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🎥 Filmoteka

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🗂️ Project description


Film library is a service for searching movies, connected to the backend API. You can search movies and add them to watched and queue library in Web Storage.

Used Technologies:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Parcel

Acceptance Criteria

  • The layout is fixed in pixels.
  • Responsive and cross-browser layout:
    • Mobile: 480px;
    • Tablet: 768px;
    • Desktop: 1200px;
  • Mobile First approach.
  • BEM methodology.

⚙️ Deployment

To deploy this project, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Clone the repository: Use the git clone command to clone this repository to your computer.
  2. Install the dependencies: Open a terminal in the root of the project and run npm install or yarn install to install all required dependencies.
  3. Setting environment variables: Create a .env file in the root folder and add the necessary environment variables that you need for the project according to the .env.example file.
  4. Run the application: Run the npm run dev or yarn dev command to run the project on the local server.
  5. Deploy: To deploy this project to a production server, use hosting platforms.