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Build & Test


The primary goal of the LibRA project is to directly expose algorithms used in Radio Astronomy (RA) for image reconstruction from interferometric telescopes. The primary target users are research groups (R&D groups at observatories, at university departments) and individual researchers (faculty, students, post-docs) who may benefit from a software system with production-quality implementation of the core algorithms which are also easy to use, deploy locally and modify as necessary. Therefore, a strong requirement driving this work is to keep the interface simple, the software stack shallow and the software dependency graph small.

This repository contains only the algorithmically-necessary code, and a build system to compile it into a library of algorithms. Such a library can be directly used as a third-party library by others in the RA community. Interfaces are provided to access the algorithms from C++ and Python, or as an end-user via standalone applications to conveniently configure and execute the algorithms from a Linux shell. The low-level algorithms exposed by these interfaces are factorized to be used as components in a higher-level generalized Algorithm Architecture.

Interferometric radio telescopes are indirect imaging devices which collect data in the Fourier domain. Transforming the raw data from such devices to images require application of sophisticated algorithms to reconstruct the image. The fundamental scientific principles behind such telescopes share commonalities with other domains that rely on indirect imaging such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Ultrasound imaging. To make RA algorithms available for application in such fields and enable cross-discipline R&D, the API to the library is based on C++ STL for portability and wider use that does not required RA-specific software stack and dependencies.

Recent results

Deep Imaging at a National Scale : Using the set of LibRA apps as path-finder for ngVLA-scale processing, we deployed the computationally intensive components of the Algorithm Architecture (paper in preparation) on a scale about 10x larger (O(100) GPUs) than what has been attempted so far at NRAO (O(10) GPUs) to investigate the operational and computational challenges of distributed computing at this scale. For this, in collaboration with the Center for High Throughput Computing (CHTC, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, WI), we used a nation-wide network of computers in the Open Science Pool (OSPool), U.S. National Science Foundation's Pathways for Advancing Throughput computing (PATh), San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the Univ. of California San Diego and the National Research Platform (NRP). This produced the deepest image ever made with the VLA, and in the RA community world-wide of the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field (HUDF) achieving a noise floor of 1 microJy/beam in the radio band.

The repository contains

  • scientific code of algorithms for data calibration and image reconstruction
  • a suite of standalone applications (apps) to configure and trigger the algorithms from commandline, and
  • a build system to build the library of algorithms, the apps, and all the dependencies other than the System Requirements.

A containerized means of building the LibRA project is available here. This is mirrored here.

The main branch of this project is also mirrored here.

The LibRA software stack

The src directory contains the implementation of the basic calibration and imaging algorithms. The code has been derived from the CASA project but contains only the algorithmically-significant part of the much larger CASA code base. The code here can be compiled into a standalone reusable software library. This significantly simplifies the software stack and the resulting software dependency graph (compared to the CASA software stack and dependencies). A suite of standalone applications are also available which can be built as relocatable Linux executable (this may also be possible for MacOS, but we haven't test it).

The resulting software stack is shown below. Figure on the left/top shows our current software stack where the RA Algorithms layer is built on the RA-specific data-access and CASACore layers. Work is in progress to decouple the RA Algorithms layer from RA-specific layers with the algorithms API based only on the C++ Standard Template Library (STL). With a translation layer RA-specific libraries (CASACore, RA Data Access/Iterators) may be replaced for use of RA Algorithms in other domains.

Current Stack Target Stack
Stack of software layers Stack of software layers

libparafeed in the figures is a standalone library for embedded user interface used for command-line configuration of LibRA apps.

libhpg is a standalone library that deploys the compute-intensive calculations for imaging on a GPU or a CPU core (like the re-sampling of irregular data to and from a regular grid -- a.k.a. "gridding" and "degridding" in RA jargon). This library is built on the Kokkos framework for performance portable implementation.

Standalone Applications (apps)

Standalone applications (apps) give access to algorithms via commandline options in the NAME=Val0[,Val1,...] format, or via an embedded interactive user interface. More detailed documentation for the user interfaces can be found via the following links:

Currently available Apps

  • roadrunner : An application to transform the data in a Measurement Set (MS) to an image. This can be deployed on a single CPU core, or on a GPU. This is a.k.a. as the major cycle in RA.

  • dale : An application to apply normalization to the weight, psf, residual and model images created with roadrunner and hummbee, and compute the primary beam.

  • chip : An application to accumulate mutiple images onto an output image (a.k.a. the "gather" opreation in CS-speak).

  • hummbee : An application to derive a model of the signal in the raw image (e.g., made using roadrunner). This is a.k.a. the minor cycle in RA.

  • coyote : An application to build the CF Cache used as input to the roadrunner application.

  • acme : An application to print/verify image statistics.

  • : A script that implements the Algorithm Architecture and uses the apps as algorithmic components for imaging. This implements the iterative image reconstruction technique widely used in RA for derivative and model update calculations (the major cycle and minor cycle respectively). The execution graph can be deployed as a DAG on a CPU, a GPU, or on a cluster of CPUs/GPUs using the framework in template_PATh. This has been used to deploy the parallel imaging execution graph on a local cluster, and on the PATh and OSG clusters. A variant that uses LibRA apps as components has also been used for a prototype deployment on AWS.

