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WIP: CI Fixes

WIP: CI Fixes #3080

Workflow file for this run

# name: AX
# on:
# push:
# branches:
# - 'master'
# - 'feature/**'
# - 'pr/**'
# paths-ignore:
# - 'doc/**'
# - 'nanovdb/**'
# - 'openvdb_maya/**'
# - 'openvdb_houdini/**'
# - 'pendingchanges/**'
# - '**.md'
# pull_request:
# branches:
# - '**'
# paths-ignore:
# - 'doc/**'
# - 'nanovdb/**'
# - 'openvdb_maya/**'
# - 'openvdb_houdini/**'
# - 'pendingchanges/**'
# - '**.md'
# schedule:
# # run this workflow every day 7am UTC
# - cron: '0 7 * * *'
# workflow_dispatch:
# inputs:
# type:
# description: 'The type of CI to run (all, mac, linux, grammar)'
# required: true
# default: 'all'
# # Allow subsequent pushes to the same PR or REF to cancel any previous jobs.
# concurrency:
# group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }}
# cancel-in-progress: true
# defaults:
# run:
# shell: bash
# jobs:
# linux-ax:
# if: |
# github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch' ||
# github.event.inputs.type == 'all' ||
# github.event.inputs.type == 'linux'
# runs-on: ${{ (github.repository_owner == 'AcademySoftwareFoundation' && 'ubuntu-20.04-8c-32g-300h') || 'ubuntu-latest' }}
# name: >
# linux-ax:${{ matrix.config.image }}-cxx:${{ matrix.config.cxx }}-${{ }}
# container:
# image: aswf/ci-openvdb:${{ matrix.config.image }}
# env:
# CXX: ${{ matrix.config.cxx }}
# CCACHE_DIR: /tmp/ccache
# strategy:
# matrix:
# # Only test unified builds (core+ax). weekly CI should test standalone
# config:
# - { image: '2023-clang15', cxx: 'clang++', build: 'Release', cmake: '' }
# - { image: '2023-clang15', cxx: 'g++', build: 'Release', cmake: '' }
# - { image: '2023-clang15', cxx: 'clang++', build: 'Debug', cmake: '' }
# - { image: '2022-clang11', cxx: 'clang++', build: 'Release', cmake: '' }
# - { image: '2022-clang11', cxx: 'g++', build: 'Release', cmake: '' }
# - { image: '2021-clang10', cxx: 'clang++', build: 'Release', cmake: '-DDISABLE_DEPENDENCY_VERSION_CHECKS=ON' }
# - { image: '2021-clang10', cxx: 'g++', build: 'Release', cmake: '-DDISABLE_DEPENDENCY_VERSION_CHECKS=ON' }
# fail-fast: false
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: pybind11
# #if: contains(matrix.config.image, '2023') == false
# run: ./ci/ 2.10.0
# - name: timestamp
# id: timestamp
# run: echo "timestamp=$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# - name: ccache
# # don't use ccache for debug builds
# if: == 'Release'
# id: ccache
# uses: actions/cache@v3
# with:
# path: /tmp/ccache
# key: linux-ax${{ matrix.config.image }}-${{ matrix.config.cxx }}-${{ steps.timestamp.outputs.timestamp }}
# restore-keys: linux-ax${{ matrix.config.image }}-${{ matrix.config.cxx }}-
# - name: build
# run: >
# ./ci/ -v
# --build-type=${{ }}
# --components='core,python,bin,axcore,axbin,axtest'
# --cargs=\"
# ${{ matrix.config.cmake }}
# \"
# - name: test
# run: cd build && ctest -V
# - name: test_doxygen_examples
# run: ./ci/
# # Keep ccache light by stripping out any caches not accessed in the last day
# - name: ccache_clean
# if: == 'Release'
# run: ccache --evict-older-than 1d
# macos-ax:
# if: |
# github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch' ||
# github.event.inputs.type == 'all' ||
# github.event.inputs.type == 'mac'
# runs-on: ${{ matrix.config.runner }}
# name: macos-cxx:${{ matrix.config.cxx }}-llvm:${{ matrix.config.llvm }}-${{ }}
# env:
# CXX: ${{ matrix.config.cxx }}
# strategy:
# matrix:
# config:
# #@note llvm10 never got its own brew formula...
# # Last macos runner befor M1 (macos-14)
# - { runner: 'macos-13', cxx: 'clang++', build: 'Release', llvm: '12' }
# - { runner: 'macos-13', cxx: 'clang++', build: 'Release', llvm: '13' }
# fail-fast: false
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: install_deps
# run: ./ci/ ${{ matrix.config.llvm }}
# - name: build
# run: >
# ./ci/ -v
# --build-type=${{ }}
# --components="core,python,bin,axcore,axbin,axtest"
# --cargs=\"
# -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${{ github.workspace }}/install
# -DLLVM_DIR=/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm@${{ matrix.config.llvm }}/lib/cmake/llvm
# \"
# - name: test
# run: cd build && ctest -V
# - name: test_doxygen_examples
# run: ./ci/
# gen-grammar:
# if: |
# github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' &&
# github.event.inputs.type == 'grammar'
# runs-on: ${{ (github.repository_owner == 'AcademySoftwareFoundation' && 'ubuntu-20.04-8c-32g-300h') || 'ubuntu-latest' }}
# container:
# image: aswf/ci-openvdb:2022-clang11
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v3
# - name: build
# run: ./ci/ -v --components=axgr --target=openvdb_ax_grammar --cargs=\"-DOPENVDB_AX_GRAMMAR_NO_LINES=ON\"
# - name: upload grammar
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
# with:
# name: ax_grammar
# path: ./build/openvdb_ax/openvdb_ax/openvdb_ax/grammar
# retention-days: 5