32035 17260 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 304 ms, interface=tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.IIjkMediaPlayerItemClient, code=1 oneway=false 06-15 00:58:12.109 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:12.111 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityPause: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.page.browser.ui.LightBrowserActivityV2@258365254 06-15 00:58:12.111 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:12.131 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:12.133 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityResume: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.lib.ui.ComposeActivity@1653544 06-15 00:58:12.133 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:12.148 16011 16011 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]#6](f:0,a:6) destructor() 06-15 00:58:12.148 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[LightBrowserActivityV2]#6(BLAST Consumer)6](id:3e8b00000010,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) disconnect 06-15 00:58:12.151 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityStop: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.page.browser.ui.LightBrowserActivityV2@258365254 06-15 00:58:12.151 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:12.155 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityDestroy: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.bplus.followinglist.page.browser.ui.LightBrowserActivityV2@258365254 06-15 00:58:12.155 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:12.155 16011 16271 E ContentCatcherManager: failed to get ContentCatcherService. 06-15 00:58:12.155 32035 13262 D IjkPlayerItemClient: stop 06-15 00:58:12.157 16011 16011 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda22@622f0a6 06-15 00:58:12.157 16011 16011 D View : [Warning] assignParent to null: this = DecorView@6f6090f[LightBrowserActivityV2] 06-15 00:58:12.164 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:12.164 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:12.201 32035 17264 E IJKMEDIA: [ff_read] ijkioproxy: Immediate exit requested 06-15 00:58:12.201 32035 17264 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:12.201 32035 17264 E IJKMEDIA: [ff_read] Open input url fail 06-15 00:58:12.201 32035 17264 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:12.202 32035 9303 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007108ec3800] [c2.mtk.avc.decoder] releaseAsync 06-15 00:58:12.202 32035 17269 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007108ec3800] setState: 10 06-15 00:58:12.202 32035 17269 I MediaCodec: [mId: 14] video-debug setState: RELEASING 06-15 00:58:12.203 32035 17269 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007108ec3800] [c2.mtk.avc.decoder] kWhatReleaseCompleted 06-15 00:58:12.203 32035 17269 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007108ec3800] setState: 0 06-15 00:58:12.203 32035 17269 I MediaCodec: [mId: 14] video-debug setState: UNINITIALIZED 06-15 00:58:12.204 32035 17270 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 06-15 00:58:12.204 32035 17269 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendHdrInfo/sendFrameRateFloatCal/updateFrcAieAisState 06-15 00:58:12.204 32035 17269 V MediaStub: MediaStub::GetImplInstance for debug create,0x717a6b66e0 06-15 00:58:12.204 32035 17269 D MediaImpl: FRC switch off: valueSupport : true, valueOn : 06-15 00:58:12.204 32035 17269 D MediaImpl: AIE not support: valueSupport : 06-15 00:58:12.204 32035 17269 D MediaImpl: AIS switch off: valueSupport : true, valueOn : false 06-15 00:58:12.204 32035 17269 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 06-15 00:58:12.205 32035 17269 D MediaCodec: [0xb400007108ec3800] ~MediaCodec 06-15 00:58:12.205 32035 17269 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 06-15 00:58:12.205 32035 17269 W MediaCodec: no metrics handle found 06-15 00:58:12.205 32035 17269 D VideoInfo: tv.danmaku.bili destroy OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.AVC in MediaCodec, input num 0 output num 0 render num 0 06-15 00:58:12.205 32035 17269 D VideoInfo: max input intervel 0ms max output intervel 0ms max render interval 0ms 06-15 00:58:12.208 32035 17260 E IJKMEDIA: [item_read_thread] ijkurlhook_reconnect: ffurl_open_whitelist fail 06-15 00:58:12.208 32035 17260 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:12.210 32035 13262 D IjkPlayerItemClient: release 06-15 00:58:12.259 16011 16011 V VRI[ComposeActivity]: [ANR Warning]Input routeing takes more than 6000ms since 1970-01-01 08:00:00.000, this = com.mediatek.view.impl.ViewDebugManagerImpl@3d790df 06-15 00:58:12.259 16011 16011 V VRI[ComposeActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ImeInputStage@d87c3f7 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.259 06-15 00:58:12.259 16011 16011 V VRI[ComposeActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePostImeInputStage@cc1d175 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.259 06-15 00:58:12.259 16011 16011 V VRI[ComposeActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePreImeInputStage@9897891 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.259 06-15 00:58:12.259 16011 16011 V VRI[ComposeActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$SyntheticInputStage@8002b98 