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🚑 Hot-Fix
:ambulance: Hot-Fix
Requirement about Fast bug fix
🐛 Bug
:bug: Bug
Bug issue
👥 Conversation
:busts_in_silhouette: Conversation
Need to discussion
❗ Important
:exclamation: Important
Very important
🔒 Security
:lock: Security
This issue of security
⛔ Useless
:no_entry: Useless
Not used
🙅 Cancellation
:no_good: Cancellation
❓ Question
:question: Question
♻️ Refactoring
:recycle: Refactoring
Code Refactoring
🚨 Emergency
:rotating_light: Emergency
Emergency issue
📜 Doc
:scroll: Doc
Document issue
🆘 Help
:sos: Help
Request help
✨ Function
:sparkles: Function
New features have been added or requested
🧑‍🎓 Study
:student: Study
Style UI
🧪 Test
:test_tube: Test
Test issue