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Roblox Update Process Documentation

Corecii Cyr edited this page Jul 14, 2017 · 1 revision

Roblox appears to update in the following manner:

  • RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe is ran.
    • If there is an update and the name is not RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe, then Roblox will crash.
  • A temporary file is downloaded and ran. RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe quits.
  • The new version folder is created.
  • The new RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe is created.
  • All other files are created.
  • The new RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe is ran, joining the place intended to be joined from the first step.

Roblox Steam Launcher should be able to apply changes after RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe is created and written to.

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