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.259 06-15 00:58:12.259 16011 16011 V VRI[ComposeActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPreImeInputStage@36ab3f6 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.259 06-15 00:58:12.259 16011 16011 V VRI[ComposeActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage@1d6050a at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.259 06-15 00:58:12.259 16011 16011 V VRI[ComposeActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$EarlyPostImeInputStage@3c2b0ac at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.259 06-15 00:58:12.266 16011 16011 V VRI[ComposeActivity]: [ANR Warning]Input routeing takes more than 6000ms since 1970-01-01 08:00:00.000, this = com.mediatek.view.impl.ViewDebugManagerImpl@3d790df 06-15 00:58:12.266 16011 16011 V VRI[ComposeActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePostImeInputStage@cc1d175 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.259 06-15 00:58:12.266 16011 16011 V VRI[ComposeActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$SyntheticInputStage@8002b98 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.266 06-15 00:58:12.266 16011 16011 V VRI[ComposeActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage@1d6050a at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.259 06-15 00:58:12.266 16011 16011 V VRI[ComposeActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$EarlyPostImeInputStage@3c2b0ac at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.259 06-15 00:58:12.267 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:12.268 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityPause: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.lib.ui.ComposeActivity@1653544 06-15 00:58:12.268 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:12.285 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityStart: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.app.authorspace.ui.AuthorSpaceActivity@70584617 06-15 00:58:12.285 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:12.289 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:12.292 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityResume: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.app.authorspace.ui.AuthorSpaceActivity@70584617 06-15 00:58:12.292 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:12.307 16011 16300 D OpenGLRenderer: --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented' 06-15 00:58:12.311 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b00000012,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=false 06-15 00:58:12.312 16011 16266 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 06-15 00:58:12.331 16011 16011 D VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: vri.reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4370 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2986 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:10423 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1668 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1677 06-15 00:58:12.331 16011 16011 D VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: vri.Setup new sync=wmsSync-VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]#20 06-15 00:58:12.352 16011 16266 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]#7](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=1220x2712 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=-9223372036854426102 mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=68766721376352 transform=0 06-15 00:58:12.352 16011 16011 D VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: vri.reportDrawFinished 06-15 00:58:12.366 16011 16011 E IMG_REQ_ModifyMP4PrepareStrategyBackend: [main] No field mBitmapFramePreparationStrategy in class Lcom/facebook/fresco/animation/bitmap/BitmapAnimationBackend; (declaration of 'com.facebook.fresco.animation.bitmap.BitmapAnimationBackend' appears in /data/app/~~EJ-CdxA0z4rYOubcstTX1w==/tv.danmaku.bili-7Y18sVwl4inEVlarNnOQRg==/base.apk!classes15.dex) 06-15 00:58:12.389 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:12.389 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:12.717 16011 16011 V VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: [ANR Warning]Input routeing takes more than 6000ms since 1970-01-01 08:00:00.000, this = com.mediatek.view.impl.ViewDebugManagerImpl@3d790df 06-15 00:58:12.717 16011 16011 V VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ImeInputStage@e705f67 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.717 06-15 00:58:12.717 16011 16011 V VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$SyntheticInputStage@cc4534 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.717 06-15 00:58:12.717 16011 16011 V VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPreImeInputStage@9cfd726 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.717 06-15 00:58:12.717 16011 16011 V VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePostImeInputStage@f8f8646 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.717 06-15 00:58:12.717 16011 16011 V VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePreImeInputStage@46d6a81 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.717 06-15 00:58:12.717 16011 16011 V VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$EarlyPostImeInputStage@cefe221 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.717 06-15 00:58:12.717 16011 16011 V VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage@b29b007 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.717 06-15 00:58:12.719 16011 16011 V VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: [ANR Warning]Input routeing takes more than 6000ms since 1970-01-01 08:00:00.000, this = com.mediatek.view.impl.ViewDebugManagerImpl@3d790df 06-15 00:58:12.719 16011 16011 V VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$SyntheticInputStage@cc4534 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.719 06-15 00:58:12.719 16011 16011 V VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePostImeInputStage@f8f8646 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.717 06-15 00:58:12.719 16011 16011 V VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$EarlyPostImeInputStage@cefe221 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.717 06-15 00:58:12.719 16011 16011 V VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage@b29b007 at 2024-06-15 00:58:12.717 06-15 00:58:12.730 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:12.731 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityPause: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.app.authorspace.ui.AuthorSpaceActivity@70584617 06-15 00:58:12.731 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:12.748 32035 13262 D MediaCodec: setVppMode, Mode: 1 06-15 00:58:12.748 32035 13262 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder] MediaCodec::setVpp 06-15 00:58:12.748 32035 13262 E MediaCodec: vpp not open, or VideoBox is NULL 06-15 00:58:12.753 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityStart: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.search2.main.BiliMainSearchActivity@103789552 06-15 00:58:12.753 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:12.756 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:12.758 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityResume: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.search2.main.BiliMainSearchActivity@103789552 06-15 00:58:12.758 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:12.778 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b00000013,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=false 06-15 00:58:12.779 16011 16266 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 06-15 00:58:12.780 16011 16011 D VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: vri.reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4370 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2986 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:10423 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1668 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1677 06-15 00:58:12.780 16011 16011 D VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: vri.Setup new sync=wmsSync-VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]#22 06-15 00:58:12.787 16011 16266 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]#8](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=1220x2712 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=-9223372036854426104 mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=68766721376353 transform=0 06-15 00:58:12.787 16011 16011 D VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: vri.reportDrawFinished 06-15 00:58:12.816 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:12.816 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:12.820 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityStop: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.lib.ui.ComposeActivity@1653544 06-15 00:58:12.820 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:12.826 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityDestroy: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.lib.ui.ComposeActivity@1653544 06-15 00:58:12.826 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:12.827 16011 16271 E ContentCatcherManager: failed to get ContentCatcherService. 06-15 00:58:12.835 16011 16011 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda22@fb44211 06-15 00:58:12.836 16011 16266 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[ComposeActivity]#4](f:0,a:5) destructor() 06-15 00:58:12.836 16011 16266 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[ComposeActivity]#4(BLAST Consumer)4](id:3e8b0000000c,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) disconnect 06-15 00:58:12.837 16011 16011 D View : [Warning] assignParent to null: this = DecorView@42239a[ComposeActivity] 06-15 00:58:12.856 16011 17568 E IJKMEDIA: [tv.danmaku.bili] SDL_JNI_ThreadDestroyed: [17568] didn't call SDL_JNI_DetachThreadEnv() explicity 06-15 00:58:12.856 16011 17568 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:13.329 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: [ANR Warning]Input routeing takes more than 6000ms since 1970-01-01 08:00:00.000, this = com.mediatek.view.impl.ViewDebugManagerImpl@3d790df 06-15 00:58:13.329 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage@dcadcbe at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.329 06-15 00:58:13.329 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePostImeInputStage@f712779 