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YouTube API

This Django (educational) project presents simple (only with basic functionalities) API for YouTube platform

This API has features like

  • User Authentication (JWT Authentication)

    • Profile
  • Channel (Full Support)

    • Playlists
    • Contents
      • Comments
  • Copyrights (Half Support)


This project uses JWT Tokens for Authentication

BASE_URL/auth/register - to register (First Step)

BASE_URL/auth/login - to get token

App Authentication provides basic functionalities for User control

  • Login / Register
  • Get / Update / Delete User Information
  • Get User by ID Admin requires!

Channels & Contents

User can create Channel for storing Contents

BASE_URL/apps/channels - to create Channel

BASE_URL/apps/channels/me - Control User's Channel

App Applications provides basic functionalities for User's Channel control and read-only other Channels

  • Create / Update / Delete User's Channel Information
  • Watch / Control Subscription to other Channels

Subscription can be done by the url BASE_URL/channels/CODE/subscribe?undo=0 where parameter undo can undo subscription if it is set to 1

App Content provides basic YouTube Content control and view

  • Create / Update / Delete Content (Status, Playlist, Comment)
  • View / Like (Dislike) / Save Content (Playlist)

BASE_URL/apps/contents - to create Content

BASE_URL/apps/contents/me - Control User's Contents

Also, User can create Status for Channel, add comments to Content, save playlists etc.

Urls for like / save - contents / playlists

BASE_URL/apps/contents/CODE/save?undo=0 - Save content to profile (undo=1 to undo)

BASE_URL/apps/contents/CODE/like?dislike=0&retract=0 -Like content (dislike=1 to dislike & retract=1 to retract)

BASE_URL/apps/playlists/CODE/save?undo=0 - Save playlist to profile (undo=1 to undo)

All saved contents / playlists can be found from url:

BASE_URL/auth/users/me/profile - Profile url

Additional ADMIN only

App Additional provides Admin control of copyrights

At this moment have been released only two types of copyrights

  • Game Copyright
  • Song Copyright

All other features can be found in django project files

Django Project description

  • additional (app)
  • applications (app)
  • authentication (app)
  • content (app)
  • tools
  • media (local only)
  • venv (local only)
  • youtube (base)
  • gitignore
  • (start)
  • requirements.txt (packages)


  • python -m venv venv
  • venv\Scripts\activate
  • python -m pip install --upgrade pip
  • pip install -r requirements.txt


No releases published


No packages published
