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Supported Features

Yusuke Nunokawa edited this page Jun 16, 2016 · 60 revisions


  • FeatureCollection
    • Point
    • Line
    • Polygon
  • FeatureLayer
  • ArcGISImageServiceLayer
  • ArcGISMapServiceLayer
  • ArcGISImageServiceLayer
  • ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer
  • WebTiledLayer
  • VectorTileLayer
  • Bing
  • OpenStreetMap
  • OGC


  • MarkerSymbol
    • Circle (Simple)
    • Cross (Simple)
    • Diamond (Simple)
    • Path (Simple)
    • Square (Simple)
    • X (Simple)
    • Picture
  • LineSymbol
    • Solid (Simple)
    • Dash (Simple)
  • FillSymbol
  • Heatmap (There is a subtle differences in rendering between Leaflet.heat and esri/renderers/HeatmapRenderer.)
  • ClassBreaks
  • UniqueValue
  • VisualVariables
    • Size (Point)
    • Size (Line)
    • Size (Polygon)
    • Color
    • UniqueValue + Size
    • ClassBreaks + Size
    • Size + Color
  • Blend
  • Rotation
  • Label
    • Point
    • Line
    • Polygon
    • Dynamically reposition
    • Styling


  • Title
  • AllLayers
  • Bookmarks
  • PortalItem


  • Load Map
  • Load Metadata


  • UnsupportedLayer (You can see it in a console only.)
  • LayerOpacity
  • LayerVisibility
  • DefinitionExpression
  • Time
  • Popup
    • Title
    • Attributes
    • Media
    • Attachments
    • Date (UNIX -> UTC)
  • Token
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