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tehbeard edited this page Feb 3, 2012 · 2 revisions

##PigJoust Commands

###/pig-active Activates the pig protection power punch, use this command, then right click on the pigs that need protecting.
Permission Node: escapeplug.pigjoust

###/pig-deactive Deactivates the pig protection power punch, use this command, then right click on the pigs to ride them.
Permission Node: escapeplug.pigjoust

##Mentor TP commands ###/mentortp Allows mentors to teleport to newbies
Permission Node: escapeplug.mentor.teleport , escapeplug.mentor.teleport.notarget ###/mentorback Returns a mentor to the location they were at when they typed /mentortp ##Timezone commands ###timezone shows and converts timezones
aliases: tz, clock

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