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Emacs File for Python Environment

This is an Emacs File for Python Environment that allows you to use debug, refactor, run tests, code auto-formatting according to PEP8 and more. The file are structured with sections that you can modify.


How to install

Clone this repository.

	git clone
	cd emacs-file

If you don't have an .emacs.d in your home, type:

	mkdir ~/.emacs.d
	cp init.el ~/.emacs.d/

If you have your own init.el in your home, so use this code:

	cp ~/.emacs.d/init.el ~/.emacs.d/init.el.bak
	cp init.el ~/.emacs.d/

Now, you need to install some Python and Emacs packages.

Python Packages

It's important install some Python packages with pip. Use e.g. pip install < package >. Please, install:

  • rope or jedi (python refactoring library)
  • flake8 (wrapper to code checks)
  • autopep8 (automatic PEP8 formatting)
  • yapf (code formatting)

Install Elpy

See this documentation on Elpy. To install Elpy on Linux you can do:

  • sudo apt-get install elpa-elpy # Debian-like, e.g. Ubuntu, Mint etc.
  • sudo (aur helper, e.g. pikaur) -S emacs-elpy # Arch Linux-like, e.g. Manjaro, Antergos etc.

Emacs Packages

You need Melpa to access melpa packages. It is included by default in this emacs file.

  • Neotree is like sr-speedbar, but more friendly and visually attractive. You can see it on the left of preview.
  • All-the-icons are beautiful icons (for more UX), as it's displayed on the preview image.
  • Doom-theme is a pretty good dark theme.
  • Flymd package that allows you to see markdown files while do you edit them.
  • Expand-region is an utility to select regions on code.
  • Yasnippet-classic-snippets allows you to autocomplete code pieces of some languages.
  • Markdown-mode (sintax highlighting for markdown)
  • Json-mode (sintax highlighting for json)
  • Yafolding (Folding code blocks based on indentation)

All-the-icons installation

If you choose install all-the-icons, follow these steps:

  • M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts

In the Linux terminal, run fc-cache -f -v.

How to use

Open or create a python file typing C-x C-f. When python-mode is enabled, some commands are available.You can use these commands:


  • C-<enter> (default M-.): go to definition of a class, function...
  • C-S-<enter> (default C-x 4 M-.): go to definition in other window.
  • M-*: go back to the last place where M-. was used.
  • C-x C-/: toggle the visibility of a block of code.
  • C-x C-5: toggle the window explorer menu.
  • S-C-<left>: shrink window horizontally.
  • S-C-<right>: enlarge window horizontally.
  • S-C-<up>: shrink window.
  • S-C-<down>: enlarge window.

Code Edit

  • C-=: select symbol, word, phrase and piece of code.
  • C-c k: construct a block of code, e.g.: type "for" in your code and press C-c k. Use tab to navigate.
  • C-c C-v: check your code.
  • C-c C-n: go to next error in your code.
  • C-c C-p: go to previous error in your code.
  • C-c C-e: refactor your code in the specified region.
  • C-c C-r f: format your code according PEP8.
  • C-x n n: narrow down to between point and mark.
  • C-x n w: widen to make the entire buffer accessible again.


  • C-c C-f: find a file in current project.
  • C-c C-c: run your script.
  • C-c C-z: open a buffer with Python interpreter.
  • C-c C-t: test your code.

You are free to edit this shortcuts keys and packages and create your own init.el based in this file. Read more on: