-- The Current CXX Standard is : 17 -- TPL_Netcdf_PARALLEL is False -- Setting default Kokkos CXX standard to 17 -- Kokkos version: 4.3.1 -- The project name is: Trilinos -- Using internal gtest for testing -- Using -std=c++17 for C++17 standard as feature -- Built-in Execution Spaces: -- Device Parallel: NoTypeDefined -- Host Parallel: NoTypeDefined -- Host Serial: SERIAL -- -- Architectures: -- Using internal desul_atomics copy -- Kokkos Backends: SERIAL -- You set HAVE_GCC_ABI_DEMANGLE=; this suggests you are cross compiling. If you're not cross compiling, best practice is not to set this; Trilinos will figure it out for you. -- You set HAVE_TEUCHOS_BLASFLOAT=1; this suggests you are cross compiling. If you're not cross compiling, best practice is not to set this; Trilinos will figure it out for you. -- You set HAVE_TEUCHOS_LAPACKLARND=; this suggests you are cross compiling. If you're not cross compiling, best practice is not to set this; Trilinos will figure it out for you. -- C++ compiler does NOT support __attribute__((constructor)) syntax -- C++ compiler does NOT support __attribute__((weak)) syntax and testing weak functions -- C++ compiler does NOT support #pragma weak syntax and testing weak functions -- Wrapping every Teuchos timer with a Kokkos profiling region. -- The project name is: Trilinos -- Creating ETI files for Batched_Gemm_nt_nt_bll -- Creating ETI files for Batched_Gemm_nt_t_bll -- Creating ETI files for Batched_Gemm_t_nt_bll -- Creating ETI files for Batched_Gemm_t_t_bll -- Creating ETI files for Batched_Gemm_nt_nt_blr -- Creating ETI files for Batched_Gemm_nt_t_blr -- Creating ETI files for Batched_Gemm_t_nt_blr -- Creating ETI files for Batched_Gemm_t_t_blr -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_abs -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_abs_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_scal -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_scal_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_dot -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_dot_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_axpby -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_axpby_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_update -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_update_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_sum -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_sum_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_nrm1 -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_nrm1_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_nrm2w -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_nrm2w_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_nrminf -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_nrminf_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_iamax -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_iamax_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_nrm2 -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_nrm2_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_mult -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_mult_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_reciprocal -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_reciprocal_mv -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_rot -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_rotg -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_rotm -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_rotmg -- Creating ETI files for Blas1_swap -- Creating ETI files for Blas2_gemv -- Creating ETI files for Blas2_ger -- Creating ETI files for Blas2_syr -- Creating ETI files for Blas2_syr2 -- Creating ETI files for Blas3_gemm -- Creating ETI files for Blas3_trsm -- Creating ETI files for Blas3_trmm -- Creating ETI files for Lapack_gesv -- Creating ETI files for Lapack_trtri -- Creating ETI files for Lapack_svd -- Creating ETI files for Graph_color_d1 -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_sptrsv_solve -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_spmv_struct -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_spmv_mv_struct -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_spmv_bsrmatrix -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_spmv_mv_bsrmatrix -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_spmv -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_spmv_mv -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_spgemm_symbolic -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_spgemm_numeric -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_spgemm_noreuse -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_bspgemm_numeric -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_spgemm_jacobi -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_spadd_symbolic -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_spadd_numeric -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_spiluk_symbolic -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_spiluk_numeric -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_par_ilut_symbolic -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_par_ilut_numeric -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_gmres -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_sptrsv_symbolic -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_trsv -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_gauss_seidel_symbolic -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_gauss_seidel_numeric -- Creating ETI files for