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Future Developments

namapane edited this page Oct 17, 2014 · 21 revisions

Future Developments

No new development in master branch. Developments that need to be tested/using with existing 8TeV MCs have to go in the OnePathWorkflow branch. All have to be ported to the miniAOD branch.

  • Jets
  • Integrate q/g discriminant (different implementations in 5X and 7X)
    • How to use it to suppress g jets, anything smarter than a simple cut?
  • Clean jets with all good leptons
    • Rationale: in WH, ZH, leptons are likely to also show up as jets. Also, doing this we can have a jet collection per event, and not per candidate, which greatly simplifies all the rest
    • Need to check how this could affect truly VBF jets. It's enough to show that the fraction of dijet events in VBF samples does not drop significantly.
  • Candidate choice
  • We should check fraction of 4-correct-lepton over events where all 4 are available [NA, SC]
    • Revive MC-truth association attached to the leptons (in EleFiller, MuFiller), or move therein the code in Simon's analyzer. In 7X, miniAOD have genParticleRef, but we should check if standard matching makes sense
  • Implement VH discriminants. Requires merging of Categorization branch. Then, try the method proposed by JHU: choose by product of ggHVBFWH*ZH discriminants, where they apply. Not obvious then how to hanldle 5l and 6l cases as they could both be WH or ZH with one lost or one fake leptons, or >6l cases. [NA, SC]
  • Any better criteria for leptonic VH, ttH? eg try to find a good W candidate with MET, or ways to tag the associated Z among on-shell pairs?
  • Categorization
  • Merge the branch Categorization into OnePathWorkflow
  • Streamline Primary tree builder
  • Add data/MC weights
  • Add sum-of-weights for product of all weights
  • Implement automatic handling of variables
  • Rewrite MCHistoryTools
  • handle different status codes of pythia 9
  • handle also Z->qq, nunu
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