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Releases: BridgeAR/safe-stable-stringify


01 Aug 17:32
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  • Accept Array#sort(comparator) comparator method as deterministic option value to use that comparator for sorting object keys.
import { configure } from 'safe-stable-stringify'

const object = {
  a: 1,
  b: 2,
  c: 3,

const stringify = configure({
  deterministic: (a, b) => b.localeCompare(a)

// '{"c": 3,"b":2,"a":1}'
  • Very minor performance optimization.

Thanks to @flobernd, @cesco69 and @prisis to contribute to this release!


19 Mar 18:02
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  • Fixed toJSON function receiving array keys as number instead of string
  • Fixed replacer function receiving array keys as number instead of string
  • Fixed replacer function not being called for TypedArray entries
  • Improved performance to escape long strings that contain characters that need escaping


28 Dec 10:51
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  • Improved ESM TypeScript types.
  • More precise TypeScript replacer type.


18 Oct 21:29
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  • More precise TypeScript types. The return type is now either string, undefined or string | undefined depending on the input.


17 Sep 22:56
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  • Added strict option to verify that the passed in objects are fully compatible with JSON without removing information. If not, an error is thrown.
  • Fixed TypeScript definition for ESM code bases


04 Dec 04:17
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  • Fix invalid regexp group error in browsers or environments that do not support the negative lookbehind regular expression assertion.


29 Nov 01:51
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  • Accept the Error constructor as circularValue option to throw on circular references as the regular JSON.stringify would:
import { configure } from 'safe-stable-stringify'

const object = {}
object.circular = object;

const stringify = configure({ circularValue: TypeError })

// TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
  • Fixed escaping wrong surrogates. Only lone surrogates are now escaped.


31 Oct 11:49
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  • Reduce module size by removing the test and benchmark files from the published package
  • Accept undefined as circularValue option to remove circular properties from the serialized output:
import { configure } from 'safe-stable-stringify'

const object = { array: [] }
object.circular = object;

configure({ circularValue: undefined })(object)
// '{"array":[null]}'


19 Oct 20:40
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  • Added maximumBreadth option to limit stringification at a specific object or array "width" (number of properties / values)
  • Added maximumDepth option to limit stringification at a specific nesting depth
  • Implemented the well formed stringify proposal that is now part of the spec
  • Fixed maximum spacer length (10)
  • Fixed TypeScript definition
  • Fixed duplicated array replacer values serialized more than once


19 Sep 14:02
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  • [BREAKING] Convert BigInt to number by default instead of ignoring these values
    If you wish to ignore these values similar to earlier versions, just use the new bigint option and set it to false.
  • [BREAKING] Support ESM
  • [BREAKING] Requires ES6
  • Optional BigInt support
  • Deterministic behavior is now optional
  • The value to indicate a circular structure is now adjustable
  • Significantly faster TypedArray stringification
  • Smaller Codebase
  • Removed stateful indentation to guarantee side-effect freeness