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Bot made for small local Discord server. Can (non-exhaustively):

  • Add specific role to a user that reacts with a specific emoji to a specific message
  • Respond to some command under format !command (only works for one server per instance) Bot written in node.js.


  • npm
  • Node.js
  • discord.js
  • node-config

Install and use

Create and invite Bot

Check out Discord's documentation for how to create a bot account for your server. Once it's done, invite the bot to the server (only possible by user with "manager server" permission) by using a link formatted as follow: Where YOUR_CLIENT_ID can be found on the discord application page, and the PERMISSION_INTEGER can also be compute from there ('Bot' section).

Be sure to note your bot's TOKEN from the bot section.

Configure bot

Configure the bot by filling appropriately the config/default.json file. The token field is your bot's previously obtained token. All the IDs can be found from your Discord App, by switching to developer mode.

Alternatively, you can configure the bot using the NODE_CONFIG env variable:

export NODE_CONFIG='{"StrashBot":{"version":"0.1.0","build" … }}'

Also, you can configure individually every variable by setting each variable listed in the config/custom-environment-variables.json file as env variables. For example:

export STRASHBOT_VER="0.1.5b"
export STRASHBOT_BUILD="custom-build"
Launch bot

node bot.js

Release and use

This bot was made for personal needs and use. The code is release on the off chance it might be of use to someone but without the intention of providing any form of utility software or service in a rigorous manner. Therefore, no support is endorsed by the developer, meaning that any comment, feedback, or request regarding this code should be expected to be completely ignored by the developer. Additionally, the responsibility of any undesired effect the execution of this bot might have on any system lies solely in the hands of the user.

From Strasbourg, with love.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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