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Release Notes 5.0.0

Maria Furman edited this page Apr 19, 2018 · 1 revision


  • JsonWebKey: Upgraded to fully support features in
  • Logging: Added Event Source based logging in Wilson. IdentityModelEventSource is the exposed event source handle.
  • Cryptography: Added support for Elliptical Curve (ECDsa) algorithm.

Major Changes from 4.x

  • Dropped support for WsFederation and Saml.
  • SecurityKey is used for token validation instead of SecurityToken.
  • CryptoProviderFactory provides all the extensibility to control and customize crypto support.
  • Dropped support for reading and writing JWT tokens embedded in XML.
  • Removed dependency on System.IdentityModel.dll.
  • Replaced JavaScriptSerializer with Json.Net serializer. Deserializing int results in an Int64 object by default instead of Int32.
  • Replaced the static ClaimType maps on JwtSecurityTokenHandler with instances.
  • Refactoring
  • Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocol.Extensions is refactored into:
  • Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols: Includes protocol agnostic classes, e.g. ConfigurationManager.
  • Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect: Includes OpenIdConnect specific support e.g. OpenIdConnectMessage, OpenIdConnectConfiguration, OpenIdConnectProtocolValidator etc.
  • System.IdentityModel.Tokens is refactored into:
  • Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens: Includes support for crypto operations and other classes that are not token format specific e.g. CryptoProviderFactory, TokenValidationParameters etc.
  • System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt: Includes classes for handling jwt tokens e.g. JwtSecurityTokenHandler.
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