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Probably the best Kotlin utils library for Android. (可能是最好用的 Kotlin 工具库)


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


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Longan is a collection of Kotlin utils which makes Android application development faster and easier. It makes your code clean and easy to read.


Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        // ...
        maven { url '' }

Add dependencies:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.DylanCaiCoding.Longan:longan:1.1.1'
    // Optional
    implementation 'com.github.DylanCaiCoding.Longan:longan-design:1.1.1'


📝 >> Usage documentation <<


The following describes some common functions.

When you need Context or Activity, you can get the application or topActivity property directly.

Start the Activity and pass the parameters:

startActivity<SomeOtherActivity>("id" to 5)

Use property delegates to get parameters within your Activity:

class SomeActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
  private val name: String? by intentExtras("name")          // Get nullable parameter with the Intent
  private val position: Int by intentExtras("position", 0)   // Get a non-null parameter with a default value with the Intent
  private val id: String by safeIntentExtras("id")           // Get an artificially non-null parameter with the Intent

Create the Fragment and pass the parameters:

val fragment = SomeFragment().withArguments("id" to 5)

Use property delegates to get parameters within your Fragment:

class SomeFragment : Fragment() {
  private val name: String? by arguments("name")          // Get nullable parameter with the arguments
  private val position: Int by arguments("position", 0)   // Get a non-null parameter with a default value with the arguments
  private val id: String by safeArguments("id")           // Get an artificially non-null parameter with the arguments

Simply shows a Toast or Snackbar message:

toast("Hi there!")
snackbar("Action, reaction", "Click me!") { doStuff() }

Show or hide the keyboard:


Use TabLayout + ViewPager2 to implement the bottom navigation bar of custom style:

viewPager2.adapter = FragmentStateAdapter(HomeFragment(), ShopFragment(), MineFragment())
tabLayout.setupWithViewPager2(viewPager2, enableScroll = false) { tab, position ->
  tab.setCustomView(R.layout.layout_bottom_tab) {
    findViewById<ImageView>( {
      contentDescription = getString(titleList[position])

A line of code to double click the back key to exit App or click the back key not to exit App back to the desktop:

pressBackTwiceToExitApp("To exit app, pressing again")
// pressBackToNotExitApp()

Immersive status bar, and increase the height of the status bar to the top margin of the title bar, can be adapted to the notch screen:

// toolbar.addStatusBarHeightToPaddingTop()

Achieve the countdown to obtain the verification code:

  onTick = {
    text = "${it} second"
  onFinish = {
    text = "send"

Make the button click only when the input box has content:

btnLogin.enableWhenOtherTextNotEmpty(edtAccount, edtPwd)

Click event can set the click interval to prevent repeated clicking within a period of time:

btnLogin.doOnClick(clickIntervals = 500) { 
  // ...

Automatically show an empty layout when RecyclerView's data is empty:

recyclerView.setEmptyView(this, emptyView)

RecyclerView scrolls smoothly to the starting position:


Simplifies custom view getting custom properties:

withStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.CustomView) {
  textSize = getDimension(R.styleable.CustomView_textSize, 12.sp)
  textColor = getColor(R.styleable.CustomView_textColor, getCompatColor(R.color.text_normal))
  icon = getDrawable(R.styleable.CustomView_icon) ?: getCompatDrawable(R.drawable.default_icon)
  iconSize = getDimension(R.styleable.CustomView_iconSize, 30.dp)

Custom view draws centered or vertically centered text:

canvas.drawCenterText(text, centerX, centerY, paint)
canvas.drawCenterVerticalText(text, centerX, centerY, paint)

Switch to the main thread:

mainThread { 
  // ...

See the usage documentation for more usage.

Change log


Author's other libraries

Library Description
LoadingStateView Decoupling the code of toolbar or loading status view.
ViewBindingKTX The most comprehensive utils of ViewBinding.
MMKV-KTX Use MMKV with property delegates.
Tracker A lightweight tracking framework based on the tracking idea of Buzzvideo.