at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.329 06-15 00:58:13.329 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$EarlyPostImeInputStage@7c94c40 at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.329 06-15 00:58:13.329 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$SyntheticInputStage@68b4cb1 at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.329 06-15 00:58:13.329 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePreImeInputStage@1071ddc at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.328 06-15 00:58:13.329 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPreImeInputStage@f48eee5 at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.328 06-15 00:58:13.329 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ImeInputStage@4f5adba at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.328 06-15 00:58:13.332 16011 16011 I ImeTracker: tv.danmaku.bili:3af572d8: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT 06-15 00:58:13.353 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: [ANR Warning]Input routeing takes more than 6000ms since 1970-01-01 08:00:00.000, this = com.mediatek.view.impl.ViewDebugManagerImpl@3d790df 06-15 00:58:13.354 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage@dcadcbe at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.329 06-15 00:58:13.354 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePostImeInputStage@f712779 at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.329 06-15 00:58:13.354 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$EarlyPostImeInputStage@7c94c40 at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.329 06-15 00:58:13.354 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$SyntheticInputStage@68b4cb1 at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.353 06-15 00:58:13.363 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.364 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.364 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.365 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.366 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.366 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.367 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.367 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.369 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.369 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.370 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.370 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.371 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.371 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.372 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.372 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.373 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.373 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.374 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.374 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.375 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.376 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.376 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.376 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.386 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityStop: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.app.authorspace.ui.AuthorSpaceActivity@70584617 06-15 00:58:13.386 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:13.394 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityDestroy: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.app.authorspace.ui.AuthorSpaceActivity@70584617 06-15 00:58:13.395 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:13.395 16011 16271 E ContentCatcherManager: failed to get ContentCatcherService. 06-15 00:58:13.405 16011 16011 E SVGAImageView: onDetachedFromWindow:animator = null } 06-15 00:58:13.406 16011 16011 E SVGAImageView: onDetachedFromWindow:animator = null } 06-15 00:58:13.406 16011 16011 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda22@2c3ad36 06-15 00:58:13.408 16011 16266 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]#7](f:0,a:6) destructor() 06-15 00:58:13.408 16011 16266 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[AuthorSpaceActivity]#7(BLAST Consumer)7](id:3e8b00000012,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) disconnect 06-15 00:58:13.409 16011 16011 D View : [Warning] assignParent to null: this = DecorView@def8f3[AuthorSpaceActivity] 06-15 00:58:13.417 16011 17616 E IJKMEDIA: [tv.danmaku.bili] SDL_JNI_ThreadDestroyed: [17616] didn't call SDL_JNI_DetachThreadEnv() explicity 06-15 00:58:13.417 16011 17616 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:13.558 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:13.558 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:13.559 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:13.559 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:13.559 16011 16211 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:13.578 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.579 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.580 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.580 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.582 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.582 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.583 