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My development environment is Windows 11 + WSL (Ubuntu 20.04). Here are some config files I use to enhance my workflow.

Config for Neovim

  • Install NeoVim as shown here
  • Install ripgrep
  • Copy nvim/ directory from this repo to ~/.config/
  • Open ~/.config/nvim/ directory in neovim
  • Run Lazy neovim command. The Lazy UI must appear
  • Press Shift + S to sync (install and update) all plugins
    • Note that dap debugger requires codelldb to be installed (or linked) to usr/bin/codelldb
  • Reload neovim

Config for Tmux

  • Copy tmux/ directory from this repo to ~/.config/
  • Press CTRL+B SHIFT+I
  • Reload tmux

Config for Zsh

  • Install zsh: sudo apt install zsh
  • Install Oh My Zsh: sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Install exa replacement for ls
  • Install ScreenFetch to see PC info in terminal
  • Install nala wrapper for apt
  • Install htop for system processes management
  • Install bat alternative to cat
    • Copy bat/ directory from this repo to ~/.config/
  • Install dust alternative to du
  • Install duf alternative to df
  • Install powerlevel10k theme via Oh My Zsh. See guide
    • Copy .p10k.zsh file to ~/ directory
  • Copy .zshrc file to ~/ directory
  • Reload zsh

Config for Git

  • Copy .gitconfig file to ~/ directory

Config for Python

This config is ment to be applied to the 'global' Python of your system. So that you don't need to create a new venv each time just to lint/test/typecheck a Python project. But it can be used in venv perfectly fine.

  • Copy requirements.txt file from this repo to some location on your machine (e.g. ~/)
  • cd to that directory
  • Run python3 install -r requirements.txt

Config for mypy

  • Make sure mypy is installed on your machine. For example, use requirements.txt from "Config for Python" section
  • Copy .mypy.ini file from this repo to ~/ directory