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Various torque controllers, building toward torque MPC of Panda manipulator.


mamba is faster but you can use conda interchangeably.

conda/mamba env fast setup

conda create -n panda_control python=3.9 conda activate panda_control mamba env update --file environment.yaml

conda/mamba env manual setup

  • Create environment:
    conda create -n panda_control python=3.9 conda activate panda_control conda config --add channels conda-forge conda config --add channels robostack-staging

  • Install build tools:
    mamba install compilers cmake pkg-config make ninja -c conda-forge

  • Install ROS related packages:
    mamba install ros-noetic-desktop ros-noetic-combined-robot-hw catkin_tools ros-noetic-realsense2-camera -c conda-forge -c robostack-staging

  • Install robotics control libraries:
    mamba install pinocchio tsid example-robot-data crocoddyl -c conda-forge

Franka panda

mamba install ros-noetic-libfranka ros-noetic-franka-ros -c robostack-staging -c conda-forge


Check compatibility of your Franka Control Interface version to determine which libfranka version to install.

At CIIRC, FCI version == 4.2.2 --> libfranka version >= 0.9.1 < 0.10.0. robostack conda channel provides 9.2 version which requires python 3.9 to be installed (hence python=3.9 when creating the conda env).
mamba install ros-noetic-libfranka -c robostack-staging -c conda-forge

Franka ROS

From conda

mamba install ros-noetic-franka-ros -c robostack-staging -c conda-forge

From source

In your catkin workspace src directory
git clone
catkin build franka_ros -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE

Other packages to clone

git clone

Crocoddyl installation from sources

NOTE: after benchmarking, crocoddyl from conda-forge is just as good as single from source. Compiling with multithreading makes things worse.

Step 1: Compile crocoddyl in active panda_control conda env but overidding conda compiler with system one

cd <crocoddyl-repo-dir>/build
# choose your system compiler (linker error when using the conda g++ bin!!). E.G.:
# or with multithreading ON
make -j4
make install

Step 2: Make sure that the CXX env variable is set to the conda compiler (if not: conda deactivate; conda activate panda_control). Also make sure crocoddyl is not in your environment otherwise it will be used. Then: CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL=4 catkin build panda_torque_mpc -Dcrocoddyl_DIR=$CROCO_INSTALL/lib/cmake/crocoddyl/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE

Build catkin package




In two different shells (change use_gripper according to which urdf model you use for control):

  • roslaunch franka_gazebo panda.launch arm_id:=panda headless:=false use_gripper:=true
  • roslaunch panda_torque_mpc sim_controllers.launch controller:=<controller-name>


robot_ip and load_gripper arguments should be changed accordingly for each launch files

  • Bring robot to init position
    roslaunch panda_torque_mpc move_to_start.launch robot_ip:= load_gripper:=true robot:=panda
  • Start one of the custom controllers
    roslaunch panda_torque_mpc real_controllers.launch controller:=<controller-name> robot_ip:= load_gripper:=true robot:=panda

Custom controllers

The parameters of each controller are defined in config/controller_configs.yaml. To run one of them in simulation or real, replace with:

  • ctrl_model_pinocchio_vs_franka: compare Rigid Body Dynamics computation between pinocchio and libfranka
  • ctrl_log_update_dt: logs ::update time and duration parameters in a csv file to investigate RT control
  • ctrl_playback_pd_plus: reads a joint trajectory stored in csv files q.csv, v.csv, tau.csv and plays it back using PD+
  • ctrl_joint_space_ID: follow joint trajectory reference using different flavors of joint space Inverse Dynamics
  • ctrl_task_space_ID: follow task space end-effector trajectory ($\mathbb{R}^3$ or SE(3))
  • ctrl_mpc_croco: synchronously solving of OCP using crocoddyl and sending the first torque command -> limited to very short horizons to avoid breaking real time constraint
  • ctrl_mpc_linearized: asynchronous execution a linearized control reference from OCP solver running in another node (croccodyl_motion_server_node) using Ricatti gains -> very few computation, no update() skipped

Realsense T265 demo with TSID (launch in this order in different shells)

roslaunch realsense2_camera demo_t265.launch  
ROS_NAMESPACE=/ctrl_task_space_ID rosrun panda_torque_mpc  
roslaunch franka_gazebo panda.launch arm_id:=panda headless:=false use_gripper:=true  
roslaunch panda_torque_mpc sim_controllers.launch controller:=ctrl_task_space_ID  

Realsense T265 demo with asynchronous MPC (simu)

roslaunch realsense2_camera demo_t265.launch
ROS_NAMESPACE=/ctrl_mpc_linearized rosrun panda_torque_mpc
roslaunch franka_gazebo panda.launch arm_id:=panda headless:=false use_gripper:=true
roslaunch panda_torque_mpc sim_controllers.launch controller:=ctrl_mpc_linearized record_joints:=true
ROS_NAMESPACE=/ctrl_mpc_linearized rosrun panda_torque_mpc croccodyl_motion_server_node

Realsense T265 demo with asynchronous MPC (real)

roslaunch realsense2_camera demo_t265.launch
ROS_NAMESPACE=/ctrl_mpc_linearized rosrun panda_torque_mpc
roslaunch panda_torque_mpc real_controllers.launch controller:=ctrl_mpc_linearized robot_ip:= load_gripper:=true robot:=panda
ROS_NAMESPACE=/ctrl_mpc_linearized rosrun panda_torque_mpc croccodyl_motion_server_node

Realsense VISUAL SERVOING demo with asynchronous MPC (real)

roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
ROS_NAMESPACE=/ctrl_mpc_linearized rosrun panda_torque_mpc --visual_servoing
roslaunch panda_torque_mpc real_controllers.launch controller:=ctrl_mpc_linearized robot_ip:= load_gripper:=true robot:=panda
ROS_NAMESPACE=/ctrl_mpc_linearized rosrun panda_torque_mpc croccodyl_motion_server_node


  • Double check if initialized topic is streamed when using the real controller (not likely)
  • Switch between the urdf files depending on load_gripper argument
  • Figure out why measured torque signs are inverted between simulation and real robot. Do the sign flipping in code automatically
  • Switch to #include <example-robot-data/path.hpp> + EXAMPLE_ROBOT_DATA_MODEL_DIR
  • Refactor log publishers -> LoggingExperiment class with RTpublishers?
  • Other logs: update() time, libfranka packet loss stats


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  • C++ 89.8%
  • Python 8.7%
  • CMake 1.5%