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.583 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.585 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.585 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.585 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.586 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.587 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.587 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.588 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.588 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.589 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.590 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.590 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.591 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.592 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.592 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.593 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.593 16011 16011 E PriorityLinearLayout: [main] app:priority is deprecated, use app:layout_priority instead! 06-15 00:58:13.926 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: [ANR Warning]Input routeing takes more than 6000ms since 1970-01-01 08:00:00.000, this = com.mediatek.view.impl.ViewDebugManagerImpl@3d790df 06-15 00:58:13.926 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage@dcadcbe at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.926 06-15 00:58:13.926 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePostImeInputStage@f712779 at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.926 06-15 00:58:13.926 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$EarlyPostImeInputStage@7c94c40 at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.926 06-15 00:58:13.926 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$SyntheticInputStage@68b4cb1 at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.926 06-15 00:58:13.926 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePreImeInputStage@1071ddc at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.925 06-15 00:58:13.926 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPreImeInputStage@f48eee5 at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.925 06-15 00:58:13.926 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ImeInputStage@4f5adba at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.925 06-15 00:58:13.928 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: [ANR Warning]Input routeing takes more than 6000ms since 1970-01-01 08:00:00.000, this = com.mediatek.view.impl.ViewDebugManagerImpl@3d790df 06-15 00:58:13.928 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewPostImeInputStage@dcadcbe at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.926 06-15 00:58:13.928 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$NativePostImeInputStage@f712779 at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.926 06-15 00:58:13.928 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$EarlyPostImeInputStage@7c94c40 at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.926 06-15 00:58:13.928 16011 16011 V VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]: Input event delivered to android.view.ViewRootImpl$SyntheticInputStage@68b4cb1 at 2024-06-15 00:58:13.928 06-15 00:58:13.936 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:13.937 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityPause: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.search2.main.BiliMainSearchActivity@103789552 06-15 00:58:13.937 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:13.939 16011 16011 I ImeTracker: tv.danmaku.bili:20aaa106: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_CLIENT_HIDE_SOFT_INPUT reason HIDE_SOFT_INPUT 06-15 00:58:13.947 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityStart: tv.danmaku.bili@tv.danmaku.bili.MainActivityV2@11725668 06-15 00:58:13.947 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:13.953 16011 16011 E IPCActivityStateProvider: [main] updateCount error, result is null 06-15 00:58:13.955 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityResume: tv.danmaku.bili@tv.danmaku.bili.MainActivityV2@11725668 06-15 00:58:13.955 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: Drawable tv.danmaku.bili:drawable/projection_float_view_bg_big_right has unresolved theme attributes! Consider using Resources.getDrawable(int, Theme) or Context.getDrawable(int). 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: java.lang.RuntimeException 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable(Resources.java:951) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at jb1.i.