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Fuzzy player name matching

Andrew Gallant edited this page Sep 17, 2013 · 3 revisions

If you're only working with data contained inside nfldb, it's unlikely you'll ever need to worry about player names being inconsistent. However, if you have data from different sources (maybe from scraping a web site), then it might be useful if you can match players from another source to players in nfldb.

In an ideal world, this would be as simple as testing string equality on a player's full name. While this might work for the majority of cases, it can frustratingly fail on a small number of cases. For example, I recall a particularly nasty name matching bug where one source used Stevie Johnson while another used Steve Johnson to refer to the same wide receiver on the Buffalo Bills.

Even worse, different players can have precisely the same name. So there must be a way to filter based on other criteria like team and position.

nfldb attempts to partially solve this problem by providing the player_search function, which takes a database handle and a full name and returns the closest matching player in the database along with a similarity score. (Similarity is measured with the Levenshtein distance between a player's name in the database and the name provided to the player_search function.)

For example, I'd much rather call my quarterback tommy brady, but his name in the database is Tom Brady. No matter! The player_search function doesn't care:

player, dist = nfldb.player_search(db, 'tommy brady')
print 'Similarity score: %d, Player: %s' % (dist, player)

And the output is:

[andrew@Liger nflgame] python2
Similarity score: 4, Player: Tom Brady (NE, QB)

The similarity score (or more specifically, the edit or Levenshtein distance) is 4. The lower the score, the better. Namely, the number refers to the minimum number of character changes between the target string (Tom Brady) and the query string (tommy brady). In this case, the my in tommy needs to be deleted, and the t and b need to be changed to their corresponding capitalized letters. A score of 0 represents an exact match.

Typically, when using data from other sources, there is more information about each player than just their name. Usually his current position or team is also available. When that's the case, player_search can restrict results returned to only players on a particular team and/or at a particular position.

For example, if we want to look up Robert Griffin III, we might try:

player, dist = nfldb.player_search(db, 'robert griffin')
print 'Similarity: %d, Player: %s' % (dist, player)

But this outputs:

[andrew@Liger nflgame] python2
Similarity: 2, Player: Robert Griffin (UNK, UNK)

Which is probably not the player we're looking for since Robert Griffin III is currently playing for the Redskins and shouldn't have an unknown team or position. If we add some context, then we get better results:

player, dist = nfldb.player_search(db, 'robert griffin', team='WAS')
print 'Similarity: %d, Player: %s' % (dist, player)

player, dist = nfldb.player_search(db, 'robert griffin', position='QB')
print 'Similarity: %d, Player: %s' % (dist, player)

And the output is:

[andrew@Liger nflgame] python2
Similarity: 6, Player: Robert Griffin III (WAS, QB)
Similarity: 6, Player: Robert Griffin III (WAS, QB)

One last parameter is limit, which allows you to specify that you want a list of best matching names. This is useful when simple filtering by team and position isn't enough. For example, we can see the best 5 results matching robert griffin with:

matches = nfldb.player_search(db, 'robert griffin', limit=5)
for (player, dist) in matches:
    print 'Similarity score: %d, Player: %s' % (dist, player)

And the output is:

[andrew@Liger nflgame] python2
Similarity score: 2, Player: Robert Griffin (UNK, UNK)
Similarity score: 6, Player: Robert McClain (ATL, CB)
Similarity score: 6, Player: John Griffin (NYJ, RB)
Similarity score: 6, Player: Robert Griffin III (WAS, QB)
Similarity score: 6, Player: Robert Ortiz (UNK, UNK)

Finally, the results of player_search can be correctly integrated with the query interface by using the player_id attribute of the Player object returned. The reason we use player_id instead of a player's full name is that player_id is guaranteed to be unique by the database, while the player's full name might not be.

A simple example to find all of RGIII's rushing touchdowns:

player, _ = nfldb.player_search(db, 'robert griffin', team='WAS')

q = nfldb.Query(db)
for p in[('gsis_id', 'asc'), ('time', 'asc')]).as_plays():
    print p

And the output is:

[andrew@Liger nflgame] python2
(WAS, OPP 5, Q1, 1 and 5) (:23) (Shotgun) R.Griffin left end for 5 yards, TOUCHDOWN.
(WAS, OPP 7, Q3, 2 and 7) (5:33) (Shotgun) R.Griffin up the middle for 7 yards, TOUCHDOWN.
(WAS, OPP 2, Q4, 2 and 1) (3:38) (No Huddle, Shotgun) R.Griffin up the middle for 2 yards, TOUCHDOWN.
(WAS, OPP 5, Q2, 1 and 5) (7:32) (Shotgun) R.Griffin up the middle for 5 yards, TOUCHDOWN.
(WAS, OPP 7, Q3, 1 and 7) (9:43) R.Griffin left tackle for 7 yards, TOUCHDOWN.
(WAS, OWN 24, Q4, 3 and 6) (2:56) (Shotgun) R.Griffin left guard for 76 yards, TOUCHDOWN.
(WAS, OPP 10, Q3, 1 and 10) (3:17) (Shotgun) R.Griffin left end for 10 yards, TOUCHDOWN.