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N.B: This repository is a fork of vue-ssr-carousel with some changes to make it work with Vue 3 and Nuxt 3.

Written from CoffeeScript/Pug/Stylus to JS/TS/SCSS.

A performance focused Vue 3/Nuxt 3 carousel designed for SSR/SSG environments. No JS is used to lay out the carousel or its slides. The goal is to improve LCP and CLS scores because there is no layout or markup changes when JS hydrates. It's primarily designed for rendering "card" style slides (like for linking to articles or products") where the carousel-ness is conditionally applied based on the number of cards that are slotted in as well as the viewport width.

Check out the demo:

Getting Started

yarn add @d3t-distribution/vue3-ssr-carousel


// Import Vue and SsrCarousel from the source file.
import SsrCarousel from '../../src/ssr-carousel';

export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
  // Register the 'ssr-carousel' component.
  nuxtApp.vueApp.component('ssr-carousel', SsrCarousel);


// nuxt.config.js
export default {
  buildModules: ['vue3-ssr-carousel/nuxt']


  <div class="slide">Slide 1</div>
  <div class="slide">Slide 2</div>
  <div class="slide">Slide 3</div>



Props Default Description
slides-per-page 1 How many slides are shown per page. Can be set to null to allow for flexible widths for slides. See and note the caveats mentiond within.
gutter 20 The size of the space between slides. This can a number or any CSS resolvable string. See
paginate-by-slide false When false, dragging the carousel or interacting with the arrows will advance a full page of slides at a time. When true, the carousel will come to a rest at each slide.
autoplay-delay 0 Add a delay in seconds for auto playing the slides. See
loop false Boolean to enable looping / infinite scroll. See
center false Render the first slide in the middle of the carousel. Should only be used with odd numbers of slides-per-page. This results in the slides being rendered visually in a different order than the DOM which is an accessibility concern. See
peek 0 A width value for how far adjacent cards should peek into the carousel canvas. This can a number or any CSS resolvable string. See
peek-left 0 Set peek value on just the left edge.
peek-right 0 Set peek value on just the right edge.
peek-gutter false Set peek value equal to gutter value.
feather false Fades out the left and right edges using a CSS mask-image gradient. Set to true to use the default 20px value or as number or any CSS resolvable string to set an explicit width. This is designed to be used with peek properties. See
overflow-visible false Disables the overflow:hidden that wraps the slide track. You would do this if you want to handle that masking in an ancestor element. See
no-drag false Disables the ability to drag the carousel.
show-arrows false Whether to show back/forward arrows. See
show-dots false Whether to show dot style pagination dots. See
value undefined Used as part of v-model to set the initial slide to show. See
responsive [] Adjust settings at breakpoints. See Note, loop and paginate-by-slide cannot be set responsively.


Slots Description
default Where your slides get injected.
back-arrow Replace the default back icon. Slot props:
disabled - True if at first page when not looping.
next-arrow Replace the default next icon. Slot props:
disabled - True if at last page when not looping.
dot Replace the default pagination dots. Slot props:
index - The page index that the dot represents.
disabled - True if dot represents current page.


Methods Description
next() Go forward a page or slide, depending on the paginate-by-slide prop
back() Go back a page or slide, depending on the paginate-by-slide prop
goto(index) Go to an index. If paginate-by-slide is false, this equates to a page offset. If true, this equates to a slide offset.


Events Description
change({ index }) Fired when the internal index counter changes.
update:modelValue Same as change but intended for use with v-model.
press Fired on mouse or touch down.
release Fired on mouse or touch up.
drag:start Fired on start of dragging.
drag:end Fired on end of dragging.
tween:start({ index }) Fired when the carousel starts tweening to it's final position.
tween:end({ index }) Fired when the carousel has finished tweening to it's destination.

Why another carousel component

Issues with flickity

  • Not a Vue component, so extra work building a Vue wrapper for it.
  • No SSR support, delaying LCP scoring.
  • When JS hydrates, the slides get nested in a new parent, which affects LCP calculations.

Issues with vue-slick-carousel

  • Slick applies responsive rules only after JS inits. This also results in getting a Mismatching childNodes vs. VNodes error when the page hydrates at a viewport width that changes the slidesToShow.
  • It's extra work to make the carousel look the same before and after Slick inits, since you have to style them two different ways.
  • Difficulty determining if there's overflow after Slick inits because when Slick is initialized and infinite: true, Slick adds a full set of .slick-cloned slides before the "real" slides, and another full set after them
  • Doesn't handle being empty well.
  • When using custom arrows or dots, it would show a warning that the Nodes do not match.
  • Doesn't do a good job of preventing images and links within slides from preventing dragging.


We invite you to contribute and help improve this repo 💚

Here are a few ways you can get involved:

  • Reporting Bugs / Share suggestions: If you come across any bugs or have ideas to enhance the code, your are free to create an issue or send a pull-request.

Local Development


# Install dependencies and start dev server (http://localhost:3006)
yarn install && yarn dev


Run all

yarn ci:run

Open interface

yarn ci:open