(BL:19) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at jb1.j$a.a(BL:20) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at jb1.j$a.apply(BL:1) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at io.reactivex.rxjava3.internal.operators.observable.ObservableSwitchMap$SwitchMapObserver.onNext(BL:23) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at io.reactivex.rxjava3.internal.util.NotificationLite.accept(BL:10) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at io.reactivex.rxjava3.subjects.a$a.test(BL:7) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at io.reactivex.rxjava3.subjects.a$a.c(BL:56) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at io.reactivex.rxjava3.subjects.a.onNext(BL:38) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at jb1.j.e(BL:3) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at com.bilibili.lib.projection.internal.ProjectionManager.y(BL:3) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at tv.danmaku.bili.MainActivityV2.e6(BL:102) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at tv.danmaku.bili.MainActivityV2.onResume(BL:16) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at pk.ZgWNZLeNxPn.x.xw.Z.dJFSi.S.HookBridge.invokeOriginalMethod(Native Method) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at J.callback(Unknown Source:193) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at LSPHooker_.onResume(Unknown Source:8) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnResume(Instrumentation.java:1614) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.Activity.performResume(Activity.java:9045) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.ActivityThread.performResumeActivity(ActivityThread.java:5171) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleResumeActivity(ActivityThread.java:5215) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.servertransaction.ResumeActivityItem.execute(ResumeActivityItem.java:57) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.servertransaction.ActivityTransactionItem.execute(ActivityTransactionItem.java:45) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeLifecycleState(TransactionExecutor.java:190) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(TransactionExecutor.java:101) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:2600) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:222) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:314) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8602) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:565) 06-15 00:58:13.956 16011 16011 W Resources: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1081) 06-15 00:58:13.979 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b00000014,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=false 06-15 00:58:13.979 16011 16266 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 06-15 00:58:13.980 16011 16011 D VRI[MainActivityV2]: vri.reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4370 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2986 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:10423 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1668 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1677 06-15 00:58:13.980 16011 16011 D VRI[MainActivityV2]: vri.Setup new sync=wmsSync-VRI[MainActivityV2]#24 06-15 00:58:13.987 16011 16266 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[MainActivityV2]#9](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=1220x2712 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=-9223372036854426102 mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=68766721376362 transform=0 06-15 00:58:13.987 16011 16011 D VRI[MainActivityV2]: vri.reportDrawFinished 06-15 00:58:14.018 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:14.018 16011 16011 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 06-15 00:58:14.135 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@6684aae 06-15 00:58:14.176 16011 16220 I cr_CronetUrlRequestContext: destroyNativeStreamLocked org.chromium.net.impl.CronetBidirectionalStream@1bd004f 06-15 00:58:14.538 16011 16011 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]#8](f:0,a:5) destructor() 06-15 00:58:14.538 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [VRI[BiliMainSearchActivity]#8(BLAST Consumer)8](id:3e8b00000013,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) disconnect 06-15 00:58:14.542 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityStop: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.search2.main.BiliMainSearchActivity@103789552 06-15 00:58:14.542 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:14.550 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_injector: Interceptor : notifyActivityDestroy: tv.danmaku.bili@com.bilibili.search2.main.BiliMainSearchActivity@103789552 06-15 00:58:14.550 16011 16271 D ContentCatcher_catcher: CatcherHolder : mCatcherList size: 0 06-15 00:58:14.550 16011 16271 E ContentCatcherManager: failed to get ContentCatcherService. 06-15 00:58:14.566 16011 16623 I Chronos : [INFO:engine.cc(59)] Stop the currently running package. 06-15 00:58:14.569 16011 16667 I Chronos : [INFO:runtime.cc(60)] Destroy current QJS context for CRON.DFM_WORKER. 06-15 00:58:14.581 16011 16667 D BufferQueueConsumer: [SurfaceTexture-0-16011-5](id:3e8b00000008,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) disconnect 06-15 00:58:14.581 16011 16669 I Chronos : [INFO:runtime.cc(60)] Destroy current QJS context for CRON.MASK_WORKER. 06-15 00:58:14.588 16011 16669 D BufferQueueConsumer: [SurfaceTexture-0-16011-6](id:3e8b00000009,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) disconnect 06-15 00:58:14.588 16011 16670 I Chronos : [INFO:runtime.cc(60)] Destroy current QJS context for CRON.TASK_WORKER. 