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Adding Custom Markers

Hunternif edited this page May 23, 2015 · 8 revisions

Here are the icons available by default as of mod version 4.2:

"red_x_large" the actual default, used when placing a marker via the GUI












You can add your own marker icons by editing the config file marker_textures.json located at .minecraft/config/antiqueatlas/. The config contains pairs unique marker type name - texture file. You can change the textures assigned to default marker types (icons) or add your own. The process of adding your own custom textures is similar to Editing Textures (only there are no texture sets and you have to modify marker_textures.json instead of biome_textures.json).

Marker textures have to be square; the center of the image will be placed directly at the specified block coordinates. The icon texture is supposed to have a lot of empty space around it (take a closer look at the images above): this way you can have icons like the "google" pin, where the icon itself is positioned above the marked spot.

If you share an Atlas with custom icons with someone who doesn't have your custom textures, they will see the default icon instead ("red_x_small")

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