  • tableinfo : An application to print summary of the data (MS) and images (information from image headers).

  • mssplit : An application to split a data (in the MS format) along various axis of the data domain. The resulting data can be written as a deep-copy, or as a reference to the input data base.

  • subms : Functionally the same as mssplit but additionally re-normalizes the sub-tables in the resulting data base.

System requirements

The following come default with RHEL8 or similar systems:

  • GCC 8.x or later
  • cmake 3.x or later
  • git 2.0 or later, gcc-gfortran gtest-devel ccache

The ccache dependency can be dropped by setting -DUseCcache=0 in the casacore-cmake target in makefile.libra.

The following list of packages need to be installed. Following is a typical command to install:

  • dnf -y install {readline,ncurses,blas,lapack,cfitsio,fftw,wcslib,gsl}-devel

If LIBRA_USE_LIBSAKURA=ON also install Eigen3 library:

  • dnf -y install eigen3-devel

  • An installation of the appropriate version of CUDA is also required for GPU support in the roadrunner app. This dependence is limited to the Kokkos and HPG libraries below. We used the following commands to install CUDA libraries for cross compilation. Your mileage may vary. Note that for only building the software, an actual GPU on the build-host is not necessary.

    export distro=rhel8
    export arch=x86_64
    sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo$distro/$arch/cuda-$distro.repo
    sudo dnf clean expire-cache
    sudo dnf module install nvidia-driver:latest-dkms

Getting started

A clone of this repository will get the src directory with the scientific code (implementation of the RA algorithms), apps/src directory with the source code for the standalone application and the top level CMakeLists.txt file to compile the code including build time dependencies.

See CUDA GPUs -- Compute Capability page for details of NVIDIA GPUs to determine the value for the Kokkos_CUDA_ARCH_NAME.

git clone
cd LibRA
mkdir build 
cd build
# A list of Kokkos CUDA ARCH_NAME can be found at Kokkos web page
# See also CUDA GPUs -- Compute Capability at
# Default behaviour is to determined CUDA ARCH automatically.  
# Default behaviour is Apps_BUILD_TESTS=OFF
cmake -DKokkos_CUDA_ARCH_NAME=<ARCH_NAME> -DApps_BUILD_TESTS=OFF .. # The tests are built when the flag is turned on
# It is set to run "make -j NCORES" internally, so it is important to just run "make" below to prevent parallelizing make twice. 

The binary standalone applications will be installed in libra/install/bin directory.

Makefile Based Building

Below are the instructions for the older build system based on makefile.libra. This can still be used, but we recommend using the cmake based build system with the instructions above.

A clone of this repository will get the src directory with the scientific code (implementation of the RA algorithms), apps/src directory with the source code for the standalone application and the makefile.libra file to compile this code and for download and building all other dependencies. For now, follow the following sequence of commands to clone and build the system:

git clone
cd LibRA
make -f makefile.libra init
make -f makefile.libra allclone
make Kokkos_CUDA_ARCH=<ARCH_NAME from Kokkos web page> -f makefile.libra allbuild
# E.g., the following command to build with support for AMPERE family of NVIDIA GPUs at CUDA Capability 80
# make Kokkos_CUDA_ARCH=Kokkos_ARCH_AMPERE80 -f makefile.libra allbuild

The binary standalone applications will be install in libra/install/linux_64b/bin directory.

Setting up the various variables in makefile.libra
  • Kokkos_CUDA_ARCH: This is set via the commandline as Kokkos_CUDA_ARCH=<CUDA ARCH>.
    Set it to the value appropriate for the CUDA architecture of the GPU used with the ftm=awphpg setting of the roadrunner app.
    See list of supported values at the Kokkos web page.
  • CASA_BUILD_TYPE, CASACORE_BUILD_TYPE: The cmake build-type setting for CASA and CASACore code.
  • {CASA,FFTW,KOKKOS,HPG,PARAFEED}_VERSION: Names of the specific version or branch for the various packages.
  • {CASA,CASACORE_DATA,FFTW,KOKKOS,HPG,PARAFEED,SAKURA}_REPOS: URL for the repository of the various packages.
  • PATH: Set this to include the location of the local CUDA installation. To build the LibRA system a GPU is not necessary, but a CUDA install is necessary.
  • NCORES: The number of CPU cores used for compiling. It is used as make -j ${NCORES} in the various build targets.
  • Apps_BUILD_TESTS: Whether to build apps unit tests. Default is OFF. If it is set to ON, run the following to run unit tests locally.
cd LibRA/apps/src/tests


ToDo List

  • An app for (self-) calibration
  • Make a top-level cmake file.
  • A simple framework to run coyote on multiple cores/nodes for mode=fillcf setting. A slurm based framework is in place. GNU Parallel based one may also be useful.
  • Implement a mode in coyote app to list the specific CFs from the CFC which would be required for the given MS and settings.
    Such a list can be used by other components of the algorithm architecture to make a potentially smaller sub-CFC, specially when the given MS is a partition of a larger database being imaged.