06-15 00:58:14.594 16011 16670 D BufferQueueConsumer: [SurfaceTexture-0-16011-7](id:3e8b0000000a,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) disconnect 06-15 00:58:14.594 16011 16623 I Chronos : [INFO:runtime.cc(60)] Destroy current QJS context for CRON.Main. 06-15 00:58:14.609 16011 16667 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb4000071490a2240 06-15 00:58:14.610 16011 16669 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb40000706a899e00 06-15 00:58:14.611 16011 16670 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb40000705c9e0680 06-15 00:58:14.616 16011 16228 E okhttp.bilow.biz.tracker: [OkHttpExecutor #7] Miss RpcExtra in bilow biz tracker, new one. 06-15 00:58:14.616 16011 16623 D SoundPool: native_release called 06-15 00:58:14.616 16011 16623 D SoundPool: native_release end 06-15 00:58:14.621 16011 16623 D BufferQueueConsumer: [SurfaceTexture-0-16011-3](id:3e8b00000006,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) disconnect 06-15 00:58:14.621 16011 16623 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb400007072f1f640 06-15 00:58:14.626 16011 16011 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 06-15 00:58:14.627 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [SurfaceTexture-0-16011-2](id:3e8b00000005,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) disconnect 06-15 00:58:14.630 16011 16532 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb400007090dce800 06-15 00:58:14.630 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [SurfaceTexture-0-16011-0](id:3e8b00000003,api:3,p:32035,c:16011) disconnect 06-15 00:58:14.630 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [SurfaceTexture-0-16011-1](id:3e8b00000004,api:1,p:32035,c:16011) disconnect 06-15 00:58:14.639 32035 16590 E IJKMEDIA: [ff_audio_dec] [audio_thread] decoder_decode_frame fail, got_frame=-1 06-15 00:58:14.639 32035 16590 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:14.642 32035 16589 D AudioTrack: flush(194): 0xb40000717a5fe000, prior state:STATE_PAUSED 06-15 00:58:14.643 32035 16589 D AudioTrack: [audioTrackData][zero] 12s(f:0 m:0 s:0 k:0 z:12900) : pid 32035 uid 10328 sessionId 1913 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 06-15 00:58:14.643 32035 16589 D AudioTrack: flush(194): 0xb40000717a5fe000, prior state:STATE_FLUSHED 06-15 00:58:14.644 32035 16589 D AudioTrack: stop(194): 0xb40000717a5fe000, prior state:STATE_FLUSHED 06-15 00:58:14.644 32035 16589 D AudioTrack: ~AudioTrack(194): 0xb40000717a5fe000 06-15 00:58:14.644 32035 16589 D AudioTrack: stop(194): 0xb40000717a5fe000, prior state:STATE_FLUSHED 06-15 00:58:14.645 32035 16589 D AudioTrackShared: this(0xb4000070eff13680), mCblk(0x72b4712000), front(48076), mIsOut 1, interrupt() FUTEX_WAKE 06-15 00:58:14.658 16011 16011 W Activity: PerfMonitor: Slow Operation: Activity tv.danmaku.bili/com.bilibili.search2.main.BiliMainSearchActivity onDestroy took 111ms 06-15 00:58:14.658 16011 16011 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda22@53a1b1d 06-15 00:58:14.658 16011 16011 D View : [Warning] assignParent to null: this = DecorView@956e939[BiliMainSearchActivity] 06-15 00:58:14.687 32035 16591 E IJKMEDIA: [ff_video_dec] func_run_sync MediaCodec:AMEDIACODEC__UNKNOWN_ERROR -100 06-15 00:58:14.687 32035 16591 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder] stop 06-15 00:58:14.687 32035 16591 I MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug stop 06-15 00:58:14.688 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] setState: 9 06-15 00:58:14.688 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug setState: STOPPING 06-15 00:58:14.688 32035 16552 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 06-15 00:58:14.688 32035 16552 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 06-15 00:58:14.688 32035 16552 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 06-15 00:58:14.688 32035 16552 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder#8] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 06-15 00:58:14.693 16011 16673 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-16011-0](id:3e8b00000003,api:3,p:32035,c:16011) dequeueBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned 06-15 00:58:14.694 16011 16673 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-16011-0](id:3e8b00000003,api:3,p:32035,c:16011) dequeueBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned 06-15 00:58:14.696 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder] kWhatStopCompleted 06-15 00:58:14.696 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] setState: 2 06-15 00:58:14.696 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder] disconnectFromSurface: mSurface 0xb4000070efdb7000 06-15 00:58:14.696 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug disconnectFromSurface: mSurface 0xb4000070efdb7000 06-15 00:58:14.696 32035 16552 D SurfaceUtils: disconnecting from surface 0xb4000070efdb7010, reason disconnectFromSurface 06-15 00:58:14.697 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug setState: INITIALIZED 06-15 00:58:14.697 32035 16591 E IJKMEDIA: [ff_video_dec] func_run_sync: fail ret:-100, enqueue_thread_ret:-100, hw_decode_fallback_enable:1, opaque->codecpar->codec_id:173 06-15 00:58:14.697 32035 16591 E IJKMEDIA: 06-15 00:58:14.702 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:14.721 32035 16550 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb40000710422bd40 06-15 00:58:14.722 32035 9303 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder] releaseAsync 06-15 00:58:14.722 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] setState: 10 06-15 00:58:14.722 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug setState: RELEASING 06-15 00:58:14.727 16011 16527 D libMEOW : meow delete tls: 0xb4000070d1cedbc0 06-15 00:58:14.729 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] [c2.mtk.hevc.decoder] kWhatReleaseCompleted 06-15 00:58:14.729 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] setState: 0 06-15 00:58:14.729 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: [mId: 12] video-debug setState: UNINITIALIZED 06-15 00:58:14.729 32035 16555 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb400007108e88628 : 0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 18/26 (recycle/alloc) - 8/50 (fetch/transfer) 06-15 00:58:14.730 32035 16552 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendHdrInfo/sendFrameRateFloatCal/updateFrcAieAisState 06-15 00:58:14.731 32035 16552 V MediaStub: MediaStub::GetImplInstance for debug create,0x717a6b66e0 06-15 00:58:14.731 32035 16552 D MediaImpl: FRC switch off: valueSupport : true, valueOn : 06-15 00:58:14.731 32035 16552 D MediaImpl: AIE not support: valueSupport : 06-15 00:58:14.731 32035 16552 D MediaImpl: AIS switch off: valueSupport : true, valueOn : false 06-15 00:58:14.731 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 06-15 00:58:14.731 16011 16011 E SVGAImageView: onDetachedFromWindow:animator = null } 06-15 00:58:14.731 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: [0xb40000716610a800] ~MediaCodec 06-15 00:58:14.732 32035 17628 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 06-15 00:58:14.733 16011 16011 I MenuActionView: onDetachedFromWindow----- 06-15 00:58:14.733 16011 16011 E SVGAImageView: stopAnimation:animator = null } 06-15 00:58:14.733 32035 16552 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics 06-15 00:58:14.734 32035 16552 W MediaCodec: no metrics handle found 06-15 00:58:14.734 32035 16552 D VideoInfo: tv.danmaku.bili destroy OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.HEVC in MediaCodec, input num 43 output num 16 render num 6 06-15 00:58:14.734 32035 16552 D VideoInfo: max input intervel 293ms max output intervel 116ms max render interval 80ms 06-15 00:58:14.758 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:14.779 32035 32086 W bili:ijkservice: Profile data size exceeds 500000 bytes. It has 819431 bytes. 06-15 00:58:14.779 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:14.799 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:14.844 16011 16011 E IMG_REQ_SizeMeasureImageRequest: [main] {169} request has been recycled (view:100814222, isActive:true) 06-15 00:58:14.844 16011 16011 E IMG_REQ_SizeMeasureImageRequest: [main] {170} request has been recycled (view:106295512, isActive:true) 06-15 00:58:14.844 16011 16011 E IMG_REQ_SizeMeasureImageRequest: [main] {173} request has been recycled (view:100814222, isActive:true) 06-15 00:58:14.862 16011 16011 E SVGAImageView: stopAnimation:animator = null } 06-15 00:58:14.920 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:14.920 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:14.920 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:14.920 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:14.921 16011 16053 W Tribe : Can't ensureLatest on non-main Thread 06-15 00:58:15.587 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:58:15.640 16011 16011 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 06-15 00:58:15.656 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:15.659 16011 16011 D ScrollerOptimizationManager: registerConfigChangedListener 06-15 00:58:15.668 16011 16266 I pwIrisCR: YYY2-2 CoreContext[0xb4000070b5d1f300]:: Construt: ##PID##:16011 06-15 00:58:15.673 16011 16011 D VRI[MainActivityV2]: hardware acceleration = true, forceHwAccelerated = false 06-15 00:58:15.709 16011 16011 D AutofillManager: view not autofillable - not passing ime action check 06-15 00:58:15.709 16011 16011 D AutofillManager: view not autofillable - not passing ime action check 06-15 00:58:15.711 16011 16091 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(373) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1 06-15 00:58:15.766 16011 16011 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:3e8b00000015,api:0,p:-1,c:16011) connect: controlledByApp=false 06-15 00:58:15.769 16011 16266 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior. 06-15 00:58:15.794 16011 16011 D VRI[MainActivityV2]: vri.reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4370 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2986 android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run:10423 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1668 android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run:1677 06-15 00:58:15.794 16011 16011 D VRI[MainActivityV2]: vri.Setup new sync=wmsSync-VRI[MainActivityV2]#26 06-15 00:58:15.800 16011 16266 D OpenGLRenderer: makeCurrent grContext:0xb40000712e825660 reset mTextureAvailable 06-15 00:58:15.814 16011 16266 D BLASTBufferQueue: [VRI[MainActivityV2]#10](f:0,a:1) acquireNextBufferLocked size=1290x2752 mFrameNumber=1 applyTransaction=true mTimestamp=-9223372036854426102 mPendingTransactions.size=0 graphicBufferId=68766721376376 transform=0 06-15 00:58:15.814 16011 16011 D VRI[MainActivityV2