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w1nst0n edited this page Jan 14, 2023 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the wiki.

Please read the FAQ.

Worth reading :

How to contribute

There is a lot of packages descriptions to improve. Some can be slightly incorrect and some are nearly nonexistent. You know what you have to do! :)

You can also add new packages :

  1. All non documented packages can be displayed by selecting the unlisted filter.

  2. Try to document each new package and create a pull request or create an issue.

The UAD list is a JSON list that can be found here.

A package is defined like this:

    "id": "",
    "list": "Google",
    "description": "First line of the a description\nThis is a new line",
    "dependencies": null,
    "neededBy": null,
    "labels": null,
    "removal": "Unsafe"

dependencies, neededBy and labels are fields which will most likely change in the near future (for the v0.6 or v0.7).

  • list: can be Google, Misc (miscellaneous), Oem (manufacturer), Aosp, Pending, Carrier (isp).
  • removal: can be Recommended, Advanced, Expert, Unsafe (see more)

Decompile an APK

Useful apps

SD Maid Apps checker feature can be useful to find info about the packages.

Stanley app or Apps_packages_info on F-droid are also handy.

Logcat Reader to easily access device logs

Useful online services


You need to install the Rust toolchain and the mold linker

cargo build --release

The default renderer is wgpu, a modern renderer using Vulkan. If you want OpenGL (useful for older computer) you need to add the glow feature (more info).

cargo build --features glow --release
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