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This project is focused on the Deployment phase of machine learning. The Docker and FastAPI are used to deploy a dockerized server of trained machine learning pipeline.

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This project is about deploying the trained machine learning pipeline using FastAPI and Docker. The ml pipeline which will be deployed is taken from my repository Credit-Risk-Analysis-for-european-peer-to-peer-lending-firm-Bandora.

The ml pipeline includes a RandomForestClassifier for classifying the loan borrowers as defaulted / not-defaulted.

Building API using FastAPI framework

The API code must be in '' file within a directory 'app' according to FastAPI guidelines.

Import the required packages

# Imports for server
import pickle
import pandas as pd
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel

# App name
app = FastAPI(title="Loan Default Classifier for lending firm Bandora")

Representing the loan data point

To represent a sample of loan details along with the data type of each atttribute, a class needs to be defined using the BaseModel from the pydantic library.

# defining base class for Loan to represent a data point for predictions 
class Loan(BaseModel):
    LanguageCode : object
    HomeOwnershipType : object
    Restructured : object
    IncomeTotal : float
    LiabilitiesTotal : float
    LoanDuration : float
    AppliedAmount : float
    Amount : float
    Interest : float
    EMI : float
    PreviousRepaymentsBeforeLoan : float
    MonthlyPaymentDay : float
    PrincipalPaymentsMade : float
    InterestAndPenaltyPaymentsMade : float
    PrincipalBalance : float
    InterestAndPenaltyBalance : float
    Bids : float
    Rating : object

Loading the trained Machine learning pipeline

The trained machine learning pipeline needs to be loaded into memory, so it can be used for predictions in future.

One way is to load the machine learning pipeline during the startup of our Server. To do this, the function needs to be decorated with @app.on_event("startup"). This decorator ensures that the function loading the ml pipeline is triggered right when the Server starts.

The ml pipeline is stored in `app/ML_artifact' directory.

def load_ml_pipeline():
    # loading the machine learning pipeline from pickle .sav format
    global RFC_pipeline
    RFC_pipeline = pickle.load(open('app/ML_artifact/RFC_pipeline.sav', 'rb'))

Server Endpoint for Prediction

Finally, an endpoint on our server handles the prediction requests and return the value predicted by our deployed ml pipeline.

The endpoint is server/predict with a POST operation.

Finally, a JSON response is returned containing the prediction

# Defining the function for handling the prediction requests, it will be run by ```/predict``` endpoint of server
# and expects an instance inference request of Loan class to make prediction"/predict")
def predict(inference_request : Loan):
    # creating a pandas dataframe to be fed to RandomForestClassifier pipeline for prediction
    input_dictionary = {
            "LanguageCode" : inference_request.LanguageCode,
            "HomeOwnershipType": inference_request.HomeOwnershipType,
            "Restructured" : inference_request.Restructured,
            "IncomeTotal" : inference_request.IncomeTotal,
            "LiabilitiesTotal" : inference_request.LiabilitiesTotal,
            "LoanDuration" : inference_request.LoanDuration,
            "AppliedAmount" : inference_request.AppliedAmount,
            "Amount": inference_request.Amount,
            "EMI": inference_request.EMI,
            "PreviousRepaymentsBeforeLoan" : inference_request.PreviousRepaymentsBeforeLoan,
            "MonthlyPaymentDay" :inference_request.MonthlyPaymentDay,
            "PrincipalPaymentsMade" : inference_request.PrincipalPaymentsMade,
            "InterestAndPenaltyPaymentsMade" : inference_request.InterestAndPenaltyPaymentsMade,
            "PrincipalBalance" : inference_request.PrincipalBalance,
            "InterestAndPenaltyBalance" : inference_request.InterestAndPenaltyBalance,
            "Bids" : inference_request.Bids,
            "Rating" : inference_request.Rating
    inference_request_Data = pd.DataFrame(input_dictionary,index=[0])
    prediction = RFC_pipeline.predict(inference_request_Data)
    # Returning prediction
    if prediction == 0:
        return {"Prediction": "Not Defaulted"}
        return {"Prediction": "Defaulted"}


As our API has been built, the Uvicorn Server can be use the API to serve the prediction requests. But for now, this server will be dockerized. And final predictions will be served by the Docker container.

Dockerizing the Server

The Docker container will be run on localhost.