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Releases: venmo/DVR


28 Mar 19:03
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This version is compiled against Swift 2.2.


16 Dec 22:17
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  • Include NSURLSessionConfiguration.HTTPAdditionalHeaders in the persisted interaction. The session's headers are merged into the NSURLRequest's allHTTPHeaderFields as long as a key in the request doesn't already exist. This is useful when responses from an API are contingent on the presence of a specific header that is being set in the Session's backingSession.
  • Fix a few warnings being emitted by the test target

Version 0.2.0

24 Nov 05:18
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  • Support for recording multiple requests into one cassette!
  • Call the request completion block even when recording to allow for chaining requests
  • Fix persisting plain text bodies in cassettes
  • Disable optimizations to allow for easier debugging when testing

Completes tasks asynchronously

23 Sep 14:54
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Merge pull request #26 from venmo/daz/queue

SessionDataTask's resume does work on a new background thread...

Version 0.1.2

10 Aug 20:33
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Fix issue with comparing HTTPBody equality #23

Version 0.1.1

10 Aug 17:21
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Fix issue with application/json; charset=utf-8 decoding #21

Version 0.1.0

07 Aug 23:34
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  • Added ability to inject a backing NSURLSession into DVR.Session
  • New cassette format to include response and request bodies in plain text if possible.
  • Update to Xcode 7 beta 5

There is also a tool to migrate old cassettes to the new format.

Version 0.0.1

23 Jun 15:59
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Initial release