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A web app for visualization and analysis of healthcare data using OMOP CDM.


GPL-3.0, GPL-3.0 licenses found

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Lifecycle experimental

License: GPL v3



LinkR is a web application that allows for visualization and analysis of healthcare data.

The application is coded in R using the Shiny library. It uses the common data model OMOP.

Who is the application for?

The application is for:

  • healthcare professionals, an intuitive interface allows healthcare professionals to analyze data and conduct studies without advanced programming knowledge
  • data scientists and statisticians, LinkR provides access to a full R and Python environment, allowing data scientists and statisticians to exploit all the features of advanced data analysis
  • healthcare students, integrated tutorials in the application provide healthcare students with an opportunity to learn and practice data analysis in the healthcare field

Thus, LinkR facilitates collaborative work.

Quick overview

Use an intuitive graphical interface to visualize aggregated patient data. Generate and, if required, modify the corresponding R code directly from the figures you create.

Explore data on a patient-by-patient basis. As you switch between patients, the figures dynamically update to reflect each patient’s specific data.

Enhance team collaboration with our integrated messaging system. Exchange messages with team members for mutual assistance and streamlined communication.

Sharing and Open Science

LinkR is an open source application.

It contributes to open science by allowing the sharing of:

  • studies: import and export your studies in one click, reproduce studies with your own data
  • scripts: share interoperable scripts, thanks to the use of the common OMOP data model
  • plugins: help improve the application by creating plugins and sharing them


The remotes library must be installed, you can install it with:


You can install the development version from Framagit, with:

remotes::install_gitlab("interhop/linkr/linkr", host = "")

Launch the app

To launch the Shiny app, run:

linkr::linkr(language = "en")

You can use the following arguments in the linkr function :

  • language: choose in which the application will be launched ; “en” and “fr” are available
  • app_folder: by default, application files are saved in the home folder (path.expand("~") to know which folder it is). You can change this folder by specifying the target folder in this argument.
  • local: TRUE or FALSE to allow the app to access the internet
  • show_home_page: TRUE or FALSE to show home pages (Overview, News, Tutorials… pages)

See ?linkr::linkr for more informations.

The first load may take a few minutes to create the application database and download the default data.

Use “admin” as ID & password for your first connection.


LinkR needs help to evolve! You can contribute by creating plugins, or by helping to improve the application’s code.

Report a bug

Go here to report a bug.

Support us

LinkR is supported by the Interhop association, promoting open-source and interoperability in healthcare.

You can make a donation here.


Email: [email protected].


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