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Expression Detection Using Flask

Project Plan

  • Find a proper Face Expression detection model.
  • Take live video from webcam with OpenCV.
  • Use OpenCV haarcascades for face detection.
  • Use ML model to predict expression.
  • Integrate the model with the program.
  • Build flask prototype.
  • Make sure the flask app is running properly locally.
  • Write client side javascript to take frames from the video to send to the server for detection.
  • Handle the server response and draw on canvas proper bounding boxes.
  • Deploy the flask app online for initial testing. (Heroku, done, working properly with automatic deployments on master)
  • d3.js for visualizing a simple barchart.
  • Design a Good looking UI. (Mostly completed)
  • A big no for mobile devices.
  • Find & Integrate Text Mood/Emotion Detection model.
  • Write tests, move to TDD

Current todo:

  • Block/black screen on devices.
  • Try to fix the camera resolution in webrtc constraints.
  • Search for new problems.


  • Clone the git repo.
  • Unzip the file.
  • Navigate inside and open a CMD/Powershell Terminal.
  • Create a virtual env using
    • Windows: python -m venv myvirtualenv
    • Linux: python3 -m venv myvirtualenv
  • Activate virtual environment
    • Windows:
      • Powershell - myvirtualenv\Scripts\activate.ps1
      • CMD - myvirtualenv\Scripts\activate.bat
    • Linux: source myvirtualenv/bin/activate
  • Install required packages
    • Windows: pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Linux: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Make sure to have latest Chrome/Firefox Installed.
  • To run,
    • Windows: python
    • Linux: python3

Deployment to heroku

  • Create a new app.
  • Connect your github repo to the app, select a branch and enable Automatic deployments.
  • Install your OS Heroku CLI and login.
  • Add a buildpack to the app to install required libraries for Open CV.
(env) kogam22@HOME-PC:~/code/FaceExpressionDetectionFlask$ heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku-community/apt -a <your-app-name-here>
Buildpack added. Next release on <your-app-name-here> will use:
1. heroku-community/apt
2. heroku/python
Run git push heroku master to create a new release using these buildpacks.
  • Update your branch to create new release.


Any problems ? Feel free to open up a new issue.