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Burgbuilder is a game for discord.
It is inspired by the board game Carcassonne.
Created for Discord Hack Week 2019

Join the Burgbuilder discord server to get acces to the hosted bot.
If you want to selfhost the bot go to Setup to check how to set it up correctly.


Type !bb help to view the help page
Type !bb rotation to get an explanation on the reaction emojis
Type !bb queue to join the queue and wait for a random game
Type !bb game to create a custom game to play with your friends.
Type !bb join <id> to join a custom game
Type !bb start to start a game (only possible when you created a custom game first).
The prefix changes to !bbb when and the additional command !bbb solo becomes available when using development mode. !bbb solo starts a single player game for testing purposes.


At the beginning of the game you will be messaged with a blank 10x10 board.
start board

When it's your turn you will be messaged with a tile you can now place on board.
React to the appropriate emojis to specify your prefered placement
Start reacting when all messages and reactions have fully loaded.
React to the stop sign to submit your choise.
The rotation is clockwise.
tile placement

After that you will see your placement on the board.

There are 40 turns in total. With a total of 4 players per match it's 10 turns per player.

Tile placement

There are 4 types of tiles as of now.

  • grass
  • castle
  • castle_2
  • castle_3

(I'm not that good at drawing as you might see but the brown stuff is castle
and the green should be grass)
Tiles can only be placed according to specific rules.
If you try to place a differently your turn will not count.

  • Castle pieces can only connect to other castle pieces
  • Grass pieces can only connect to other tile pieces

In the future there will be more tiles added. This means also more complex rules.


You will get a point per tile when you have contributed the most tile to the castle.
The player with the most points will (obviously) win the game.


You have to setup the picture in the img folder as emojis to a guild the bot is a user of.

Without Docker
  1. Clone this repo using git clone
  2. cd into the directory and run npm install
  3. Rename .env.example to .env and replace paste your bot token
  4. Run npm start to start the bot
  5. Have fun playing with the bot!!!

Use npm run start:dev instead to start the bot in development mode.

With Docker

  1. Clone this repo using git clone
  2. cd into the directory, rename .env.example to .env and paste your bot token
  3. Run docker build -t drachenfrucht1/burg-builder .
  4. Start the docker container by typing docker run -d drachenfrucht1/burg-builder
  5. Have fun playing with the bot!!!

Used libraries:


If you have questions or just want to test the bot you can join the Burgbuilder discord server. Feel free to contribute or file an issue if you have a bug or feature request.

Dev Setup

You first have to fork the repo to contribute to it.
You can then clone your fork by running git clone<YOUR USERNAME>/discord-burgbuilder.git.
Rename .env.example to .env and paste your bot token.
Run npm run start:dev to start the bot in dev mode and test your changes.
Commit your changes after you edited the code.
The last step is to create a pull request to merge your changes.
Please run npm run lint and fix all occuring issues before submiting a PR.


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