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AtiyahElsheikh edited this page Jul 1, 2013 · 3 revisions

Atiyah Elsheikh, Assisting identifiability analysis of large-scale dynamical models with decision trees: DecTrees and InteractiveMenus, In The 8th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Cardiff, Wales, UK, Sep. 2013.

@INPROCEEDINGS{Elsheikh:DT:2013, author = {Atiyah Elsheikh}, title = {Assisting identifiability analysis of large-scale dynamical models with decision trees: DecTrees and InteractiveMenus}, booktitle = {The 8th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation}, year = {2013}, address = {Cardiff, Wales, UK}, month = {Sep.} }

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