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Monitor K8S Helm release, rollback on metrics behavior (Prometheus, Elasticsearch, Sentry)


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Helm Monitor plugin

Monitor a release, rollback to a previous version depending on the result of a PromQL (Prometheus), events (Sentry), Lucene or DSL query (Elasticsearch).

Helm monitor failure




$ helm plugin install


Helm monitor diagram

A rollback happen only if the number of result from the query is greater than 0.

You can find a step-by-step example in the ./examples directory.


Monitor the peeking-bunny release against a Prometheus server, a rollback is initiated if the 5xx error rate is over 0 as measured over the last 5 minutes.

$ helm monitor prometheus peeking-bunny 'rate(http_requests_total{code=~"^5.*$"}[5m]) > 0'

You can connect to a given Prometheus instance, by default it will connect to http://localhost:9090.

$ helm monitor prometheus --prometheus=http://prometheus:9090 \
    peeking-bunny \
    'rate(http_requests_total{code=~"^5.*$"}[5m]) > 0'


Monitor the peeking-bunny release against an Elasticsearch server, a rollback is initiated if the 5xx error rate is over 0 for the last minute.

Using a Lucene query:

$ helm monitor elasticsearch peeking-bunny 'status:500 AND AND version:2.0.0'

Using a query DSL file:

$ helm monitor elasticsearch peeking-bunny ./query.json

You can connect to a given Elasticsearch instance, by default it will connect to http://localhost:9200.

$ helm monitor elasticsearch --elasticsearch=http://elasticsearch:9200 \
    peeking-bunny \
    'status:500 AND AND version:2.0.0'


Monitor the peeking-bunny release against a Sentry server, a rollback is initiated if the number of events is over 0 for the release 2.0.0:

$ helm monitor sentry my-app \
    --api-key <SENTRY_API_KEY> \
    --organization sentry \
    --project my-project \
    --sentry http://sentry:9000 \
    --tag release=2.0.0 \
    'Error with database connection.*'


You can also use the Helm monitor backed Docker image to monitor:

$ docker run -ti -v $HOME/.kube:/root/.kube containersol/helm-monitor \
    monitor prometheus --prometheus=http://prometheus:9090 my-release \
    'rate(http_requests_total{code=~"^5.*$"}[5m]) > 0'


Require Go >= 1.11.

# Clone the repo, then add a symlink to the Helm plugin directory:
$ ln -s $GOPATH/src/ ~/.helm/plugins/helm-monitor

# Build:
$ GOPATH="" GO111MODULE=on go build -o helm-monitor ./cmd/...

# Run:
$ helm monitor elasticsearch my-release ./examples/elasticsearch-query.json


  • Kuberbs - Kubernetes Automatic Rollback System