Sparse_gauss_seidel_apply -- Tpetra: Using internal Kokkos -- Tpetra: Enabling deprecated code -- Determine whether Tpetra will assume that MPI is GPU aware: -- - Tpetra_INST_CUDA, Tpetra_INST_HIP and Tpetra_INST_SYCL atre OFF, so Tpetra will assume that MPI is not GPU aware. -- Tpetra: defaulting to Tpetra_ASSUME_GPU_AWARE_MPI: OFF -- Tpetra execution space availability (ON means available): -- - Serial: ON -- - Threads: OFF -- - OpenMP: OFF -- - Cuda: OFF -- - HIP: OFF -- - SYCL: OFF -- Tpetra: Tpetra_INST_INT_LONG_LONG is enabled by default. -- Tpetra: Tpetra_INST_INT_UNSIGNED is disabled by default. -- Tpetra: Tpetra_INST_INT_UNSIGNED_LONG is disabled by default. -- Tpetra: Tpetra_INST_INT_INT is disabled by default. -- Tpetra: Tpetra_INST_INT_LONG is disabled by default. -- -- Tpetra: Validate global ordinal setting ... -- Tpetra: global ordinal setting is OK -- -- User-set default Node: Tpetra::KokkosCompat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode -- Tpetra: Using Full ETI -- Xpetra: Enabling deprecated code -- Xpetra: Enabling ETI -- Generating ETI: Tacho_Driver_ETI_double_Serial.cpp -- Generating ETI: Tacho_Driver_ETI_float_Serial.cpp -- Generating ETI: Tacho_Driver_ETI_complex_double_Serial.cpp -- Generating ETI: Tacho_Driver_ETI_complex_float_Serial.cpp -- Found python version 3.12.3 -- A Python-3 version of exodus.py and exomerge.py will be installed. -- Exodus.py and exomerge.py NOT installed since shared exodus library is not available. -- TEKO_HAVE_EPETRA = OFF -- Allow Multiple Evaluator Registration for Same Field: ON -- Execution Space: SERIAL -- Index Size Type: INT -- Sacado Hierarchic DFAD support: FALSE -- Experimental Device DAG support: OFF -- Experimental Kokkos AMT support: OFF -- Experimental code: OFF -- LOCA: ON -- Epetra Abstractions: OFF -- Thyra Abstractions: ON -- Kokkos Solver Stack: ON -- PETSc Abstractions: OFF -- Stratimikos/Epetra Stack: OFF -- MueLu: Enabling deprecated code -- MueLu's tutorial requires for a correct build that if Tpetra is enabled, then GlobalOrdinal=int must be enabled, and either the Serial or OpenMP Nodes in Tpetra be enabled. Since this is not the case, I am disabling MueLu's tutorial by default. See Trilinos GitHub Issue #1726 for details: https://github.com/trilinos/Trilinos/issues/1726 -- You chose to enable MueLu's tutorial, even though I told you that it may not build correctly. You are responsible for whatever build or link errors may occur as a result. -- MueLu: Enabling ETI support -- : OFF -- : OFF -- : OFF -- : OFF -- : ON -- : OFF -- : OFF -- MueLu: Default GO: long long -- HAVE_MUELU_SERIAL : ON -- HAVE_MUELU_OPENMP : OFF -- HAVE_MUELU_CUDA : OFF -- HAVE_MUELU_HIP : OFF -- HAVE_MUELU_SYCL : OFF -- Tempus: Epetra Stack: OFF -- Tempus: Tpetra Stack: ON -- PIRO_HAVE_EPETRA_STACK: OFF -- Convergence tests: ON -- Global Indexer Epetra Utilities Off -- Ifpack2: Processing ETI / test support -- Enabled Scalar types: double -- Enabled LocalOrdinal types: int -- Enabled GlobalOrdinal types: long long -- Enabled Node types: Tpetra::KokkosCompat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode -- User/Downstream ETI set: -- Excluded type combinations: -- Set of enabled types, before exclusions: S={double} N={Tpetra::KokkosCompat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={long long} -- TpetraCore: Processing ETI / test support -- Enabled Scalar types: long long|double -- Enabled LocalOrdinal types: int -- Enabled GlobalOrdinal types: long long -- Enabled Node types: Tpetra::KokkosCompat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode -- Excluded type combinations: : -- Set of enabled types, before exclusions: S={int} LO={int} GO={long long} N={Tpetra::KokkosCompat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode};S={double} N={Tpetra::KokkosCompat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={long long};S={long long} N={Tpetra::KokkosCompat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={long long};S={double} N={Tpetra::KokkosCompat::KokkosSerialWrapperNode} LO={int} GO={long long} -- If publishing results using Trilinos, please cite us: https://trilinos.github.io/cite.html -- Configuring done (1.8s) -- Generating done (0.8s) -- Build files have been written to: /home/user/trilinos-build [ 0%] Built target suplib_c [ 0%] Built target MueLu_CopyMasterListTest [ 0%] Built target getopt.seacas [ 0%] Built target MueLu_CopyMasterListTestCpp [ 1%] Built target MueLu_CopyMasterListTestFiles [ 1%] Built target gtest [ 2%] Built target shards [ 3%] Built target supes [ 4%] Built target suplib_cpp [ 6%] Built target trilinosss [ 6%] Built target SEACASSupes_exttest [ 6%] Built target kokkoscore [ 8%] Built target suplib [ 9%] Built target pamgen [ 14%] Built target chaco [ 14%] Built target kokkoscontainers [ 14%] Built target pamgen_extras [ 14%] Built target kokkosalgorithms [ 14%] Built target kokkossimd [ 24%] Built target simpi [ 31%] Built target exodus [ 31%] Built target shylu_nodefastilu [ 31%] Linking CXX executable test_generate_exo_files [ 31%] Built target exoIIv2for32 [ 31%] Built target nemesis [ 31%] Linking CXX executable nas2exo [ 31%] Linking CXX executable exo_format [ 32%] Linking CXX executable epu [ 32%] Linking CXX executable conjoin [ 32%] Built target tacho [ 32%] Built target aprepro_lib [ 32%] Linking CXX executable nem_spread [ 32%] Linking CXX executable exodiff [ 32%] Built target exodus_for [ 33%] Built target teuchoscore [ 33%] Linking CXX executable aprepro [ 36%] Built target zoltan [ 37%] Built target stk_util_util [ 39%] Built target kokkoskernels