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A pipeline which performs iterative classification and bias field correction of T1-weighted MRIs


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A preprocessing pipeline which performs iterative N4 bias field correction and tissue classification until stability of the bias field is achieved.

Utilizes the MNI ICBM priors (brainmask, CSF, GM, WM probabilities) and the BEaST patch based segmentation tool.

Insprired by the tool.

> -h is script which performs iterative inhomogeneity (bias field) correction and classification on T1w (and optionally T2w/PDw) MRI scans
Usage: [-e|--exclude <arg>] [-c|--config <arg>] [-l|--logfile <arg>] [-s|--(no-)standalone] [-a|--(no-)autocrop] [--max-iterations <arg>] [--convergence-threshold <arg>] [--classification-prior-weight <arg>] [--(no-)debug] [-v|--verbose] [-h|--help] <input> <output>
        <input>: T1w scan to be corrected
        <output>: Output filename for corrected T1w (also used as basename for other outputs)
        -e, --exclude: Mask file defining regions to exclude from classifcation, region is still corrected (no default)
        -c, --config: Path to an alternative config file defining priors to use, use "auto" to use automatic template selection (no default)
        -l, --logfile: Path to file to log all output (no default)
        -s, --standalone, --no-standalone: Script is run standalone so save all outputs (off by default)
        -a, --autocrop, --no-autocrop: Crop the final output to 10 mm around the head determined by headmask from modelspace (off by default)
        --max-iterations: Maximum number of iterations to run (default: '10')
        --convergence-threshold: Coeffcient of variation limit between two bias field estimates (default: '0.01')
        --classification-prior-weight: How much weight is given to prior classification proabilities during iteration (default: '0.25')
        --debug, --no-debug: Debug mode, increase verbosity further, don't cleanup (off by default)
        -v, --verbose: Set verbose output (can be specified multiple times to increase the effect)
        -h, --help: Prints help

Note: multispectral support is currently not enabled



Currently the functionality of is mostly automatic. The most basic operation is: input.mnc output.mnc This will produce a bias-field corrected image.

Since a number of useful output files are generated internally, adding the --standalone will produce masks, a classification, and QC images. The --autocrop option will use an estimated headmask to recrop the output image to remove background and excess neck data.

If your inputs are from a known population demographic, you can provide customized priors via the --config option. Finally, you can use --config auto for the pipeline to attempt to choose the most similar population template.

Getting Priors

This pipeline uses the priors available from the MNI at The "ants" style priors are modified versions of to work with this pipeline and available upon request.

Adding your own priors

If you want to provide your own priors, the following files are required:

  • REGISTRATIONMODEL - the t1-weighted image
  • REGISTRATIONBRAINMASK - the brain mask
  • WMPRIOR - a probability map of white matter
  • GMPRIOR - a probability map of gray matter
  • CSFPRIOR - a probabiity map of CSF
  • (if your template is not in MNI space) MNI_XFM, an affine transform from your template to MNI space

Generate a config file defining these variables and provide it to the --config option. You can put the config file into the auto directory to have it considered during auto template selection.


A pipeline which performs iterative classification and bias field correction of T1-weighted MRIs







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