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File metadata and controls

175 lines (129 loc) · 4.36 KB

How to build a Theme?

Themes live in user/themes/*.
To best understand how they work, you should probably look at the example theme and lookup what you don't understand here.

|theme|.php file

Every Theme needs to have this file, it extends mods/themes/theme.php.
To use the |theme|.mgcfg file you need to override onInit with:

public function onInit() {

Probably you will wan't to use fields so you need to override $dependencies with:

protected $dependencies = [ 'fields', 'mediaint', 'pagesint' ];

Thats all that is required in |theme|.php.

|theme|.mgcfg file

This file defines all fields that should be editable.
The file is divided into five parts: assets, components, layouts, settings and pageCategories.
Syntax Docs: Magma Cfg


Assets defines the css and js assets that should be minified and automatically included.
Default extensions don't need to be written.
At the moment there is a requirement, that the filename does not include a dot.
External Js or Css files should not be defined here.

    css -a: style.mgcss, rawcss
    js -a: main

Note: the minification of js is really rudimentary so make sure every required semicolon exists


Here you can define all parts of the website that repeat in multiple layouts.
For example a header which includes an image.
See fields for documentation on all the different fields.
Every component needs to have a coresponding template file in user/themes/|theme|/components/*.html.

        name: Header with an image
                type: SingleFile
                name: Header image
                selectText: select
                allowed -a: jpg, png, gif
                notAllowed: only jpg, png and gif images are allowed


Every page on your website needs to have a layout.
Layouts are constructed from components and fields.
See fields for documentation on all the different fields.

        name: Home Layout
        components -a: header
        cache: true
                type: Number
                name: Max blog entries shown

Note: cache is by default false. Cache should only be set to true if the page has nothing dynamic, like containing content of other pages, because if you save a page in the administration panel this will just invalid the cache of itself

Every layout needs to have a coresponding template file in user/themes/|theme|/layouts/*.html.
Components are not included in the template file automatically. You need to include them with:

|comp 'header'|


Settings is a great way to define fields that are used across alot of layouts and components.
Settings are mostly used in headers and footers.
See fields for documentation on all the different fields.

        name: Main settings
                type: Textarea
                name: Copyrighttext


Page categories are only used to organize pages in the administrator panel.

        pluralName: Blog entries
        singleName: Blog entry
        layouts -a: blog

Template files

See the basic syntax here: Magma Template

There are four static variables that are mostly used in template files:

site defined in mods/site/viewer.php

This variable gives you access to the main settings fields

  • name
  • languages
  • multilingual

page defined in mods/pages/page.php

Mostly used fields:

  • lang
  • url
  • title
  • keywords
  • state
  • publishOn


This contains every field that is defined in the layout. For example:



Gives you access to your own |theme|.php file and mods/themes/theme.php.
Example to use a static image:

<img src="|theme.url('assets/img/image.jpg')|">


Every setting page gets included as a variable. for example the settings page main:

    <p>|esc main.footerText|</p>