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Future Developments

acappati edited this page Jun 28, 2018 · 21 revisions

For 2018 data taking (under development)

Use CMSSW_10_1_6


  • update JET PU ID (
  • KaMuKa [but old version still runs]
  • PU reweighting - first version of 2017 MC to 2018 data in; must be updated regularly with new JSONS (2018 MC not yet available)
  • fix Ele ID ...

For 2017 data taking (under development)

Use CMSSW_9_2_3_patch2

Code updates

Removed from checkout_9X.csh :

  • electron scale and smearing corrections. Besides updated ScalesSmearings files, we need a version of the code working in 9X; this is not apparently available since we were merging branch rafaellopesdesa:EgammaAnalysis80_EGMSmearer_Moriond17_23Jan, notably for ele regression.
  • MET recipe

To be updated:

  • KaMuKa [but old version still runs]
  • PU reweighting - first version of 2016 MC to 2017 data in; must be updated regularly with new JSONS
